The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 872 The Towering Tree (Part )

Chapter 872 The Towering Tree (Part )

After thinking about this, Mr. Lu disagreed with Li Shengli's idea of ​​separating the family and leading a different life.

After glancing at the people in the ministry who were causing trouble, Mr. Lu didn't reply to Li Shengli's words. It was time to get ready, and he had no intention of going to Mentougou to check the terrain.

Ignoring the sullen Li Shengli, Mr. Lu picked up the phone and called Dr. Wu, Dr. Wu's brothers, and Dr. Gu, who claimed to have been friends with Li Shengli for many years.

In the current situation, Li Shengli said harsh words and could only let Dr. Gu and the middle man from the Wu Family's Four Masters Department.

Li Shengli, the overlord of the medical field, is not called for nothing. His behavior has the surly and domineering attitude of a young man. If you reason with him, Mr. Lu, an old man in the world, would consider himself no match.

Because in addition to being a master of bone injuries, the theory of the new segmentation school of Chinese medicine was also proposed by the guy in front of me.

Moreover, his level of internal medicine, according to previous evaluations by Pu Lao and Yue Lao at Shengli Clinic, is not low. There is absolutely no problem in being called a doctor.

With money, a backer, ideas, and a lot of ability, the people in the ministry seduced Li Shengli into a correspondence school. If things went wrong, he would become the Department of Western Medicine.

In addition to these, Mr. Lu also knew that although the Du family's son-in-law had differences on the matter of Chinese medicine, Director Du spared no effort to support Li Shengli.

Nowadays, apart from the four heroes of the Wu family and Dr. Gu, the only people who can be guarantors and mediators are Shi Lao, Pu Lao, Yue Lao and others.

Now that Mr. Shi has passed away and Mr. Pu has gone to the south to recuperate, only Mr. Yue, who is in the Shengli Clinic, can still speak.

But Mr. Lu did not dare to invite them here, because the medical overlord in front of him was jointly elected by all the elders on the mountain.

Today, there is a real leader in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, Xiao Deng, on the mountain.

The current situation is something that Mr. Lu has never seen in his life. If he can't handle it well, Li Shengli will attack him. Even the four major traditional Chinese medicine hospitals below will not be able to withstand his three moves.

Compared with Western medicine, Li Shengli has thousands of students from the new circumcision sect. Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, this advantage is even more obvious.

“If you don’t want to cause a mess that can’t be cleaned up, then stop talking.

Shengli, you haven't been to school for a long time, go and have a look, you are the one who made this place happen.

Give this senior like me some face, and stop talking or expressing your opinions. "

Seeing Mr. Lu's solemn expression, Li Shengli naturally gave him face. He stood up and glanced at the people in the department. After giving them a sneer with white teeth exposed, Li Shengli walked out of Mr. Lu's office.

“This is what you get for inviting him here.

Call Lao Cui.

If you don’t understand it today, you will have to tell the investigation team tomorrow.

This phone call of yours is a crime. In my opinion, it is not an exaggeration to shoot you!

Don't go to him. If you can't do it or the ministry can't do it, that person may not be able to do it.

Do you know why you are not allowed to touch any money in the correspondence school's account?
People have invested more than 200 million and nearly 300 million U.S. dollars for the Chinese Medicine Correspondence School.

I heard it clearly, it’s a beautiful sword, a bastard thing..."

Facing several juniors in the department, Mr. Lu really couldn't hold back his anger, and finally cursed them.

After scolding him, he picked up the phone again and called Father Du. The result he got was worse than what Li Shengli said.

Lao Du's reply was, 'If he is willing to spend money, let him try.'

From Mr. Lu's point of view, this also means that he failed to see clearly the endless cycle of the hospital.

If I really let Li Shengli give it a try, I'm afraid the result will be a dead end.

Lao Lu also knew what Lao Du was thinking on the phone. It was just that his son-in-law of the Du family had a lot of money, and he spent it on correspondence schools without asking for anything in return.

Nowadays, in addition to the subsidies from the school and the students on the mountain, the expenses for renting medicine mountains, building workshops, and opening factories also account for less than half of the money for correspondence schools.

The former does not ask for anything in return, while the latter can bring income to the local area. In the eyes of Lao Du and his people, money is the only thing that matters now.

Lao Lu is also from Shanghai. He is a year or two older than Lao Du. I didn't know him when he was young, but I only got to know him after he came to Beijing.

Now, Lao Lu, who has not been promoted in thirty years, has retired due to his age. Lao Du, who is in the office, is having a good time.

So on the phone, Lao Lu didn't explain anything about the hospital's endless cycle, and there were people from the ministry standing opposite!
Lao Lu, who understands traditional Chinese medicine and is well versed in the world of politics, doesn't mean that he doesn't know the methods of officialdom, but he just doesn't want to care about it.

