The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 901 Becoming Famous Outside the Territory (Part )

Chapter 901 Becoming Famous Outside the Territory (Part )

When it comes to business, Li Shengli naturally doesn't need to lower his voice.

Many times, he looks at problems based on the distinction of interests.

Regardless of whether this is sincerity or not, the vigilance one should have cannot be easily let go.

After Li Shengli's words were relayed by the translator, people from the north began to explain eagerly.

Li Shengli didn't care what he said. He waited until the other side brought a Geiger counter and confirmed it was correct by the technicians accompanying the team.

The technicians accompanying the team entered the hospital together with the technicians from the north.

"Professor Li, the index is slightly over the standard.

Proper protection has also been implemented outside the hospital wards. "

The technicians who came with the medical team were also army technicians urgently transferred from the northwest.

The conduct of the KGB in the north was clear to both my family and the Americans, and this agreement could be easily reached.

When he arrived outside the ward door, Li Shengli didn't let the people on the other side guide him. He took the first step and stood at the observation entrance.

This hospital will soon become a place of death, and medical personnel who can really treat radiation injuries are not allowed to stay here.

However, several key points involved in Li Shengli's words have been verified before.

The few people who knew Mr. Yue were not the ones who made the decision, but the one who wore casual clothes and had a stern face, who was called An Shi.

You must have statistics here. Even with chemotherapy, it is difficult for the wounded in the hospital to survive more than half a month.

The personnel were all seriously wounded who had been temporarily transferred from Pripya.

For patients in the hospital bed, we have two treatment methods, one is analgesia, and the other is to extend their lives.

Back at the camp, the medicines unloaded from the transport plane were also in the process of being put into storage.

Li Shengli was so clear about the progression of radiation sickness that there was no need to visit the ward above.

People on the outside and technical lines, regardless of their position, must obey Mr. Lu's arrangements.

After hearing the technician's reply, Li Shengli nodded and signaled the other party's personnel to enter the hospital first.

Because the relationship with them had just eased, and the purpose of this was rescue, Mr. Lu was the highest-ranking official.

There is no consensus on this rescue.

The military hospital in Minsk, as Li Shengli said, is a temporary testing ground.

Exposure to these high-radiation patients is just like going to Cherno, and as Li Shengli said, these medical staff will also become heroes in the near future.

In the eyes of people in the north, Li Shengli gave the treatment plan after just a few glances, which was obviously imprudent.

Judging from the burns on their bodies, it would be difficult for them to survive more than half a month.

Mr. Yue is in command, but his position is empty; Mr. Lu, the deputy commander, is also in command.

Before coming, both members of the medical team and the escorts had received strict orders not to chat or chat except for daily needs.

The fact that the country has mastered radiation sickness to this extent is also a result that Anton never expected.

The results have already been obtained before the experiment has started. Just as Li Shengli said, soon the doctors and nurses in the ward will be lying on the hospital bed like the wounded in the room.

If the second treatment method is used, then they will be the test subjects of traditional Chinese medicine.

Our medicines can keep them in stock for more than a month or even longer, but this extension of life only prolongs the pain for the patients.

Li Shengli's expectation was correct. This powerful person named Anton should have the final say, and he should be a member of the KGB.

In the camp, Li Shengli is the only one who can coordinate with the American side, so he, the temporary chief expert, is the real leader.

The hospital was eerily quiet, except for the echo of everyone's footsteps, there was no other sound.

Get on the bus and return to the temporary military camp.

Seeing that Li Shengli was a little too cautious, Mr. Lu wanted to say something, but thinking of the explanation before coming, Mr. Lu still kept these words in his stomach.

I hope that before using the second article, I can explain the situation to the heroes and let them make their own choices..."

Outside of the masks worn by medical staff, the abnormal red color is what Chinese medicine calls appearance.

After a short discussion, Anton gave Li Shengli a complicated look and finally nodded.

The test after landing in Minsk is the key to whether the opinions here can be reached.

Li Shengli's prediction was very accurate for Anton. According to previous experience, these people in the ward on the first floor could only survive for a few days at most, and they would not live for more than a month.

The medical staff inside are the ones we should treat. After being exposed for a long time, they also suffered serious radiation injuries.

First, we can let them leave with their final dignity.

Li Shengli's professorial title was also given temporarily by the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine after negotiations with the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine before he came here.

