The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 909 Harvest (Part )

Chapter 909 Harvest (Part )

Niu Bijian experienced the exotic customs in Ochaki. A day later, Du Jiaoyang landed in Ochaki on Maozi's transport plane.

Sitting on the pier at the sanatorium, I looked at the submarines half floating on the water not far away and the warships further away.

Du Jiaoyang looked at his dog man and didn't know what to say.

Li Shengli also had no good intentions towards the Black Navy who protected him as his master.

Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian not only got to know the senior officials of the Black Navy, but also the senior officials of the Far East and the logistics system through the sword.

She and Niu Bijian dared to give away beautiful knives by the truckload, and others dared to collect beautiful knives by the truckload. Many things were tacitly understood.

The person who brought her back this time was supposed to be a brand-new Il-76, but what came back was an An-22. The beautiful green sword really made people daring.

This is also the reason why Lao Du in his family wanted to stop the harvest on the island.

The harvest of old American Wall Street only requires money.

Dog man Li Shengli's harvest plan is bloody.

With power outages in the summer and oil outages in the winter, the island's livelihood enterprises under the control of capital have not only been consuming inventory, but also laundering money through false energy imports.

Such enterprises are not controlled by the capital of Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian. Some are controlled by the island's indigenous people, and some are controlled by the disappeared Southeast Asian plutocrats.

Actions such as polluting water sources are also being carried out at the same time. Once exposed, panic is an inevitable result.

When this kind of panic appears along with the collapse of the stock market, the death of the property market, and the bankruptcy of enterprises.

Coupled with the personal statements of some homeless people or bankrupt people, it can only further exacerbate the market collapse.

After returning to China, Du Jiaoyang did not hide Li Shengli's harvest plan from his family, Lao Du.

But he also didn't obey Lao Du's strict order to stop. It was nothing more than a notice that should be told and an action should be taken when it was time to act.

The hesitation was just for Niu Bijian to see. Du Jiaoyang knew clearly that even if she said something she shouldn't have said, the harvest plan would continue. All she had to do was take care of the two families.

In fact, the harvest plan on the island cannot be stopped at will. Many things have been planned a few years ago.

Now it's time to close the net. Even if Li Shengli wants to stop, he can't stop with just one sentence.

"How are the preparations of the demolition team and transportation team?"

When he met Du Jiaoyang, Li Shengli didn't mention her hesitation.

Just as Du Jiaoyang thought, the arrow was already on the string, and it would take a lot of strength to ignite it but not launch it.

Most of Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian's funds are occupied, and they have no financial preparations to stop.

Just like thermal power plants, the reserves that were supposed to last for five years are now only available for half a year. These coals cannot be replenished in a short time.

Even if it were to be made up, it would be impossible without three to five months.

The power plants on the island want coal, but they are also subject to shipping restrictions. Nowadays, most of the coal ships in the island's shipping industry are near the Far East, transporting coal to the southeastern coast of the country.

In addition to the Far East, of course there is also the Black Sea in front of them. Oil tankers and coal ships all look similar. They are now also money laundering tools for Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian.

Although the two of them have no way to interfere with the strategic reserves, one-third of the civilian reserves are almost in a precarious state.

For some things, if it falls on a certain enterprise, it will only take some risks. But if the whole industry does this, it will be a comprehensive risk in the future.

In this regard, although the companies on the island are not fools, they are no different from fools.

Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian used the name of Wall Street, but there were large warehouse credit institutions all over the island.

To put it bluntly, this thing is a mortgage loan for raw materials.

Today, the island's stock market is still at a high point. Instead of storing energy that has little appreciation potential, it is really better to take a chance on the stock market.

Who in business can resist looking at the booming stock market?
"There is no problem with the early preparations, but we are afraid that it will be too chaotic and our progress will be interrupted.

Victory, Lao Du is extremely disapproving of our approach.

They say that this lesson does not need to be taken, and they have generally seen the results. "

When Father Du stopped his daughter Du Juan's harvest plan, he simply accepted the experience of failure.

The economic concept from subsistence to market still has its own threshold.

This is not a survey. Many people have said that we can just tolerate it for the time being and look at the results.

For many people, money is life. If you conduct research, people will naturally donate their houses and cars to others.

When the time comes, you want an old scalper, but they can't give it to you. The RV doesn't belong to you, so you can talk easily, but the old scalper really belongs to you. How can you open your mouth and give it to you?

