The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 902 Becoming Famous Outside the Territory (Part )

Chapter 902 Becoming Famous Outside the Territory (Part )

After hearing what Elder Yue had done, Li Shengli smiled helplessly and said:

"Mr. Yue, the symptoms of the patients inside are so bad that it is unimaginable.

Just gypsum alone is enough. Whether or not Anemarrhena is used, it will not have much effect.

You said that the source of Jinqi is weak, but that's still an optimistic estimate.

I estimate that the symptoms are caused by the destruction of the source of fluid energy.

Gypsum dispels heat and ginseng relieves life, which is the correct solution.

I went around upstairs and downstairs, and everyone had radiation burns on their bodies.

Even if our medicine is used, most people in the building will not be able to survive for a month.

To put it bluntly, these were the people who had direct contact with the reactor core and could not be saved at all.

What they want to see is our medicine formula. If I only use one dose of gypsum to make a soup, plus a dose of Dushen Decoction, we will not be able to show off our abilities.

Everyone in this hospital, whether sick or not, does not regard themselves as human beings. If they die, they will die.

But the people we brought here are all the backbone of the medical community. They don’t know the dangers of radiation, nor the dangers of the human heart.

Therefore, they must not be allowed to contact outsiders alone, because they will really die..."

After hearing what Li Shengli said about the evil radiation and the evil people's hearts, Mr. Yue understood everything.

After walking out of the tandoor array, Mr. Yue continued what Mr. Lu had said, and continued to point out more than a dozen juniors in the medical field who did not know the sinister human heart.

Fortunately, Xiao Deng was not asked to lead the team abroad at that time. Otherwise, whether people can come well and return well are two different things.

After being taught by Mr. Lu and Mr. Yue in turn, a group of famous doctors from the traditional Chinese medicine hospital came to know the power of Li Shengli.

In fact, it's not like they don't know Li Shengli's name. Many of their teachers are staying on the mountain!
The profession of traditional Chinese medicine is all about family tradition and sect. It is not impossible to be a bachelor, but it requires extraordinary talent.

These people only knew that Li Shengli was known as the medical overlord before, but did not know about his domineering methods.

I originally wanted to show off my skills abroad, but before I could open my mouth, I was slapped down by Li Shengli.

After being taught a lesson by Mr. Lu, Mr. Yue reminded him of the sinister aspects of people's hearts.

One by one, the famous doctors on the front line turned into obedient babies, standing obediently outside the array of clay ovens with hands hanging down.

Two hours later, the clay stoves in the courtyard were extinguished and the decoction was allowed to cool before being given to the patients.

Li Shengli was not in a hurry to arrange the medicine for the medical staff. Now he was on someone else's territory. No matter how cold he was, he could do it, but he just couldn't get on top of it.

Traditional Chinese medicine treats superficial symptoms, and the effect of the medicine after taking the medicine also depends on superficial symptoms. Western medicine also treats superficial symptoms, but it is not as complicated as traditional Chinese medicine.

The simplest way is to take your temperature and ask questions verbally.

In the evening, the feedback on the efficacy of the medicine came, and it was undoubtedly easy to use.

Just how useful it is, even Li Shengli doesn't know.

If he encounters such a patient in China, and there are no special circumstances, he will not use White Tiger Ginseng Decoction to kill him, he will just use Baihu Decoction plus Corydalis Corydalis Decoction to make the person die more comfortably.

With this level of radiation injury, surviving for even one more day would be like hell.

Treatment can prolong the survival period, but the extension is completely disproportionate to the pain the patient suffers.

In this situation now, instead of treating them, it is really better to let those heroes go back early, because what is left has no pride or warmth, only hellish torture...

When it got dark, Anton, who had obtained the preliminary results, walked up to Li Shengli and said in slightly broken Mandarin:

"I am Anton, the temporary person in charge.

Professor Li, can our people participate in the next medication? "

After dark, there are not many places with lights on in the hospital. Most of the patients in the ward have high temperatures. The dark night without lights can make people feel cooler.

For Li Shengli, this dark night could not make Anton sober when he spoke.

"We came here on an An-124, with a load capacity of tons, and we also want it.

Your white swan can fly farther than our Hongliu.

When Hongliu decides to leave and never come back, I don’t know whether the white swan will break its wings.

But I know that our medicine can allow us warriors to move forward and fight for a longer period of time without any return.

