Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1072: Fire Dragon Lord Vulkan Beast War ()!

[Among the vast territories of the human empire, the black ships belonging to the Silent Sisters temporarily changed the nature of their missions. The small number of Silent Sisters began to cooperate with the scattered Death Watch to target the local green craze. 】

[And the 'nerve headshot', which can be called a miracle, has undoubtedly achieved a brilliant victory far beyond your imagination. 】

[Only from the intelligence information passed back, it is shown that the green frenzy that once swept the entire human empire is quickly fading. 】

[Not long after, War Marshal Kurland, the initiator of the final high wall, even used this method to deal with a beast that tried to resist! 】

[It is precisely because of this that you simply stayed on Terra and gave most of your command authority to the Astartes Chapter outside. 】

[You are currently focusing all your attention on communicating with the pope and many cardinals. 】

[You plan to try to use a long time to lay an extremely solid soul anchor for your future road to godhood. 】

[And the pope of the state religion who has already surrendered himself wholeheartedly to you naturally has no refutation or careful thoughts about this. 】

[Thus, your great achievements and your name were gradually transmitted to every imperial world following the internal orders of the national religion. Regardless of whether the other party is a devout believer of the national religion, they will inevitably praise your name a few times. 】

[Even if you don’t have much time left on Holy Terra, with the transmission of information and the increase of believers, you can still feel that the power of faith invisible to mortals is slowly wrapping around your huge body. around the body. 】

[In the following period, news of the victory in wiping out the green-skinned orcs was continuously transmitted back to Holy Terra, and countless people in the hive and middle-level officials almost became your most loyal believers. 】

[Although you know that time will erase all the changes you have made, you have still improved some living conditions for countless mortals. 】

[You have designed several ascending routes for a large number of people in the hive city through continuous advancement through military exploits and even skills. At the same time, you have used more brutal means to parade some nobles who behaved badly in the streets and kill them in public. 】

[Thanks to your current terrifying reputation and unmatched war power, almost no one in the entire Holy Terra can resist your orders. 】

[The reason why I use almost is because every once in a while, many assassins from the Assassin Court will give you some friendly reminders. 】

[But unfortunately, with the continuous gathering of a large amount of faith power, both the subspace essence and psychic power are growing day by day, and you have nothing to fear from this. 】

[You can even imitate the emperor's psychic power to regain the sanity and conscience of those assassins who have been successfully brainwashed, so that they can be fully used by you to assassinate those behind the scenes who sent them here. 】

[You also know that there is a powerful force that resists you, the original body, secretly hidden within the Human Empire, but unless you plan to overthrow the entire empire and start over, you cannot kill them all. 】

[And when the important information that the last beast was successfully eliminated by the Astartes Chapter was transmitted back, the end of the Beast War was officially announced. 】

[What surprises you is that although you can feel that your time is running out, you still have no sign of ending the simulation experience. 】

[You may even wonder if the Sixth Chaos Evil God has caused your emulator to have some unrepairable problems. 】

[Nowadays, countless people in the hive city can be said to support you extremely, and most low-level and even middle-level officials also have a good impression of you. Only many ancient nobles and deep-rooted bureaucratic families hate you deeply. 】【Especially after your subordinates have successfully recruited a group of super assassins who have temporarily escaped from the Assassin Court sequence, you simply let them sneak into these nobles, and once certain things are verified, assassinations will be carried out on the spot. 】

[On the one hand, you think that all your efforts will be gradually wiped out over a long period of time. On the other hand, if your behavior is out of line, the emperor who still has some humanity will [-]% stop your behavior. 】

[But judging from the current situation, the Emperor seems to be letting you do whatever you want to the entire Holy Terra. 】

[Not long after, you secretly summoned Beirut, the commander of the Forbidden Army who had been kicked out by you. You asked the other party to play the role of the Forbidden Army independently and protect the mortal people of the entire Holy Terra. 】

[However, you also find that the arrogance of countless Imperial Guards that even the Astartes look down upon is comparable to a stamp of thought. Only a small number of the Imperial Guards can empathize with the mortals because of their character and even their experiences. 】

[Unless you spend a lot of time and resources to re-create a group of forbidden troops and let the new recruits grow with you, there is no point. 】

[You have to give up your slightly whimsical ideas, and just ask the countless imperial troops to pay more attention to the numerous demands of the people in the hive city. 】

[At the same time, you directly sent astronomical amounts of strategic resources to the Astartes warbands who followed you in the north and south, and secretly lifted many of the restrictions placed on them by the Astartes Codex. 】

[However, when you plan to take some time to mess with the Adeptus Mechanicus. 】

[Part of your huge body gradually becomes dim and illusory. 】

[You immediately understood that your stay time was really short. In order to prevent the powerful forces trying to resist you from overthrowing your series of arrangements on Holy Terra. 】

[In addition to ordering a large number of assassins under you to eliminate many of the dead nobles, you also had to hide inside the golden throne room, facing the emperor and patiently waiting for the end moment to arrive. 】

[But just when your consciousness is about to leave this time and space. 】

[You suddenly saw an automatic servo robot that you had forgotten for a long time slowly moving in from outside the Golden Throne Room! 】

[Looking around, you can see that strands of chaotic spiritual energy are rising from the opponent's broken mechanical body, especially when the bright light belonging to the emperor continues to shine through. This is an automatic servo robot that is obviously attached with some weird power. I had to temporarily stop my heavy pace! 】

["Oh, Father, it's really difficult to see your humanity in person..." A low voice that sounded like countless overlapping voices suddenly sounded in your ears. 】

[You just wanted to drive the huge body that was slowly dissipating to get up. 】

[A powerful psychic power from the Emperor suddenly drives your entire consciousness completely into the depths of nothingness! 】

[You have completely ended this simulation experience. 】

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