Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1007 A group of heroes gathered together to reveal the regent and the poison gas tank!

Chapter 1007: A Gathering of Heroes·The Regent and the Gas Canister!
At the same time, the northern part of the extreme star field was not far away from the Baal Galaxy.

As a large-scale subspace portal gradually opened.

Huge metal ships supporting the Geller force field with all their strength are slowly leaving the chaotic and treacherous depths of subspace.

Looking at it, this huge fleet, second only to the Scourge in terms of number of main ships, seems to be affiliated with Regent Guilliman's Indomitus Expedition Fleet.

The most eye-catching huge ship among them is naturally the Glory Queen-class battleship 'Macragge's Glory', which is built to a specification that far exceeds that of ordinary ships.


At this moment, Regent Guilliman, who was wearing the Armor of Destiny on his huge body, was standing inside the extremely busy large bridge.

One of his huge palms kept rubbing the cold hilt of the Emperor's Sword.

A pair of indifferent eyes without any emotion completely collected the information and data that all the mortal crew members were processing quickly into the depths of their brains.

But Regent Guilliman, whose entire body stood like a mountain on the metal floor, did not issue any orders.

These matters are the existential mission and life responsibility of every mortal crew member. Even as a Primarch and a Regent, he cannot forcibly deprive others of their dedication to the Emperor.

What's more, this is just an occupational disease temporarily left over by Regent Guilliman after he dealt with too many complicated matters within the empire.

At this moment, the regent, who looked hundreds of years older both in his overall temperament and his resolute face, seemed to sigh subconsciously.

Today's human empire seems to be gradually on the right track with the return of the Digital Primarch.

But only Guilliman, who has fully understood the entire situation of the Empire, will truly understand the difficulties.

Even just in terms of his countless political achievements in handling the internal affairs of the empire, I am afraid that his little brother will never be able to catch up with him.

However, the extremely sane Regent Guilliman also faced the darkest side of the decaying human empire for a long time.

Since the Great Rift was forced to open, it divided the entire empire into two.

Millions or even tens of millions of imperial worlds are invaded by various aliens or chaos all the time.

Almost every second, human subjects loyal to the Emperor were completely reduced to sacrifices or slaves.

However, whether it was the Indomitus Crusade launched by his regent Guilliman, or Rorschach's endless parade back and forth.

Or the legendary Lion Lion, who is rapidly regaining the territory of the dark side of the empire. The real role that these loyal primarchs can play can be said to be a drop in the bucket.

What made Regent Guilliman even more desperate was this.

Not long ago, he accidentally learned a top-secret news from the Mechanical Order of Mars!
That is, the Golden Throne that is maintaining the emperor's broken body is gradually losing its effectiveness, and countless great sages from the Mechanicus of Mars are helpless!

Regent Guilliman, who was slightly distracted and whose breathing seemed to have slowed down, vaguely remembered the ancient Eldar history that Efreni of the Eldar Death Army once told him...

When an evil god of subspace was accidentally born from an extremely large group of intelligent people.The first to suffer the disaster were the compatriots from the same clan as the subspace evil god!

Moreover, this is not a lie from the aliens. The history of the Eldar race has completely verified this!
So now, who is the great being in the entire human empire that is closest to that terrifying limit?
Naturally, he is the Lord of mankind who has been worshiped and sacrificed by hundreds of millions of human believers for tens of thousands of years, and is sitting on the golden throne and struggling to support him!
The genetic father of their loyal Primarchs...the Emperor!

Thinking of this, Regent Guilliman, whose breathing seemed to have completely stopped, subconsciously made a fleeting and subtle sound from the depths of his throat.

Afterwards, his entire consciousness was immediately and completely freed from a certain negative emotion filled with endless despair and endless fear!

"Father has never been a god! He doesn't want to be a god! Even if he has to send blessings in the name of the emperor, it is because he has no choice but to do so!"

"And what we, the loyal Primarchs, can do is to prevent this extremely terrifying future from actually happening to the Human Empire!"

At this moment, Regent Guilliman, whose indifferent eyes gradually became firmer, felt as if he had touched some extremely precious mysterious power deep in his soul.

However, just when he wanted to focus all his attention to deeply explore the unknown mystery.

dong dong dong-

In an instant, a sound of heavy footsteps approaching from far away was approaching quickly.

This not only completely interrupted Regent Guilliman's newly gathered thoughts and concentration.

It also made him unfortunately miss a great opportunity to grasp the complete context of the mysterious power!
But Guilliman, whose mind and consciousness had completely returned to reality, did not show any signs of anger.

He took a deep breath and immediately drove the armor of destiny on his huge body to look at the visitor.

"Lord Guilliman, the main fleet from the Death Guard is following us again! Ever since we passed near the Maelstrom and were accidentally discovered by the opponent, these damn heretics and traitors have no intention of giving up!"

At this moment, Sicarius, who was a guard of the original body, said in a deep voice to the Gene Father with an extremely indignant expression.

However, before the other party could once again make a strong request to join the fight, the original body was so close.

Regent Guilliman, whose stoic face showed no emotion, spoke:
"Sicarius, haven't you recognized the appearance of the main flagship in this Death Guard fleet? That is the Glory Queen-class battleship 'Endurance', and it is my traitor brother, Mortari. An’s powerful car!”

"Perhaps it was the last time we met for the first time. The psychological shadow that little brother Rorschach and I brought to each other was too great. This Death Guard fleet did not launch any attack or test on our fleet, and just followed us like a shadow. Just follow us."

"Perhaps this is because my traitor brother is not inside the flagship, but I personally prefer that he is actually snooping on it repeatedly."

"So, our more important task right now is to support the Baal system. Countless descendants of Sanguinius are suffering from the madness of the tentacles of Leviathan's main force, even though I already know that the Scourge Fleet of Brother Rorschach has already joined. This is a tough war.”

"But since I, the regent, and my brother accidentally received their request for help and were able to mobilize a larger number of Indomitable Fleets, I must go to relieve them of the terrifying pressure from the Tyranids."

"As for Mortarion, if it still has the guts to let the entire fleet catch up again, then Rorschach and I will naturally find an opportunity to let it roll back to the depths of the garden again!"

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(End of this chapter)

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