The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 907 Harvest (Part )

Chapter 907 Harvest (Part )

After hearing Li Shengli's reply, Anton's eyelids jumped several times.

In his first impression, his first evaluation of Li Shengli was that he was an elite intelligence officer.

During the treatment of radiation sickness, the KGB behind Anton was naturally indispensable in investigating Li Shengli.

But there is a terrible result. All the agents who chose the two routes, Hong Kong City and Southeast Asia, were not heard from.

Other channels are open, but the information that can be investigated is extremely limited.

Except for one or two signed medical ideas in daily newspapers, no information about Li Shengli could be found.

During the treatment process, the medical experts here also set up comparison camps elsewhere.

There are camps where Western medicine is used, and there are also treatment camps based on Li Shengli's therapy.

But the results are without exception, whether it is Western medical treatment or plagiarized treatment, they all fail.

The deterioration process of radiation sickness is the same as what Li Shengli said. Without his guidance on medication, the condition will only continue to worsen.

A large number of the more than a dozen camps managed by Li Shengli, as well as other patients who took medicine according to his ideas, have improved symptoms.

As long as the medicine is used according to Li Shengli's idea, the result will be good.

Looking for other methods, or trying to plagiarize his treatment methods, will only lead to failure.

Among them, Maozi also looked for Chinese medicine doctors from Japan and South Korea, or what they call Han medicine. Maozi’s experts themselves also studied traditional Chinese medicine classics, and the results were very sad.

Even if it makes sense in principle, their method of treating the disease just doesn't work.

It is said that Li Shengli is keeping secrets, but his treatment process is open-ended.

He said that he did not keep secrets and only plagiarized his treatment methods, but they failed without exception.

This method is just like a secret battle between top agents. Nothing can be gained by looking at the process. Only the results can tell everything.

"I hope we don't have the chance to cooperate..."

After leaving these words, Anton retreated cautiously.

Since more and more political figures began to have contact with Li Shengli, Anton has been controlling the time of contact between the two.

Before each visit, Anton would say what he was talking about at a normal speaking speed and calculate the time.

Including the time for greetings, he would control the time of each meeting to within three to five minutes.

Many agents in the camp today are not only protecting Li Shengli, but also monitoring people who have come into contact with him.

Many people and many things are untouchable wherever they are.

After Anton left, Wang Qianjin, who came with him, spoke:
"Lao Li, Anton told me a lot.

Friedman said that you can't cut off the tail piece by piece. If you want to cut it off, just cut it off at once.

Damn it, all this is going to happen.

You don’t know that some time ago, anything with a price tag in the supply and marketing cooperative could be sold.

Many people have accumulated a lot of useless things.

The swords of these insidious people are so vicious.

In the past few days, I asked Anton to hold a special performance at a club outside, where everyone was a member of the Friedman tribe.

Don't you want to try it?
After washing this foreign girl, she still smells a bit, but she can't sleep together, otherwise she will be like sleeping in a sheepfold. "

Listening to Wang Qianjin's statement, Li Shengli narrowed his eyes and said:
"Your grandson came here on his own, so of course he has no problem dancing and sleeping.

I'm the chief expert of the medical team. I'm not like you. I always have to pay attention to the impact.

There are few of them on Maozi's side. After a while, Du Jiaoyang made money from the island and we took over the weapons depot.

I tried to break the country for them, so that the base of Si Niu would be bigger.

When you meet Niu Bijian, ask him to open a few restaurants in Hong Kong City.

Whatever they care about most, we will destroy it for them.

Once this account is recorded, they will not be able to pay it off for generations to come.

I said Lao Wang, if you have some energy, don't use these useless realms.

Ask Anton to find you a girl or a widow from a powerful family. I see how fat you are, and with my medicine, it won't be a problem for you to have ten or eight.

We have hit a wall over there, and there is still room for recovery.

Mao Zi's side will then be a real shock therapy.

With these powerful relationships, plus our power in the country.

In the future, you can also be a master on this land..."

Li Shengli also felt that he had to do something about breaking through the domestic barrier.

Although the breakthrough hit the wall, it also knocked the prices of a batch of goods into the market.

Coupled with the dual-track, semi-regulated and semi-planned price system that was abandoned and revived, the market will soon be stabilized.

