Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 736 European Theater: Spiders, Inquisitors and Vampire Hunters (3)

Chapter 736 European Theater: Spiders, Inquisitors and Vampire Hunters ([-])

The roaring whirlwind missiles blasted and cracked the already dilapidated city streets, setting off pieces of rubble one after another.

However, no matter whether it is Peter who is flexibly avoiding a large number of explosion impacts and collapsing shrapnel in mid-air by virtue of his strong spider silk and 'Peter Jiling'.

Still put the thick jumping shield horizontally in front of him, and Judge Frank, who had a storm bolter on one side of the shield, did not suffer any damage from the explosion!
chi chi chi-

In the next second, several strong spider threads grabbed Peter, who was above the towering building, and quickly flew towards the direction of the whirlwind missile with a very agile and flexible posture.

He even used his two soles of military boots to run forward on the flat ground of the building.

At the same time, Inquisitor Frank, who was struggling to drive the mortal power armor, also launched forward like a missile that had just been activated.

He slammed into the depths of an empty building abruptly, and then rushed towards the top of the floor without stopping.

Boom boom boom!
Tens of seconds later, a dark room filled with the smell of burning flames filled the air.

Peter, who was extremely nimble and agile, rushed in from the broken window first.

When countless fragments of window frames were flying, he saw several human heretics turning their guns at a glance.

The two spraying spider silks on the wrists bloomed forward without even thinking about it.

"Hey, good evening everyone! Are you still up?"

Subconsciously speaking, Peter stomped hard on the dusty messy ground.

Relying on the strong spider silk wrapped around a heretic, his whole body leaped forward. His two feet had already swept across the air, and stepped heavily in front of the opponent's chest!
Immediately afterwards, with the sound of the enemy's bones bursting and the tragic howling resounding all around.

A strong thigh with a conventional force of almost ten tons swept across the air, and struck another heretic's neck with force!

Boom boom boom!
At this moment, there was a sound of heavy footsteps coming from outside the dimly lit room.

Frank, who was wearing mortal power armor, also rushed in from the door.

He set up the storm bolter and jump shield in his metal palm.

Without any hesitation, he fired a terrifying explosive bomb at the other heretics who were pulling the trigger of the laser gun in the field of vision!

Boom boom boom!
In an instant, the roaring explosive bombs exploded those extremely fragile human bodies one after another. Countless pieces of flesh and blood and stinky internal organs kept splashing in mid-air, coating the surrounding walls.

Peter, who happened to be within the enveloping range, even though he reacted extremely quickly, was still drenched in a lot of stinky blood on his hair.

"The Primarch! My dear instructor, we won't be able to find a clean water source for bathing in a short time..."

"Safety, the crisis is over! The enemy targets have been completely wiped out!"

At this moment, the deep voice from Judge Frank completely overwhelmed Peter's complaints.

He first glanced at the surrounding room structure with great vigilance, and then slowly lowered the storm bolter and jump shield in his palm.

"Peter, check the surrounding corpses to see if there are any survivors."

Frank, with a solemn expression, gave orders to Peter who was jumping in place and trying to dry his hair without looking back.

Then, he drove the mortal power armor to the Whirlwind missiles standing at the windows with only their launchers left.

"Even though the factory serial numbers of these whirlwind missiles have been carefully polished, the weapons and equipment produced by major foundries and mobile nests are fundamentally different in terms of spray color and model style..."

Frank, who was muttering to himself, drove the mortal power armor to kneel on one knee.

He repeatedly checked the models and styles of these launchers.

"Peter, I have confirmed that these are all weapons and equipment produced by the mobile hive. Have you found anything?"

Frowning, Frank quickly got up from the ground.

He drove the mortal power armor and turned to ask Peter who was not far away.

"Instructor, even based on my rookie experience of participating in an internship operation for the first time, I can roughly judge that we are in big trouble this time."

"Look, this seems to be the latest model of the Terra II laser gun, coupled with the appearance of the whirlwind missile, so how did these heretics obtain the weapons and equipment?"

"There is another question. We didn't find any trace of them before. Why did they suddenly attack us? Could it be that they disliked their slow death?"

The instructor's question made Peter's immature face no longer have any contempt and neglect.

He casually grabbed a damaged laser gun from a pile of flesh and blood fragments with his strong spider silk, then shook his head in Frank's direction and said.

"Peter! Watch out, someone is coming!"

At this moment, judge Frank hadn't responded to Peter's words.

The expression on his face changed immediately.

chi chi chi-

In the next second, two scorching red light beams that were as powerful as hot melt suddenly penetrated a wall in the dark room.

It swept towards Peter and Frank like a crushing blow!

Peter with a tense face reacted extremely quickly and jumped back and forth in mid-air.

He even hid directly behind Frank's mortal power armor.

Immediately afterwards, the storm bolter in the palm of Frank, who was still in shock, quickly lifted up, and suddenly pulled the trigger in the direction of the wall!
boom boom-

One after another, the ear-piercing and roaring explosive bombs continuously penetrated the wall where the fragments were flying.

It also suddenly stopped the scorching red light beam that the unknown enemy had just swept over.

However, at this time, Frank with a cold expression was about to drive the mortal power armor to charge and quickly approach the enemy's position.

A burst of shouts from behind the broken wall temporarily weakened the dangerous atmosphere here a lot.

"Strange friends, don't shoot, your own people!"

"We are mutants belonging to the X-Men patrol team, my identity number is 002345, and the identity number of my teammates is 033123!"

At this moment, Frank, who heard the other party's words, did not make any movement of dropping his gun.

And Peter, who subconsciously opened his eyes wide, couldn't help poking his head out from behind the mortal's power armor and began to spy repeatedly.

"I'm Inquisitor Frank Castor, serial number 0001, and the other person is the intern apprentice of the Inquisitor, Peter Parker, temporary serial number 0099."

"As a judge, I now order you to stand up immediately. My suggestion is that your actions should be more cautious, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble and misunderstanding. After all, my bolter has no eyes!"

Frank with a cold expression spoke slowly to the mutant who was still hiding in the shadows in a low voice.

 thanks for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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