The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 892 Keep up the good work (Part )

Chapter 892 Keep up the good work (Part )

After hearing his son-in-law's reasons, Father Du frowned and stretched out two fingers towards Li Shengli.

Li Shengli also had a look on his side. He handed the cigarette to the old man, lit it with the pole, and then let him sit in the pavilion and take the exam.

“Raising wages is too much of a burden!
Tell me what you think, I'll think about it as I listen. "

After taking a deep breath and exhaling a burst of smoke, Mr. Du did not leave Li Shengli idle.

Raising wages is a heavy burden just for the employees of the unit.

Going overseas has become a trend now, and it is frustrating for companies to be unable to retain talented people.

For this reason, many people have also expressed their opinions. Selling tea eggs is not as good as selling missiles. Mr. Du agrees with this, but he is unable to change it.

After moving on to employee wages, from top to bottom, a monthly salary increase of ten yuan may amount to hundreds of millions or more.

Ten yuan a month is obviously not enough to cope with the price increase in the market. The words "twenty, thirty, fifty" and "no money" are enough to deter people.

As long as you are willing to work hard and work one and a half shifts a day, that is an average salary of 8,000 yuan.

“Dad, if it’s related to the market, we’ll raise wages first, and if it’s not related to the market, we’ll wait and see first.

In this regard, Li Shengli's experience is absolutely reliable, because in addition to practice, there are also ways to make up for it with the benefit of hindsight.

Although they have been learning, their understanding of their own market, let alone Du Lao, many economic experts can only do it with the benefit of hindsight.

Although this kind of salary is a special case, we have many joint venture factories in our hands.

Experience comes at a price. Whether it is a dual track or a future breakthrough, it is necessary to exist.

I think these joint ventures will gradually increase their wage expenditures after making profits.

So many joint venture or semi-joint venture factories have raised wages all at once.

No one has the ability to stand up now and speak conclusively about the principles of the market.

Nowadays, you can earn hundreds of dollars a month just by pouring eggs and selling vegetables.

As early as when the wise son-in-law Li Shengli came back from the port city, the two men had talked about going to sea.

Now the wise son-in-law has resorted to desperate measures, using wages and prices to force employees into the sea.

According to the current salary of thirty or forty for clerks, three hundred is almost a tenfold increase.

Should we shut down these factories and enterprises and go back to the plan?
The steps have been taken, and we are far away from where we started. Looking back, do you know where we will end up?

Many young people from the research team sent to Qionghai resigned from their jobs and went to work in Qionghai after seeing the vitality in the south.

There are pros and cons, naturally some people are happy and some are sad!
In Wang Qianjin's construction company in the south, the maximum salary for front-line workers has exceeded the 2,000 mark.

But now the market has destroyed this path. As the wise son-in-law Li Shengli said, some people who are so-called coldly watching but restless in their hearts have raised objections.

This result is both sad and gratifying.

“Dad, this is not about tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, but increasing the liquidity of the market.

Now that we have taken the first step, we can no longer look back. We can only continue our efforts and continue on this long and arduous road.

The path of graduating from college and joining the workforce, and then becoming an official if you excel in your studies, has been going on for a thousand or two thousand years, and it can be regarded as a path to advancement that everyone is familiar with.

Without the domestic demand brought about by rising wages, those companies that earn foreign exchange through exports will go bankrupt one after another under the pressure of inflation caused by the United States.

These production lines were put down without cash and in the name of joint stock.

Money may be part of profits and taxes, but shouldn’t part of the factory’s unplanned profits be given to the workers?
With most people's current salary of thirty or fifty yuan, how many factories in the market today can survive the atrocities?

Calculating the workers who can benefit from the production lines and joint venture factories, according to the economic class, it can at least provide billions of liquidity to the market.

One, two thousand, two or three thousand are considered special cases, but there is nothing wrong with settling on three hundred..."

With workers' wages, it forces employees to join the market trend just to make a living, which may be the most labor-saving choice.

In some technical positions, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can earn up to 3,000 yuan.

The hundreds of production lines previously stored in Jinmen Port, as well as subsequent production lines, have been put into operation.

In addition to those on the market who are trying to do it alone, as long as the products produced by the factory are similar, this can still be achieved.

Some people may be wrong about one part, but an incoherent theory cannot stand the test in the market.

These seem to be great empirical theories now, but in later generations, they were nothing more than a conversation piece that everyone could talk about after dinner or in the clinic.

