The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 908 Harvest (Part )

Chapter 908 Harvest (Part )

Li Shengli used misinformation and traps to gain a half-baked harvest.

For him, this is not a psychological burden. The old saying, "not my kind" is enough explanation.

Li Shengli traveled around in a bulletproof car in Ochaki. Those who wanted to steal the treatment for radiation sickness had no choice but to lie in a lead box and fly.

This is a battle for the reputation of traditional Chinese medicine. Not to mention the Chinese doctors on the island and South Korea, even the famous old traditional Chinese medicine doctors in China, Li Shengli will mislead them.

The struggle between orthodoxy cannot tolerate the benevolence of women, and it will have the same result for one's own people.

Li Shengli was on the Black Sea coast with calm clouds and breeze, while Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian on the island were worried about the harvest.

Although HSBC is behind it, the harvest plan has already begun.

But whether it is in the stock market or the real estate market, the amount of assets of the two people was initially not as good as the hot money coming from the United States.

However, the two entered the market too early, and now the scale of their funds is almost half of the funds harvested by the United States.

Even if we evacuate, we can only evacuate a small part.

At this time, we cannot evacuate to the homeland of the United States.

Nowadays, it is the bitter cold winter in China. Going against the trend, there are many rules and regulations.

As an order, putting it into the island's market is not allowed by Wall Street.

"Lao Niu, how are your negotiations with Wall Street going?

Most of the funds cannot be withdrawn. For us, the next step is layers of supervision.

This is inconsistent with Mr. Li's plan.

As long as you reach an agreement there and let Wall Street open up another channel to the north for us, our funds can be deployed in advance.

Wang Qianjin and Mr. Wang have discussed many big projects there. Some of the equipment is the strategic inventory in the north. We should be able to export some of our funds. "

For Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, it is not difficult to withdraw capital. What is difficult is to withdraw without affecting the layout of Wall Street.

Many times, confrontation is only temporary, and cooperation is a more long-term topic.

The two people's behavior of smashing the market has made Wall Street dissatisfied. Wall Street's dissatisfaction is the dissatisfaction of those in power in the United States.

Negotiations have been going on on Niu Bijian's side for a long time, but many people always want to take advantage of them and let others take the backseat.

"Madam, I think it's still like what Mr. said, let's destroy ours, whether it's the island or Wall Street, and let them clean up the mess themselves, right?
Now we must make a choice.

I believe that the right choice is to first withdraw one-third of the stock market funds back to the country.

This way, we can dip into the somewhat weak domestic stock market after Wall Street raised funds.

In this way, we also increase our negotiating leverage.

People on Wall Street will not let us acquire their chips, so they can only make concessions to us. "

Although there was a subordinate relationship between Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, it was just Niu Bijian's politeness.

Niu Bijian admired Li Shengli, but he only respected his wife Du Jiaoyang, who had no murderous intentions.

“Old Niu, if this happens, we will offend quite a few powerful people in the country.

Behind Wall Street are complex political and business relationships, which offend too many people and are not conducive to the group's foothold in the United States. "

Hearing Du Jiaoyang's reasons, Niu Bijian smiled helplessly. In terms of struggle, this lady was far behind Mr. Li.

Their plan this time is to replace the political and business relationships behind Wall Street.

Through a series of operations, the old money was first shrunk significantly, and then the imaginary wealth on the books was used to acquire their basic market.

When the time comes, the paper wealth of Niu Bijian and Du Jiaoyang will turn into stacks of equity documents and tangible real assets.

The old money's book funds will increase dramatically, turning their actual assets into real paper wealth.

Without the wealth supported by industry, there is no right to speak. On this point, Niu Bijian and Li Shengli still have a consensus.

Those Wall Street financiers who play with paper wealth can do so with ease within a fixed asset limit.

After harvesting the island, they will find that the amount of funds will increase to a level that scares them.

According to Mr. Li's prediction, if Wall Street financiers can still harvest the island's paper wealth this time, they can harvest the north.

The water in the capital pool is not as simple as doubling several times.

At that time, Wall Street financiers will find that their paper wealth cannot be spent.

Once spent, the huge amount of funds will far exceed the market value of the entire United States. In order to stabilize the international value of the United States, only these financiers will ultimately suffer, and the wealth on the books will also be directly locked up.

"Madam, let's go north.

