The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 899 Proving Ground (Part )

Chapter 899 Proving Ground (Part )
The telegram Li Shengli sent on the communication car was sent directly to Hong Kong City, with a previously set code word.

It's a small thing, but after receiving this telegram, Locke will contact Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian immediately.

Compared to Harvest Island, the north side of Corpse Licking is a time not to be missed.

Regarding the evil heat caused by radiation sickness, Li Shengli, Pu Lao, Yue Lao and others, after years of attempts, are also able to grasp it.

At this time, the simplest medicine is Angong Niuhuang Pills from the febrile disease sect.

Antipyretic and life-saving, Li Shengli had already estimated that even those patients who were severely injured by radiation and could not survive for a few days could survive for a few more days by taking Angong Niuhuang Pills and Dushen Decoction.

During this period, Li Shengli even mentioned Shenfu Decoction, a hot Yang-evoking medicine.

Radiation is an evil heat, Angong Niuhuang Pill is a great cool, and Shenfu Decoction is a great heat. These are anti-recurrent medication methods.

Some time ago, Mr. Yue took responsibility and used it on Master Deng, and the effect was very obvious.

It's just that the control of the strength when using the medicine is entirely up to the Chinese medicine practitioner.

This matter is also closely related to this side. Once the rescue there fails, an explosion occurs, and the wind direction is not good, this side will also suffer.

Tell me your reasons..."

But this man is also eighty-five this year. According to his own words, it is difficult to predict whether he will be able to land on a plane.

Hearing that Father Du asked Old Deng to go with him, Li Shengli shook his head decisively and refused:
"Dad, since Lao Deng went to the island, he can no longer go abroad.

As juniors, we should help.

The same goes for the village on the mountain. There is a company of retired personnel from the secret service battalion guarding it. You will have to worry about this as well.

When they arrived in the city, Li Shengli called Father Du as soon as possible.

I have arranged for him to have retired security guards from the special agent battalion, a group of eleven people.


What he said on the phone was clearer than what he said on the telegram. Now his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli is really an authority on the treatment of radiation sickness.

"There's not much time, only twenty minutes, and I have a meeting to hold next."

"Dad, this is the last glory of the north.

Father Du's time was limited and he didn't have time to hang around with his virtuous son-in-law, so he asked directly.

When it comes to radiation sickness, Lao Deng is not as good as his virtuous son-in-law.

The Master Wang that Li Shengli mentioned not only sent a telegram to Xian's son-in-law, but also called the office.

It’s about rescuing Cherno. What’s your opinion? "

Are Du Juan and Niu Bijian also involved in this matter? "

Taking a train would be an option, but I'm afraid I would have to take a train for more than ten days. It's hard to say whether an old man in his 80s can get on the train or not get off.

If it is not used properly, it will directly poison the patient, and it will only take the decoction to take effect.

"Dad, Master Wang from the northwest sent me a telegram last evening.

I need to trouble you to apply for their gun license.

After taking a look at the layout of the car, Father Du hurriedly called the office without asking the reason for Li Shengli's return. There must be something urgent.

Listening to the wise son-in-law's far-fetched explanation, Father Du shook his head, but nodded helplessly.

Rescue is a good thing, but too much selfishness is not a good thing.

The space and layout in the car are actually better than his car.

I’ll talk about the rest later. When I went to the rescue, I was still dedicated to serving the public. "

It would be better if it was a special train, but there is a rush there, and it is impossible to open a special train for Yue Laodan.

Due to poor road conditions, the straight-line distance of more than 300 kilometers took more than ten hours. When we entered the city, it was already past nine in the morning.

As for Lao Deng, the team member of the health care doctor, according to him, it can barely be cured, but he has never treated radiation sickness on the spot.

There are two others, one is Pu Lao who is not good at business in the south, and the other is Yue Lao who has retired from Shengli Clinic.

In terms of results, according to what Mr. Yue said, his current virtuous son-in-law, Li Shengli, is exactly the same as him and Mr. Pu.

Although he said he disapproved of it, Father Du still asked helplessly about the reason for his good son-in-law.

“In principle, I don’t agree with it.

Today, Lao Deng is the only person in China who can inherit the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine in both medical skills and theory.

Hearing his son-in-law talk about Cherno, Father Du also let out a long sigh.

The father-in-law and the father-in-law met outside the office and got into the car of the virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli. Father Du was obviously taken aback.

"You can go, but you have to ask Lao Deng to come with you, and there will also be a group of people from the health doctor to go with you."

