The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 903 Becoming Famous Outside the Territory (Part )

Chapter 903 Becoming Famous Outside the Territory (Part )

Listening to Li Shengli's insightful thoughts, Wang Yu sighed helplessly.

The story is roughly the same as what he said, except that none of the Chinese doctors in China know how to treat radiation sickness.

The previous results were not comparable to the current results. Before coming, Wang Yu's department also went south to find Pu Lao, the master of traditional Chinese medicine.

After hearing their purpose, Mr. Pu hesitated and said nothing. At that time, he thought it was because Mr. Pu was old.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all. The traditional Chinese medicine side is quite clear.

The previous research by the Radiation Institute of the Medical Academy was continued based on the diagnosis and treatment plan of Li Shengli, Pu Lao, and Yue Lao.

It's just that most of the people at the Medical College are Western doctors, although they have said some results.

But according to the medication plan reported here, the research there directly stalled.

To put it bluntly, I still can’t master Chinese medicine!

"You, you have to find a better reason for refusing!
As the saying goes, hit someone without slapping someone in the face, and expose someone without exposing their shortcomings.

How can you get people off the stage when you talk like this?

It is also a principle that domestic disputes cannot be extended abroad.

Okay, let me find a reason for you.

You, like Wang Qianjin, are not easy-going people.

You are stuck here, but he is in full swing at home, causing smoke and dust everywhere.

But he is the same as you. Anyone who tries to steal food from his bowl will immediately turn his back on you.

As a result, many elders who came to him for alms went back in disgrace.

The way you two offended people, I'm afraid many people will be jealous..."

Listening to Wang Yu's thoughts, Li Shengli sneered and said:
“At home and abroad, now is the time to go shopping based on your ability.

Those who have the ability will make great progress, while those who have no ability will eat the scraps.

Why should our achievements be used to help others?

Second Sister Chengquan, you will not turn around and harm me.

If we help others, they may not turn around and harm us.

The old guys at home, to us, are this guarantee of fairness.

If you want to take advantage of us and don't say good things about us, just go ahead and have your fucking dreams.

Second sister, from now on, all the pressure will be on you.

I'm here in the camp and I'm just saying, "I'm aloof!"
The attitude is arrogant and the attitude is cold. You say yours and I will do mine. You want to take advantage of me. The person in charge here, Anton, and I directly want An-124 and White Swan.

Take my conditions back and talk about them, and don't make any mistakes.

I'll quote you a sky-high price and you'll land in the septic tank.

If the deal fails, don't rely on me..."

Wang Yu's face became serious when he heard Li Shengli's bid.

Not to mention that the higher-ups really have ideas in this regard, but the targets are not An-124 and White Swan.

As for what it is, Wang Yu can't tell Li Shengli, it's a secret!

"You're asking for a lot of money, so why don't you just pay me back on the spot?

When it comes to doing business, no one in the country can compare to you and your wife.

Tell me your base price..."

When Wang Yu wanted to ask about the lowest price, Li Shengli glanced at her and said:

“Anton, I’m afraid he’s a KGB officer from Moscow.

I asked him, when our H-6 plan is gone forever, will the white swan break its wings?

I also said that my potion would allow warriors who were prepared to never come back to charge for a longer period of time.

Wang Yu, medicines for treating radiation sickness, even medicines that can only prolong the survival period for a short period of time, are strategic medicines in a war.

You must be clear about this.

Although, none of us want to see the day when we use this medicine.

But there are countless big bombs and minor surgeries in the world. Who can guarantee that that day will not happen?

Do you think I was joking when I told you about a hundred White Swans?

Asking your ministry to invest 20 billion is no joke.

The An-124 and White Swan were simply priced.

Just wait and see, if I offer 20 billion dollars or pounds, there may be counter-offers.

The craftsmanship of traditional Chinese medicine is also mysterious even when it should be mysterious!
I just gave them prescriptions and medicinal materials, and asked them to learn how to prepare the medicine from me.

The herbs I put into the casserole can help people with ulcers all over their bodies live for half a month longer.

But they followed my example and put the medicinal materials into the pot. Not to mention the patient with ulcers all over the body, even the patient with moderate to severe disease drank it. If not, it might be the result of the person kicking his legs after taking the medicine.

The traditional Chinese medicine theory that the hanging pot can help the world is not nonsense, it is mysterious! "

With a few words, he blocked Wang Yu's tribe's methods.

Some people always like to try, but in some areas, it is not the place to try.

