The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 883 Chapter Report (Part )

Chapter 883 Return (Part )

"I don't want to learn. I'm too far away from you and I feel uneasy.

Let Zisu learn it, or let your younger brothers and sisters learn it.

Lao Qintou is also annoying, chattering in my ears all day long.

How did he know that without you, we can't even make it as a human being?

What he wants to repay is the favor of the Wang family, and what we two want to repay is the favor of saving lives, which is completely different. "

Listening to Wang Zhi's willfulness, Li Shengli couldn't help but agree with what Qin Gegen just said.

Women are mostly emotional and you cannot reason with them.

Li Shengli wanted Wang Zhi and his wife to continue the inheritance of the Wang family and put their career first.

I'm afraid that what they think in their hearts is completely opposite to what he thinks.

The properties behind Henian Hall have only undergone simple renovations, and there is no need to keep some large courtyards.

Nowadays, there is really no awareness of the protection of cultural relics. In five or six years, there will not be much awareness.

I will be very unhappy if you delay my affairs..."

The collection of ancient buildings or villages takes time, and the training and reemployment of barefoot doctors also takes time.

The development of the market will inevitably lead to the development of culture.

However, Wang Zhi's life was quite comfortable and leisurely when the courtyard was closed and the songs were played.

An ancient village and a traditional Chinese medicine school, for Li Shengli, there is no financial pressure.

After a few calls were made, those who were searching for antiques outside had a new task, which was to search for ancient buildings and villages everywhere.

If the Wang family's inheritance is good, I will treat you well. If the Wang family's inheritance is sparse, don't even think about getting too close to me.

After looking at it for a while, Li Shengli said:
“Keeping an eye on your pulse, you can still continue to have children.

He Niantang has annexed the surrounding shops and houses through the relationship with the medicinal material company, and also has the intention of deepening the cultivation.

Old Qintou's granddaughter is a good one. After a few years, I will find her a son-in-law from a descendant of the Liu family. In this way, the Wang family's heritage will gradually become stronger.

“You’re almost done, don’t make things too outrageous.

These words were enough for her to risk her life to learn Qin Gegen's skills.

The Peking Opera records from Wang Zhiwu's early years actually sounded more pleasant.

The name of Heniantang is also consistent with medical beauty. Zou Jin has introduced many people to Li Shengli in recent years and asked Li Shengli to prescribe beauty prescriptions.

The idle barefoot doctors below just filled this gap.

Furthermore, whether it is a traditional Chinese medicine school, a private clinic down below, or a branch of He Niantang.

Now it seems that, at the age of about 20, standing with Ding Lan, they are almost like sisters.

It's just that it's still a bit slow now. There are many things to be done. It's okay to listen to records in my free time. Now it's a bit of a waste to have a party.

Under the guise of large investments, it is also the cheapest time to relocate some ancient villages.

After you learn well, I will give you a few more children..."

I can't see anyone anymore, and I can't see you either.

There will be a wave of demolition in the city next. Moving some ancient buildings here will also make a certain contribution to improving the style of Heniantang in the future.

Thinking about the relationship with the literary and art circles, Li Shengli couldn't help but have some decadent ideas, and wanted to be like Wang Qianjin in the storm, and set up a party.

The two of them walked around the real estate of Heniantang, and Li Shengli also made a rough sketch of it.

At the first glance, Li Shengli focused on ancient buildings in various places.

In this way, time can be regarded as convenient for both sides.

Just to do it again, Li Shengli is no longer interested in these popular things.

Whether it is Du Jiaoyang or Xie Chan, even the Xie family's mother Zou Jin has not aged after using beauty formulas for these years.

He pinched Wang Zhi's chin and looked at it carefully. Now, both men and women are dark and thin.

I think Zisu is similar to you in that he is also very lazy.

This time the Madanji team is back, and Madianji still needs to prepare for the establishment of an ancient construction team.

Listening to Li Shengli's subsequent increase in chips, Wang Zhi smiled.

The biggest pressure today is the shortage of teachers and talents.

When he said he was unhappy, Wang Zhi trembled. The so-called love of the house and the bird was nothing more than that.

After making plans to open a branch in Heniantang, Li Shengli took advantage of the situation and moved into Wang Zhi's small courtyard near Heniantang.

Li Shengli could only shake his head helplessly when he used words to catch Wang Zhi, who was a little unwilling to make progress.

