Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 737 European Theater: Spiders, Inquisitors and Vampire Hunters (4)

Chapter 737 European Theater: Spiders, Inquisitors and Vampire Hunters ([-])

Not long after, there was a slight sound as several soles of the feet continued to step on the gravel and rubble.

A mutant with special goggles on his face, and a mutant who looked like a blue-skinned devil raised his hands in a gesture of weakness, slowly appearing in the field of vision of Frank and Peter from the entrance of the room.

"Your Excellency, I am the captain of the X-Men Patrol Team [-], Cyclops Scott, and this is my team member, Nightcrawler Wagner."

"Our team was tracking a group of heretics who were trying to blow up the mobile hive, but because we accidentally discovered your traces, we decided to come and take a look... We were just attracted by the explosion of the whirlwind missile, and we respect you There is no malice, but because they did not understand the situation, they rashly launched an offensive operation."

The mutant captain named Cyclops Scott said to Judge Frank in a solemn tone.

And after the other party's voice fell.

Frank, who quietly looked at the opponent for a while, then slowly put down the storm bolter and jump shield in his palm.

He took a deep breath, and said to the two mutants who were also relaxed in front of him:

"According to the regulations in the Legion, a judge has far more authority than your X-Men patrol team, so I did not notify and register my identity to you in advance."

For Frank's explanation.

Cyclops, who shook his head slightly, scanned the bloody surroundings covertly.

He asked hesitantly:

"Now that we know that we are our own people, we feel more at ease. We are also afraid that outsiders beyond our control will make trouble for us. After all, you also know that the security environment here is already chaotic enough...Your Excellency Judge, forgive me, you Is there any unexpected discovery here?"

"Captain Scott? I want to ask you a question first. How much do you know about the resident judges in your area?"

At this moment, Frank, who did not see any expression changes on his face, did not answer the other party's question.

He directly asked the other party again.

And Cyclops Scott was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then he said thoughtfully:

"As far as I know, your sequence of judges seldom deal with our X-Men. After all, any of your investigations and actions are responsible for the above. I have only met that judge a few times, but the other party gave me It left a deep impression.”

"Because the other party doesn't look like a normal human from the position of the exposed head, but more like... a pumpkin head with flames burning inside?"

"'Jack-O-Lantern' Mad Jack, serial number 0088, is a villain with superpowers that I recruited into the judge at the beginning. He is good at fire tricks and illusions. A chance to make amends."

With a faint sigh in his mouth, Frank said:
"But now, I have some suspicions that the other party, who is a resident judge, has colluded with a weapon manufacturing department in a certain mobile hive city, stealing a large number of weapons and equipment belonging to the legion, and secretly selling them to these heretics."

"Because only the authority of the judge can do similar things, and no one can detect it."

"Of course, this is just my unilateral suspicion. The specific situation and truth need us to continue to investigate."

At this moment, Frank's words caused Cyclops Scott to temporarily fall into silence.

Even in accordance with the handling procedures, all the consequences of this matter have nothing to do with the X-Men patrol.

But the responsibilities and responsibilities of being an X-Men still made him say:
"Your Excellency, my X-Men patrol team is willing to help you investigate this matter. After all, after the heretics obtained a large number of weapons and equipment, we are the ones who finally encountered fatal danger."

"Okay, then thank you X-Men for your help, Captain Scott, the two of you are now under my command for the time being."

Judge Frank accepted the two people in front of him without any hesitation, and joined his and Peter's action team.

And the reason why he told the other party these intelligence information.

Also to get help from the X-Men Patrol.

Until conclusive evidence of the Inquisitor's rebellion has been gathered.

Nor did he, the Inquisitor, have any reason to bring more Wehrmacht guards or Astartes here.

Afterwards, Peter, who quickly emerged from behind the mortal power armor, introduced himself to Scott and Wagner.

At the same time, he once again led the two people to take a closer look at the surrounding scene.

Soon after, as midnight fell, the light grew darker above the ruined street.

Peter, Scott and the others, who carried the huge weapon box back on their backs, focused their attention on Frank who was communicating with Cortana.

The next moment, Frank, who had finished the communication, said to the three people around him.

From above he has obtained full clearance to track down the resident Inquisitor 'Jack-O-Lantern' Mad Jack.

As long as the other party has not left the European continent, the location of the other party can be found [-]%.

As a result, the action team headed by Judge Frank quickly started running and jumping on the city streets.

And as they continued to rush towards the direction where the mobile hives were located.

In the depths of the thick night.

Bursts of explosions and flames faintly coming from the surrounding cities and even piercing screams continuously released by superpowers also bloomed repeatedly in everyone's ears.

Perhaps he sensed the doubts expressed by Peter, the apprentice judge next to him.

Cyclops Scott, who was moving quickly, explained to the short-haired boy without looking back.

In almost every urban area that has a mobile hive, the situation is similar during the night.

Even in the eyes of the legion and even the top mutants.

Their series of methods is to allow all citizens to have a better quality of life and a safe environment.

However, there are still many people who choose to join the ranks of heretics or super villains, and carry out more and more blind resistance movements in the name of chaos and freedom.

And this situation will generally continue until the Astartes' descending massacre is attracted, so that they can be stable for a long time.

Not long after, everyone who moved quickly came under an extremely large mobile hive.

Wait until Frank, as a judge, successfully passed the testing procedures of the intelligent control legion responsible for guarding the mobile hive.

The next moment, everyone entered the bottom of the mobile hive.

They eventually found a hidden residence of the resident Inquisitor, 'Pumpkinhead' Mad Jack.

At this moment, Frank, who was struggling to drive the mortal power armor, kicked open the metal door in front of him with a magnetic boot without any hesitation.

However, following the metal door that slammed down inward.

What clearly appeared in the sight of everyone was a scorched black skeleton wrapped in melted and damaged power armor, and a mess of indoor battle traces!

The judge 'Pumpkin Head' Mad Jack, who was suspected of rebellion, has been dead for a long time!

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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