Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1069: Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan Beast War (7)!

[In fact, if someone can pay attention to you alone on the chaotic battlefield. 】

[Then the other party at the moment can very clearly see that something far beyond ordinary common sense and that violates the laws of physics is happening rapidly. 】


[In the depths of the countless overlapping shadows covering the surface of your vibranium power armor and the golden flames of Pengbai. 】

[The WAAAGH energy that originally belonged to the green-skinned orcs has quickly escaped, and is having a terrifying impact on you! 】

[Looking around, your huge body, which is already about five meters tall, seems to be rapidly growing in size with the pace of the battle charge. 】

[Even the vibranium power armor covering the surface of the huge body shows no signs of damage or malfunction. Instead, it grows with your body under the infiltration of a large amount of WAAAGH energy! 】

【dong dong dong-】

[Just a few seconds later, when the distance between you and the two beasts is less than ten meters, the two sides can collide head-on with just a few steps. 】

[Your entire huge body has grown to about ten meters. In terms of size alone, it is almost the same as the two green-skinned warlord beasts that are very close at hand! 】


[However, you don’t seem to notice that the light golden vibranium power armor has turned into dark green. 】

[There are only all offensive actions of the two beasts within your sight range. 】

[You suddenly swung the Dawnbringer warhammer, which became increasingly powerful and heavy, and struck the beast that had lost the protection of its thick armor with a deafening whistling sound. 】

[The opponent's entire huge body suddenly retreated. As countless shock waves visible to the naked eye flew across the sky, the terrifying shock waves erupted from the Dawnbringer war hammer were also rippling repeatedly inside the opponent's flesh and blood body, and even exploded into incomparable strips. A miserable wound! 】

【Boom! 】

[Almost at the same time, another vibranium iron fist belonging to you suddenly flew through the air, and the clenched fist hit the front of the huge head of Beast No. [-] with an extremely harsh roar! 】

[At this moment, even a huge power claw from the opponent has successfully grabbed half of your body. 】

[But the other party cannot embed it inside because of the abnormal defensive capabilities of the mutated vibranium armor shell, causing more damage to you! 】

[In desperation, Beast No. [-], which is spitting out blood from its mouth and nose, can only roar and increase the output power of its power claws, trying to firmly restrain your entire huge body in place! 】

[You instantly noticed that the beast, which was recovering rapidly from its injuries, waved a huge fist and rushed towards you. 】

[However, at this time, since you have chosen the brutal fighting method of exchanging injuries for injuries, you will naturally not be afraid of the fierce siege of the two beasts! 】


[The Dawnbringer warhammer you wielded earlier blasted away the unarmored beast that was swooping up. 】

[Your entire huge body suddenly shook outwards, completely breaking apart the huge power claws of Beast Two. At the same time, the Dawnbringer war hammer launched a continuous and violent bombardment towards the opponent's huge head! 】

[In the real universe, even the arrival of the Chaos Demon Prince cannot withstand this level of terror. 】

[So, the entire head of Beast No. [-] was almost instantly smashed into bloody remains flying everywhere, leaving only a headless body twitching slightly on the surface! 】

【dong dong dong-】

[But at this moment, the crazy beast swooped up again and inserted a slightly broken power claw remnant deep into your neck! 】【These special positions, whose defenses are obviously more fragile, also forced you to suffer some serious injuries, and even your extremely hard spine was almost completely severed! 】

[Without any hesitation, you raised your hand and pulled out the remains of the power claw. 】

[You are like a primitive animal that has lost its mind, launching an extremely bloody and crazy attack towards the beast that is roaring in terror. 】

[To a certain extent, it is already difficult for the beast in its original unarmored state to confront you now. 】

[And when there is only one of the two beasts left, and the opponent becomes your only battle target, the opponent will naturally no longer be your opponent. 】

【Pfft! 】

[You forcefully tore one of the beast's thick arms from its huge body. 】

[The Dawnbringer's war hammer suddenly swung and smashed the opponent's two thick legs respectively. 】

[Even though the ubiquitous WAAAGH energy can quickly heal the serious injuries suffered by the beast, you who have also obtained the WAAAGH energy increase are like getting real damage against the green-skinned orcs. 】


[Just a moment later, frantically, you used two huge palms to completely pull out the beast's entire head and most of its spine. 】

[You hold the broken head of the beast high and declare the final victory with a roar that resounds throughout the chaotic battlefield! 】

["For Rorschach——"]

[At this moment, countless Astartes or mortal warriors who were fighting with the green-skinned orcs could not help but let out a deafening battle roar. 】

[They rushed out of the bunker with great courage and launched a continuous and crazy killing spree against a large number of green-skinned orcs who were in constant civil unrest due to the temporary loss of two beast warlords. 】


[However, at this time, more than a dozen God Machines, which were launching large-scale fire bombings in coordination with the imperial troops whose morale was rising, were suddenly forced off the ground by invisible gravity, and then crashed heavily into the depths of the earth! 】

[While you are trying to gather your consciousness to sense the energy of WAAAGH, you subconsciously drop the beast's head in your huge palm. 】

[You immediately looked up and saw a large number of green-skinned transport ships capable of manipulating gravity technology, revealing their terrifying figures from the more distant skyline. 】

[What is even more shocking is that two beasts No. [-] and No. [-], who are also about ten meters tall and have significantly more sophisticated thick armor on their huge bodies, also quickly appeared on the chaotic battlefield! 】

[You can’t help but tighten your grip on the Dawnbringer war hammer in your huge palm. 】

[You haven't had time to drive the vibranium power armor and step forward. 】

[A beam of teleportation light instantly flashed repeatedly around your huge body. 】

[Immediately afterwards, the Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan, who wore thick armor on his huge body, came to the surface of Ullanor holding the Doomsday Shock Warhammer tightly! 】

[The person with dark and rough skin slightly raised his head and glanced at your huge body that was ten meters high, and then said in a deep voice. 】

["Little brother, are you okay? Next, let us fight side by side!"]

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