Wang Zhi has had enough food and clothing in recent years, and she has started to use traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for beauty.

For example, 'Nostalgic Love', which was still banned in the past, is already considered a very conservative ballad. Nowadays, Hong Kong and Taiwan songs have gradually begun to become popular in the streets.

Not to mention anything else, the industry of traditional Chinese medicine and beauty alone will attract many people now, and even more so in the future.

But this kind of leisure is also temporary. At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, Dad Du's response came.

First, there was the outcome of the Omi counterfeit drug case. Because of Li Shengli's push, the resolution that was originally supposed to be lifted high and dropped gently could not be achieved.

As Li Shengli thought, all those involved would be severely punished, let alone those who manufactured counterfeit medicines.

Dozens of those who openly use counterfeit medicines to make profits want to eat peanuts.

Although the outcome of the case has not yet been reported, the biting cold wind has already made some people in the market shiver.

A large number of laws and regulations on medicine, food, and market regulation that Li Shengli handed to Mr. Du were basically passed.

These are not made up by Li Shengli, but after Du Jiaoyang, Niu Bijian, and Locke combined relevant foreign laws and regulations, and then reviewed them by some barristers and judges in Hong Kong.

It was sorted out with the participation of people near the entrance.

These laws are also timely for Du Lao and others.

Although the market is still developing, disadvantages have emerged.

If nothing else, let’s talk about the assessment rules implemented by Li Huaide before.

When first used, these assessment rules had an immediate effect on boosting the vitality of public factories.

But after a year or two, the profits of factories, which should be unable to withstand the impact of the market, are still gradually declining.

The fundamental reason for this is what Li Shengli said is a market loophole. When merging into the market, these factories and enterprises are still subject to planning constraints.

For raw materials with the same price, the only difference for public manufacturers is their profit margins.

Although commodity prices in the market are subject to price control, the degree of freedom is much greater than that of public manufacturers.

The situation is still the same as before. Many products can only be sold to the public for one yuan under the supply of tickets, but there are still many people who can't buy them because they don't have tickets.

While privately-owned and privately owned ones sell for two yuan or even five yuan, demand exceeds supply in the market.

It is nonsense to say that private enterprises are flexible. Without the restrictions of plans and tickets, public manufacturers can make huge profits for only one dollar and two.

Private enterprises in the market have no profit margins. Coupled with the public factories, the number of personnel is almost unlimited, and the scale of production can be expanded at will.

If there were no restrictions from plans and tickets, it would be clear at a glance who would live and who would die.

In addition to the counterfeit drug case, the structure of the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine is also under planning, but it will take a little longer. According to Mr. Du, it will probably be formed by the middle of next year.

The reason is simple. It takes time to filter out those who truly understand Chinese medicine.

The ministry also lost a lot of face because of this, and not only created its own bureau of traditional Chinese medicine.

According to Li Shengli's suggestion, half of the staff were laid off, which also scratched the itch of Du Lao and others.

Excessive staffing has long been a problem. Combined with the idea of ​​going to the sea, the initial experiments started in the ministry.

This situation is somewhat related to the domestic sales of cars in Qionghai.

In addition to laying off half of the staff in the ministry, the children are not allowed to engage in business, and this must be implemented in earnest.

Most of the cars sold domestically in Qionghai cross the sea with approval stamps. Now that the joint investigation team has gone to Qionghai, many things have happened in the blink of an eye.

After being called to the Du family's small building by Father Du, he explained the outcome of these events in detail. When it came to the separation of Li Shengli's family, Old Du also spoke.

"Overall, your suggestions are good.

According to the rhetoric of the economics class, raising income levels is also the way to go now.

The above is intended for correspondence schools.

Attention, it is a correspondence school!

The convenience of applying to a traditional Chinese medicine hospital is for correspondence schools. You must understand this clearly.

In the correspondence school, you and the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine have 40% of the management rights, and the remaining 20% ​​is given to health practitioners.

According to your suggestion, the local shareholding of the following jointly owned traditional Chinese medicine hospitals should not exceed 40%. The specific proportion will be calculated based on the assets they provide.

Public-private joint ventures in traditional Chinese medicine hospitals must establish trade unions and party committees, and the higher authorities must agree with this.

Personnel must also be registered at the health clinic. The authority to issue certificates for correspondence schools will be taken away, but you will be given the right to recommend, and the recommendation pass rate will not be less than 80%.

