The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 890: There’s a long way to go (Part )

Chapter 890: There’s a long way to go (Part )

Wang Qianjin not only made a big deal at the construction company, but also issued a recruitment notice.

The new construction company, in conjunction with the Ministry of Machinery, opened a new engineering machinery school near Jinmen Port.

The course focuses on the driving, operation, maintenance and principles of construction machinery.

The recruitment notice can also be regarded as a notice of the start of school. The treatment and distribution of students are similar to the technical secondary school across the street, but there is no need to pass a formal examination, and the age limit is under forty.

The uncertain enrollment numbers of 20,000 in the early stage, 50,000 in the mid-term, and 100,000 or 200,000 in the later stage are also the reasons why the higher-ups are willing to keep pace with Wang Qianjin.

This was also Li Shengli's bad idea for Wang Qianchou, to improve the living conditions of rental housing, plus the enrollment of tens of thousands of people in a short period of time.

As well as the long-term plan of a school in the north, south, west and east, involving the livelihood of hundreds of thousands of people, the higher-ups will naturally give Wang Erluzi the green light all the way.

Technical secondary schools are the same as high schools and universities, and the student benefits are even better than those of high school students.

This means that the new construction company's engineering machinery school will be able to solve the feeding problem of tens of thousands of young people from the beginning.

Because this can infinitely exaggerate the impact of some things, forcing some people to cut off their arms to survive.

The source of Wang Qianjin's funds was endorsed by Father Du, and his superiors were also clear about it.

Students attend classes directly as soon as they arrive, and the subsequent construction of the school is put behind the teaching.

Wang Qianjin was very busy, and Li Shengli, the instigator, was not relaxed either.

Father Du came to the mountain village under the guise of seeing Ping An and the others.

Whether it is the engineering machinery school in Jinmen or the technical class of a new construction company, they will start recruiting students as soon as possible after the above-mentioned nod.

I originally wanted to turn around my son-in-law's career in the mountains, but I never thought that after meeting Lao Dong, the two of them walked slowly along the way, but they were blocked from the traditional Chinese medicine base.

When he went to Yang Yulian's house to see the children, Du Lao, an old political worker, managed to get the matter of burial out of Yang Yulian's mouth with just a few words.

There may still be problems with burials in the rural areas below, but there are no such problems around the city.

After Li Shengli approached, he said apologetically to Master Dong:

Li Shengli's apology, in Master Dong's opinion, was undoubtedly the sound of nature, he said it haha, this old man in the medical field, no matter how old he is, would fall asleep with garlic under his feet.

When Li Shengli hurried over, Father Du, accompanied by Master Dong, was already standing at Yaowang Temple behind the mountain.

Not only schools, but also new construction companies have also opened new technical training classes in the suburbs, targeting all public construction companies.

Come on, take me around your inheritance base.

"Master Dong, are you going to take a look?"

In less than half a month, Wang Qianjin's new construction company gradually took shape.

Although people didn’t ask about many things, they must have known something since they have come.

After introducing it for a long time, Old Dong was also waiting for his junior uncle to come to the tank and rescue him!

The father-in-law of his junior uncle came in person, and Lao Dong, who came to the mountain to pay homage to his teacher, was also caught off guard.

“There are some things that you can’t do unless others don’t know about them.

Father Du, who took a day off, called his son-in-law only after arriving in the mountain village.

He even asked for leave specifically for this purpose, and Sister Fu was also staying at Yang Yulian's house.

What's your explanation here?
If it really spreads, the impact will be very bad. "

Hearing that the wise son-in-law dared to call a deer a horse in front of his face, Father Du was also furious.

Moreover, Wang Qianjin's recruitment notice was also targeted, directly targeting redundant employees in factories and units.

Knowing that Weng and his son-in-law had something to say, Master Dong felt relieved.

Just find a warehouse and start school. Wang Qianjin also took the time there as a benefit and really brought it to the north.

This is also satisfactory for the above.

Referring to a deer as a horse and exaggerating are the most difficult tricks to deal with in an official career.

Regardless of whether Wang Qianjin or Du Jiaoyang are willing to take the lead, or have any long-term ambitions, once the conditions for renting houses and engineering mechanical schools are announced, they can only support it if they find no problems.

Come and take a look, okay!

But the medicinal materials sprinkled on the tomb are full of flavor.

This is purely a bad act of poaching, but there is an endless stream of people who are willing to come, or the construction companies below, who are willing to dump the burden.

If there is a problem in the mountain village, it has to be around Yaowang Temple.

"Dad, it's just old things..."

“We respect tradition, but don’t go too far.

This is where my virtuous son-in-law is difficult to deal with. His ability is enough to distort many facts.