Excluding the time wasted before, these people still have half a month to live at most.

Li Shengli showed his ability here. After Anton explained a few words very quickly, he had someone lead the group of people out of the hospital.

After carefully scanning the doctors, nurses and patients in the room, he said with a heavy voice:
“These are patients with deep radiation injuries and there is no need for treatment.

The first ward is on the first floor. The door of the ward is covered with gray lead, leaving only a piece of glass as an observation port.

This military camp belongs to the Air Force, and there are ready-made hangars everywhere, which can be regarded as convenient for the subsequent preparation of medicines.

Along with the medicinal materials, there are also large quantities of casseroles and clay ovens that come off the bus.

Li Shengli called for Du Jiaoyang, Niu Bijian, and the people in charge.

“The first one is to negotiate with the other side and provide our guards with necessary weapons.

Second, prepare enough trucks and wood for making medicine.

Article 3: Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian’s people are responsible for the outer perimeter, and the people I brought are responsible for the inner perimeter.

Article 4: Repeat the same discipline as before. Chatting in the camp is prohibited. The respective technical staff can check for the monitoring devices. Once found, the relevant outside personnel can negotiate with them.

Make it clear to them that we are a rescue team and do not accept any supervision or supervision. "

Li Shengli was acting on his behalf, and people from China were still a little uncomfortable with it, but Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian got up directly to arrange things.

The outside personnel who came from China wanted to negotiate with Li Shengli, but all they got was the back of his head.

Helpless, Mr. Lu had no choice but to explain to the outside staff himself.

After Li Shengli showed his skills in the hospital, the negotiations went smoothly.

Weapons and equipment and transport vehicles were sent over immediately. Looking at the jeep equipped with a double-mounted heavy machine, Li Shengli smiled softly, and the rescue was basically done.

Of course, it is impossible for the exploration in the north to end here. Those patients with deep radiation injuries in the hospital, regardless of whether they agree or not, still have to make the journey for subsequent rescue. After arranging the chores, Li Shengli held a meeting of the medical team behind a hangar.

First of all, Baihu Ginseng Decoction, Angong Niuhuang Pills, and Shenfu Decoction were determined as the main first aid medicines, and then everyone's tasks were assigned.

The group of students brought by Li Shengli were not here to practice their medical skills, but mainly to let them see the world.

The teaching of traditional Chinese medicine requires consideration of all aspects. Most of the students who came here this time were from rural areas.

They are somewhat unable to broaden their horizons and ideas. After taking them out to see the big scene, most of them will be able to broaden their horizons and ideas.

As long as they can let go, these people can take further steps in their medical path and become famous doctors.

The main tasks of these students are to see the world and prepare medicines.

Li Shengli arranged the casseroles and clay ovens and naturally did not forget the tools for weighing the medicinal materials, as well as the medicine grinders and pounders for processing the medicinal materials.

As for the rhino horn, bezoar, bear bile, ginseng, and tonic deer products that will be needed later.

It's not time to ask for it yet. Once Li Shengli opens his mouth, just rhinoceros horns and bezoar will make this side grit their teeth.

As for bear bile, ginseng, etc., you can just take them yourself, so there is nothing to say.

Li Shengli arranged for people to start preparations, and the guards in the camp also became familiar with the equipment.

Anton also brought a group of medical doctors into the camp generously.

Medical communication is not very smooth with Li Shengli around.

Doctors of medicine from the north want to get a glimpse of the treatment principles of traditional Chinese medicine, but Li Shengli insists that he 'looks at the efficacy without looking at the principles'.

In the end, it was Anton who made the decision. Li Shengli took Mr. Yue, Mr. Lu, as well as a dozen veteran Chinese medicine practitioners and dozens of students to the hospital where they had left not long ago.

After going upstairs and downstairs, Li Shengli also gave a detailed diagnosis and treatment plan.

The wounded who had begun to coma were treated with genuine Angong Niuhuang Pills for first aid.

The wounded who are in some critical condition can be relieved by taking Baihu Decoction and antipyretic pills which are artificial substitutes.

The wounded who were still lingering were treated with Baihu Ginseng Decoction and Yanhusuo Decoction to relieve fever and relieve pain.

Naturally, the first thing to show its effect is the genuine Angong Niuhuang Pill, which can be taken directly. After taking it, most comatose patients wake up quickly.