However, the economic contraction after this panic buying will cause many companies to enter the harsh winter.

Many things will come with feedback after experience, which is different from the late spring cold before the crackdown.

There is no responsibility at all for businesses in the cold winter.

This time it is really not just a debate, many trendy figures have either left or gone silent.

Emerging markets have been hit hard by so-called experts in monetary economic theory.

Some people are trying to destroy the emerging market and make this market their own, which is really a good plan.

Li Shengli has repeatedly told Father Du that the emerging market is never its own market.

People in the market may be generous, but Li Shengli is definitely not the generous one.

For some enemies, Li Shengli is accustomed to dealing with them from the root.

There is no other reason for this. Compared with winning an argument, physical destruction is always the simplest and most effective. Many times, when planning for others, you also need to see how strong your own family is.

In front of a gun, money never has a say.

Some people want to use money to speak. Li Shengli's idea is very simple. First try to see if the gun works.

If the gun is still there and there is no talk of money, everyone will be dead, and the money belongs to whoever has the gun.

"Grandson, why do I hear that your words are not right?
We men are serious businessmen now, so don't make everything bloody.

Although the foreign girl is a bit smelly and rough-skinned, as the old guy said, she is a serious Ocean horse and can resist riding..."

It’s not like Wang Qianjin couldn’t see clearly Anton’s temptation.

The calculations at home and abroad are all the same, and Wang Qianjin has been proven for a long time.

It's not that he can't see some of Anton's little thoughts.

But my brother-in-law also always does things regardless of the consequences.

Before coming out, Lao Wang at home and his brother-in-law's father-in-law, Lao Du, both told him that they should keep an eye on this guy who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit in the north.

Many things, to others, are just words of boasting, but to brother-in-law Li Shengli, he does exactly what he says.


There are many kinds of buying and selling, and trading without capital is the real good business.

Lao Wang, your grandson, don’t forget how we made our fortune.

For serious business, we only do it domestically. When you go abroad, don’t people say it’s the jungle of the jungle?

Having said that, is it a bit hypocritical for us to be polite?

There's a reason why I won't let you go back.

This cold winter is not only a problem for the domestic market, but also a problem for foreign markets.

It's not like you haven't been to the island before. Du Jiaoyang and the others have already started to take action.

It has only been a few years, and the money I originally invested has already been lost in the stock market and real estate market.

The principal was tens of billions, and now it is worth tens of billions. In the process of letting go, I can still cash out and wallow at the same time.

According to Du Jiaoyang, as long as there are enough funds for gambling, tens of billions can turn into hundreds of billions.

Any market, let alone hundreds of billions, will have problems without tens of billions of funds.

The market on the island collapsed in the past two years.

Their living money will be tied up in fixed assets such as houses, and factories and the stock market will have no living money to save the market.

Du Jiaoyang and the others were making money while smashing the market, and a group of hungry wolves on Wall Street were already sharpening their knives.

This sword strike after strike after strike is all planned and strategized, and will definitely succeed.

All that needs to be done on the island is to lead and kill them.

It's just the hungry wolves of Wall Street. Without Du Jiaoyang's involvement, this matter can still be alleviated.

But Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian were involved, so the only thing left was to kill them quickly.

The Americans may still be thinking that the island is their home field and they are their fathers.

Don't you know that the money on the island is also a poison to the old Americans? As the old saying goes, drinking poison to quench thirst is almost like this.

After Du Jiaoyang made money on the island and returned to the United States, there will be a new impact. This chain of events is so complex that it is difficult to explain, let alone deal with it.

If there is a shit stirrer in the game, all the people who end up will not be clean. If we don't make them covered in shit, won't we suffer a loss?
Your grandson, just treat him as a normal person and just eat, drink and have fun here.

If your grandson goes back, things will be complicated.

There are some words from Lao Wang that cannot be argued with reason, and can only be coerced by others.

When someone sings a high note, Lao Wang has to bow his head obediently.

If you don't go back and Lao Wang says, "Look for my son," will they be able to find him?
When you go back, Lao Wang will be the one being roasted on the fire.

If you don't go back, those people who made the fire will have to stare blankly at the fire they lit in a daze.

This time, Lao Wang's side is seizing the initiative.

If you go back honestly, Lao Wang can only admit defeat honestly.

