The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 885 Chapter Report (Part )

Chapter 885 Return (Part )

After another period of silence, Father Du asked cautiously:
"Victory, won't Hong Kong and the coastal areas of Southeast Asia take this opportunity to become rising stars?"

Father Du's question involves the growth history of the Four Little Dragons.

In this regard, Li Shengli's response is simpler, just two words "disaster".

“Dad, the war in the southeast is still going on!

Java has cut off the lifeline of the island. How can they not have any countermeasures?
The simplest way is nothing more than sending out mercenaries.

Niu Bijian has prepared mercenaries for them.

Once the mercenary method is chosen on the island, the strait will become desperate.

Although our 107 fire is somewhat outdated, it is still sufficient to block the strait.

As long as the shooting Zhuyuan is prepared in advance, Strait will be the best.

Listening to the wise son-in-law's desperate plan, Father Du frowned and remained silent for a long time.

The export of German and Japanese products is the only life-saving straw for them. When they are saving lives, what can't they sell?

Again, there is no such thing as overtaking in corners technically. If you don't have enough technology, you can't build a Black Hawk even if you look at the drawings.

"Shengli, you said that the United States devalued the U.S. dollar for the sake of exporting its own industries.

The words of the wise son-in-law Li Shengli once again scratched the itch of Du Lao.

But compared to his own development, Mr. Du would rather choose perfection.

Our market is huge, and it will definitely confuse the judgment of Germany and Japan in the short term. This is something that financiers in the United States and the United States are happy to see.

“Dad, the United States wants to increase exports to boost domestic demand, and the same is true on the island.

But Germany and Japan are different. Their only way to get rid of the economic trap of Laos and the United States is to increase exports, just like Laos and the United States.

When will we become the world's factory and the chaos in Southeast Asia will truly stop?

Looking at the virtuous son-in-law of a traditional Chinese medicine doctor who has said that he is a hawk since the beginning of their meeting, Father Du felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

The U.S. dollar has appreciated and the Japanese yen and mark have depreciated. They have no price advantage and can only seek advantages in products.

For the same phone bill, there will be clear restrictions on the products we can get in the United States.

Now that the yen has appreciated, it doesn’t matter to us which product comes from the United States or the island. Why spend more to use products from the island? "

Compared with worrying about the island and Lao Mei, Mr. Du is more concerned about his own development.

To put it bluntly, although some people on the island are happy with the depreciation of the yen on the island, there are still some who can really understand the situation.

Like the island, there are also such opportunities in West Germany, but the opportunities in West Germany are not as great as on the island.

After sighing for a while, Father Du still raised his own question.

The depreciation of the U.S. sword this time was deliberately done by the United States.

The development is left to us, and the blame is placed on the island. It's just that they have criminal records, and they can't bear this crime. "

They exported industrial products, which naturally replaced the industrial products on the island.

With millions of dollars of this thing, according to the terrain of Southeast Asia, it is almost a matter of who goes and who dies.

My virtuous son-in-law is not a hawk, but what the economics class lecturer calls a financial vulture and a war hyena.

The things and technologies sent by the United States are indeed high-end from this perspective, but to the United States, these things and technologies are basically backward and out of production capacity.

As the old saying goes, it is better to have a father than a mother.

Therefore, during this period, even if the two countries export things that should not be exported, Laos and the United States will turn a blind eye.

There is chaos over there, and the strait is directly blocked. Without development resources, no one can develop.

The virtuous son-in-law's seeking help from others is perfect, although the result is not perfect for the island and Southeast Asia.

We give him a huge order. After the goods are shipped, it has nothing to do with us who uses them.

Although it is now a period of cooperation with Lao America, Lao America still has not let go of its wariness.

Although the United States sent the Black Hawk, both here and the United States know very well that even if they are given the most detailed design drawings and the processing methods of each part, they cannot be manufactured here.

According to Xian's son-in-law, the support from Lao America is just an alternative way to open up the market for outdated products and technologies.

The purpose is nothing more than to pass on the domestic crisis and increase its exports.

This is a good opportunity for us to take on a big project. Although it will cost a little more, the technical equipment we get is definitely the highest-end. "

According to my son-in-law, the next ten or twenty years will definitely be a golden period of development.

Mercenaries were used on the island, so they had to find equipment nearby.

We have also made a layout in West Germany, and our German technology will also have a follow-up.