As for those who couldn't wake up, Li Shengli also directly issued a critical illness notice.

Most of these comatose patients suffer from multiple organ failure, which is difficult to cure and there is no cure.

As long as they can still wake up, it means that their bodies can still absorb the power of the medicine. As long as they can absorb the power of the medicine, even if they have deep radiation injuries, Chinese medicine can help them prolong their lives beyond the routine.

Looking at the gradually rising smoke outside the hospital, Li Shengli sighed heavily. He had no reservations about using the medicine, but the patients' future was already nailed down and could only be saved for a moment.

Since the doctors and nurses reported that the comatose patients woke up one by one, the medical experts who came with Anton kept talking to Anton.

Without a translator, Li Shengli probably knew what they were talking about. It was nothing more than prescriptions and principles.

Li Shengli turned a deaf ear to this.

Anton also took a complicated look at Li Shengli, who had a hawkish and tough attitude.

When he was young, Anton also saw such a young man, extremely determined and ruthless.

This time is not that time. The Hong Kong Flu eight years ago almost collapsed the armies of Eastern Europe.

The KGB subsequently conducted an investigation and found that the cold young man in black was the chief physician of the Hong Kong Flu at that time.

It's just that today's port city is no longer the intelligence center of the Far East, it can only be regarded as an intelligence center.

Whether it's the KGB, MI6, or people from the Intelligence Agency, they will disappear once they are exposed.

If you go to the country, you may just be arrested, and there is still room for negotiation, but missing in the port city is the kind of disappearance that is really missing and can never be found again.

The source of everything lies in the young man in black in front of him. Anton has also carefully looked at the decorations on Li Shengli. He is definitely the most difficult person to deal with.

Helplessly shaking his head and shrugging, he rejected the experts' request. Anton frowned as he watched Li Shengli walk out of the hospital with almost the same stride.

The chief expert of the medical team who came from afar was not only cold and cold, but also had extremely professional training.

After Li Shengli left the hospital, he was also surrounded by front-line veteran Chinese doctors who came with the team.

Before they could ask questions, Li Shengli said:
"If you want to question me, ask Mr. Yue first.

If Mr. Yue doesn't nod, whoever raises doubts will go back to the country.

If you don't listen to the advice and continue to question, Mr. Lu from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau is also here. After returning, your medical qualification will be revoked.

Without my permission, if anyone leaks the detailed medication and medical principles to outsiders, it will not be your own business.

I’m telling you this, don’t force me to shoot in the camp, this is not my country…”

The dozen or so famous doctors who came here wanted to question Li Shengli about pharmacology, but no one expected that he would be so domineering.

After being stunned for a while, a group of people looked at Mr. Lu and Mr. Yue. When they saw the two men nodding slightly, everyone felt a little creepy.

"Shengli, these are all front-line famous doctors. You can save some face for others."

After nodding, Mr. Lu caught up with Li Shengli, who was walking in the array of clay ovens, and gave a helpless reminder.

"Mr. Lu, I'm not joking with them, I have arranged for guards to keep an eye on our people!
This is not a troupe's trip. If anyone tries to trick me into switching camps, I will shoot him directly in the camp.

Here, if you go against me, no one can protect them, and the same goes for the locals. Wherever they hide, the escorts will kill them, and they will fight to the death.

After returning, the three clans in the family will also be wiped out.

This is the battle for fame of the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, the marching method!

Use charlatanism!
You have restrained them, don't make it difficult for me..."

After going abroad, Li Shengli's status as a medical overlord was fully demonstrated. After Mr. Lu was frustrated, he went to Mr. Yue with some resentment.

After the two talked in detail for a while, Mr. Lu went to restrain the famous old Chinese medicine doctor who came with the team, while Mr. Yue walked into the array of clay ovens and said:

"What are you doing?

I know you are afraid that they will take responsibility.

But you used such a powerful White Tiger Decoction, and the dosage ratio was much greater than what was recorded in the classics.

They should question it.

Gypsum combined with Anemarrhena is enough. If you add Trichosanthes, Reed Root, and Ophiopogon japonicus, it may not be able to increase the production of body fluids.

The patient's symptom translator said that Xiao Deng from the northwest had similar symptoms to the patient I treated some time ago.

After the human body is exposed to the evil heat of radiation, the source of body fluids and Qi will be weak, and it will be difficult to take medicine..."

(End of this chapter)

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