There won't be chaos. The chaebols and business owners on the island will help us maintain order.

Moreover, they will also select for us the most skilled and obedient technicians to train our personnel.

When you are doing your work, don’t forget to screen the local overseers on the island.

I am also afraid that these technicians will not adapt to the climate of our land and lose the appearance of social animals. This kind of goods must be hammered by supervisors.

As for Lao Du, just tell the old man clearly.

We are not strong, let alone Maozi, even South Korea has the idea of ​​driving us south of the Yangtze River.

If the Southwest is still there and sees that we are not strong, it will drive us north of the Yangtze River.

Asan will ask Western Sichuan and the monkeys to seize our South China Sea. As for the island, they also dare to land again at the mouth of the Yangtze River.

If we want to become stronger, turning to others is the fastest way.

The funds withdrawn from the island should not come here in the early stage. They should first give Lao Du and others a reassurance and build ten super-large petrochemical plants. What else does Lao Du have to say?
One in the southwest and two near the far east, which is necessary.

I will also ask Wang Qianjin to follow up on the oil pipeline here..."

After hearing Li Shengli's plan, Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian breathed a sigh of relief.

Niu Bijian was naturally happy because the harvest would go smoothly.

As for Du Jiaoyang's Changran, it was because he had an explanation for the two pillars of the family.

After discussing the major matters, the three of them talked about the details. The details on Li Shengli's side were nothing more than specific industries and the four major chaebols on the island.

As for how to operate it specifically, let alone listening, he might not be able to understand it even if he studied it seriously for several years.

Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian's harvest plan involved European and American economists, bankers, scientists, top lawyers, top accountants, and top mercenaries.

There are so many details inside, that even if you look at the plan, most people may not be able to find a way to deal with it.

After the matter was discussed, Niu Bijian returned immediately, while Du Jiaoyang stayed for a few more days.

When she saw that Li Shengli's black tunic suit was a set of lead leather armor, the female bastard couldn't help but laugh out loud.

I thought this bitch was risking his life in the north, but who would have thought that he actually cherishes his life.

"Shengli, people here are getting offline less and less, and you have to prepare to return home.

When Lao Du came to see me, he said that the higher-ups had considered the issue of Wang Qianjin. He is too big and involves too many techniques. He will not be embarrassed. You can just go back without any worries.

You don't give Lao Du any face either, and you get into trouble when something happens, but you make him lose face in front of his comrades and superiors.

On the other hand, Uncle Wang praised you very much, saying that you saved him the embarrassment..."

Seeing that the dog man was caring about his body, Du Jiaoyang completely relaxed.

During this time, Du Jiaoyang also found scientists from the United States to learn more about the harmful effects of radiation.

Scientists say that without a lead protective layer, it is likely that future children will be deformed.

Seeing Li Shengli's lead armor and the slight scars under the armor, Du Jiaoyang also saw the true caution of his dog man.

She didn't know where this armor came from, but she knew that most people didn't know either.

"It's been fine here for half a year, but it's really troublesome when I go back.

Some things are not decided by Lao Du, and Du Peng's father-in-law will be questioned. Lao Du, who has always been the opposite, will feel more relaxed.

Wang Qian and I went back, and the pressure was directly placed on Lao Du, which was not conducive to Lao Du standing up and speaking out.

Let’s see if we go back or not.

When you go back, confirm with Xiao Feng that things in Java must be done decisively and directly with the four major chaebols on the island.

They escaped justice last time, and this time new and old scores were settled together.

At the same time, penetration here must also be accelerated.

Remember, in chaos, it’s the little people who can do the big things.

There are some technical information that you cannot buy even with money.

Maozi is not stupid..."

Du Jiaoyang stayed on the Black Sea coast until her pregnancy was confirmed, and then returned home on a cargo plane transporting supplies.

With the blessing of Mei Dao, Maozi's transport planes also had air crashes from time to time.

As for whether it happened specifically, only certain powerful people know.

Wang Qianjin's life in the north was colorful, but Li Shengli's life here was relatively difficult.

In addition to daily diagnosis and treatment, he spent most of his time studying medical books.

The medical books were not brought from China, but were gifts from various museums here in Maozi, totaling several tons.

In addition to medical books and classics, there are also some antiques and treasures, the most precious of which is an acupuncture bronze figure.

According to domestic experts, it is suspected to be the long-lost Tiansheng Bronze Figure of the Song Dynasty.