Among the tombs halfway up the hill, the soil of several tombs is still brand new, although there are no traces of paper money or paper ashes.

He glared at his virtuous son-in-law angrily. It was not that someone complained about this, but that Father Du found something like a coffin in some courtyards when he was visiting a famous old Chinese medicine doctor on the mountain.

Seniors like Principal Dong cannot step in at will. Your border defense is a bit too strict. "

Seeing Li Shengli coming in a hurry, Du Lao waved his hand, and the secretary stepped aside knowingly.

The militiamen who were guarding the traditional Chinese medicine base knew Lao Dong, and their attitude was quite polite.

But if I wanted to go in for a visit, they were very polite and I didn't receive any notification.

In addition to the coffin he saw in the old traditional Chinese medicine hospital, Du Lao called Li Shengli and asked Lao Dong to take him to the Yaowang Temple.

“Dad, what can you do if you are not careful about the achievements of nearly a thousand seniors in the medical field?

Here on the mountain, only Lao Deng, the team member of the health care doctor, and I have the authority to take people in and out of the traditional Chinese medicine base.

And there is a limit on the number of people. If Lao Deng wants to bring people in, if there are more than five people, I will be there too.

Some aspects of traditional Chinese medicine inheritance still need to be kept strictly confidential..."

Listening to the wise son-in-law's words, Father Du also sighed lightly.

The island has mentioned exchanges of Chinese medicine several times, but this has also been overdone.

As a result, the traditional Chinese medicine doctors were doing well. Except for a few on the front lines of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, the rest who followed us out were all young people.

When people proposed exchanges, they really wanted guidance from the Chinese medicine practitioners here.

And the Chinese medicine practitioners here, including those on the front lines of the hospital, all promised well when they left, and they knew everything they knew.

But when we got there, everyone turned into a gourd. They really communicated with you, but most of the exchanges were about the development experience of the island. Questions about traditional Chinese medicine were not spoken or answered.

Now, Mr. Du finally knows the root of the matter. The traditional Chinese medicine principle of respecting teachers is also an unavoidable topic.

An old director in his seventies, when talking about Li Shengli, he opened his mouth and closed his mouth, which made Du Du feel helpless and frightened.

According to what Lao Dong said just now, in the medical field today, the only ones who can compete with Li Shengli in terms of seniority are a few elders from the Wu family.

Moreover, the voice of the good son-in-law Li Shengli in the field of traditional Chinese medicine is not comparable to that of the elders of the Wu family. Just by looking at the embarrassing scenes of exchanges between traditional Chinese medicine doctors, you can clearly understand how powerful the voice of the good son-in-law is. "I don't know much about traditional Chinese medicine. I'll ask Lao Lu when I get back. Don't go too far.

Can we make progress together..."

After hearing Du’s joint progress, Li Shengli said:
"Dad, when you asked Mr. Lu, you brought along the instructions given by the leaders on the Heart-protecting Pills.

The root cause of the 279-fold increase in medicinal materials lies in the Heart-protecting Pills.

People use a modified version of Liushen Pill to harvest our medicinal exports throughout the year.

Although Jiaoyang is also working hard to apply for Chinese medicine patents outside, there are still many patents for Chinese patent medicines that have been applied for international patents on the island.

We want to talk about common progress, but others are sharpening their knives and fighting against pigs and sheep.

I feel like we can't make progress together at this time.

They really dare to think of treating our traditional Chinese medicine heritage as a butcher's knife..."

Hearing the unkind tone of his son-in-law, it seems that Father Du really doesn't know much about Chinese medicine, and he really doesn't know the details of the price increase of Chinese medicinal materials that year.

Li Shengli was not the only person involved in the 279-fold increase in medicinal materials that year, and because it was in the midst of the storm, it was difficult to mention many things, especially actions such as forcing the uterus.

Therefore, the whole story of the increase in the price of medicinal materials has been classified in the office. As for these classified old events, Mr. Du cannot directly access them, so he can only vaguely listen to other people's generalizations.

"Principal Dong told me that your traditional Chinese medicine base is not simple. It has a Liu Zhonglun library and has collected tens of millions of ancient books.

Isn't this great?

Some time ago, some scholars suggested that we should collect ancient folk books.

Why don't you show off your style and donate it..."

After hearing this, Li Shengli raised his eyebrows. This could be regarded as the white-eyed wolf raised by Li Shengli.

The elders who spoke were not only influenced by him during the storm, but were also close friends of Mr. Liu.

Now that I have left the village and worked in a school, I want to dig up my ancestral graves.

The discovery of ancient folk books is indeed in line with the old saying, most people who are disappointed are those who read.

