Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1008: A Gathering of Heroes, Crazy Rorschach!

Over time.

After there is no more Tyranids found in the entire Baal galaxy.

This also means that the confrontation between Rorschach and the Hive Mind has come to an end for the time being.

However, no one was tempted to slack off.

Because the invasion of chaos demons on Bawei is still waiting for follow-up processing.

Therefore, every Astartes with a scarred appearance took the time to carry out careful maintenance of the power armor, as well as a quick mental and even physical recovery.

Countless automatic servo robots waving mechanical tentacles were recycled in large quantities for mechanical parts, and then remanufactured, and began to renovate and strengthen the ruined Axel Angel Fort.

One after another, the main ships parked in the broken star port have also participated in the huge repair and maintenance project, consuming astronomical amounts of strategic resources.

At the same time, if someone stands on Baal Prime or Baal Moon and looks up at Baal Moon.

You can almost see at a glance an extremely large octagonal Chaos emblem made up of countless Tyranids' heads!

This seems to symbolize the devout gift offered by the demon army of Khorne to the great Blood God, and also symbolizes Angron's silent ridicule towards Rorschach.

But even so, Rorschach, who used the War Fortress Hero Tower as a deterrent to the extermination order, did not immediately launch a battle to exterminate the Chaos invasion.

He only regularly dispatched the repaired and reorganized main ships to conduct large-scale orbital bombings to reduce the number of countless Khorne demonic armies.

dong dong dong-

At this moment, above the huge angel dome of Ax Angel Castle.

Dante, who was driving the golden power armor, quickly came to Rorschach.

The other party stared at the original body master who seemed to be wandering in a state of emptiness, and started to report the situation without any hesitation:
"Lord Primarch, our Astartes forces are gradually regaining their previous combat effectiveness, and a large number of main ships are also completing overhaul projects, especially those Blood Angels and many sub-groups that have been replaced with new power armor and weapons. They will definitely be able to show unexpected combat prowess on the battlefield in the future."

"In addition, your Iron Undead Army, after more subtle adjustments and repairs, can be said to be an extremely lethal combat force. I am currently conducting ideological propaganda work for all Astartes. I hope It allows everyone to accept and even understand the existence of the Iron Undead Legion from a conceptual and even fundamental level. After all, for the Astartes, death transformation surgery that can retain most of their memories and combat skills can be said to be a second life. .”

Dante had just finished speaking.

Rorschach, whose cold gaze moved slightly, seemed to have recovered from his fugue state.

He took a slow, deep breath.

He looked up at the extremely clear octagonal chaos emblem on Ba Weiyi and said in a deep voice:
"In some ways, I am becoming more and more like the Emperor on the Golden Throne. Even the corpses of the Astartes heirs after their death must be fully utilized. If one day they want to rebel against me, the primarch, I will I can completely understand what they did..."

At this moment, the low words from Rorschach made Dante standing aside temporarily fall into silence.

However, Dante, who frowned slightly, still organized his words and carefully said to Rorschach: "Master Primarch, this is the destiny of every Astartes. To die on the battlefield for the Emperor and even the Primarch is Their only responsibility, as descendants, we may not understand the thinking mode of the original body, but any descendant has never regretted the orders and requirements of the Gene Father, because loyalty itself is a reward."

Dante's words slowly echoed in Rorschach's ears.

Rorschach, who had been silent for a long time, took a deep breath again and said:
"I'm not feeling sad about the loss of my children."

"It's because I just used the powerful psionic precognition ability I inherited from the traitor primarch Coze to forcibly peek into the future, but there seems to be some powerful existence that keeps interfering with my psionic precognition ability, preventing me from seeing clearly. to a more detailed future.”

"I just vaguely saw an extremely tragic high-level war. My descendants of the Astartes can only become cannon fodder on the chaotic battlefield. They are not even qualified to participate. Only the original bodies like us can fight in the coming war. Survive successfully on an unknown battlefield, and then continue to fight against terrifying enemies..."

"I'm afraid this is no longer a daily battle between the human empire and the chaos demons. Now I am increasingly suspecting that guys from other places are launching a real cosmic invasion!"

Rorschach's words made the expression on Dante's old face become completely solemn.

Although the other party did not know the meaning of some of the unfamiliar words spoken by the original body.

But that doesn't stop an Astartes veteran from quickly becoming vigilant.

However, Dante, who was slightly confused, continued to ask Rorschach for more information.

Orders from the original body were issued one after another.

"Dante, go and inform all Astartes so that they are ready to participate in the subsequent battle. However, if everyone receives a direct order from me, they must leave the battlefield immediately through teleportation technology!"

"I have already said hello to Reditus in advance. It is on the transport vehicle coming here. If there are no unexpected situations, there will be a total of four arrivals from Terra, Triple Farr and Macragge. Six Titan legions are about to arrive on Baal Prime!"

"If we calculate the time, the think tank leaders from various companies and battle groups are leading the think tank brothers to conduct larger-scale ceremonies. The strategic materials accumulated on the native Terra for hundreds of years are being continuously transported over!"

"Since I can't really know the information and situation about the future, I will simply arm myself as a crazy steel hedgehog as much as possible, mobilize all available combat forces, and silently wait for the mysterious hunter's next move!"

"If the tragic war that happens in the future really forces me into some kind of desperate situation, I will even pull over the already built battle moon and even the native planet Terra itself! I want to see how those unknown enemies will deal with it. !”

At this moment, a fleeting flash of extreme and madness flashed through the depths of Rorschach's slightly narrowed eyes.

It seems that the invisible shadow of war and huge psychological pressure gradually spread deep in my heart.

Once again, he revealed the destructive dark side of his character.

And it is deep in the subspace that even Rorschach himself cannot easily reach.

Among the countless subspace turbulences, a terrifying star that looks like a black hole is emitting continuous low-frequency tremors, like waves of deep sneers.

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