Anton, we have an old saying, a teacher who never forgets the past will do the future.

There is an old saying in the West that there is no free lunch in the world.

What do you think it costs for your people to participate in diagnosis and treatment?
We came here to show our last act of brotherhood, so please don’t make things difficult for me..."

Listening to the cold voice in the night, Anton felt chills in his heart.

As Li Shengli said, he agreed to the medical experts' request not for the present, but for one day in the future.

The chief expert on the opposite side obviously has a clear understanding of his medicine.

When it comes to nuclear weapons, even a small part is top secret.

Li Shengli said that this was a last act of brotherly love, and Anton could still clearly feel it.

"thank you all.

Please forgive me for my unkindness. "

After nodding politely, Anton wanted to turn around and leave, but Li Shengli said:
"Anton, this is the last friendship. I hope there won't be any unpleasantness between us.

It would be best for those people who came from the United States to separate from us. "

After listening to Li Shengli's suggestion, Anton turned around and nodded seriously before quickly walking into the hospital.

For Li Shengli, this is not a place where he and Du Jiaoyang can have a romantic relationship. Everyone has their own tasks.

He pretended to be cool at the airport camp to attract attention, and Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian's people had the opportunity to do something.

Today's Minsk is also where high-level officials from the north gather.

A Cherno event can make many people realize the reality.

In the next few days, Li Shengli continued the medication from the first day, and also proposed several natural medicinal materials needed for Angong Niuhuang Pills, which are no longer used in China.

The types of medicinal materials are clearly marked on the box of Angong Niuhuang Pills, and alternative medicinal materials such as Jiere Pills are also clearly marked.

Anton asked for Angong Niuhuang Pills and Antipyretic Pills, and Li Shengli also gave them to him. However, he only gave twenty Angong Niuhuang Pills.

However, I was given several boxes of antipyretic pills.

As for the mixed medicinal residues and even the medicinal materials used, Li Shengli also asked Anton to take some of them for testing.

Li Shengli knew very well that in the next ten days, they would not only have to wait for the patients in the hospital to die one by one, but also wait for the doctors and nurses in the hospital to get sick one by one.

Cherno's work had to be done, and the same was true for clinical trials in hospitals.

Even though Li Shengli had said in advance that he wanted medical staff to perform treatment together, Anton still refused with a sad face.

Li Shengli said that the main groups in need of treatment are moderate and severe cases, and Anton, the temporary person in charge, has the same purpose.

They also want to see with their own eyes the effects of treatment after moderate to severe disease.

For Li Shengli and Anton, the hospital is just a testing ground. For patients and medical staff in the hospital, it is a real process from birth to death.

After Li Shengli made the request, as he thought, Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian's people were also arranged to stay in a hotel in Minsk.

As far as Minsk is concerned, Li Shengli is the chief expert in treating radiation sickness, while Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian are just private drug dealers from the United States, and their status is not the same.

During the treatment process, Anton also asked Li Shengli if there were any Chinese medicinal materials to protect against radiation.

In response, Li Shengli could only shrug his shoulders as the Romans do, saying there was nothing he could do to help.

Even dozens of kilograms of lead-covered protective clothing can't do the job, so it's hard to expect that a bowl or several bowls of soup can do the job, right?

After Anton asked the question, Li Shengli also gave him a clearer explanation.

That is, traditional Chinese medicine can only prolong the survival period of patients with radiation sickness, but cannot reverse the body tissues damaged by radiation.

In a word, those who cannot be saved are destined to be unable to be saved.

Another saying is that those who can survive will survive for a while without needing rescue.

Li Shengli clearly pointed out the range within which the loss could be stopped, but Anton remained unmoved.

For many things, results are important, and results that can be compared are even more important.

When trucks carrying lead boxes began to come in and out of the hospital frequently at night, Anton made the next step. The hospital's medical staff had begun to show symptoms frequently.

Since coming to the hospital, Li Shengli will only enter the hospital when he is inspecting patients. At other times, no matter the wind or rain, he will stand in the courtyard of the hospital with his team.

Anton knew what Li Shengli was worried about. Several buses lined with lead sheets became the foothold of the medical team in the hospital.

This is not the time to talk about sharing joys and sorrows and the kindness of doctors.

If they actually come into contact with patients with deep radiation sickness in the hospital, it's hard to say whether the medical team led by Li Shengli can survive half a year.

