The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 873 The towering tree (Part )

Chapter 873 The towering tree (Part )

Old Lu took the lawsuit to the leader's office. There were no idlers and a few more old men. Old Lu didn't hug him and told him about the endless cycle he saw.

For Mr. Du, this is the same situation as the Omi counterfeit medicine case.

Today's virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli has really grown into a big tree. While other children are still messing around, his own virtuous son-in-law can already influence his decision-making.

According to what Lao Lu said, not to mention dozens of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, as long as a house is enough to meet the medical needs, my son-in-law's financial resources can open hundreds or even thousands of traditional Chinese medicine hospitals within a month or two. .

Nowadays, medicinal material companies have to act based on the son-in-law's face. When there was a commotion before, Li Shengli didn't cover up. It made him unhappy, so he directly asked Xin Yihe to suspend the export of medicinal materials.

As for the medicinal materials company, it's not that they haven't found new suppliers, but those suppliers are limited in strength, and the largest one only has less than 1% of Xin Yihe's demand.

One hundred copies and one copy, so Xin Yihe's medicinal material franchise was helplessly retained.

The medicinal materials company has also estimated that, excluding Xin Yihe, they can achieve at most 20 to 30% of the current export volume, and any more will be Xin Yihe's crude pharmaceutical business.

Some things are difficult to say clearly, and some accounts are difficult to calculate carefully. The medicinal materials company knows very well that Xin Yihe is abusing proprietary Chinese medicines in Europe and the United States.

This matter, on the front end, is not feasible for pharmaceutical companies. Let's not talk about Europe and the United States. Nowadays, if crude pharmaceuticals want to enter the Southeast Asian market, they will have to pay millions of dollars in entry fees.

The bill on the island is a franchise, and the meaning is very clear. They don't care who owns the imported medicinal materials, but only recognize the Xin Yihe family for crude medicinal materials.

This is what Niu Bijian did after he went to Southern California. Together with his beautiful father, they only recognized crude medicinal materials from the Xinyihe family. This is a bill, not a rule for entry, and it also shows the barbaric power of capital. force.

To put it bluntly, if the country is willing to cut off more than 60% of its share of exports of medicinal materials, it can still exclude Xin Yihe from handling it.

In the eyes of Mr. Du, New Yihe is just like the third-generation food factory that Li Shengli just built. It is his own family's industry.

Although China also accounts for 30% of New Jardine, that is only the right to share dividends.

The specific jurisdiction has not yet been clarified.

As for the reason why he couldn't explain it, it was similar to this time. The good son-in-law Li Shengli opened his mouth before.

It's just that the people who came here directly questioned Li Shengli's arrangement. Just one person's question, and the people who were sent there were sent back intact.

So far, Xin Yihe has not accepted any more people, including domestic applicants who went to Hong Kong City.

This has also led to the fact that the specific actions of Xin Yihe are not clear at all.

Today, Lao Lu mentioned this matter in the office. When Du came over, it was just a formality.

Nowadays, there are too many problems in the market, factories, rural areas, workers, farmers, staff, family members, etc., and traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine simply have no time to take care of them.

The above meaning is also very simple. Keeping warm and full is the prerequisite, and everything else is secondary.

Even if it is what Lao Lu said, the separation of the correspondence school will cause the hospitals below to suffer losses year after year, that's all.

If I can't stand it any longer, I'll shut it down. Before I came here, the boss had already made the decision.

Medical care is not an important issue now. Compared with the treatment of barefoot doctors, these will be a little later.

The attitude was similar to the one above. After his son-in-law was blocked, he did not talk about any serious matters and only said hello to the two old men, a man and a woman.

He led everyone into an office. After everyone sat down, Li Shengli did not talk about business, but took the pulse of the two old men.

The old male man was Du Lao's former superior and fellow countryman. This time he came here to give face to Lao Lu, a fellow countryman.

As for the old woman, she is the eldest sister in the office.

After Li Shengli checked the pulses of the two people one by one, he began a long diagnosis.

Each person's diagnosis and prescription took more than a dozen pages and took more than an hour.

"Xiao Du, Xiao Lu, please help me check the young man's diagnosis. I came here in a hurry and didn't bring any spectacles..."

In front of the two of them, Mr. Du and Mr. Lu were Xiao Du and Xiao Lu.

The two of them had one copy each. Looking at Li Shengli's thin gold medical certificate with iron hooks and silver hooks, and looking at the virtuous son-in-law's sword-like diagnosis, Father Du could only lament that he had made a mistake.

