Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 746 Exile Kabanha and the price of war damage!

Chapter 746 Exile Kabanha and the price of war damage!

With the loud roar that suddenly resounded all around.

Waves of terrifying shocks and shocks visible to the naked eye exploded from the Dawnbringer's hammer held tightly in both hands by Primarch Rorschach!

"It's you, damn bug!!!"

And the bloodthirsty demon Kabanha, who was accurately hit by the Dawnbringer's warhammer, raised his head and let out a deafening roar.

The entire huge body has been hammered to the ground by the sudden terrifying force!
In the next second, the wolf Rorschach, who was carrying a fatal wound on his tall, blood-drenched body, gritted his teeth and escaped from the confinement of the Khorne giant axe.

He vigorously drove the more and more broken power armor forward.

The Furnace Breaker hammer tightly held in the palm of his hand wrapped around the Razer.

It fell heavily on the huge unhealed head of the bloodthirsty madman Kabanha!


At the same time, Thor, the god of thunder, whose wide-open eyes seemed to burst out with bright lightning, also jumped forward.

Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer, which continuously bursts out more and more lightning rays, is also like a terrifying punishment from heaven crashing down.

Incomparably swift and swift, the pincer-shaped hammer head of the Furnace Breaker was firmly inserted into the depths of the huge skull of the bloodthirsty madman Kabanha like a nail!


The huge head of the bloodthirsty demon Kabanha suddenly burst out a large amount of chaotic flesh and bone fragments.

Even the remaining part of the head was completely submerged in a large number of terrifying thunderbolts.


Immediately afterwards, the Dawnbringer's hammer from Primarch Rorschach swung vigorously again and fell heavily on the opponent's huge head.

The bloodthirsty demon Kabanha, who was still invincible just now, was instantly terminated by three famous and powerful war hammers, and his soul rolled back to the depths of the subspace without a sound!

At this moment, Primarch Rorschach let out a big gasp, and dropped the Dawnbringer hammer heavily on the ground.

The heavy hammer directly smashed out a sunken area full of viscous blood.

He stared at the corpse of the Chaos Demon that was quickly disappearing in his sight.

Then, his eyes fell on Thor, who also had a relaxed expression, and Rorschach, the wolf whose face was covered in blood.

Primarch Rorschach flipped a ceramic steel palm without much hesitation.

He took out two panaceas from the storage space behind the power pack and threw them at the two people in front of him.

Thor, who was carrying Mjolnir, took a panacea casually, but turned around and handed it to the wild wolf Rorschach who was standing aside.

And the grinning wild wolf Rorschach stuffed the two elixir into his mouth without hesitation.

"Come on, brothers, there are still a lot of Chaos Demons that haven't been cleaned up. If we continue to delay, I'm afraid those comrades who survived will also have problems!"

At this moment, Primarch Rorschach, who glanced back and forth at the battlefield situation, gripped the Blood Scythe and Dawnbringer Warhammer embedded deep in the ground again.

Without turning his head, he said in a deep voice to Rorschach, the wolf who was recovering rapidly from his injuries, and Sol, the God of Thunder with a solemn expression.

The other two followed Primarch Rorschach without hesitation.

The three quickly launched killing charges again and again towards the chaotic battlefield that was still extremely lively.

Of course, with the successive defeats of the two Khorne demons.

The Chaos Demon, whose morale and combat effectiveness had been completely disintegrated, was under the baptism of a large amount of artillery fire and the compression and surround of countless heavy vehicles.

The three helicarriers that were finally rushed to the sky above the battlefield were completely submerged in the encirclement circle composed of many Astartes and mortal warriors with their more terrifying light spear arrays.

Not long after, when the first ray of cold light from the morning sun obliquely shone on the cruel battlefield full of corpses.

Everyone with exhausted expressions temporarily stopped whatever they were doing.

They subconsciously let out a heavy sigh that drifted with the wind towards the direction of the rising sun.

The arduous war against the Second Coming of Chaos has been won once again at the sacrifice of countless Astartes and mortal heroes alike.

However, the price paid by the human side is also an astonishing figure.

Excluding the mobile hive that was sacrificed and at least a million civilians inside.

The mortal soldiers of the Homeland Defense Forces alone lost more than 8 lives.

Almost all members of a dozen infantry regiments were killed in battle, and even the troop number could not be fully preserved.

Even the eight Stormtrooper companies found that there were less than five companies left after Iron Man David counted all the surviving personnel lists.

You must know that these stormtroopers were originally reserve mortal recruits who were about to become Astartes, and they were extremely precious elite seeds.

As for weaponry.

Of the 900 Leman Rus tanks and Land Raiders that were thrown into the battlefield one after another, more than [-] vehicles were damaged in total.

None of the 33 Thunderhawk transport aircraft formations in Europe survived.

A large number of well-trained and experienced drivers have changed from living people into vibrating gold, cold and hard imperial medals of honor.

However, in comparison, the number of deaths and sacrifices of the various companies of the Astartes may be even more alarming.

Among the three companies of the Wailer Dalian, except for the third company that was corrupted by chaos.

Almost half of the Astartes' casualties were in the first and second companies.

If it weren't for the powerful effects of the Elixir, many more Astartes would need to enter the Dreadnought to survive.

The Ravens guarded two companies in Dalian, with only about 15 casualties.

This is due to the Raven Guard's own fighting style and elusive battlefield style, which successfully reduced the number of casualties.

Three companies have been mobilized from the People's Shark Dalian this time.

Two of the companies were nearly all dead, and the remaining companies had countless wounded.

This also caused Captain Tiberus to overturn several tables on the spot when he learned the specific situation before barely calming down his anger.

As for the more than 20 werewolves brought by Wolf Rorschach and dozens of battle brothers from Space Wolves.

Because they guys chose to resist the attack of the bloodthirsty demon Kabanha head-on.

So only three werewolves and eleven space wolves survived.

And that's because those superheroes from the Inquisition of Vengeance risked their lives.

Successfully attracted part of the Chaos Demon's attention.

Otherwise, the Astartes who fought with the wild wolf Rorschach might not survive even a single one.

In addition, the superheroes of the Judgment of Vengeance can also be said to have suffered heavy losses.

Of the more than 50 people who came to fight, only nine survived to the end of the war.

Regarding this, Tony, who was somewhat in a state of post-war stress, also yelled hysterically at Primarch Rorschach and others for a long time.

He repeated that he needed to cover the empty coffins of more than 40 superheroes whose bodies couldn't be found with the Double Eagle flag.

Then personally send death notices and monetary compensation to those families who have lost their relatives and friends.

In the end, Tony, who couldn't help crying while hugging Primarch Rorschach and Thor Thor, gradually calmed down.

With a more determined expression, he vowed not to let a similar situation happen again.

He wants to completely arm all mankind with all his wisdom and super technology, and he will not rest until death!

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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