Because they don't know what facilities are inside or have been exposed to.

Maybe Anton is the only person in the whole hospital who can explain the patient's origin.

Half a month later, Minsk also organized tours for the people in the camp.

The people below are controlled by outsiders and security personnel, except for a dozen old Chinese medicine doctors and necessary auxiliary students.

Li Shengli was also reasonable and allowed the people in Minsk to take the students around. This was an eye-opening process for them.

"Sheng Li, he has blood in his stool after taking medicine, this disease is terminal!

How to cure this?
They are still iron-blooded! "

After giving the medical staff Coptis detoxification decoction and Dahuang decoction that would reverse the main medicine, Mr. Yue was very dissatisfied with the symptoms caused by the translator.

The release of heat and blood indicates that the patients in the hospital have damaged their intestines and are beyond saving.

"Mr. Yue, just take the medicine with peace of mind.

What they want is not the patient's life, but the experience left by the patient.

This is also a rare experience for us.

You don't have to worry about diagnosis and treatment, just record the medical records.

Your benevolence as a doctor cannot be broken here. I will take charge of the diagnosis and treatment.

You just take the dozen or so people on the front line to record the medical records and teach them along the way.

This level is far worse than Lao Deng..."

There is danger here in Cherno. The famous front-line doctors from the traditional Chinese medicine hospital who came with him may not know it, but their hospital knows it very well.

So all those who came were those in their forties or early fifties, wandering among doctors and famous doctors.

This problem lies not only with inheritance, but also with Li Shengli.

If during the storm, these people could go to the mountains to further their studies, they would no longer be famous doctors. At least they would be somewhere between famous doctors and medical experts.

But there are not so many ifs in the world. Back then, these people had a good life and could continue to stay on the front line. Now it seems that they may not have a good life.

One month after landing, the hospital in front of Li Shengli slowly became empty, and the results Anton wanted came out.

The original doctors and nurses became patients, and the new doctors and nurses had much better luck than the current group of patients.

As long as you protect yourself well, you will still be injured by radiation, but at least you won't die within a few years.

Nowadays, there are not many patients left in the hospital, and Li Shengli does not need to check for pulse.

If you look at the color photos and look at the tongue, eyelids, and complexion, you will know that their lifespan is only ten years at most.

It seems that most of the first batch of patients in the hospital are soldiers who have been exposed to graphite shells.

Anton's side came out with the comparison results, and a new group of people came from the country, as well as a group of people from the outside.

As is the case with many things, results matter.

"Li Shengli, you are really good!

You dare not see my superior's superior. This is unorganized and undisciplined! "

Listening to the harsh words of Wang Yu, the second sister of the Wang family in front of him, Li Shengli did not answer her questions.

But after scanning it, she was obviously wearing a high-definition small open collar.

Wang Yu's outfit is similar to Ding Lan's clothes, including the leather shoes on her feet, which are high-end clothing that imitates domestic styles.

"Second sister, this dress is nice, it makes you calm and capable.

They all say that one is full of poetry and calligraphy, but I think it is similar if one has money in one's pocket.

Second sister, you are here. Since I have some ability to treat diseases, I naturally want to take advantage of my own family.

The stage for big names is in Moscow, and our stage is in Minsk.

If I go to meet someone, second sister, your chance will be gone, right?
Just make up any excuse and excuse it.

I am the chief expert after all. Without me, none of them would be able to do anything.

If you have a weird temper, your superior's superior will probably not have any objections.

Furthermore, I have an ex-father-in-law, Lao Du, and my current father-in-law, Lao Ding. They can’t do anything to me, right?
If there is any problem, I only recognize Wang Yu, the second sister of the Wang family.

Although Minsk is not a stage for big shots.

But related to 'nuclear', we have produced results again.

European and American countries will inevitably come one after another, so things on Maozi's side will be relieved.

Second sister, if you become my spokesperson here, you will definitely become famous overseas in a short time.

In fact, you don't need to ask, I also know what your superior's superior wants to say, it is just to let me carry forward my style.

When you go back, make it clear that the things of traditional Chinese medicine are extremely precious and will not be replaced without a white swan!
What are you thinking of?
Bet on my results?
If you want prescriptions and methods, it's simple. In the domestic correspondence school's account, first give me 10 billion, and I will give you the prescription. Then give me 10 billion, and I will give you the method.

No money, why do you want to play high-profile..."

(End of this chapter)

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