We have had a scissor gap between industry and agriculture before. Do we need to take away all the profits of enterprises and create another scissors gap between industry and commerce?

Now that we are working alone, the by-products in rural areas have not only increased in variety, but also in quantity. Most of these are unplanned.

This is how we came to the north from now on, and we ended up dead.

Although the idea of ​​the wise son-in-law is a bit desperate, it seems that it is not difficult to implement it now.

The approach is good, but it is also one of the focuses of public opinion.

"Shengli, if wages are increased, profits and taxes will be reduced. Is it really possible to demolish the east wall to pay for the west wall?"

If you do not try these methods and directly use the shock therapy of Western economic experts, that is an act of seeking death.

Eliminate those who cannot sit on the bench and use the limited funds on fewer people, and wages will naturally rise.

After the dual-track system, prices will have to be further integrated into the market. After prices rise sharply, many employees may not be able to accept the gap and will have to go overseas to do business.

Dad, I have said before that our market has never been our own market.

Raising wages is a means of control.

At this stage, starting from the joint venture factory, the results are feasible and will be spread to other factories and enterprises just like the assessment details.

Assessment is the first step, and redistribution according to new income is the second step.

As a result, workers' wages will be higher, and some people will be jealous, and the internal competition in the factory will become more intense. The more intense this internal competition is, the higher the vitality of the factory will be.

After these people gained experience in the factory, the wages of the staff increased again.

Perhaps these people can continue to bring the vitality of the enterprise to the unit, so that a self-circulation driven by wage increases can barely get started.

This is just like the old United States devaluing the U.S. dollar. When they devalued the U.S. dollar, they had to increase the issuance of U.S. dollar banknotes.

The situation is similar here. As wages have increased, there are not enough paper tickets in circulation.

Have you never heard the saying 'money is on the line'?
From big unity to old man’s head, isn’t that what we do?

The United States prints money to stimulate domestic demand, why can't we do this?
If we risk money, we can print more and more old people appropriately. Not only will the cost be low, the vitality of the market will also increase a lot.

It's just rotting in one's own pot. This is the way the gold yuan coupons depreciated in the early stages.

The currency depreciates corresponding to the goods in the market. As long as there is no shortage of products in our market, there is no excessive printing of paper tickets.

In the future, we can minimize the chill caused by the Plaza Accord.

Coupled with the rural workshops and urban factories driven by barefoot doctors, this part of the income will be increased. As long as we hide domestic demand, we will have the means to save ourselves in the future. "

When the wise son-in-law Li Shengli talked about market liquidity, Father Du stamped out his cigarette butts and put a pen in his hand.

According to the economic knowledge he had learned, the internal circulation created by the good husband's plan of increasing wages as a driving force still makes sense.

But whether it is enforceable still needs to be carefully demonstrated.

Printing money doesn't just happen by opening your mouth.

As the wise son-in-law said, there are lessons learned from the golden yuan coupons. When the old man's head was printed, someone mentioned it.

Nowadays, it seems that many people's vision is still stuck a few decades ago, and there is no innovation.

However, the young son-in-law Li Shengli has already learned to use it as soon as it comes. He only uses the first half of the gold yuan coupon. This method is relatively new.

“It’s still a little unfair to the staff.

But as you said, there are pros and cons.

Farmers have to work hard, workers have to work hard, and those who smoke, drink tea and read newspapers should also have a hard time.

Give me another cigarette..."

When it comes to making decisions, people like Mr. Du are also extremely decisive.

Before closing the notebook in his hand and lighting another cigarette, Mr. Du had already made a decision.

As the wise son-in-law Li Shengli said, the word 'domestic demand' is still very interesting.

Du Lao and the others have debated this before. Although in terms of economic principles, there are still some things that are not in line with the current market.

But planning plus market is also a scenario that does not exist in economic principles. It is reasonable if it exists. It is time to stand up and speak.

With the persistence of his in-laws and the opposition of some people, it seems that he, Lao Du, is going to come out to sing the opposite tune again.

With a clear idea, Father Du really started his long exam, smoking one cigarette after another.

Li Shengli stood aside, handing out a cigarette and picking up cigarette butts.

According to the rules, smoking is not allowed around the traditional Chinese medicine base, but who knows who is sitting in the pavilion?
“The base is doing well.

Arrange a jeep and I'll go to the medicinal fields in the mountains to take a look..."

After smoking the last cigarette, like a good son-in-law Li Shengli, Du stepped on the cigarette butt, picked it up and put it in his pocket.