It's just powerless because the island has no autonomy.

This kind of stuff is useless to us today.

Since it is intentional, exports from the United States will proceed step by step, and things that should not be exported will not be exported.

The father-in-law and son-in-law of the Du family still have something in common.

The standardization of the military industry brought in by the Americans has good requirements, but it also requires a huge amount of high-precision equipment to support it.

Like the Black Hawk, the equipment brought in by Lao America for standardization is still obsolete in the high-end technology field.

Introducing space technology and chip technology into the country is only a good thing that can be imagined. The United States is not stupid, and neither is this country.

Some high-end technologies in chemical manufacturing are also treasured by Western countries.

Even if the products that can come in are not second-hand production lines, they are brand new second-hand production lines, just obsolete products.

There is no need to elaborate on this truth. The island is an old enemy, and the United States also suffered a bloody loss in 1951.

These reasons are the fundamental reasons why people will not give you cutting-edge technology.

After taking out his notebook and writing down everything the wise son-in-law said, Father Du spoke again:
"Shengli, can't your foreign exchange introduce these big projects first?"

Listening to Du Lao's extravagant wishes, Li Shengli shook his head helplessly and said:

“Dad, with our development over the years, we are not short of foreign exchange.

Now there are tens of billions of domestic foreign exchange reserves, right?
If you keep it, it will depreciate for the Japanese yen.

Might as well spend it now.

Crisis awareness is something everyone has.

There is no shortage of them on the island.

There are many discerning people like us on the island.

This time we can clearly throw the exchange rate trap to the island, I'm afraid they will hold their noses and admit it. Use the beautiful knife in your hand to exchange for the large project equipment on the island. This time, it is best to only have it in stock, or it can be dismantled immediately.

It is best not to put the manufacturing of equipment in the future, and to lag behind in advanced equipment and technology. Then we will not be let go by the companies on the island.

In this secret exchange rate war between the US dollar and the Japanese yen, the disparity will be very large, and it may even be more than double..."

The details Li Shengli mentioned were also communicated between his daughter Du Juan and Lao Du.

Li Shengli was always the one who didn't care about the details. For many things, Du Jiaoyang could only contact Father Du in China to endorse them.

Father Du also knows that whenever a virtuous son-in-law in the country takes action, his daughter Du Juan will definitely make big moves.

After marking the two words 'double', Father Du ended the meeting between Weng and his son-in-law.

Watching the wise son-in-law Li Shengli, who was dressed in old clothes and walking square steps, leave, Mr. Du went from sitting to standing, his eyes never leaving the wise son-in-law for a moment.

'Gloomy as the abyss' is what Father Du calls a good son-in-law at this stage.

Thinking about Li Shengli's age and counting his ruthless methods, Father Du felt helpless.

Today's virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli has a solid worldview, ruthless methods, and is still young and powerful. I am afraid that in the next thirty or forty years, it will be difficult for anyone to compete with him head-on.

With her daughter Du Juan's huge overseas capital and her current enclave in Southeast Asia, the future of her daughter and son-in-law is stable, but domestically, it has gradually become the biggest factor of instability because they can no longer control it. .

After leaving the Du family's small building, Li Shengli did not return to Wang Zhi's small courtyard. Instead, he stayed in the two villages of Madianji and Taipingzhuang for more than two months. It was not until the beginning of spring that the warmth came and he moved in. Wang Zhi's courtyard.

During this time, the city also began to expand outward.

The first place to experience expansion and relocation was not Madianji, which is closest to the city, but Wali Village, which is in the middle.

The person occupying the land is not a stranger, but the nearby Changping Winery.

This time the occupation of the depression was only slightly affected. The village’s land was gone, but the village remained.

Today's wineries are among the few public factories and enterprises that can make a profit without losing money.

After a storm, drinking is also one of the ways to indulge your emotions.

After the market was liberalized, liquor that did not require a liquor ticket was also one of the best-selling products.

Wineries also have barriers to entry, and drinkers are not all picky these days, so now state-run wineries are a good deal everywhere.

According to the township, the members of Wali Village will have their years of service calculated by the winery, and then the winery will buy out the village together with the other members.

But Zhao Mankui put forward different requirements.

It's just that the flat land in the village has replaced the wasteland in the mountains. The tens of thousands of resettlement fees given by the winery may be a huge sum of money to other villages and their members.

But for the members of Wali, there are only a few.