Before, the reports given to him by his virtuous son-in-law were all written in formal pen calligraphy and were quite satisfactory.

Now that I have read his calligraphy, the feeling that the person is as real as the calligraphy has come to Lao Du's mind.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at this thin golden handwriting with cursive meaning shows that my virtuous son-in-law is a heartless person, and he is very wanton!

"Sister, after you go back, just arrange your daily life according to Shengli's treatment.

There are not many such treatment diagnoses available in China today.

Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue may be the only two people. I copied them and gave them to Mr. Yue respectively, and sent the telegram to Mr. Pu.

If Pu Lao and Yue Lao have no objections, you can arrange your food, clothing, housing, transportation, walking, sitting and lying according to this diagnosis and treatment.

Within three to five years, the benefits will surely appear.

I think about the use of medicine. When winter comes this year, I will know the benefits of traditional Chinese medicine..."

Looking at Li Shengli's treatment, Mr. Du could only read the words, while Mr. Lu could only read the content.

While looking at the treatment, he stared at Li Shengli in surprise. Mr. Lu's level of Chinese medicine was not low.

But the higher the level, the more surprised I was at Li Shengli's handling. First, I was surprised by his age, and secondly, I was surprised by his skills.

This craftsmanship is probably no longer inferior to that of Pu Lao and Yue Lao.

If Li Shengli knew Mr. Lu's thoughts, he might have smiled reservedly.

His medical books are far from the level of Pu Lao, but as for the techniques of health preservation, life extension, and recuperation, even if Pu Lao came, he would not be able to prescribe such treatment.

If anyone else could drive it besides him, it was Lao Deng from the mountain village.

The two of them are also from mountain villages, and they are the only two people who can read all the death letters written by seniors in the medical field.

His diagnosis and treatment were combined with the contents of the Book of Death.

For the elderly in the house, as long as there are no malignant diseases and the treatment is followed, it is normal to extend their life by five to ten years.

In the past, there was a man whose life span was over 100 years old, and now Mr. Pu is also struggling to reach his 100th birthday, all thanks to the death letters written by senior doctors.

"Shengli, can these health-preserving methods be promoted?"

Seeing Mr. Lu's high praise, the Wu brothers also looked at Li Shengli's handling after asking for instructions.

Although Western medicine has no way to maintain health, the Wu brothers still have family education, and they can tell at a glance that there are two treatments, which are not ordinary things.

When you get older, the traditional Chinese medicine side really becomes one person.

I will have people send the medicinal materials among them later.

Authentic medicinal materials with authentic medicinal properties are not something that an elderly person of this age can use casually. If used incorrectly, big problems will occur.

Okay, since we talked about traditional Chinese medicine and the care of the elderly.

I will just mention the contribution of Barefoot Doctors over the years. Around 1966, the average life expectancy was between forty-eight and fifty years old.

According to statistics from the past two years, he has reached about sixty-seven years old.

I can definitely say that this average life expectancy was brought up by barefoot doctors.

Only when life expectancy in rural areas increases will the average life expectancy increase.

Besides the elderly, there are infants and young children. In less than twenty years, the infant mortality rate has dropped from 20 to 30 percent to less than 5 percent.

In addition, malaria, meningococcal meningitis, smallpox, schistosomiasis, and polio have all been effectively controlled in rural areas.

Another thing is that the cooperative medical system started to make a profit year after year only after the popularity of barefoot doctors.

These are all supported by specific data. If anyone has any objections, you can let the barefoot doctors below use the data of each village and each population to debate.

Barefoot Doctor originated from the support of the old man and leaders for the cause of traditional Chinese medicine.

I heard that some people want to change barefoot doctors into rural doctors. I can stand up and debate this section..."

After Li Shengli finished speaking, he stood in a corner regardless of everyone's expressions. His meaning was very clear. I had said everything I needed to say.

I don't want to talk anymore, I will just listen to the results.

Seeing his virtuous son-in-law acting like this, Father Du couldn't even open his mouth to defend him.

After the room was silent for a while, the eldest lady in the office said:

"Xiao Li, the leader trusts you when he is here, and I trust you too. I will follow your treatment and diagnosis.

Xiao Wu, after returning home, he will change his schedule and diet according to Xiao Li's instructions.

I heard that your correspondence school is running well. Let the children from below come in and talk. We are getting older and it will be difficult for us to continue..."

The discussion that Father Du wanted to hold at the correspondence school turned into a tea party.

Listening to the newly recruited correspondence students here at the correspondence school talking about the following situation, combined with the four questions that Xianxiu just put forward, Father Du knew that many things were almost a foregone conclusion.