Tell me why you would make such self-defeating advice? "

After opening his mouth to clarify the relationship between the correspondence school and the private Chinese medicine hospital, Mr. Du also asked about the Xianxiu's intentions with doubts.

Li Shengli's plans were submitted in writing, so Weng and his son-in-law had not communicated beforehand.

Now that the goal of being a good son-in-law has been basically achieved, Father Du still wants to ask why.

"Dad, I have said before that our market has never been a self-owned market.

In addition to complying with laws and regulations, hospitals also have responsibilities that they have to bear.

For example, disaster first aid, this kind of first aid cannot be calculated based on economic benefits.

Private hospitals, on the other hand, only care about financial interests.

When the time comes, will you save me or not?
What I mean is that we must save them. If we don’t save them, there will be no need for the hospital to exist.

I think it is a pity that this is not included in the law.

But the rules still need to be set in advance. If you don’t help people, you have to spend money and effort.

Neither people nor money will be paid. The qualifications and professional qualifications of the personnel will be revoked. At the same time, those involved will not be allowed to engage in the medical industry for life.

Violation will result in severe penalties!
Moreover, before imposing penalties, hospitals must first be shut down and personnel and assets seized.

When you understand the problem, when will you talk about other things?

Dad, you still need to follow up on this.

Don't give the hospital a market, but what you get in exchange is a bunch of white-eyed wolves.

Just like this fake drug case, we should also take this as a warning when promoting.

It should be made clear that the penalty result this time is only the lower limit, not the upper limit.

If there are any fake drug cases like this, the average case value of the whole factory will be determined, and if they are qualified, they will be given peanuts to eat.

The nature of such cases is different, and we must not allow people with no bottom line to harm our compatriots.

Intolerance and no compromise are the attitudes we should have towards such cases. "

Listening to the good son-in-law's reasons, Father Du had no choice but to nod his head in approval. This was also the reason why Old Du had been letting his son-in-law and daughter go.

Although some of the methods of the two people are really not up to the mark, internally speaking, they are still flawless.

As for the outside world, now that I have too much time to take care of myself, how can I care about what’s going on outside?

The food and clothing line is always about to pass. Now that the market is booming, it is always inappropriate to refuse large investments.

Father Du would definitely not support the good son-in-law's resort to external means, but the results were acceptable.

“Sheng Sheng, your suggestions are all very useful, but I want to remind you that things will go well if things are slow.

You are always so biased, which may not be a good thing for the future..."

After listening to the wise son-in-law's advice, Father Du also expressed his worries about the future.

He has a solid foundation. After returning to China in the storm, he followed the leader for a while, so he was not afraid of being surrounded by enemies on all sides.

But the daughter and son-in-law are different. They have offended too many people, and they may become enemies both internally and externally in the future.

Nowadays, looking at the four families of Du Ding and Wang Xie, among the younger generation, there is only one Wang Yu from the Wang family who is considered steady and remarkable, but the Wang family's daughter is ultimately a daughter, and it will be difficult to support her daughter and son-in-law in the future.

As for Du Peng and Xie Jiazi, it's an old saying. If they don't compete, they are worth watching. If they compete, they will be thrown away.

Among the five tigers of the Ding family, the fifth tiger, Ding Kai, has now retired. The other four tigers may benefit from the battle in the southwest in the future.

But in the southwest battle, the killing was excessive. Without extremely special circumstances, no one would use such evil figures.

If the support from the army and the officialdom is not strong enough, then the common man will be guilty of having a jade without any guilt.

"Dad, you are worrying too much.

In the past two years, through disarmament, we have moved out of the grasslands and immigrated by hundreds of thousands.

Adding in the previous ones, it’s more than a million.

The first group of people had already begun to advance northward in an orderly manner.

It is not difficult to see from the recent attitude of the north that they are at the end of their game.

Once many problems break out in a centralized manner, whale collapse is an inevitable result.

In the hands of Jiaoyang and I, we have Southwest and Java in the south, and pastures outside the grasslands in the north.

If things go well, they will also be able to seize the huge technical data in the north. These are all important bargaining chips.

The enclave is in our hands, and under the interests of capital, there will never be a recurrence..."

Listening to the virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli spread his chips, Father Du only let out a heavy sigh.

Especially Li Shengli's last sentence will never be repeated. Father Du knows the meaning very well. It is nothing more than that those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish. The game here must be full of blood...

(End of this chapter)

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