The members can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

The resettlement fee given by the winery is only a year's share. Only those in the valley are stupid enough to engage in such a no-brainer business.

The replacement ratio of nearly one to twenty was guaranteed by Changping Winery, a large profit and tax company, and also because many villages received resettlement fees from the winery.

The barren mountainous land around Wali almost immediately reaches the vicinity of the mountain village.

The new village addresses that Li Shengli chose for several villages were also nodded and approved by the district and township. To them, they were nothing more than useless barren mountains.

In this way, the construction of the new village can be carried out openly.

Sitting in the main seat of the small courtyard, listening to the rhythm of the record player and looking at the planning map in my hand.

For Li Shengli, Madianji and Taipingzhuang, the next step was to annex the Huyu Mountains and Forests.

Replacing the entire Huyu Mountain Forest with a piece of land in Madianji was a bit unsatisfactory. After Li Shengli sought the advice of the passerby, he included Taipingzhuang in the scope of the replacement.

The initial negotiations were similar to those in Wali. Because they involved resettling members, neither the district nor the city had any intention of relocating the village. They only wanted to exchange land for land.

Due to the lack of land for removal, Madianji and Taipingzhuang took the initiative to hand it over, and the superiors will naturally take care of it.

According to Li Shengli's estimation, around the end of the year, the number of commune members in Madianji and Taipingzhuang will be approximately equal to that of mountain residents.

Just as he was thinking about good things, there was a knock on the door of Wang Zhi's courtyard.

Wang Zhi rarely interacted with the outside world, so she thought it was Qin Gegen who was coming. Li Shengli didn't try to hide it, and just looked at the map and listened to the Peking Opera on the record player.

"Mr. Li, long time no see. How are you doing?"

Hearing the female voice's greeting, Li Shengli raised his head in surprise. Seeing an old acquaintance, he smiled and extended his hand to let the person take the guest seat.

These few people here are really familiar with each other. The first person in the literary and artistic circles that Li Shengli and Du Jiaoyang pulled together during the storm was Mr. Li, the master of Pingju opera.

Now that ten years have passed, this Teacher Li and her sister Teacher Yang are in good health and do not look old.

But there was a young girl following behind them, which made Li Shengli frown slightly.

"Teacher Li, Teacher Yang, you are here to consult Bai Zhi.

Let me help you handle it..."

In terms of medical skills, although Wang Zhi is somewhat accomplished, she is still far from being a famous doctor.

This distance needs to be shortened through constant diagnosis and treatment. Due to Wang Zhi's character, it still takes ten years.

Like Wang Zhi and others, Teacher Li and Teacher Yang, who have been staying in Madianji during the storm, have also benefited from the beauty prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine. This is the reason why they do not look old.

"Teacher Yang's health is a little weak, so he still needs to pay attention to his recovery.

The prescription of Angelica dahurica is quite satisfactory. Just use it and stick to it for a few years, and the future benefits will be the greatest.

You guys chat……"

Diagnosed the pulse of the two of them. In fact, the pulse of the two was indiagnosable. The prescriptions for both of them were prescribed by famous old Chinese doctors stationed in Madianji. Wang Zhi was just Xiao Gui and Cao Sui. .

Knowing that what the two were about to say was not serious, Li Shengli opened his mouth to avoid the two's request.

Li Shengli didn't even need to ask about many things. It was just that some students studying opera didn't know what to do.

The impact of the market is also multi-faceted. Opera is not as good as popular songs. Some talented and well-connected opera students can still find a way.

For other students, a simple sentence of 'make a living for yourself' can almost be summed up.

Just like students in correspondence schools, there are too many talented people and without the support of large sums of money, opera, like traditional Chinese medicine, will slowly embark on a path of decline.

"Mr. Li, we are here to find you.

See if you can spend some money to build a small yard.

Mr. Bai Zhi, I said you were staying here, so I brought a disciple to show you the quality. "

Listening to the helplessness in Teacher Li's mouth, Li Shengli glanced at the young student again. He was quite a good young man in green clothes.

The reason for this quarrel also lies with Wang Qinjin. One of Teacher Li's disciples was introduced to Wang Qinjin by him.

Nowadays, the road is still the same, just like Madianji and Taipingzhuang. It seems that there are thousands of roads under your feet, but in fact, most of the roads that can be walked are not clean roads...

(End of this chapter)

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