Mei Man: My Warhammer Simulator

Chapter 1006: All heroes gather together: Red Devil and Zifeng!

In the icy void, a small number of narwhal ships that were lucky enough to survive the brutal naval battle were speeding away towards the outside of the Baal Galaxy under the cover of the giant Tyranid creatures.

Already thinking that the situation was over, the Hive Mind decided to save the wasteful behavior of biomass, and planned to leave a batch of fleet seeds for the Leviathan tentacles to make a comeback.

However, the hundreds of main fleets headed by the Glory Queen-class battleship 'Iron Fist' did not give this Leviathan fleet seed a chance to escape.

Even though their huge hulls were already covered with scars and the energy flames ejected from the subspace auxiliary engines were good and bad, countless main ships, under the leadership of the fleet master, forcibly intercepted only a few remaining ships. The ten narwhal ships launched an extermination battle with the nature of an extermination order without any hesitation.

At the same time, the Hero Tower of War Fortress, which had almost no damage to its overall structure, also slowly moved to the vicinity of Bawei. The star-destroying cannon, which can destroy an entire planet with one blow, is gradually accumulating energy, waiting for the extinction order from the original body. make.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of auxiliary ships that did not suffer too many losses began to clean up the entire void battlefield.

The remains of countless void creatures belonging to the Tyranids were burned to death by the light spear array, and the thick shells of each ship were covered with horrific scars. However, the main ships with adamantine keels and internal structures that could still be repaired were gradually dragged back to Baal Prime. Inside the dilapidated starport, the repair project is waiting for the technical priests and a large number of automatic servo robots.

Even more large and small shipwrecks that had unfortunately broken into a large number of metal fragments, or collided into prototypes of space hulks, were successfully recovered by extremely diligent auxiliary ships.

The fate that awaits them next is either to become mechanical parts for repairing a certain main ship, or to be re-smelted into various metal materials, without any waste at all.

Ka Ka Ka!
However, at this time, it was in an edge area far away from the center of the naval battle battlefield.

The depths of the cold void gradually surrounded by countless asteroids, meteorites and broken metal debris.

Inside the huge wreckage of half the main ship that was slowly rolling and rotating, there seemed to be a faint wave of chaotic spiritual energy blooming!


The next moment, an extremely tall red Cyclops slowly stepped out of a subspace portal that was barely holding on.

We came to a room with a large number of broken corpses of mortal crew members floating everywhere, the flesh and blood remains of the Tyranids, and the tilted bridge of the Astartes' broken limbs!

"Well, this place is full of the wonderful aura left by desperate souls. If only I could have come a step earlier... My poor brother, this subspace portal will not last long. Do you dare to come to the real universe? "

The low words of the red Cyclops slowly echoed in the cold environment of complete vacuum.

It seems that this harsh cosmic environment, which even the Primarch can only survive for a short period of time, has no impact on it!

"Haha, one-eyed Magnus, I remember that in the past, you were not as verbose as you are now. Have tens of thousands of years made you weaker?"

At this moment, the final words from the red Cyclops have not completely dissipated.

A deep voice full of evil and breathy words quickly retorted.

It seems that what he said just now clearly aroused strong resentment from the other party's heart, or perhaps these two subspace beings are inherently difficult to deal with.

The next second, the unknown subspace evil existence did not say anything more.

The opponent, who was wearing an extremely gorgeous and exquisite purple-gold battle armor, immediately shook his huge, completely inhuman snake body, squeezed out of the collapsing and dissipating subspace portal, and completely arrived in the real universe!

Judging from the opponent's long pale hair scattered on the purple and gold armor shell, the completely uncontrollable evil and charm on that beautiful face, and the four thick arms slowly hanging down beside him.

This second descending subspace being is none other than one of the traitorous Primarchs of the Human Empire, the Daemon Prince of Slaanesh, the fallen Purple Phoenix, and the Ascendant Fulgen!
As for the red cyclops that came before, they are the famous demon prince Tzeentch, the one-eyed Ogryn, and the red devil Magnus! "My dear brother Primarch, you came to beg me this time!"

"Do you know how much thought and souls of believers I wasted to send the two of us here?"

"If I hadn't really had some unresolved personal grudges with that damn guy Rorschach, and you were willing to assist me in extracting Rorschach's soul from the side, I wouldn't even bother to leave the Wizard Planet!"

At this moment, the red devil Magnus, who slightly raised his red chin, said in a tone full of arrogance to the rising demon Fulgen who was very close at hand.

However, Demon Sheng Fugen, who subconsciously sneered in his mouth, only glanced at the opponent's huge one eye and said with a sneer:

"Haha, Magnus, even your master doesn't dare to shout loudly in the depths of subspace. Don't you have enough Rorschach in the Crystal Maze? The great Shalish anyway It’s no wonder that our little brother has suddenly transformed into an extraordinary person..."

"That's enough, shut up!"

At this moment, Magnus, whose face changed slightly, immediately interrupted the other party's words.

A huge one-eye suddenly widened and it suddenly waved the golden scepter in its big red hand.

The summoned wisps of chaotic spiritual energy did not emit any fluctuations outwards, but only targeted the demon-ascending blessing root standing in front of him!

The ascended demon Fulgen, with a sneer on his face, immediately twisted his huge snake body and temporarily stayed away from the vicinity of Magnus.

As four thick arms danced back and forth.

The two twisted scimitars, with wisps of rich purple light flashing from time to time on their sharp blades, have fallen deep into its huge palm!
"Oops, I'm so sorry. It seems that I accidentally hit your sore spot... Dear Magnus, do you really want to engage in a passionate duel between brothers with me?"

"If you just throw down the golden scepter in your palm and take off the heavy armor on your strong body, maybe I will completely fulfill your wish..."


The voice did not fall.

An extremely long and narrow purple snake tongue kept licking the cold lips. The demon Fulgen couldn't help but let out a low laugh full of evil and charm.

When Magnus heard the other party's charming laughter, his whole huge body subconsciously took a step back.

The veins on the red face couldn't help but twitch vigorously several times.

"Sheng Mo Fu Gen, you have fallen beyond redemption. I am your brother..."

"My lord Tzeentch, I fucking admit defeat, I'm not as perverted as you! You just need to tell me when you will launch a sneak attack on Rorschach himself next, don't tell me anything else, I don't want to know either !”

But at this moment, Fulgen, whose laughter had completely disappeared, said calmly in the direction of Magnus in an extremely calm and evil tone:
"Magnus, do you think we went through all the trouble to come here just to cause trouble for Rorschach? With your structure and wisdom, how could you become the demon prince of Tzeentch? Didn't your master tell you anything? Pass you?"

"Forget it, none of this is important. You just need to know one thing, that is, the current time point and the number of original bodies are not correct enough... We need to continue to wait!"

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