The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 884 Chapter Report (Part )

Chapter 884 Return (Part )

Hearing that there was no position at all in the Xianxiu's tone, Father Du, besides sighing, was also filled with worry.

Along the way of Weng's son-in-law, Father Du also gained a clearer understanding of his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli.

Regardless of the overall situation, this is an evaluation that can be placed on a good son-in-law, and it is also very pertinent.

Although he can take the overall interests into consideration when doing things, Du Lao knows that it is just a balance.

When it comes to the traditional Chinese medicine that he focuses on, the methods used by the wise son-in-law Li Shengli have only been able to come to the fore in the past few years.

Those methods that were previously unavailable are basically unstoppable to those in the official career.

As far as Father Du himself is concerned, he doesn't know how many dirty tricks he can take on from his virtuous son-in-law.

But according to his estimation, after just three moves and two moves, he, Lao Du, will be ruined.

The reason is simple, it's just that the wife is unvirtuous and the son is unfilial.

"Those who obey me prosper, and those who defy me perish" is not enough to describe their cruelty.

There is no sincerity on the part of Lao Mei, and the capital that her daughter Du Juan has there naturally deviates from the sincerity that she should have.

If he gets a few more, even he will take the blame and resign.

The Jianghu methods are not complicated at first glance, but the results are vicious for everyone.

It's just that the daughter and son-in-law who behave like good babies at home turn out to be really vicious when they go abroad.

Because of Xian's operation, although some restrictions have been relaxed in the United States, the prices involved in some private company technologies are also very considerable.

If Li Shengli was just an ordinary person, this method might not be easy to use.

Just doing what you should do, regardless of the consequences or impact, is what makes your daughter Dujuan scratch your head.

Compared with the 156 projects of Big Brother back then, there is really a lack of sincerity in common progress and common development.

No one is perfect, and the good son-in-law Li Shengli's methods will always work well.

Almost every family has such loopholes. For Li Shengli, getting a batch of hundreds or even thousands of tons of batches can make the whole family unstoppable.

For example, regarding the domestic sales of Qionghai cars, there are really many people involved this time.

But after going abroad, it is difficult to say whether these people will encounter their daughter's power.

These 156 projects, according to international terms, are a complete industrial base, without any hidden secrets.

The investment of the couple can be regarded as a pioneer, whether it is support for investment or the establishment of market rules, it has played a leading role.

Going abroad has become a trend in the past two years. At this time, if you can go abroad successfully, to put it bluntly, you really can’t do it if you have nothing to do with it.

After the wind and rain stopped, the virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli in China was, as he said, a law-abiding person.

For Mr. Du, the new rules in the market are much more complicated than the official career.

As the wise son-in-law said, the Americans just regard your market as a market for profit from dumping.

But after Hershey came up, in order to seek international support, the assistance for 156 projects was also real.

Now Li Shengli, the good son-in-law, has mobilized means and joined forces with Li Huaide of the steel rolling mill, forcing many people to abandon their domestic wealth and flee abroad.

A note of approval from the virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli is really not even worth the price, but for other families, it is a catastrophe that breaks the road and destroys the family.

No matter how important domestic figures are, they are easily manipulated abroad.

When it comes to capital means, my daughter Du Juan can be as rich as the country.

Although we are cooperating now, the attitude towards this market in the United States, Europe and the United States, or today's international community, is still the same as it was during the Republic of China, and it was just regarded as a market.

These words are not without examples.

Without the financial support of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. Du was not sure whether his own Du Peng and Xie Fei's Xie Fei would be involved.

If there is something outside that cannot be solved, I will ask my daughter Du Juan for help.

Even the protection of the United States cannot stop the methods of capital.

It is wrong to say that there is no sincerity, but large-scale capital only talks about interests and the law of the jungle. It talks about the law as long as there are no prohibitions. It talks about using agents to go beyond the law. In fact, there are no restrictions.

But he and his daughter Du Jiaoyang's capital controlled too many companies, plus barefoot doctors all over the countryside.

Looking at today's Europe, the United States and the island, the technology is not available, and it is not impossible to want it, but you need to pay.