Warning, Li Shengli gave it to him. If he caused trouble, it belongs to whoever belongs to him. He would not help others clean up the mess!
"You've gone too far!

It is done, I will definitely bring your words to you as they are.

But Mr. Yue and Mr. Lu need to come with me. "

Listening to Wang Yu's twists and turns behind him, Li Shengli smiled casually and said nothing.

After arriving at the place, Li Shengli not only guarded against the people from the north, but also guarded against uninvited people like Wang Yu behind him.

Looking at many things is one thing, but doing them is another.

If you don't take his words seriously, you will go back home.

Wang Yu came here, and Mr. Yue and Mr. Lu went out for a trip. After they came back, everything was as usual.

It’s just that the outside person in charge of the medical team was replaced by Wang Yu.

After Li Shengli waited for a few days, their transition began.

After Anton obtained Li Shengli's consent, they set their foothold at an airport near Ofuru.

By this time, the rescue work in Cherno was nearing completion, and it was clearly determined that the accident was caused by improper operation.

There is no large-scale danger, and whether it is Ofuru or Pripya, it does not matter to Li Shengli and others.

As long as you don't go to the core area of ​​Cherno, there won't be much of a problem.

The medication this time was much more secretive than in the hospital. Anton provided the patient's general information, and Li Shengli was responsible for leading people to prepare the medicine.

Afterwards, people from Anton would take away the soup in thermos cups.

In fact, there is no way to keep this secret, it is just a false story on the surface.

After taking medicine for a month in Ofru, Li Shengli and the others moved again to a naval camp near Ochaki on the Black Sea.

The target group of this diagnosis and treatment is the target group mentioned by Li Shengli. Anton was still the temporary person in charge, and the rhino horns, bezoar, and bear bile that Li Shengli wanted were also delivered to the camp.

For these raw materials, Li Shengli's method of processing them is simple. Most of them are sent back to China to make Angong Niuhuang Pills, and a small part is mixed with antipyretic pills to make medicine.

The way the fees are paid here is also quite rough. Two An-22s go over and one comes back, and the rest of the auxiliary materials and processing fees are also accounted for.

As the patient's condition progressed, Li Shengli added wild ginseng and deer products as mentioned before.

The time point is also suitable, it is the time for hunting in the autumn season.

When we arrived at Ochaki, Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, who had stayed in Minsk for a while and returned, appeared again.

Then came a large amount of American ginseng from Du Jiaoyang, and Korean ginseng from North Korea also arrived in Ochaki soon after.

As mentioned, although the list of medicinal materials prescribed by Li Shengli was not small, he really tried his best when using the medicine.

On Wang Yu's side, as Li Shengli said, after arriving in Ochaki, he came into contact with more and more people.

Just like what Li Shengli said, someone has now set a price for the prescription and treatment.

Although the price tag is either tens of billions, it is roughly the same, and it is nothing more than a full set of technologies for a large transport aircraft or a passenger aircraft.

In this regard, Wang Yu also followed Li Shengli's arrangement and put on a cold face and handled it in a very simple way.

According to what Li Shengli said, no matter what price the other party offers, the deal cannot be negotiated without a hundred White Swans in front of him.

White Swan did not have a hundred aircraft from beginning to end, so this deal had only one outcome after many negotiations, that is, the negotiation failed.

If the sale is negotiated, it may not be beneficial to Wang Yu; but if the sale is not negotiated, and she rejects international buyers one after another, it will definitely be of great benefit after returning.

The more buyers there are like flies, the greater the benefit to Wang Yu. Of course, there is no need for traditional Chinese medicine to be famous nowadays.

Hormone treatment methods were already a complete failure when Ofuru was there.

Just like during the Hong Kong flu epidemic, Li Shengli used a dose of plaster, which overwhelmed medical experts from all over the world and couldn't hold their heads up.

Anton must have tried the plaster method.

This is very simple, you can see it from Anton's somewhat angry expression.

Again, in this day and age, people in China can't act realistically, and even top agents like Anton can't act realistically in the face of huge losses.

The white tiger medicine of traditional Chinese medicine is not that easy to use. If it is not used properly, it will be a killing medicine.

In Ochaki on the Black Sea coast, Li Shengli also showed his professionalism as a doctor. No matter how many patients Anton brought, he could handle them all.

During this period, the remaining organizational ability of the North was also eye-catching.

Not to mention anything else, the symptoms of the patients in each ward are roughly the same, and they have worked hard, which also saved Li Shengli a lot of trouble.