It is said that Mr. Yue is the best candidate. This old doctor has been to the north before and performed medical missions. Many people in the north know him.

The professional testing team has already gone to the border. When the Xian-son mentioned the rescue, Father Du did not agree immediately.

After seeing the wise son-in-law nodding in approval, Father Du's face turned ugly for a while.

My good son-in-law has some bad ideas about the north. If he takes action, his plans will be big.

In the short term, or within twenty years, there will be no better successor than him.

We cannot let him encounter any risk.

If radiation patients have been exposed to deep radiation, contact with them is no different than contact with a radiation source.

I absolutely do not agree with Lao Deng taking risks..."

It's a little ridiculous to see the wise son-in-law protecting Lao Deng, who is half his age, as a junior.

Thinking that when he went to the mountain village a few months ago, Lao Dong also called him "Master Shu", Father Du asked:

"Aren't you younger than Lao Deng?

Furthermore, it would be dangerous if Lao Deng went, but wouldn’t it be dangerous if you went?

Mr. Yue also said that his ability to live a healthy life depends entirely on your ability to extend his life.

For your so-called great inheritance, I'm afraid your role is greater than that of Lao Deng, right? "

That's what Father Du said, and that's what he thought too.

To Mr. Du, Mr. Deng is just a traditional Chinese medicine doctor with only empty medical skills and theories.

But the wise son-in-law Li Shengli is different. He is not only a doctor in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, but also a strategist in the market.

All the way to this point, nothing he planned was impossible.

As far as the market is concerned, the role of the wise son-in-law Li Shengli is greater than that of Master Northwest Wang.

Without their son-in-law, their improved technology and equipment would not be available.

The former Xie family's Zou Jin also admitted that all her skills were provided by her virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli.

Hearing that going north was very risky, Mr. Du would rather his daughter Du Juan and Niu Bijian take the risk than his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli.

My daughter Du Juan is gone, as are Ding Lan from the Ding family, Xie Chan from the Xie family, and my virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli is gone, but they are really gone.

"Dad, Lao Deng is not familiar with radiation sickness. When he gets to the place, he must have a hand pulse diagnosis.

Pulse diagnosis of patients with deep radiation injuries is basically equivalent to committing suicide.

I'm different. I know what potion to use just by looking at it through the glass.

Lao Deng did not have this kind of experience, nor did he have this kind of heart.

As far as Chinese medicine is concerned, all I have is the means. The great inheritance of Chinese medicine is the same as mine, and my means do not need to be passed down by Chinese medicine. But Lao Deng’s theory is different. Traditional Chinese medicine can continue to this day because of the inheritance of theory.

Furthermore, the north is still wary of us.

Once our methods are effective, safety may not be guaranteed.

Lao Deng is just a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, and it is impossible for him to massacre cities and villages for his own survival.

I am different, I have this method.

If the people in the north dare to touch me, I will blow up Cherno.

This time, Jiao Yang and Niu Bijian will lead a team.

Fighting small-scale special warfare, the personnel coming from the southwest are not afraid of their..."

Listening to the wise son-in-law's methods, Father Du frowned.

Heart is indeed the key to choice.

As the wise son-in-law said, in order to protect himself, he would really blow up Cherno without blinking an eye.

There are also examples of this in the southwest and Java.

As for the team led by daughters Du Juan and Niu Bijian, to put it bluntly, they are the elites of the retired secret service battalion.

Father Du had also studied urban street fighting before. After all, he had to face the deep penetration technique from the north, and all personnel had to learn military theory.

The words of the wise son-in-law were eighty-nine percent credible. Thinking of the wise son-in-law's hard-hearted attitude towards others, a string in Du's heart became loose.

“The time is coming, I’ll send an application to the higher-ups.

There should be results when you get off work at night, so you want to prepare in advance. "

After saying that, Father Du got out of the car. Looking at the communication vehicle following the CMB, he sighed heavily and turned around to leave.


Xiao Ding, let the communication vehicle and the escort team return to the team, and everyone else should disperse..."

Li Shengli had also felt Father Du's wariness just now, but he didn't know if the people above him were wary, or if they were already wary, there was nothing they could do against him.

The secret message sent to Hong Kong City was also behind his back. When Locke notified Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, he would also immediately notify Xiao Feng in Southeast Asia.

Nowadays, the hundreds of thousands of people there can still be used as gaming capital.

After the convoy dispersed, Li Shengli gestured to go to the Shengli Clinic in the courtyard.

