The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 900 Proving Ground (Part )

Chapter 900 Proving Ground (Part )
I was shocked to read the first letter from my junior uncle Li Shengli.

There isn't much on it, just some principles for doing things.

It's just a few strong backers in China, and then there is Li Shengli's medicinal material warehouse in Hong Kong City.

There are hundreds of tons of rhino horns, several tons of African bezoars, and dozens of kilograms of ambergris, which are more expensive in the international market.

In addition, there are a large number of overseas precious medicines, which can be regarded as the reserve medicinal materials left by Li Shengli to inherit the traditional Chinese medicine.

After reading it and taking it to heart, he burned it in front of Li Shengli and Yue Lao, and then Lao Deng read the second letter.

After reading it, Lao Deng asked with a dejected expression:
"Uncle Li, is this your last request?"

As soon as he said this, Li Shengli's face turned gloomy, and Mr. Yue was also furious.

"Old man, this is just in case.

Why don't you just wink when you say something? How old am I?
Stay and go, according to what Mr. Yue said, if you don’t understand the tricks of the world when you go back to the mountain to go to school this time, don’t go down the mountain either.

"Shengli, you come to the clinic, but you want to go north with me?

The two sides cooperated, gathering ginseng, hunting bears, hunting deer, making medicine, and brewing medicine. Over time, people from the past could easily settle down.

Hearing Li Shengli curse, Mr. Yue suppressed his anger.

The hot white tiger soup for dispelling evil spirits is enough, but if there are additional needs, ginseng soup must also have miraculous effects.

What we old guys mean is very simple. In the future of the Chinese medicine community, as long as there is victory, no matter what he says or does, whether it is right or wrong, you must support him.

Next, there will be a fire in the Northeast, which may be avoided through large-scale ginseng harvesting.

"It's the same way, this time using a white tiger and adding ginseng soup.

You're on the mountain. I'm afraid Mr. Shi and Xiao Cheng have made you swear, right?
It's the same with me.

As long as Li Shengli makes good use of the White Tiger Ginseng Soup, ginseng harvesting will inevitably spread on a large scale from the Northeast to the Far East to the Northeast in the past two years.

In addition, there are many wild deer in the north, so you should consider using some deer antler glue, deer fetus paste, and deer blood.

If it’s right, you just follow him; if it’s wrong, you have to join in the same trend.

Compared with Xiao Deng, Yue Lao and others still like Li Shengli more. The reason is simple. Only Li Shengli can bring the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine out of the predicament.

Li Shengli stood up and entered the small screen-door courtyard at the back. Elder Yue sighed first and then said to Old Deng:

In the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, there is no shortage of people with medical skills and theories. What is lacking is people with means like Sheng Sheng.

Li Shengli refused to leave because he wanted to reach an agreement with Mr. Yue that the treatment should be based on detoxification, heat removal and death.

This is especially true for Pulao.

Since Shi Lao died, we old guys have also met each other. Now, whether it is the famous old Chinese medicine doctor in the mountain or the descendants of us old guys.

Wild ginseng is not only found in the Northeast, but also in the Far East. After all, the environment is the same.

Through the rescue, people were allowed to enter the Far East from the Northeast to collect ginseng and hunt. It was not long since summer, so the timing was right.

In addition to ginseng in the Northeast, there is also Du Jiaoyang's American ginseng industry on the other side of the ocean.

Xiao Deng can only take care of himself.

Mr. Yue chased away guests at the door of his house, but Li Shengli didn't want to leave yet. This time he went to the north, and he wanted to take a few more people there.

"Xiao Deng, from Shi Lao, Xiao Cheng, to me and Pu Lao, we have spared no effort in supporting victory.

The prerequisite for proper operation is that White Tiger Ginseng Decoction must have miraculous effects, and the dosage of ginseng must be continuously increased and increased.

There are people in the north who can pick ginseng, but it has never become an industry.

After listening to Mr. Yue's words, Li Shengli nodded and said:

At the end of the day, if the old man can do this again, his life can be regarded as complete.

What strategy is this time, or is it Qingying Decoction plus Coptidis Coptidis Detoxification Decoction, supplemented by Danggui Buxue Decoction and Wuzi Yanzong Pills?

"The people in the north are not easy to deal with, and the old man is somewhat thin-faced.

The younger generation is incompetent, so I have to work hard for you..."

Going north this time is inherently risky. What you said is so unlucky. I don’t even want to go. "

This time Cherno has affected hundreds of thousands of people by radiation. It is logical that this side should have some inheritance rights to the last glory of the north, and that rescue and infiltration can be done at the same time.

Shengli, go and do your work, I have something else to tell Xiao Deng..."

Moreover, the treatment of radiation sickness is also protracted.

With you by my side, I don't have to worry about taking off and landing.