When the winter snow first fell, Li Shengli also put on the bear fur coat given by Anton. However, the temperature near the Black Sea was suitable, so the bear fur coat was not easy to wear.

"Sheng Li, when it's time to let go, you still have to let go. You can't stay here forever, can you?"

Sitting on the beach in winter, Wang Yu, who was much more cheerful than before, looked at Li Shengli, who was wearing a bearskin coat and a black woolen tunic suit underneath, and tried to persuade him with gentle words.

Li Shengli is definitely an extremely difficult opponent for intelligence personnel from various countries.

Whether it's Anton outside or our own people in the sanatorium, they are still catching spies to this day.

The place where the medicine was boiled has now been built into a huge workshop. According to Anton, it was because he was afraid of taking pictures at high altitudes.

Even though various countries lost hundreds of people one after another, Li Shengli's recipes and methods were still not leaked.

According to Li Shengli's method, it is not useless, but for moderate to severe radiation sickness, Angong Niuhuang Pills can be used to alleviate it.

When it comes time to renew his life, even if he follows Li Shengli's instructions, he will soon die.

Anton had confessed this in front of the two of them, but Anton's confession only received a sneer from Li Shengli.

If Chinese medicine really knows how to understand it, it will not encounter inheritance problems.

Even Mr. Yue was confused by Li Shengli's method, let alone others.

It is very, very difficult for traditional Chinese medicine to simplify medication use!
But if you want to make a generous recipe with more than a dozen or dozens of flavors, it’s very simple.

When it comes to compound medication, Mr. Yue is not as ruthless as Li Shengli. Therefore, this great doctor has to scratch his head when faced with the messy medication.

There are dozens of flavors in the recipe, and to put it bluntly, it is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Don't talk nonsense that is generous and useful. Many things can be understood by looking at the classic prescriptions and prescriptions. Those are prescriptions that have been passed down for at least a thousand years.

Thirteen should not touch, eighteen should be killed, maybe a little biased, but it's pretty much the same.

The relationship between medicinal properties is like a math problem. Adding one more ingredient is not as simple as one plus one.

There are dozens of flavors in a large recipe. Even if the gods come, they may not be able to figure out what the emperor and his ministers are doing.

"Second sister, don't you care about the domestic situation?

When the people advance, the government retreats. Have you counted how many government-owned factories have closed down this year?

Du Jiaoyang and I’s investment is the biggest target in China.

What do you think, should I stay at the Black Sea and enjoy the sea breeze?

Is it better to go back and blow the cold wind of Sijiu City naked?

Here, top spies from all over the world cannot get in.

When I go back, I'm afraid there will always be someone who wants to take my skin off, right?

Isn’t there an old saying that you won’t become a Buddha until hell is empty?
Send a telegram to Wang Qianjin and ask him to come over and learn how to build an airport.

Anton will arrange it, it will go smoothly..."

After listening to Li Shengli's grandson's analysis of the situation, Wang Yu also unbuttoned his mink coat.

Or maybe it is said that the husband and wife are so rich that they can rival the country, but this grandson is born in the eel zodiac and will not hold back.

"Grandson, you have such a dark heart.

When you woke me up back then, I knew you were not a good person.

I never thought you were so bad that pus would ooze from the soles of your feet.

Others are waiting to see your jokes, but you are waiting to see their jokes.

If you come out for international aid, if they stab you in the back, let alone a knife, they will cause an uproar here.

Your grandson hid this and that, but in the end it was such a desperate plan.

I'm afraid that when your grandson comes out, this disaster will be over, right?
You come out first. When the weather is bad, Wang Qianjin comes out later.

The two big heads of you have come out, and the remaining ones are either moving or not.

Does your grandson still waver when someone wants to stab you?

If you keep this in mind, anyone who touches your property will jump into a pit of fire, and they won't be able to get out.

What a loss to you..."

By connecting the events before and after, Wang Yu can understand why Li Shengli only shouted sky-high prices and stopped doing business.

The sale of one hundred White Swans, or the sale of domestic aircraft technology, is not something ordinary people can participate in.

Li Shengli opened his mouth to talk about a hundred wars and tens of billions. He was digging a trap for those who were hostile to him, a trap that was bottomless and that anyone could fill in.

Once Li Shengli's domestic property is touched, no matter who touches it, he will die, but if it is touched, his career will be cut off immediately, and this will definitely be the result.

The reason is very simple. You can't even see clearly the distance between inside and outside. Everything is a waste of food...

(End of this chapter)

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