The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 891: There’s a long way to go (Part )

Chapter 891: There’s a long way to go (Part )

From chatting with Lao Dong before, Du Lao also knew that whether it was the Liu Zhonglun Library or the Traditional Chinese Medicine Heritage Building inside.

A foundation covers an area of ​​dozens of acres, which is the foundation of a building.

If we go by the cost of the previous constant temperature system, the investment for just a library covering an area of ​​dozens of acres would be over 100 million.

Mr. Du's understanding of the constant temperature system is down to the details, cost and usable area.

Because such a constant temperature system is not used to protect books. The northwest side has made similar requirements before.

After the material company of the steel rolling mill suffered a setback, people from the First Machinery Department approached Du Lao and wanted Du Jiaoyang to import a large set of constant temperature equipment.

It's just that the cost price given by Du Jiaoyang made the First Machinery Department hesitate.

The construction cost of more than 100 million is indeed unacceptable. The constant temperature system provided by the First Machinery Department is used for underground facilities. The unit area is far less than the library in front of us. The underground building with several floors is only a dozen acres. Just a square circle.

Based on the area analogy, Mr. Du came up with a staggering cost and simply ignored the suggestions of scholars.

It’s better to look at the virtuous son-in-law and not be optimistic about the market.

“Dad, it’s not that I don’t want to take out those ancient books.

“Shengli, when you speak, you should be more tactful.

The construction budget given by foreign design companies is about 500 million, and the constant temperature system is almost the same.

Rural commune members are not happy with the closure of workshops, and even more villages are not happy with the closure of factories and enterprises in towns and villages.

Now it seems that what you said is still accurate.

"Then I misunderstood you.

Tell me about the progress of Barefoot Doctors. The previous ones in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan were doing well.

Let me tell you about these things, and the higher-ups should be able to facilitate you.

When the work will be completed, for my good son-in-law, it may not be completed at any time.

No matter how much you ask for, you have to wait until others finish the work.

In this regard, Father Du has no way to deal with him. He has great wealth and power, but that's all.

Talking about barefoot doctors and township factories and enterprises, I, an old man, have come to learn from you. "

To take back the traditional Chinese medicine base and ignore the contract is to deny the current market. In this regard, on the premise of protecting the market, no one can do anything about their own good son-in-law.

As people say, before the library even opens, people are being turned away thousands of miles away.

These people are only part of the effort to protect ancient books. According to Mr. Liu's suggestion, the manpower will be increased tenfold in recent years.

The virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli took the lead. The barefoot doctor's workshop in the village was similar to the factory in the township.

Nowadays, self-operated township factories and enterprises in various places are also encountering some problems. Do you have any suggestions? "

You said you should read the book first, but someone else's statement that the preservation conditions are insufficient is enough to kill all the scholars who made this request.

In the past few years of working alone, although the growth of food can be seen, the gap between different places has become more and more prominent.

As for industries that are jointly owned by the public, the same is almost the same. Father Du had a rough look at the current status of joint venture factories in various places before he came here.

In the past few years, many work-study positions have been provided to universities.

In the northwest area, whether poverty alleviation can be handled in the same way as Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan is indeed a problem.

After Wang Qianjin's construction company opened, in addition to building rental housing, it first built two buildings here for me.

Although the funds imported into the country by her daughter Dujuan have already exceeded billions of dollars.

If the library has such conditions, I wouldn't mind donating these ancient books. "

Listening to Father Du changing the topic, Li Shengli didn't want to change the topic just now.

The path you mentioned was still narrow-minded to me before.

Mr. Liu, do you know?
He and dozens of disciples have recruited more than 3,000 people to protect ancient books since the wind and rain stopped.

Dad Du is not just talking nonsense.

But the investment industries are, first, old city renovation and rental housing. Even if there is another cold spring, this type of industry that benefits the people cannot be banned.

Subsequent interior decoration is required to create safe storage facilities, and the cost of interior decoration is no less than that of building a building.

There is also the Liu Zhonglun Library in front of us.

The traditional Chinese medicine base and library in the mountain village were taken back. The original $100 million purchased for the land was a usury contract signed by the wise son-in-law.

Most factories have changed their product categories. It is better to say that it is a joint venture, or it is better to say that the incoming funds are covered with the appearance of a public factory.

With such a phone fee, within twenty years, those scholars would no longer be able to browse the ancient books in the hands of the wise son-in-law Li Shengli.