Although Mr. Yue is old, he still wants to risk his life with him this time.

When we arrived at the courtyard, Lao Deng was there, which saved him from having to make another trip.

"Lao Yue, you brought Lao Deng here because you want him to go north with you?"

After sitting down at Shengli Clinic, Li Shengli asked Mr. Yue straight to the point.


When I went there on a medical mission, the leader said this.

Although our loving father was wary of us back then, Hexcel's 156 projects helped us build an industrial system.

I still remember what the leader said. Although our traditional Chinese medicine practitioners are helpless in national affairs, we still have to assume our due responsibilities.

At my age, I'm afraid of falling off when I fly, but with Xiao Deng following me, I'm safe. "

Listening to Mr. Yue's words of gratitude, Li Shengli nodded in agreement, but he did not agree with letting Mr. Deng go north.

If Lao Deng harms others because of his excellent medical skills, killing them all will be difficult to recover.

"Lao Deng, tell me your treatment method.

Give you a patient with radiation sickness, how do you treat him? "

Without answering Lao Yue's words, Li Shengli directly threw the question to Lao Deng.

"Uncle Li, of course, after hearing and asking about it, he will prescribe the medicine.

I have already asked Mr. Yue about your treatment strategy. "

Lao Deng's answer was quite satisfactory, and Mr. Yue nodded in approval.

Li Shengli pointed at him and said:
You don’t even know the cause of radiation sickness, so you dare to start looking, hearing and asking about it?
You dare to treat diseases based on experience without knowing the pathology. What precepts do you think you have violated?
Radiation sickness comes from radiation, and radiation will remain in the human body.

Even if the radiation on the patient's body is harmful to people exposed to ordinary radiation, the human body can metabolize it.

If you come into contact with an ordinary patient suffering from radiation sickness, if you take two Wuzi Yanzong Pills and drink a dose of Danggui Buxue Decoction afterwards, you will be fine.

Maybe by peeing, this radiation will be metabolized.

But the radiation sickness patients in Cherno are different. The amount of residual radiation they have is enough to cause death.

Still within a short period of time.

This was especially true for those patients who had direct contact with the reactor, and who were exposed and found it difficult to survive for forty-eight hours.

If you come into close contact with them, you may not survive more than half a month.

There is no cure for patients with deep radiation sickness. We can only relieve their pain. Without isolation measures, they must not be exposed to them.

Patients with moderate radiation sickness are the main targets of our diagnosis and treatment.

We don’t have the ability to save lives. We can only help them to continuously remove the evil radiation heat from their bodies and prolong their survival time.

Those who have been exposed to radiation and do not survive more than half a year are, to us, patients with deep radiation sickness.

Those who can live for more than a year are considered moderately severe patients and can be saved, but in the end they cannot be saved.

As for mild cases, they can live for ten to twenty years without treatment.

This kind of international rescue should not touch the depth, and don't care about the mild ones. Just take care of the moderate and severe patients.

Mr. Yue told you that Master Deng's symptoms are different from those of the people in Cherno.

Master Deng suffered from long-term radiation injuries, not deep radiation sickness.

You can go back and find out the cause of the disease yourself.

Today, I will impose a ban on you. From now on until your death, you will not be allowed to go abroad. You should not accept patients from abroad if you can.

Can you promise me? If you can promise, you can go back to the mountains to take charge. If you can’t promise, you can go back to your Guangdong Sea..."

After telling Lao Deng about the treatment method to go north, Li Shengli looked solemn and said more decisive words.

"Xiao Deng, accept the victory, this is treating you as the inheritor of a great inheritance.

Now, you and Shengli are the only two choices.

It's just that your character is still not good enough. I'll call the mountain later. Victory is not here during this time. You have to put down your medical books and learn a lot about the quacks in the Chinese medicine world..."

Under Lao Yue's helpless reminder, Lao Deng reluctantly nodded.

Yue Lao and Li Shengli have similar ideas. Nowadays, the clarification of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine really needs a successor.

The old man on the mountain is a useless person, and the young man can no longer serve, so he can only arrest his disciple Xiao Deng to serve.

Seeing Lao Deng nod, Li Shengli took out two pieces of letterhead from his pocket and said:
“After reading the first one, write it down and burn it here.

The second one contains several contacts. If the correspondence school runs out of money in the future, just call them one by one.

What is written on the first sheet should be kept in mind. In the future, Chinese medicine practitioners will have new rules. If anyone resists us, we will simply refuse to diagnose him..."

(End of this chapter)

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