Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1070: Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan Beast War (8)!

[On the surface of this planet named Ullanor, an apocalypse-level battle unparalleled in scale and brutality since the end of the Horus Heresy is intensifying. 】

[As you look around, you can see a series of scarred Thunderhawk gunships and Imperial Navy fighter jets flashing past with their engines roaring in the sky filled with gunfire. Countless pilots and a large number of green-skinned orc flying vehicles are unfolding for you. A fierce fight to the death. 】

[And not long after, after the ground that had been repeatedly plowed by countless almost unrecognizable flying vehicle wreckage and physical artillery shells was trampled by old military boots, the mortal soldiers of the empire holding laser guns were fighting every minute and every second. The price of continuous deaths and sacrifices continues to make up for the slow advancement of the entire battlefield front. 】

[Even after the heavy vehicles with violent roaring engines roared past, thousands of Astartes also chose to assist the nearby mortal warriors in consolidating their positions in the battle mode of the battle squad, eliminating a large number of persistent The attacking green-skinned orcs may take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack and behead high-value targets in the green-skinned orc frenzy. 】


[In an instant, with bursts of deafening explosions and shining fire, a green-skinned spaceship that was launching a large-scale gravity attack on the Empire's position was accurately hit in the engine area by several divine machines of the Adeptus Mechanicus. . 】

[However, before the countless wreckage, covered with explosion flames and thick smoke, completely fell to the surface. 】

[Your huge body was also bombarded to the ground several kilometers away by a terrifying force that could not be resisted, and an extremely huge pothole was forcibly smashed out! 】

[At this moment, you and Vulkan are desperately besieging the two beasts No. [-] and Beast No. [-], who seem to be more powerful in combat. 】

[Judging from the opponent's current scarred appearance, the combat cooperation between you and Vulcan can be said to be an incomparable tacit understanding. 】

[You not only withstood the crazy siege from Beast Three and Beast Four with your subspace essence and super physique that far exceeded common sense imagination. 】

[And Vulkan, the Lord of the Fire Dragon, also wields the doomsday shock hammer with the immortal body of an immortal, releasing an almost unbearable terrifying energy impact on the beasts. 】

[But in this way, whether it is two huge beasts, or you and Vulcan, the two of you seem to have completely entered a state of attrition war to compete for your heritage. 】

[If the two beasts that unfortunately died in the battle at the beginning were due to underestimation and recklessness, and your arrival provided a lot of help to Vulkan, the Lord of Fire Dragons. 】

[Then the two beasts now seem to have completely learned the lessons of their compatriots. Whether it is offensive methods or combat skills, they have gradually formed a tacit understanding of advancing and retreating together! 】

[Moreover, except for the two beasts who are almost soaked in countless WAAAGH energy. 】

[Vulkan, Lord of the Fire Dragon, is an immortal himself. Any physical damage caused to him will definitely heal on the spot unless it is too fatal or hits a critical point. 】

[And you seem to have relied on Omegon's subspace essence to steal the WAAAGH energy belonging to the green-skinned orcs with far beyond imagination's ability to imitate and even absorb, and entered the green-skinned orcs' internal energy network. 】

[In other words, you are now a huge beast standing on the side of the human empire. As long as the green frenzy of the green-skinned orcs has not completely receded, or has not been eliminated to a certain extent, you are almost standing on an instable side. The place of defeat! 】

[The only thing that is lacking between you two right now is an outside means that can break the entire stalemate and even the state of a war of attrition. 】


[You couldn't help but spurt a large amount of pale golden blood from between your mouth and nose. 】

[You ripped off the skull helmet that was slowly healing between your face. 】

[You struggled to hold up your extremely large and tough body, driving the vibranium power armor, which was already full of cracks on the outside, to jump out of the bottom of the huge pit. 】

[You subconsciously clenched the Dawnbringer war hammer in your huge palm. 】【As wisps of extremely dazzling teleportation light repeatedly entwined between your huge body, your entire body disappeared in the turbid air in an instant! 】


[You used the teleportation function of the Dawnbringer Warhammer without any hesitation, and returned directly to the gladiatorial battlefield where both the fighting atmosphere and the scene were extremely tragic. 】

[The first time you landed, you saw Vulkan, the Lord of the Fire Dragon, whose thick armor on his huge body was almost broken to the point of exposing his dark, rough skin. He was wielding the Doomsday Shock Warhammer and carrying two huge beasts on his shoulders. Crazy siege! 】

[You just took a deep breath. 】

[One of your huge palms instantly lifted forward. 】

[You quickly mobilized most of the surging power inside the huge body. Countless golden flames with power comparable to the emperor's spiritual energy instantly formed a continuous energy shock wave, which was repeatedly waving huge power. The Clawed Beast No. [-] blasted out forcefully! 】

[At the same time, you quickly drove the vibranium power armor and launched an extremely fast combat charge. 】

[Once again, Vulkan, who was recovering rapidly from countless tragic injuries on his huge body, desperately besieged the Beast No. [-] in front of him, who was temporarily trapped in a heavy siege! 】

["Little brother, if you have any other means, use it! If we can't kill these two green-skinned beasts as soon as possible, I'm afraid that the battlefield situation that the empire's large number of troops have managed to maintain will undergo a huge reversal!" 】

[At this moment, Vulkan, who was swinging his huge body to withstand the fatal blow of the beast, and at the same time wielding the doomsday shock hammer to continuously bombard the opponent, shouted loudly in your direction without looking back. 】

["Brother, do you still need to say this? Give me some time and let me think of a solution!"]

[You almost answered the other person’s words with a gritted teeth roar. 】

[The Dawnbringer warhammer held tightly in your huge palm forcefully smashed one of Beast Number Four’s thick arms! 】

[However, at this time, you are looking at the six roads with blood-red eyes and you can clearly see Beast No. [-], which has just been blasted away, and is returning towards you with an indomitable fighting momentum! 】

["Let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor... Tianlin beast!"]

[You exhaled subconsciously from between your mouth and nose. 】

[Without any hesitation, you raised a huge palm wrapped with colorful divine power toward the war-torn sky! 】


[The next second, an extremely thick pillar of multi-colored energy light suddenly rose in the midst of the extremely chaotic and tragic battlefield! 】

[Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of countless humans and even green-skinned orcs, an illusory dragon head that was probably as big as an ordinary asteroid suddenly poked out of the depths of a void and pitch-black space! 】

[At this time, Beast Three, who was launching a combat charge, was instantly completely submerged by countless energy torrents from above his head! 】

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