It is a pity that Mr. Liu from Madianji passed away some time ago. If Mr. Liu were still here, Li Shengli would still believe in his dating.

As for whether it is the Tiansheng Bronze Man, it needs to be traced back slowly in the future.

According to the classics, the Tiansheng Acupuncture Bronze Figure is the most exquisitely designed acupuncture bronze figure, but its usage has long been lost in the long river of history.

After meeting the Tiansheng Bronze Figure, Li Shengli also had the idea of ​​casting a new acupuncture bronze figure.

Just what kind of casting we have to wait for Lao Deng and others from the mountain village to come up with detailed drawings.

With the help of the classics presented by the north, Li Shengli also had some signs of success during this period.

In the workshop of making medicine, dispensing medicine, and boiling medicine, he also had the ability to identify medicines that Mr. Liu said was the elders of the Liu family.

You can identify the type of recipe and the ratio of medicinal materials by smelling the steam from the pot, and the same goes for smelling the residue.

Even by smelling the smell of the dispensing workshop, you can tell the precision of the dispensing. In Li Shengli's view, this cannot be called Gan Er Sui Tong, but Gan Er Tong Xuan, which is more appropriate.

When Chinese medicine reaches its essence, it does have a bit of a mystical meaning...

Time flies by, and the harvest on the island has officially begun. First, the stock market collapsed, and then the inflated property market became a necessary choice for asset preservation.

Then, living money was trapped in the property market, coupled with Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian's disruptive methods, the Strait energy channel was cut off.

It's not a single kill or a double kill. The market on the island is now a mass killing.

During this period, the four major chaebols spent money to hire mercenaries and committed a great evil in Java that silenced civilized society.

Afterwards, the remnant Javanese people traveled across the ocean to retaliate wildly. Chaos occurred one after another. In the island's market, not only foreign capital hot money, but also domestic principal that could be stabilized began to flee across the ocean.

At first, Wall Street was secretly pleased with their clever methods, but who knew that the island collapsed, but it was a complete collapse.

Not only did the stock market collapse, national debt collapsed, and the property market collapsed, the Japanese yen also began to collapse rapidly.

The depreciation of the U.S. dollar and the appreciation of the yen, which the United States had worked so hard for, began to collapse directly due to a few small operations by Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian.

This is a result that Wall Street never expected. The result is that Mei Dad will naturally help the good boy maintain stability.

Once the yen collapses and then recovers, the Plaza Accord on the island will be in vain.

Among the funds that helped maintain stability on the island, Niu Bijian accounted for the majority, and was the second to arrive at the scene.

As for the Wall Street money that was the first to arrive at the scene, the blood stains were still on the corners of Niu Bijian's mouth!

Economists under Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian were certain that the United States would not allow the Japanese yen to collapse endlessly and would definitely rescue the market.

Niu Bijian turned around and withdrew money directly from the foreign exchange market to help the island save the market.

Of course, before rescuing the market, Niu Bijian had to take advantage of the huge exchange rate difference to harvest a wave of high-quality assets on the island.

With the support of America's father, the collapse of the yen was only a matter of seconds. Before the hot money from various countries entered the market, the foreign exchange market was in a state of chaos.

The gains from the island’s post-war development were all harvested by America’s father in a short period of time, and now America’s side has no control over whether Wall Street makes or loses money.

It's just that the development dividends on the island flow into the own market, and the liquidity of the family is high, and the purpose of harvesting is achieved.

Niu Bijian's counterattack turned Wall Street capital, which was full of joy, into a dog-eat-dog.

Niu Bijian only managed to maintain a win-win situation after the fact and paid a lot of price. He was fed up with the many non-performing assets in the hands of Wall Street chaebols.

Assets, good and bad, are both good assets for Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, because the assets are physical, which is also the only way for their book wealth to be converted into actual assets.

Even if it is an asset with a large amount of debt, as long as there are actual assets after the debt is repaid, it is a good asset for them.

The harvest began to end with the arrival of Du Jiaoyang's demolition team and transportation team.

Imports came to an emergency stop, all lines were suspended, and exports of machinery and equipment with production capacity were the tragic situation after the island was harvested.

With the help of the exchange of hands between capitals, Du Jiaoyang, Niu Bijian and others did not waste any time and handed over the people's livelihood enterprises that had previously caused chaos to Wall Street capital before they were harvested.

With modest book profits and real assets, Wall Street capital stopped and turned its attention north again...

(End of this chapter)

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