Your industry is quite large, so you just want to hand it over to others?

Things here are in chaos! "

For many things, as Li Shengli and Anton said, for some people, the outcome is already determined.

The involvement of Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian will also complicate many things.

As a result, the old American plan has been half-empty. If not, the U.S. dollar will have to plummet across the board like the ruble.

In this way, Niu Bijian became a wealthy man in Southern California, and the Americans could only knock out their teeth and swallow their blood, and the only losers were the plutocrats.

The reshuffling of the financial situation is also a reshuffling of political and business relations. If this move is not made well, the unlucky ones are also the United States, the island, Europe, the United States and Maozi.

It has nothing to do with the country.

If things go well, Niu Bijian can become a native of the United States and one of the old money on both sides.

If Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian have problems in the future, it will be an internal problem within the United States.

It would be great if the chaos could spread to Western Europe. Just when Niu Bijian was establishing a foothold in the United States, Du Jiaoyang could lead people to explore Africa.

Li Shengli had already played the chess piece in advance. If the move failed, it was just that Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian hid in China, and they all went through the Great Depression together to re-establish the international currency.

If this battle is fought successfully, then the combination of Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian will be unstoppable. Of course, this can only be said in the financial market.

"So cruel?

Lao Li, if you do this, don't make a group of people fight.

By the time……

It would be great if these grandsons fight!

If they don't fight, where will we get the chance? "

Thinking of the result, Wang Qianjin was a little timid, but he realized it halfway through his words.

A fight between the United States and Maozi would be best for the country.

Today's five million army is about to disperse and retreat. As long as it is a land battle, no one is afraid.

That's it.

As the old saying goes, victory arose from chaos and chestnuts from fire.

Let them fight to death outside first.

I treat illnesses and sell medicines in a serious way, and you can eat, drink and have fun in a serious way.

Go find the second sister and tell her that there is no need to make a fuss in the near future and just send the investigation report to the country in due course. "

After explaining this, Li Shengli waved to Wang Qianjin and got on his bulletproof Geese.

In the convoy behind them, the equipment has also been upgraded. The original twin heavy aircraft have been replaced by twin anti-aircraft guns, all operated by people from the secret service battalion.

In addition, there was also a battalion of troops from the Envoy to protect him along the way. This time the Envoy also accepted his favor. For many people who had fought in Cherno before, who would be in charge was a matter of life and death.

In comparison, few people who settled in Li Shengli's sanatorium died.

If you go to other places for comparison, not many will survive.

This is also the misunderstanding that Li Shengli made for medical experts from all sides.

With half-baked guidance from traditional Chinese medicine, they will only focus on Coptis Cortex Jiedu Decoction and other diarrhea drugs.

It is believed that the tonic Danggui Buxue Decoction and Wuziyanzong Pills, and the clearing and eliminating Liuwei Dihuang Pills can only restore the patient's vitality in the same way as Buzhong Yiqi Decoction.

Li Shengli did not perform pulse diagnosis, but only performed inspection, which was also one of the traps.

According to Anton, many Chinese doctors on the island, South Korea, and North Korea were lost in other camps because of this.

If he could master radiation sickness, Li Shengli would have mastered it long ago.

It doesn't matter if you have one or two moderate illnesses, but it doesn't matter if you have tens of thousands of severe cases, or even patients with deep radiation sickness. The more you get them, the faster they will die, and the deeper they will fall into misunderstandings.

As long as there is a handle on this type of radiation sickness, most Chinese medicine practitioners will think that it is necessary to relieve the evil heat.

But all the patients who can enter the nursing home have direct contact with Cherno.

If the damage in the body is not repaired and heat is released directly, most people will die from the effects of drugs and radiation.

How to replenish and leak is a very simple principle in medical books, but it is also the highest threshold.

There were many people on Li Shengli's side, and those who were waiting for his diagnosis and treatment started with a dose of Danggui Buxue Decoction and Wuzi Yanzong Pills. This was not a comforting prescription for psychological comfort, but the first step in serious diagnosis and treatment.

Li Shengli misled Anton and other medical experts.

Anton thought that this was a psychological suggestion given the tonic prescription and verbal encouragement. This has become the consensus of all medical experts. The threshold for tonic and laxatives is as high as the sky for those half-hearted people... …

(End of this chapter)

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