The family that stole the country, stole the people, and plundered the stock market of the Republic of China. After the death of his wife, he directly contacted the country for help. Even though he, the father, was in the middle, he could not stop his daughter Du Juan's methods.

My daughter Dujuan's capital is said to be as rich as a country's, but only in terms of the amount of capital.

Nowadays, capital that does not care about any other interests but only its own economic interests has fully grown.

What those people don't understand is that at home, there are many restrictions on a good son-in-law and others, but outside, there are no restrictions at all.

Although in the days of loving fathers, Big Brother's assistance was only fleeting.

For a good son-in-law, a batch of several hundred tons can really determine the success or failure of a family.

After this incident, there were billions of overseas assets in the country, and the unscrupulousness of his daughter Du Juan was really revealed in the eyes of Du Lao and others.

Just say that many people stranded abroad have been repatriated recently, and among them is the capital of my daughter Dujuan.

At that time, the Northwest Ma family not only disappeared into thin air at home, but also abroad.

They can do everything in the southwest, including taking care of a few children. Even if the country knew about it, they wouldn't be able to do anything to them.

And when questioned, people often have reasons to explain. What outsiders do has nothing to do with them. Even if you send the most people out, the result of the investigation must be the reasons they said.

Father Du also disapproved of these methods of ruining people's futures and ruining their children, but more often than not, he really could only be a deaf and dumb man, turning a blind eye and not hearing.

Because a good son-in-law will induce others to compete for these interests. Things start with him but end with others.

Today's Americans also want to accept and instigate rebellion against these people who go out.

If these people who go out fall into the trap of their daughter and the old beauty, and say something they shouldn't say, it will only take a few words to bring disaster to their families back home.

Now that merits and demerits are judged by results, this matter basically has nothing to do with Li Shengli.

This kind of method is neither easy to prevent nor preventable. The loopholes of the children will affect the elders. This is also heartbreaking in the opinion of Father Du.

Looking at the virtuous son-in-law who has established his own system and has clear opinions, Father Du has many words of warning to say.

But Mr. Du also knew that his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli was not much worse than his father-in-law in terms of macro vision and work methods.

The wise son-in-law is even more decisive and ruthless in his approach to work. He just mentioned that he is worried about the future of his son-in-law and daughter.

It would be better to say that Father Du wanted to be a lobbyist beforehand for future disputes.

Lao Du only hoped that his virtuous son-in-law would take care of the comradeship and colleagues of King Du Ding and thank each family, and not break people's bloodline easily.

This is not only bad, it will also make mortal enemies. Although he knows that his good son-in-law has extra tricks, Father Du doesn't want to see his good son-in-law use cheating methods in his career. It is also a stupid move that breaks the rules and ruins the future.

It has become a habit, you use it and I use it, and Father Du can't even imagine what his future career will be like.

Seeing that Mr. Du didn't speak for a long time, Li Shengli thought for a moment and added some chips of his own. "Dad, I'm afraid there's going to be a big show on the island with Lao Mei in the near future.

The depreciation of the U.S. dollar and the appreciation of the Japanese yen.

The capital on Jiaoyang made predictions in advance.

Talks between the United States and Japan are likely to begin in the middle of the year.

But a secret war in the foreign exchange market has now begun to take shape.

The American side devalued the U.S. yen in order to harvest the island, while the island side went along with the trend and appreciated the Japanese yen in order to acquire the American yen.

Of these two fathers and sons, one is not a loving father and the other is a serious rebellious son, but I am still Laozi.

Being a rebellious son in front of his father in his prime is destined to result, and a nasty beating is inevitable.

Before the harvest in the United States, this wave of secret war in the foreign exchange market was also a surprise to the father of the United States who wanted to fight against the traitor.

The treacherous son on the island wants to use the appreciation of his yen to buy the property of his beautiful father.

The father of the United States is even more shameless. Next, he will print large amounts of U.S. dollars to continue devaluing his own U.S. dollars, thereby increasing the price competitiveness of his domestic products and boosting his own domestic demand through industrial development.

These two strange fathers and sons, the naughty son wants to pass the inflation to his beautiful father, and the beautiful father is even more cruel to the naughty son, directly passing on the inflation in his own family with paper.

Now in the market, we are the only ones who can cooperate with Lao America.