Regarding the ancient books, although there was an office record, he had so many ancient books that they were coveted, so he said:

Regardless of whether it is split into four or six or in half, this type of joint venture factory cannot be banned because hundreds of thousands of workers are involved.

If calculated in terms of working hours, there are still working hours for thousands of people a year, and the salary expenses alone are two to three million per year.

Listening to the wise son-in-law holding on to the previous topic, Father Du could only sigh heavily and call it a day.

Not to mention anything else, just the electricity guarantee for these two buildings and the German diesel engine cost ten to twenty million.

In addition, these rural workshops and township factories are also under the control of Xin Yihe.

There is another Chinese medicine correspondence school that also controls a large amount of assets and industries. Most of these industries, except real estate, are not sole proprietorships.

Correspondence school real estate is mostly linked to newly built traditional Chinese medicine schools and traditional Chinese medicine clinics.

Some properties are inextricably linked to old city renovation and rental housing.

These ways of avoiding suspicion or risk are easily overlooked if you don't look carefully.

Father Du also occasionally became interested in trying to figure out the size of his son-in-law and daughter's business, and that's how he made this discovery.

Joint ventures, benefiting the people, and seizing the source of the market to avoid risks are not easy to think about.

There is no need to ask for leave for office work, even during the New Year period. Father Du specifically asked for leave for this matter, which shows how seriously he takes it.

It's just that now that the good son-in-law has gained momentum, and his ideas are quite extreme, how to induce him still requires a certain amount of rhetoric.

"Dad, how can we learn from the experience? It's just that the road is hard and the responsibilities are long. We young people who shoulder the responsibility of the times are just walking forward with a faltering pace..."

The walk from the back mountain to the traditional Chinese medicine base was just a warm-up for Li Shengli.

But Father Du was getting older. Seeing a pavilion nearby, Li Shengli agreed warmly and led Father Du to sit in the pavilion.

“The journey is difficult and the responsibilities are long!
This is well said.

Your traditional Chinese medicine base is very particular. Is this the ironwood from Northeast China?

It costs a lot of money to use top-quality wood as benches for the pavilion..."

The journey of a good son-in-law is difficult and faltering, which means something. Father Du, who had struggled with traditional Chinese medicine and books, also changed his rhetoric.

When it comes to some fundamental issues, my good son-in-law is a bit dishonest and has a bad attitude.

Provoking this young man would only be counterproductive. Thinking that when he was about the same age as his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli, Father Du did not have such momentum to move forward.

Thinking about the sons and daughters at home, the daughter Du Juan has achieved success, and the son Du Peng secretly went to Shanghai.

It was said that it was arranged by her brother-in-law Li Shengli, but now it occupies a separate department at the department level, which is related to the renovation of the old city and the improvement of housing conditions.

It is no exaggeration to say that this virtuous son-in-law of ours has connections and influence.

Nowadays, most of the Yixi children are still relying on the shelter of their families, while their good sons-in-law can use money to control the general situation.

Although this is not good, for Mr. Du, it is better than those who rest on their laurels.

"Dad, the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has existed for three thousand years, and my traditional Chinese medicine base will exist for three hundred years no matter what.

If the material is not refined, it will not last long, and if the foundation is unstable, it will be difficult to stabilize! "

The questions and answers between Weng and his son-in-law seemed to be about the traditional Chinese medicine base, but both of them knew that some of the words had nothing to do with the traditional Chinese medicine base, but had a lot to do with the market.

"That's true.

Now that the market has been open for more than six years, the supply is abundant, but public manufacturers are somewhat unsustainable.

I have been working alone for more than seven years, and I have harvested a lot more food, but some places are still the same as before.

Everything has advantages and disadvantages. Are you not optimistic about the market, or are you not optimistic about the dual-track price maintenance? "

When it comes to details, Father Du cannot continue to be shrouded in mist.

The market is good and full of vitality, but under the vitality, it is inevitable that there will be dirt and evil.

Now some dirt has surfaced. The dual-track plan was considered for a long time and implemented years ago, but the results were not as immediate as expected.

During this period, materials such as steel, aluminum ingots, and copper materials were also sold. It was a ridiculous thing that they were sold out several times, even more than a dozen times, and finally returned to the hands of the original unit.

Today's office already has a group of professional accounting, legal, and economic talents.

This kind of illegal change of hands and bad behavior of making accounts twice before and after.

