Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 738 European Theater: Spiders, Inquisitors and Vampire Hunters (5)

Chapter 738 European Theater: Spiders, Inquisitors and Vampire Hunters ([-])

The scanning sound from the handheld bird divination instrument kept ringing in everyone's ears.

However, confronted with the charred corpse of a resident Inquisitor who seemed to have suffered terribly from pain and torment.

Even the broken-mouthed Peter didn't make any movement.

At this moment, he was nimbly moving with the help of the strong spider silk stuck between the metal wall and the ceiling.

The whole person is like an acrobat performing investigation and scanning operations on the death scene.

Not long after, Frank, with a dignified expression, was able to carefully observe the situation on the scene through a series of complex data on the auspicious instrument in his hand, combined with his sight.

A simple analysis was carried out to Cyclops Scott and others standing outside the door.

At present, the inquisitor 'Pumpkin Lantern' Mad Jack was determined to have died from the intense burning of the high-temperature flames.

However, the energy spectrum that can be detected by the hand-held bird divination instrument shows that the source of the high-temperature flame is the opponent's own flame trick.

However, even the rookie Peter with the most inexperience among the people present.

Nor would it be easy to believe that a tough-willed judge would commit suicide so easily.

"Do you think this looks like internal strife caused by uneven distribution of spoils? Or is it simply silence?"

Taking a deep breath, Frank suddenly asked Cyclops Scott and the others in front of him.

"It must not be that simple. We have just noticed that the weapons and equipment produced by the mobile hive have been leaked to heretics. The only suspect resident judge died. This is too strange."

"Your Excellency, can we find out how long the other party has been dead?"

Cyclops Scott raised one palm and squeezed his chin.

He shook his head towards Frank in front of him and asked.

"Judging from the auspicious instrument in hand and my personal experience with dead bodies, it must have been dead for at least 24 hours. That is to say, before you and I arrived in this area, Mad Jack himself was dead."

"And since this location belongs to the hidden residence of a resident judge, or a safe house, the Mobile Hive City Committee has not arranged any monitoring equipment around here, so this is indeed a killing What a great place!"

Frank drove the mortal power armor and put down the handheld auspicious instrument into the large weapon box.

He casually picked up a standard bolter full of ammunition, grinned sneerly, and said in a low tone.

And heard Frank's words.

Cyclops Scott was silent for a moment.

Then he turned his head and stared at the judge's tall figure and said:

"Your Excellency, one of my teammates has a very special mutation ability, which can temporarily restore anything that happened in a certain place within a certain period of time. I want her to check the scene and hope to find something Clues, what do you think?"

For Cyclops Scott's suggestion.

Frank with a stern expression agreed without any hesitation.

"As a judge, I allow you to mobilize more helpers. We do need some additional technical means to solve the problem."

"A few seconds ago, the death of the resident judge 'Mad Jack' and the suspicion of rebellion have been reported to Cortana, and a company of Astartes is on standby on the Helicarrier in the European region, ready to support our next mission any action."

Frank's voice just fell.

Cyclops Scott quickly communicated in a low voice with Nightcrawler Wagner standing beside him.

And the night crawler Wagner, who looked like a blue-skinned devil, suddenly turned into wisps of blue mist that continued to escape.

It disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye!

"Wagner's mutant ability is blinking movement, which is a kind of teleportation ability. He will bring my patrol team back as soon as possible."

At this moment, it seemed as if he felt the eyes of other people.

Cyclops Scott explained to Frank and Peter.

At this moment, Peter, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly stared at Frank's tall body.

He faltered and said:

"Instructor, I have an idea I want to bring up since just now, but I am afraid that you will reprimand me and say that I am meddlesome..."

"Peter, speak straight, don't hesitate!"

Frank moved the mortal power armor and said in a deep voice to Peter.

"Okay, instructor, let me just say it straight, why do we preconceive that this pumpkin-headed judge must be a traitor? Is it possible that he just discovered the truth of something, or found something Did it lead to the murder because of the clues?"

"And, do you remember, instructor, what was the purpose of those heretics who used the whirlwind missiles to attack us not long ago? They were able to deal with the X-Men patrol here for a long time, so they must be a group of more life-saving and cunning villains, but Why would the sudden attack get our attention?"

"You know, in the thinking logic of normal people, the only ones wearing power armor are the legendary Astartes. Could it be that those heretics just want to experiment with the latest weapons and equipment? Whirlwind missiles and several laser guns are going to deal with the Astartes, isn't this pure courting of death?"

"Unless they were waiting for us! Or waiting for the arrival of the next judge!"

At this moment, Peter's words made Cyclops Scott and Frank subconsciously frown.

After Frank thought for a while.

He immediately asked Peter, who was full of nervous expressions on his immature face:
"Peter, what exactly are you trying to express?"

"Instructor, I think our previous thinking seems to have fallen into some kind of misunderstanding. It's like picking up a hammer and wanting to hit a nail. If someone deliberately uses the leaked information of weapons and equipment, and other guiding methods , let us focus all our attention on this dead resident judge?"

Peter's questioning words slowly echoed in the ears of the other two.

Cyclops Scott, with his hands folded over his arms, took a deep breath.

He asked in Peter's direction before Frank could speak:
"But Peter, even if your idea is correct, there is indeed a mastermind behind the scenes guiding and controlling all our actions, so what is the reason for the other party to spend so much time?"

"The unfortunate death of a resident judge will definitely not be easily uncovered by the higher-ups, even if the so-called mastermind behind the scenes has some huge schemes, as long as the Astartes company comes, what else can the other side make of it?" come?"

"You have to know that we have always had zero tolerance for heretics and even the aliens that pose a threat. Even if we pay a high price for casualties, we will erase the threat..."

However, at this time, with Cyclops Scott's words have not been fully finished.


A burst of extremely dull roaring and shaking sound suddenly passed from the positions under the feet of everyone!

Immediately afterwards, a sudden sense of weightlessness enveloped everyone's body!
And even the panicked Peter could feel that the entire large mobile nest seemed to be slowly falling below the ground!

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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