There is inflation over there in the United States, and there is deflation over here. They trade inflation for our deflation.

The United States used worthless paper notes in exchange for our products, and we used the face value of the paper notes in exchange for funds and time for development.

It's just that in this exchange, we are obviously the loser.

If we want to solve this problem, we can only solve it internally and get inflation from the United States.

Now our deflation is in cities, but it is not deflation in rural areas. It can only be regarded as a small opening in demand.

The island's defeat was decided before the war started.

This method adopted by the United States will also bring crisis to our future.

After all, the market is made up of people. The key point of our big market of one billion people is the demographic dividend.

The urban population is too small and the rural population is too large. The land cannot support so many people.

Dad, we want to invest the money we gained from flipping and sniping in the foreign exchange market in the early days of Jiaoyang on rural land.

The previous small crafts were combined into industrial clusters with counties and cities as nodes and regions as units.

Taking advantage of the secret war between the United States and Japan on the foreign exchange market and inflation, a large number of advanced foreign technologies and equipment are imported.

Carry out the conversion from small handicraft industry to light industry in advance.

The industrial replacement may have an impact on some public manufacturers.

My suggestion here is to integrate public manufacturers with collective industries to form a new joint venture model between private enterprises and public manufacturers.

The amount of this investment should be at least ten to two billion US dollars.

If calculated based on the value of machinery and equipment, it may be doubled.

We cannot evaluate the specific benefits and can only invest according to the actual results.

This money, according to the financial world, is gray book income.

It can neither return to the other side of the ocean nor exist on the island. It can only be replaced with ready-made industries or supplies.

Nowadays, the supervision of industries on the island is still strong.

This hot money should eventually be exchanged for massive amounts of machinery, equipment and materials.

In addition to machine tools, automobiles may also be in bulk.

Our funds are almost the same as the waste paper printed by the United States, and will eventually accelerate inflation on the island.

This is like blowing bubbles. Every market has its own capital capacity.

Once the capacity of the capital pool is exceeded, the bubble will burst. In Europe and the United States, this is called an economic crisis.

The economic crisis will not only bring about industrial depression, but also intensify turmoil.

Amid the turmoil, the island's supervision of corporate assets may be fully liberalized.

This time, with Lao Mei, the ashe-gathering father around, the island is destined to be unable to take it back.

The hot capital will also add fuel to the flames, and Java will also strangle the island's oil and resource routes.

After a series of fatal blows, the speed and intensity of the island's economic collapse will exceed the expectations of the United States.

With this one-shot victory, we are afraid that we will capture one-third of the results of the island’s forty-year post-war recovery.

If you are prepared or unprepared, the capital on Wall Street will also become the prey of Sun Capital.

If done properly, we can still monopolize the achievements of twenty years.

This is a serious blow, and I am afraid it will be difficult for the island to recover within ten years.

Coupled with capital's subsequent suppression measures, this period can even last fifteen to twenty years.

After severely damaging the industry on the island, our opportunity has really arrived.

Europe and the United States still need product processing factories. If we take over, the island may become the world's factory.

I don’t understand these economic matters very thoroughly.

You cannot ask the economics class for advice on these questions. After the secret war in the foreign exchange market, Jiaoyang should send real traders to explain in detail.

It's just that this situation requires absolute confidentiality, so that the island can detect it in advance.

They are afraid that within ten years, they will be back to their original state..."

Listening to the clear answer given by his wise son-in-law who was not familiar with economics, Father Du was speechless.

The wise son-in-law Li Shengli has made it clear about the process of robbing a country of twenty years of development.

There is no need to go to the economics class to ask for advice, Father Du already has a clear understanding.

When it comes to learning economic knowledge, Du Lao and others also work tirelessly.

It's just that the son-in-law and daughter's plan is so vicious that the damage to the island will be unpredictable.

Thinking of the island with its industry in ruins and the old beauty being devoured by the tiger's mouth, Father Du didn't know what to say for a moment.

But one thing he knew very well was that if it was true as the wise son-in-law said, the market here would have a period of rapid development that would last for more than ten years.

Once the outcome of the secret war in the foreign exchange market goes as Xianzi said, then big projects will really start here...

(End of this chapter)

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