There are some things that need to be decided by your husband..."

Niu Bijian suggested going north, but Du Jiaoyang could only sigh and call it a day.

The political and business relationship with Lao Mei has been handled well, both with her original intention and with the recent advice given by Lao Du.

It's just that many things are not what old Du at home thinks, and she, Du Jiaoyang, can decide them with just one word.

Niu Bijian was even less capable. The only one who could do it was Li Shengli in the north.

The relationship within Capital Monster is also complicated. Although Qin Mei and Xiao Changgong live together, in the end, it is Li Shengli’s elder brother Xiao Changgong who has the final say.

Even the newcomer Ding Kai, Li Shengli's brother-in-law, cannot instigate everyone.

In addition to Xiao Changgong and Ding Kai, there is a more ruthless Xiao Feng in Southeast Asia.

If it were the entire capital group, who else could really have the final say besides Li Shengli? It was neither Xiao Changgong, Qin Mei, or Ding Kai, but Li Shengli's cheap niece Xiao Feng.

Xiao Feng is not like Xiao Changgong. Some people just let it go if they disobey.

If you don't listen to Xiao Feng, it's okay if it's just related to Xiao Feng.

If it has something to do with Li Shengli, Xiao Feng will start cleaning up immediately. The list of personnel may even include her, Du Jiaoyang, and Xiao Changgong...

With Xiao Feng here, Li Shengli, who basically doesn't take care of things, will definitely forget it.

Without Xiao Feng, but with Niu Bijian and Xiao Changgong, Li Shengli had the final say.

But in the next few years, as Xiao Changgong and Qin Mei get older, Li Shengli's right to speak will become more and more important.

Since Qin Mei trained Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng has created a new force within the group, which is now almost everywhere.

This force is very young and very loyal. After all, it was created jointly by Lao America and domestic methods.

With these people around, some of Lao Du's ideas at home could only be implemented after asking Li Shengli first, and after he nodded.

Du Jiaoyang could roughly see the results of harvesting the island. Since Xiao Feng took over, many things have gradually exceeded her control and tolerance.

Xiao Feng is Li Shengli's best person, but to her, Du Jiaoyang, not so!
Du Jiaoyang, who was already thinking of quitting, smiled helplessly when he thought of the invisible person Xie Chan who stayed in Laomei and took charge of the overall situation.

Today, Xie Chan has a lot in common with Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng gradually became uncontrollable, and it was also after Xie Chan came out.

Although there was no internal fighting among the several people, their attitudes towards Li Shengli were completely different.

Du Jiaoyang was just obedient and the relationship was relatively equal.

Xie Chan was in a deep trap, so she just obeyed her words. But Xiao Feng is Li Shengli's die-hard loyalist, the kind of die-hard loyalist who can go against Li Shengli's wishes.

As long as Li Shengli's behavior threatens, Xiao Feng will go back and put an end to it. Li Shengli's words can't be used to put an end to it.

"All right!
We headed north as quickly as possible.

We cannot let Wall Street's capital take the lead and the cash-out action remains unchanged. "

When it comes to cashing out, Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian are on the same page.

Niu Bijian had no objection to this and just said:

"Madam, I will transfer to the north first. After I arrive, you can set off again."

After saying that, Niu Bijian turned around and left, and the two of them flew to the north together. Lao Niu was also afraid of being plotted and would not be able to come back.

If the two of them act separately, there is no chance of being assassinated by capital means.

Without either of them, the harvest on the island is doomed to fail.

Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian met, not far from the palace, and there were people around them who could set the palace on fire.

In normal times, one of the two people would always be either in the port city or on the other side of the ocean.

In these two places, the safety of the two of them is safe. If they were attacked by Lao Mei in the port city, the next ones to take part in the revenge would be serious mercenaries equipped with heavy weapons.

Li Shengli was surprised to see Niu Bijian in the nursing home on the Black Sea.

Although the two came together, their camps are different.

After the separation, if he wanted to meet again, the first thing Niu Bijian had to cross was the threshold of Anton.

Now it seems that the money has been well spent, Anton. It has become meaningless to capital, which is undoubtedly the sorrow of the Russian bear.

"Do you two have to make a special trip just for this matter?

Losing principal or retreating safely, is this a choice?
Okay, I get it, just go back and do it.

