Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 748 Hero Judge, Peter Parker!

Chapter 748 Hero Judge, Peter Parker!

On the sunny European battlefield.

Wherever the eye can see, there are wreckage and broken walls with faint blue smoke rising.

Or human bones intertwined with damaged vehicles.

An automatic servo robot with a combat team as the unit operates with extremely fine techniques.

The bones of the sacrificial warriors were constantly collected from everything around them, and at the same time, a large number of holy water made by the emperor's disciples and local state priests were sprayed to purify the large area of ​​land polluted by the flesh and blood of chaos.

At the same time, pharmacists and technical sergeants from the major Astartes companies, with the assistance of many mortal fighters, quickly collected those gene seeds and power armor that could still be used.

And at the outermost edge of the battlefield.

On the ground within hundreds of kilometers, densely packed board houses made of metal materials have been quickly built.

Groups of X-Men patrols from the Nation of Mutants took on the task of law and order throughout the region.

More relief supplies and manpower support from the Asian region are also arriving here to help move the mobile nests to safer areas as soon as possible.

Looking around, a large number of wounded treatment places, corpse cremation places, damaged equipment recovery places, and soul purification places are distributed in a chaotic, orderly and uniform state in every place within sight.

And in one of them, which on the surface is called the Purification of the Mind, but is actually a closed room dedicated to inspecting chaos and corruption, a fierce confrontation is going on.

"Peter Parker, the trainee judge, do you feel a sense of irritability and anger from the bottom of your heart right now? Do you have any dark thoughts of wanting to continue killing or destroying everything?"

A male voice with a low voice asked slowly.

"Dear gentlemen, this is the seven times you No.70 have asked me these damn questions! Do you think I should be angry and upset?"

"Obviously I have safely passed the double test of drinking holy water and smearing the emperor's blood, and I have not found any special discomfort in my body. Why do you have to forcibly detain me?"

Peter Parker, whose hands were temporarily restrained by a pair of psychic restraint handcuffs, sat on a metal chair.

With an indifferent expression, he quickly said to several figures not far away:
"You should have let me out eighteen hours ago. I have told you repeatedly that when we were sent out of the lower level of the mobile hive by our mutant comrades from the encirclement of a large number of supernatural monsters, the one called the blade The soldier's uncle black is chasing and killing the culprit who caused this chaotic war alone!"

"We accidentally found a chaotic believer who looked like an ancient witch! We think she is the one who caused all the losses!"

"The most important task for you now is to form a tracking team with superior combat effectiveness as soon as possible, to support Uncle Hei who is alone, and to help him destroy the followers of Chaos, but why don't you believe me?"

However, at this moment, Peter Parker's hasty words just fell.

With a large metal bow on his back, Hawkeye, who was wearing a black stealth suit, suddenly raised his hand to block the inspectors beside him.

He took a deep breath, and said to Peter Parker earnestly:

"Dear Your Excellency the Intern Judge, it's not that our entire intelligence department is embarrassing you alone, but it's true that the behavior and encounters of your group of people are beyond the boundaries of what can be imagined rationally."

"You know, the number of ordinary people close to a million and a company of Astartes have not resisted the chaos and corruption this time, just how did you do it? Special superpowers or mutants ability?"

"Not to mention that you personally delivered a near-fatal blow to a Chaos Ogre with your chainsword, and while we couldn't be more grateful for your heroic act, did you know that thousands of people were watching the Chaos Ogre At that moment, it was already close to the limit of corruption? If it wasn’t for a battlefield commander who experienced the first chaos war to make a decisive decision to kill, then all the consequences would be unimaginable!”

"But what does this have to do with what happened to the few of us? I have told you countless times, and I don't know what's going on. In short, Instructor Frank and the mutant friends and I were not affected at all. Any chaos corruption, the reason why Mr. Scott chose to sacrifice himself to destroy the hive capital altar was because he was already seriously injured and could not move at all, and he volunteered to buy more time for our escape!"

"Gentlemen, do you know that for every second you spend with me here, the chaotic believer who escaped from the underground will have an extra chance of surviving? Don't you want to see another incident of chaos coming?" happened?"

At this moment, Peter Parker, whose expression became more and more anxious, couldn't help but stood up abruptly from the metal chair.

And several reviewers standing around Hawkeye quickly raised the laser guns and bolt pistols in their palms, and locked on Peter Parker's head firmly!

Just as Hawkeye was frowning, he planned to order the surrounding inspectors to put down their guns.

Temporarily ease the slightly stiff conversation atmosphere between the two parties.

boom -

The metal door on the side of the closed room suddenly collapsed inward and flew out.

Then dangerously rubbed the scalps of several reviewers and embedded them into the depths of the metal wall!

In the next second, Judge Frank, who was wearing a mortal power armor, kept moving the vibrating gold mechanical arm that had just been installed on the broken arm.

The whole person stepped into the brightly lit room with a blank expression on his face.

"Judge Frank, are you planning to rebel?! Do you know where this is? Do you know what you are doing?"

Hawkeye, holding the metal bow from behind with his backhand, stared at the judge Frank in front of him, and he roared at the other party in a stern and restrained voice.

However, at this time, judge Frank first looked down at Peter Parker, who was smiling all over his face.

Then, with a calm expression, he slowly said to Hawkeye and the others who were trying to guard:
"So, do you Assassin agents know what you're doing? Only us judges have ever judged others, and no judge has been judged by others!"

"In addition, please respect me as Grand Inquisitor. Now I, who is far above you in authority, will follow the orders from Lord Primarch to come and take away the first hero in our series of judges, Peter Parker!"

The next moment, Grand Inquisitor Frank, who seemed to ignore the ugly Hawkeye and others, stepped forward driving the mortal power armor.

He stretched out a pottery-steel palm and snapped off the superpower confinement handcuffs that restricted Peter Parker, then stared at the immature face of Peter Parker and asked in a deep voice:
"Identity number 0099, trainee judge Peter Parker, are you willing to sacrifice everything to protect all human beings?"

Peter Parker, who heard the instructor's words, quickly put away all the smiles on his face.

He bowed his head a little in thought.

Then he raised his head abruptly, and said solemnly:

"I am willing!"

"Peter Parker, the trainee judge, are you willing to try all heretics and aliens for the Primarch and the human empire, even if you fight to the death?"

"I am willing!"

"Peter Parker, the trainee judge, I officially announce to you in my capacity as Grand Judge Frank Custer that you have been successfully promoted to a qualified judge!"

"Now, according to the order of Lord Primarch, you will personally lead an Astartes combat team from the Raven Guard to track down and kill that ancient witch who believed in chaos. Are you willing to accept this extremely difficult task? ?”

"I am willing!"

"Hey, instructor, look, well, I'm going to wring her head off with my own hands and use it as a bowl, and use her limbs... cough, cough, don't do it! I haven't been corrupted by chaos, just a little What a joke!"

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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