Should I still use Angong Niuhuang Pills for first aid?
Your method of ginseng fu decoction is too violent.

Although the market is now liberalized, Cherno's matter has nothing to do with the market. If it is done properly, the military and police may also be involved in collecting ginseng.

There is also the purpose of adding white tiger ginseng soup, rhinoceros horn, bezoar, and bear bile powder.

Mr. Yue didn't hear any clues about Li Shengli's additional prescription. He just thought it was consistent with medical theory, so he didn't say anything more about the prescription, but said:

Angong Niuhuang Pills also require additional amounts of rhino horn, bezoar, and bear bile powder.

As you said, this soup supplemented with Angong Niuhuang Pills can indeed save your life from hanging upside down, but the pulse condition is difficult to control. "

There is already a consensus that the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine can be without us, but it cannot be without a capable person like Li Shengli.

A generation of victory, a generation of his descendants.

Our common understanding is that if it can last for two generations, our traditional Chinese medicine inheritance will flourish.

Now, returning to the origin and clarifying the properties of medicine is just the beginning.

There will be a follow-up promotion of a patent medicine. Shengli told us before, but you may not know it well.

The weight of medicine is the same. There is no medicine without medicine, and there is no medicine without medicine.

There are too many things that Shengli has to do. You will take care of it from the future doctor, and Shengli will take care of it.

If he wants to refuse the diagnosis, he will refuse the diagnosis; if he wants to seal the knife, he will seal the knife.

Our methods and vision are far behind his, so we just need to follow him.

What you think is right or wrong is not the right or wrong of the great inheritance. For today's great inheritance, what Shengli thinks is right is right..."

As Yue Lao said, Lao Deng was forced to swear an oath by his teacher on the mountain.

Now that Mr. Yue is still like this, Lao Deng has truly realized the status of Li Shengli, his junior uncle, in the medical world.

What Mr. Yue said was the real last word. Thinking about the old guys’ backup plan, Lao Deng agreed.

The last time I went to the countryside and went abroad, as Li Shengli said, the people on the island had unpredictable ideas about the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

In recent years, the new theories of traditional Chinese medicine developed by several major traditional Chinese medicine doctors are not taken seriously here, but they are taken very seriously by other people on the island, and some even regard them as guidelines.

If there is anyone in China who values ​​these things, it is none other than junior uncle Li Shengli.

Each of these new theories of traditional Chinese medicine will be involved in returning to their roots. After listening to this, he also agreed with Yue Lao's entrustment. Lao Deng found Li Shengli, and the three of them agreed on the diagnosis and treatment ideas.

Li Shengli took Lao Deng to the Chinese Medicine Correspondence School again.

I originally wanted Mr. Lu and Mr. Deng to stay together and take charge, but now Mr. Lu, who has taken over the errand of the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine, has also received a notice from above and is going north.

The result was that when they arrived at the correspondence school, Old Deng was entrusted with some tasks by Old Lu.

The entrustment from Mr. Lu was not the same as that from Mr. Yue. Instead, he took Lao Deng directly to the office.

Since then, Lao Deng, as a single and important figure in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, has shouldered the burden of both the correspondence school and the traditional Chinese medicine base on the mountain.

Li Shengli, Mr. Yue and Mr. Lu were also hastily planning the medicinal materials for the trip north.

A few days later, Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian landed in the Forty-Nine Cities as representatives of the old and American people.

Du Jiaoyang returned to China for the first time, and Father Du also gave him face and actually went to the airport to pick him up.

Just as the group of European and American strong men who came down with the two people, as well as the elites sent out before, Father Du looked a little ugly.

Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian came this time, but they came in four planes. Except for these two and their entourages, the rest could be seen at a glance as serious military personnel.

This kind of people, the number of which is less than 500, makes people scratch their heads wherever they appear.

Fortunately, after searching everyone one by one, no prohibited items were found, otherwise my daughter Dujuan’s turn would most likely be regarded by others as a demonstration.

The preparation of medicinal materials in the city is also carried out simultaneously with the preparation of medicinal materials in Xin Yihe.

There are dozens of tons of gypsum and hundreds of tons of various common medicinal materials, which are the medicinal materials prepared in the city.

The situation over at Xin Yihe is similar, with 100 tons of gypsum and 100 tons of various medicinal materials.

There are almost no medicinal materials such as rhino horn, bezoar, and bear bile required for Angong Niuhuang Pills.

Wild ginseng only weighs more than ten kilograms in large and small sizes.

As for the last batch of natural medicinal Angong Niuhuang Pills produced, there are only a few seven or eight thousand pills, among which there are more than two thousand pills that Li Shengli took out, which were left over from the storm.

On the traditional Chinese medicine team, Mr. Yue is in charge, Mr. Lu is the deputy, and Li Shengli is the chief expert.