It was our relationship at home that affected Madam's decision-making.

There is only one way left, either you die or I die. Neither you nor I have a choice, nor does our relationship in the country have a choice. "

After giving Lao Niu a definite answer, Li Shengli also sighed lightly.

Many times the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

Just like trying to break through in China, even if you know that there is a high possibility of failure, you still have to go through it.

The financial market is either you die or I die, the winners take all and the losers come home empty handed.

The probability of losing both sides or losing without victory is extremely slim.

Du Jiaoyang was destined for this moment when he went abroad, and when he accepted Du Jiaoyang's investment in China, he was also destined for this result.

Even if Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian were gone, the result would not change, except that the beneficiary would be Wall Street.

Hearing that the problem originated from China, Niu Bijian could only shake his head, shrug, and sigh.

With or without a backstage, the results are completely different for Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian.

Not to mention the benefits brought by the huge domestic market, personal safety is a topic that must be mentioned.

Since going to the United States, Du Jiaoyang has suffered countless assassinations and attacks, and the same has happened to Niu Bijian.

On average, there are one or two assassinations by agents and attacks by gangs and mercenaries every month.

Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian had no plan to kill outside, and their own casualties were not a small number, but these numbers were deliberately concealed.

It is also normal for the recruited mercenaries to rebel.

These two know how to use charlatanism, and the American chaebols also know how to do dirty work.

Just by having money, you will be at an absolute disadvantage in the battles in the gray world.

Only people from a certain force who have received professional training and are loyal and reliable can ensure the safety of the two of them.

The two men killed countless mercenaries recruited by the chaebol, and also instigated countless rebellions.

But few of the people Du Jiaoyang brought to the other side of the ocean were instigated to rebel.

Even if he was incited to rebel, it would only be after living on the other side of the ocean for many years.

But these two people would not keep such personnel around. The annual personnel changes were to prevent this kind of problem.

Cultivating a qualified combatant is not much simpler than cultivating Chinese medicine or economic talents.

There are plenty of people, but it is really difficult to find people who are truly qualified and can protect the safety of two people without the backing of a big country.

It is not difficult for capital to have one or two loyal people, but what is difficult is hundreds or thousands of people, all of whom are loyal and reliable.

People are always small in the face of capital and power. For Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, no one is always loyal.

If you want to protect your own security, only major powers can have this foundation.

The southwest is already within their grasp, and they have also tried to train people.

But after more than ten years, only a few hundred people in Xiao Feng's hands could be used, but absolute loyalty could not be guaranteed.

People in the country in the past did not have such worries. Thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands were produced every year. This is a strength that no country other than China has.

Loyal and reliable, with excellent qualities, daring to fight, and victorious in every battle, this is Niu Bijian's evaluation of his backers.

It is also the foundation for Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian to gain a foothold on the other side of the ocean.

Because the old American chaebol said they wanted to kill them both, which was basically an extravagant hope.

As for which chaebol these two want to kill, even if they are closely protected by the agents of the Intelligence Bureau, as long as the two of them give a time period, the fate of this chaebol is destined to be a family funeral.

The mark of a powerful person has long been engraved on Niu Bijian's head.

In a very short period of time, Niu Bijian has used money and guns to vaguely control the upper class circles of Southern California.

As for Du Jiaoyang, although he was not very decisive in killing, he was still one of the big bosses who lived in seclusion behind the scenes.

“Sir, domestic relations still need to be properly handled.

I'd better wait until Madam arrives before going back.

To avoid misunderstanding, Madam..."

This is the advantage of Niu Bijian as a descendant of colonists. Compared with Locke, who is ignorant, Lao Niu is undoubtedly knowledgeable.

Being able to be with Niu Bijian, Li Shengli was not discriminated against because he was a descendant of colonists.

Rather than putting someone like Lao Niu on the opposite side, it's really better to pull him into his own camp.

The things passed down by the elders are not only useful for the colonies, but also for the mother country.

Nowadays, Niu Bijian's power is not only in Southern California, but also in Gui Lao Island, especially Scotland, and Ren Lao Niu is also a big boss.

As for Niu Bijian's loyalty, Li Shengli didn't care much. In the face of absolute strength, it didn't matter whether Lao Niu was loyal or not. To kill him, it was just a matter of making a phone call...

(End of this chapter)

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