Before the change, it was really hard to notice.

The planned materials make money when turned over, while the unplanned materials lose a lot of money.

Some people are really sneaky, but now the office and above are working hard to build an economic team.

The wise son-in-law Li Shengli has already warned about this kind of business where the left hand is the right hand and the plan is to make a living with two sets of accounts, both inside and outside the plan.

In addition to large quantities of materials, Jinmen's material company also has a dedicated fleet to prevent such problems from surrounding factories and companies.

Each batch of materials that goes on the railway has professional escorts. If the goods are unloaded in the wrong place, the materials will be pulled back directly.

In addition, cash delivery is also the dominant position in the upstream of the steel rolling mill Jinmen Materials Company.

In addition to the first machine department being able to post accounts, the approval slips from the office are also not recognized there. It has long been a rule there that the goods will be shipped when the payment is made.

As for whether your downstream factories are producing or not, it has nothing to do with the material company. If you have money and raw materials, you have to wait even if you don't have money.

In this regard, Li Huaide's evasive words were also a bit heart-wrenching. The materials were originally priced lower than the market price, and it would be unreasonable to refuse to give them cash.

It is a private property, and it is impossible to do business on credit.

Therefore, the long-standing triangular debt between public manufacturers and enterprises has also been resolved to a certain extent.

If there is no money, the Renjinmen Material Company will only support the northwest. Other factories, even if they kneel at the door, will not deliver the goods if the money is not paid.

When it comes to getting money, some public factories really can’t get it.

Within the plan, product materials are allocated through allocation. In this way, if the factory owes money to the mine, and the mine owes money to other factories, it is also common practice to reconcile them within the plan.

It’s just that after the market was liberalized, there were more units like Jinmen Materials Company within this cycle.

They don't accept planned deployment, they only accept cash, and there is no cash. Dad Du also tried it with a note, and they promised well, but they just won't deliver the goods to you.

When I called the Jinmen Materials Company, they said that the inventory in the warehouse had been shipped and they had to wait for the next shipment.

When I called Li Huaide, he told me another story, saying that he had all the supplies in the library.

This side responded, but the other side didn't deliver the goods. Father Du was also a little annoyed about this.

Because some of the factories below cannot get the cash, so if they relax a bit and provide a batch of materials on credit, the factories can start operating again.

But Du’s phone calls went back and forth, and the factory should stop working and wait for materials, or should it stop working and wait for materials.

When I called Li Huaide again to question him, he changed his story again, saying that it was his son-in-law's strict order. No matter who it was, he would not deliver the goods if he had no money.

Coming with a batch note is a verbal agreement that no goods or raw materials will be sent. As for calling to ask, it is an excuse to board the ship and arrive at the port.

At that time, Father Du was still complaining that his virtuous son-in-law was not caring about the overall situation.

However, after the double price regulations were implemented, some problems arose, which made Mr. Du see the uniqueness of his son-in-law.

It’s not that people don’t know, but they know very well what problems will arise in this cycle.

The reason why the materials at Jinmen Port need to be transported and escorted is simply to get rid of the whirlpool of buying and selling.

Someone wanted to seize control of Jinmen Materials Company before, and it seemed that the purpose was very clear.

However, they only controlled the market but not the front end, and had no say in the materials. They were also directly kicked back by their good son-in-law who said the goods were out of stock.

Materials and machinery and equipment control the front-end output, while small handicraft products and light industrial products control the final market.

The way his son-in-law avoids danger is really his own decision. In the opinion of Mr. Du, this plan is second to none.

“Dad, the depreciation of the U.S. dollar and the appreciation of the yen are also a protracted battle.

Think about it, the products on the island are no longer available, and both the United States and the United States need to develop export industries to eliminate domestic inflation.

In the future, the international market will also have a period of chilling.

Our exports will definitely be affected, and foreign exports will be frustrated.

Internally, our wage levels are not enough to support the variety of products on the market.

As for the countryside, I'm afraid you know better than me what it's like there.

Under the internal and external double-killing, whether market liberalization is right or wrong? Is it necessary to discuss it again?
The United States has already raised its butcher knife on the island, and then dropped it in just a few years.

How to stimulate our domestic demand still needs to be carefully considered.

Prices will slowly return to the market, but looking only at the market without looking at salary income will make the future unpredictable.

The journey is difficult and the responsibilities are long, but I’ll try my best to say it with my arms around..."

(End of this chapter)

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