From the details of picking up cigarette butts, it can be seen that my son-in-law is particularly concerned about this traditional Chinese medicine base.

After taking a few glances at the traditional Chinese medicine base, he saw that many construction areas were guarded by militiamen. Father Du also understood the status of the traditional Chinese medicine base in the heart of the wise son-in-law.

Taking this place by force might lead to a fight with the paranoid young man in front of him. This kind of scene is not what Father Du wants to see.

Many people would fight with their virtuous son-in-law, fearing that they would die. This point, in Father Du's view, was unquestionable.

Their methods are different, and Li Shengli's martial arts methods are mainly for killing.

If such a fight really happens, I'm afraid it will be half stormy.

With a rough idea in mind, Father Du can only avoid this kind of thing from happening.

Internally speaking, daughters and sons-in-law play an extremely important role. As for other people’s inappropriate suggestions, just shelve them on the shelf...

Sitting in the convertible Willis in the mountain village, wrapped in a sheepskin military coat, looking at his wise son-in-law sitting in the passenger seat just like before, wearing a black leather jacket that has turned white, Dad Du also felt a lot.

Although the virtuous son-in-law is a bit more particular about his clothes, the fact that he has always been dressed in such short clothes for more than ten years shows that his virtuous son-in-law is paranoid.

"Shengli, it's already late autumn and early winter, why are there still people working in the mountains?"

All the way into the mountain along the mountain road paved with stones, soon after, Mr. Du saw the members of the community who were harvesting in winter on the mountain.

Knowing that Chinese medicine is very sophisticated, Father Du did not directly ask why the autumn harvest was not carried out. Although Old Du had never experienced what it was like to work in the mountains in winter, he had fought guerrillas in the mountains.

“Dad, Chinese herbal medicines are harvested in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each type of medicinal materials has its own time limit.

Although autumn harvest can increase the yield of medicinal materials, more than half of the medicinal properties are still above ground.

Some rhizomes have the best medicinal properties after they are harvested in winter.

In terms of economic benefits, autumn harvest is naturally the best.

However, in terms of medicinal properties, some rhizome medicinal materials need to be harvested after harvesting in winter.

Some rhizome medicinal materials need to be stored in winter and harvested when they grow in spring.

In terms of purely economic benefits, the medicinal properties of medicinal materials will be greatly affected.

The medicinal properties of the medicinal materials are insufficient, so Chinese doctors prescribe medicine according to the records in the classics, and there are many mistakes.

The medical seniors buried at the Yaowang Temple in the village on the mountain are all committed to returning to the origin of medicine and clarifying the medicinal properties of Chinese medicinal materials.

The achievements of barefoot doctors are indispensable to the contributions of these seniors in the medical field.

Regarding the medicinal properties of medicinal materials, we publish a reference every year. This is also the secret of traditional Chinese medicine and is not spread to outsiders. "

After talking for a while, they turned back to the burial in the mountain village. Father Du, who was sitting in the back seat of the jeep, also laughed angrily at his wise son-in-law.

My own virtuous son-in-law not only creates his own cycle of doing things, but he also manages to overwhelm others with great force.

If you listen to a lot of things he says, you have to follow them. If you don't do them, there will be consequences waiting for you.

“You mentioned that the autumn harvest has a large yield, but the medicinal properties are insufficient.

I have another question to ask you. In the late summer and early autumn, three companies in Northeast China were issued bankruptcy warning notices.

There were no disturbances here, but the media on the island wrote an article saying that the iron rice bowl was broken, which triggered some follow-up reports.

We analyzed one of the explosion-proof equipment factories and found that there were no problems with its products or management. Why did it suffer losses year after year and become insolvent? "

Speaking of the bankruptcy notice, Father Du also frowned.

This is also one of the reasons for the dual-track implementation. There are always some people who want to blame the market for the difficulties of these manufacturers and enterprises.

However, some factories are indeed struggling to operate due to the impact of the market.

But after analysis, most of the factory's problems still lie within themselves.

Poor management, overstaffing, outdated products, low motivation, and all kinds of problems arise in endlessly.

But companies like explosion-proof equipment factories, which have no problems with management, personnel, and products, need to carefully analyze why they have been losing money for consecutive years.

Slow-selling products are definitely the reason for losses, but according to demand, such products will not be unsalable.

But slow sales are real. It is the reason why other factories don’t use this kind of explosion-proof equipment, but it is not the reason...

(End of this chapter)

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