"It's done!
After sorting it out, buy it back at the market price!
Dad, my costs must be recovered.

Nowadays, the price in Hong Kong is that ancient books from the Qing Dynasty are worth tens of thousands; ancient books from the Ming Dynasty are worth more than ten or two hundred thousand; and unique copies from the Song and Yuan Dynasties are worth hundreds of thousands, right?
Some precious ancient books are valued according to their value regardless of dynasty. For example, the ministry's color-painted version of Lei Gong, the auction price starts at a minimum of 100 million.

If I offer it, can the ministry sell me this set of painted rare books for the price of 10 billion Hong Kong paper?
There are more than tens of millions of ancient books here. After gathering from various places, there are still hundreds of millions.

A Liu Zhonglun library, according to the market price in Hong Kong City, is not much, probably worth hundreds of billions of Hong Kong paper..."

There are two problems in a row: either it is blocked by international patents or it is blocked by sky-high prices.

Glancing coldly at the virtuous son-in-law in front of him, Father Du also knew that the current virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli had fully grown up and had his own opinions.

“Victory, you really shouldn’t overdo some things.

Can you read these ancient books?
Or is it useful for Chinese medicine?

Others don’t value traditional culture, but I still value it.

Your world is closed to outsiders, so what's the use of keeping so many ancient books?

It's hundreds of billions, but you dare to open your mouth.

Why not give up more like Wang Jiazi did? "

Regarding the virtuous son-in-law and daughter, Father Du has nothing to offer.

Before Wang Qian, the son of the Wang family, entered Haizi, he had a heart-to-heart talk with him.

There are many things that Father Du can't answer.

For this reason, Lao Wang made a special trip back. The two discussed it for a long time, but they couldn't come up with an accurate explanation.

“Dad, money is like paper, I won’t be stingy if I have to part with it.

In the past few years, we have given up a lot of things in Tianjin Port alone.

But inheritance is different from paper, just like some inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine needs to be encrypted.

Traditional classics first talk about virtue. Some people do not have enough virtue and will never see these ancient books again until they die.

Maybe they are everyone, but that is just knowledge. Tradition puts the first priority on virtue. Those people should die with regrets..."

When it comes to traditional Chinese medicine and the classics in the hands of the wise son-in-law, Father Du only treats it as a trivial matter.

I never thought that in just a few words the matter would reach a dead end.

Looking at the expressionless virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli, Father Du could only sigh heavily and drop these two topics.

The decisiveness that the wise son-in-law said, and the eagerness of some people, may be in vain.

After the previous incidents, the higher authorities gradually began to pay more attention to barefoot doctors.

If people don't move, that's it, but if they do, it still creates a trend.

After the establishment of the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine, many barefoot doctors below became leaders in getting rich in the countryside.

The Xianxiu's previous trip to Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan also produced unexpected results.

This year, poverty alleviation was officially put forward, and barefoot doctors also played an irreplaceable role in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places.

Although it has only been a few years since Xianxiu contracted the medicine mountains, and many medicine mountains are still under investigation, many people have never thought that some remote mountainous areas will become rich as a result.

In building roads and bridges, the virtuous son-in-law and his current father-in-law, Lao Ding, did many things that others didn't know about.

Now a census shows that some remote mountainous areas with Yaoshan are as wealthy as villages and towns at the urban-rural fringe.

How many years has it been going on?

What Father Du wants to discuss with his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli when he comes here is still financial issues.

As for traditional Chinese medicine, it won't be taught if it's not taught, and it won't be given if it doesn't provide classics. These things are far less important than Wang Jiazi's rental house and engineering machinery school in this time of year.

Father Du knew that the Wang family had also confessed that these were all planned by his virtuous son-in-law.

He says he won't teach Chinese medicine, and he won't provide classics. But the higher authorities can still give him this convenience, because these things are somewhat insignificant compared with the market, compared with development, compared with food and clothing, well-off society, and the economy.

Without Li Shengli's classics, those who raised this issue would just go to the private sector to collect classics.

The external communication of traditional Chinese medicine is not smooth. The island can just ban those international patents registered in advance. Many things are conditional.

Compared with the conditions offered by my virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli to those of other scholars on the island, they are obviously more important and generous.

For this kind of problem, there is no need for Du Lao and others to choose, but the classics and inheritance are all there.

Li Shengli doesn't want to destroy these. As far as Du Lao knows, Li Shengli's protection of ancient books is far stronger than that of many museums.

It is just a constant temperature system to ensure that books do not become moldy. Not to mention the cost of the equipment, the annual electricity bill alone costs hundreds of thousands, plus the generator and diesel used in case of power outages.

Most museums cannot afford this expenditure...

(End of this chapter)

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