Daddy Du didn't know what to say as he glanced at the innocent-looking Lao Cui with anger.

According to statistics from 1958, there were more than 200,000 Chinese medicine practitioners and more than 100,000 Western medicine practitioners.

Today, there are more than 1.5 million certified barefoot doctors, and as many as three to four million people have received training courses for barefoot doctors.

Today's general figures are more than 100,000 for Chinese medicine and more than 200,000 for Western medicine.

This also includes nurses and people engaged in health technology, as well as registered and certified doctors of traditional Chinese and Western medicine. The specific number must not exceed 100,000.

Reducing funding and pushing hospitals into the market does not happen directly. Nowadays, there is a shortage of beds in hospitals everywhere. In terms of market supply and demand, there are still basic conditions for hospitals to enter the market.

It’s just that the cost and drug prices have not really entered the market, which is why many hospitals are complaining.

Likewise, this is also the real breeding ground for Omi’s counterfeit drug industry.

As the counterfeit drug case deepens, the most common sentence Du sees is, 'Fake medicine is made from food anyway, and it won't kill anyone'.

Father Du didn't know how the doctors below understood this attitude, but he definitely couldn't accept it.

You can't even accept it if you apply it to others, let alone the patients and their families who take fake medicines.

If this matter were brought to bear on one's own virtuous son-in-law, I'm afraid some people would not dare to speak like this.

Dad Du probably has some statistics, but the actual number of traditional Chinese medicine doctors that Lao Lu just mentioned in the office is a bit scary.

Correspondence schools, mountain villages, and TCM clinics at the township level below have at least 100,000 TCM physicians at the attending level.

The total number of qualified Chinese medicine practitioners is around 300,000. These people are equal to those outside the medical system and within the scope of barefoot doctors.

According to what Lao Lu said, take the current correspondence courses in correspondence schools and the courses of correspondence classes on campus.

The number of qualified Chinese medicine practitioners may double within a few years.

There are 100,000 Chinese medicine practitioners at the attending level, and they are not registered. Father Du doesn't know how his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli managed to create such a situation.

Another point that needs to be mentioned is that today’s TCM clinics at the township level are also outside the medical system. Their jurisdiction has always been in the hands of correspondence classes since the office helped implement it.

There is still an invisible separation belt between urban and rural areas. The cooperative medical care in rural communes and the medical insurance in cities were also clearly separated.

To put it bluntly, Lao Cui at the health gate didn't know what to do.

Barefoot doctors, township TCM clinics, TCM correspondence schools, and a health system with at least three million people are almost isolated.

According to Lao Lu, this tree is still growing, but compared with the current medical system, it is already a towering tree.

According to what Xianxiu said, there are loopholes in the market and there are also loopholes in the medical system.

Now there is a private hospital down there. With the financial resources controlled by the good son-in-law Li Shengli, if this towering tree appears in the market as a private traditional Chinese medicine hospital, it will probably drain all the nutrients from the market.

After the tea party was over and several old leaders were sent away, Father Du was not polite and stopped his son-in-law directly.

"Sheng Li, you are not allowed to say this again in the future, and you are not allowed to put it into action.

Influence, Lao Lu once told me that you cannot disrupt the entire market because of your quarrels with the department. "

Listening to Father Du's harsh words, Li Shengli replied expressionlessly:

"Dad, Mr. Lu has not been promoted in thirty years, there must be an explanation for this matter.

Let’s set up a separate Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau.

Otherwise, private hospitals will definitely lack a sense of responsibility. For a profit-oriented hospital, you should not ask for a sense of responsibility.

When the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine was established, we only recognized Mr. Lu.

In the future, if the department wants to talk to the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine, more than one-third of the staff must be people who have practiced traditional Chinese medicine.

Since the number of traditional Chinese medicine doctors outnumbers the number of western medicine doctors, after the Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau is separated, half of the department’s staff should be laid off from top to bottom.

In this way, within three to five years, I will use private clinics and township clinics as a structure to place the following barefoot doctors.

Otherwise, I will build traditional Chinese medicine hospitals wherever hospitals can be built.

Since 2008, the farce between Chinese and Western medicine, or the farce started by some people with malicious intent, has lasted for nearly a month, and it should come to an end.

If the situation remains unresolved in the future, then Chinese medicine will no longer be debating with them.

If this matter is not explained clearly person by person, and if the relevant responsible persons are not held accountable one by one, Chinese medicine will not agree, and neither will three million barefoot doctors.

Even if he is a dead person, he still has to shoulder his responsibilities..."

(End of this chapter)

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