Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1071: Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan Beast War (9)!

[At this moment, a seemingly endless torrent of energy continues to spurt out on the broken surface of Ullanor. 】

[A large number of continuous earthquakes are spreading to the interior of the entire planet. Huge pieces of rock material have also been violently lifted into the air, like terrifyingly powerful missiles, falling towards the surrounding green-skinned orcs and Imperial troops! 】

[As for Beast No. [-], who was the target, after the opponent let out a deafening roar of pain, his entire huge body was completely oppressed deep into the surface by the continuous energy torrent of the Celestial Beast. His extremely tough and powerful super body was also suppressed by a burst of energy. Every inch of it was dissolved and annihilated! 】

[Almost at the same time, I saw that your fighting methods finally had a huge effect. 】

[The Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan, who was holding the Doomsday Shock Warhammer tightly in his hands, immediately let out a roar that resounded all around. 】

[He shook his unparalleled dark body, rushed towards Beast No. [-], who was very close at hand, and started a more intense close combat with the opponent! 】


[However, at this time, when you are preoccupied with controlling the Celestial Beast, and also want to drive the vibranium power armor to support Vulcan as soon as possible. 】

[You suddenly see a large amount of WAAAGH energy coming from nowhere and rapidly condensing around the huge body of Beast No. [-]! 】

[Some fleeting bad thoughts vaguely arise in the depths of your mind. 】

[You have no time to have any communication with Vulkan who is repeatedly wielding the doomsday shock hammer. 】

[The opponent's entire huge body was completely enveloped by the WAAAGH energy shock wave exploded by Beast Four! 】


[At this moment, your entire huge body was completely blown away by the terrifying shock wave that suddenly swept through everything around you! 】

[You seem to have been kicked out of the WAAAGH energy network belonging to the green-skinned orcs by Brother Gaomao who reacted. 】

[Your entire huge body gradually shrank, eventually returning to your original five-meter size. 】

【Boom! 】

[Your whole body fell heavily on the rocky surface of Ullanor. 】

[The Tianlin Divine Beast, which was erupting a torrent of energy in the distance, also temporarily stopped its offensive actions, allowing the skeletal remains of Beast No. [-] to slowly fall into the depths of the hot magma. 】

[You shook your slightly heavy head vigorously, and your huge body immediately stood up from the ground, driving the vibranium power armor to run towards the center where Beast Four chose to self-destruct! 】

[You were not able to find the broken body of Vulkan, Lord of the Fire Dragon, within the ten-kilometer radius of the terrorist explosion. 】

[You know that the opponent is an immortal and can be said to be an immortal existence. The self-destruction power of Beast No. [-] will not completely kill the opponent. 】

[You finally found the Doomsday Shocking Warhammer deep in a piece of rock rubble. Judging from some palm prints left on the handle of the warhammer, when the explosion occurred, Vulkan, the Lord of Fire Dragons, seemed to have noticed something unspeakable. The secret! 】

[You stand in front of the Doomsday Shock Warhammer with an extremely gloomy face. 】

[No matter what choices and help you make, you cannot change the destiny path of each Primarch brother. 】

[If you haven’t guessed, the fire dragon lord Vulkan most likely fell into the hands of the orc god, Brother Gaomao. 】

[Even if you now have the terrifying strength to compete with the Chaos Secondary God, the opponent who has always been huddled deep in the subspace has always been invincible! 】【Unless you wait for God successfully in the future, you will have the opportunity to let Brother Gomao release Vulcan. 】

[At this moment, you slowly exhaled from between your mouth and nose. 】

[You didn’t feel much sadness, so you raised your hand and grasped the doomsday shock hammer in front of you, and carried it on the thick shoulder armor. 】

[You then drove the vibranium power armor and turned around to join the cleansing war against the entire Ullanor greenskin frenzy. 】

[And after experiencing fierce battles one after another, you have temporarily completed the most difficult step in this beast war. 】

[Although you have lost the Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan once again, you don’t feel so desperate about this. You know that you will meet each other one day in the future. 】

[After you have given post-war condolences and emotional comfort to countless mortal warriors and even the Astartes Chapter. 】

[You drove the vibranium power armor and successfully returned to the fleet that was collecting a large number of shipwrecks. 】

[Although the current battle of Ullanor has achieved a great victory, it does not mean that the green skin craze in the entire empire has completely disappeared. 】

[If you remember correctly, there are two beasts scattered across the galaxy, leading countless green-skinned orcs to launch their own great expedition. 】

[Since you were not killed in battle, or were forcibly removed from the simulation experience by the Emperor, it means that these battles still need to be handled by you personally. 】

[You began to summon a large number of Astartes think tank units, as well as the great sages of the Adeptus Mechanicus, the alien research experts of the Tribunal, and even the Sisters of Silence were invited to come to you. 】

[You want to gather the wisdom of everyone to develop a way to restrain WAAAGH energy based on your in-depth contact or even personal experience with the WAAAGH energy field. 】

[Soon after, it was filled with countless people’s whimsical ideas or random suggestions. 】

[A Sister of Silence who personally followed you and Vulcan in the Battle of Ullanor told a story about the battlefield. 】

[She once accidentally met a group of crazy boys who were constantly releasing WAAAGH energy fields. 】

[These green-skinned orcs who have truly mastered psychic power do not draw psychic energy from the subspace, but gather psychic power from their ubiquitous companions and even themselves. 】

[But as we all know, even the Chaos Demon cannot resist the untouchable power essence from the Silent Sister, so all the nervous boys who have met this Silent Sister exploded every head one after another in the uncontrollable WAAAGH energy rampage, even Ordinary green-skinned orcs within a certain range were not spared! 】

[It is precisely for this reason that this Sister of Silence has proposed to you an idea that requires a lot of attempts and experiments, that is, if you can reproduce the weakness of the nervous boy on countless green-skinned orcs and even the beast itself, then even if you cannot Eliminating the green frenzy covering the entire empire at once would be enough to greatly weaken their combat power! 】

[You believed the other person’s words without any hesitation. 】

[You immediately ordered everyone present to launch the capture operation against the nervous boy and even the entire experimental plan. 】

[Not long after, a strategic biochemical weapon called 'Neural Headshot' was successfully developed by everyone. 】

[And the manufacturing method of this strategic biochemical weapon is also extremely simple, that is, randomly select a group of nervous boys who are captured alive, wait until they are almost tortured by the Sisters of Silence, and then throw them back to the place where countless green-skinned orcs gather. 】

[Thus, these crazy crazy boys will completely trigger the rampage of the entire WAAAGH energy field, causing every green-skinned orc connected to the WAAAGH energy network to die with a headshot! 】

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