There are more than 300 young students in the mountains, correspondence schools, and Chinese herbal medicine processing plants.

In addition, there are more than a dozen famous veteran Chinese medicine doctors and dozens of front-line backbones in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals in various places.

In addition to a platoon from the special agent battalion in the security area, the security personnel also had two platoons of special agent battalion soldiers temporarily seconded from Ding Yong.

In China, the United States, and Hong Kong, the number of joint Chinese medicine teams is only 500 people, but the number of security personnel is around 1,000.

After several communications, Beibian finally agreed because he was worried about the follow-up, but he had to listen to others on how to get through.

On the day of departure, at an airport on the outskirts of the city, there was not only a dark crowd inside the venue, but also a cordon around it.

"Get ready to take pictures, here comes An-124..."

The photographer's greeting at the airport interrupted Du's thoughts. His father-in-law was here, and his daughters Du Juan and Niu Bijian were also waiting at the airport.

As the main force of the rescue, Xianxiu and his party only came to the hospital with famous old Chinese medicine doctors and front-line backbones.

Watching a brand new An-124 land, followed by two IL-76s, and finally an An-22.

According to the photographer, the north is really in a hurry. Transport aircraft like the An-124 are large aircraft that have just been equipped in the north in recent years.

According to the relationship between the two parties, he shouldn't be sent.

Looking at the hundreds and dozens of tons of gypsum stacked at the airport, Mr. Du also had a slight realization.

I'm afraid this is also part of Xian Xiu's plan.

Along with the transport plane, two passenger planes landed.

The goods at the airport were almost loaded, and Father Du finally saw his son-in-law's men and horses.

Seeing the people getting off the bus, Mr. Du's nose almost became angry.

Hundreds of people were dressed in black tunic suits, with black woolen coats slung on their arms, and one red and one gold chest.

When I walked in and took a look, the red one was "Serve the People", and the gold one was a book-shaped badge specially produced by the outside line in the wind and rain to be given away to the outside world.

Mr. Yue and Lao Lu were also dressed in the same way. After getting off the car, the team of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine lined up in a neat line, looking like a group of iron-blooded youth.

With an angry look on his face, he waved his wise son-in-law Li Shengli over. Father Du said angrily:

"Where are you going to rescue?

It’s clearly a demonstration! "

Looking at the black silk Chinese tunic suit that his son-in-law wore had obviously changed the rules and made him look more majestic, Father Du became even more angry when he thought about the subsequent questioning from others.

When people go abroad, they wear suits and leather shoes. It's good that my virtuous son-in-law is not just wearing a Chinese tunic suit and three-piece joints.

The people who brought it were also dressed in the same way, and most of them, including Chinese medicine practitioners, were young people. Although this group's momentum was good, it was still a little too self-centered.

"Dad, rescue is a very serious matter..."

Father Du couldn't refute Li Shengli's reasons now. He could only hold his nose and listen to his arrangements for the flight.

Under Xian's arrangement, all passengers on the passenger plane were security personnel, and more than 500 medical personnel all received coats. After communicating with the maintenance staff in the north, they lined up and entered the transport plane.

Seeing his well-off and virtuous son-in-law, Father Du didn't know what to say.

The starting point is not the point, the process and the result are the key points. He cannot just take off the attire of a good son-in-law.

Now that things have come to this, we can only let it go.

The destination of the transport plane and the passenger plane was Minsk, and Father Du didn't know what the outcome would be.

Improper rescue or proper rescue, which is better or worse, is also worth considering.

The north was able to respond within a few days. It was obvious that the situation at Cherno was not optimistic.

Many things are impossible to predict and can only be determined by the results.

Seeing his daughter walking into the An-124 cabin, and his son-in-law and Niu Bijian stepping onto an IL-76 respectively, Mr. Du didn't think much more, and could only wait for the result.

After taking off and landing, Mr. Yue and Mr. Lu also received good treatment from the crew. Li Shengli looked after them, and the group landed safely in Minsk.

The north side is also pragmatic. After the plane landed, a bus took Li Shengli and others, along with a dozen old Chinese doctors, to a hospital.

As Tathagata thought before coming, there are acquaintances of Mr. Yue here in the hospital. After greetings, more than twenty people will be taken into the hospital.

Mr. Yue and Mr. Lu wanted to follow them into the hospital as they pleased, but they were stopped by Li Shengli.

"Mr. Lu, please ask the translator to ask them whether the amount of radiation in the hospital exceeds the standard?

Also, what about the Geiger counter that was agreed to be provided to us? "

Not only is Cherno a testing ground, but in Li Shengli’s view, everything related to Cherno falls within the scope of the testing ground.

People here don't care, but Li Shengli cannot care about his own safety and that of the students...

(End of this chapter)

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