The reason why he has been stuck in the same place for thirty years is also very clear to his family. It is nothing more than bad people obstructing him.

Lao Lu also has a bad impression of Lao Lu in the ministry. If Lao Cui hadn't been a confidant, he wouldn't even be able to show off to Hehecha today.

After Li Shengli gets the job done and a new group of people are replaced in the department, it won't be so hard to say angry words.

However, some things won't work when it comes down to it. Letting Li Shengli lead Chinese medicine doctors to collapse those hospitals that have been pushed into the market is the last thing Lao Lu wants to see.

This is just like him staying in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine for thirty years. Some things must be done by someone.

Just for the sake of glory and wealth, he didn't have to fight life and death back then.

Mr. Lu still has some respect in the medical community in the city, whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine.

But the first one to come was Lao Cui from the Ministry. This incident made the people who were confronting Lao Lu a little embarrassed.

After listening to Mr. Lu relaying Li Shengli's determination, Lao Cui's face immediately darkened, and he immediately turned around and scolded his mother. If it weren't for discipline, this man who had the final say in the ministry would probably have beaten someone.

Next, Dr. Gu and the Wu brothers came one after another. After listening to Mr. Lu's story again, Dr. Gu, a ruthless man, spoke first.

“Barefoot Doctors did a great job.

Since Shengli intends to take over and has the financial resources, I support it.

Er Wu, don’t speak without conscience..."

Dr. Gu, who has worked with Li Shengli many times over the years, knows what Li Shengli is like as a person.

Many times when funds could not be found, the sugar pills recommended by the barefoot doctor were all funds advanced by Li Shengli.

This kind of advanced funds has not yet been released.

As far as doctors are concerned, Li Shengli's moral character is flawless and he deals with matters as they arise. Dr. Gu not only supported this long-time friend, but also blocked the Wu brothers' efforts.

"Now that Dr. Gu has said it, we have the same opinion and support it!"

Dr. Wu, the boss of the Wu family, was pushed against the wall by Lao Gu, and he also answered for Dr. Wu.

"Why does the ministry bother to force you to this point?
Today’s traditional Chinese medicine is no longer what it was before.

The ministry still has to come up with an explanation as to where the hospitals below should go.

They are all so narrow-minded, why don’t we just hire a Western Medicine Department..."

Dr. Wu, who has worked with Li Shengli for a long time, knows that Li Shengli will not deliberately target Western medicine.

But for many people, Chinese medicine exists to counter Western medicine.

Now that war has broken out in the ministry, Dr. Wu doesn't want to go against Li Shengli.

At this time, it is really better to support the ministry than to pull out and work alone.

"Do you know what you are talking about? You have already said it to this extent.

I don’t have anything to say, so go to the office and ask for instructions.

The ministry can handle the relevant responsible persons, but you still need to calm down. "

Seeing that the situation was about to fall apart, Lao Cui stood up and led Mr. Lu, Dr. Gu, and Brother Erwu away.

As for the few people in the ministry who were confronting Mr. Lu, he ignored them. Some things should not wait until tomorrow. These few could neither behave nor do things, and the outcome was already decided.

In the past, Lao Miao had to go to the place where Director Du in the office had to work around, but now these few can only be dismissed directly.

Mr. Lu and others went to the office to file a lawsuit. Li Shengli, along with Xie Fei and Zhang Ying, were seriously watching the changes in the correspondence school.

Some of the old students who were now teachers at the school saw that Li Shengli, the evil star and devil, was back again.

The veteran students who teach in the correspondence school are all well-behaved compared to the other students.

If you follow this man, you will definitely have a future, and you will definitely learn a craft, but the road ahead will be too miserable.

Compared with this man's coldness, Mr. Lu is really a compassionate elder in the field of Chinese medicine.

It's just that the veteran students felt that Mr. Lu's compassion was used in the wrong place. Speaking of rapid progress, it was the fastest when he was in charge of the self-training class.

Nowadays, the students in correspondence schools are far behind the old students in memorizing skills. Although compared with other schools, the courses in correspondence schools are still very tiring.

But the agony he felt when Li Shengli was around has long since disappeared.

Involuntarily, they stood at attention and stared at Li Shengli. As teachers, these veteran students looked at the students with increasingly less kind eyes. Not to mention, the days when they were beaten all day long are still memorable to me now.

"Brother-in-law, that's from the ministry!"

Walking with Li Shengli in the correspondence school, Xie Fei, who had just recovered from his shock, also changed his name when there were only two of them.

“I’m not from the ministry and I don’t do this to them.

Lao Xie, sometimes, ability is confidence. I have such ability.

Sometimes, power is also confidence, and I also have this kind of power.

Sometimes, financial resources are the only source of confidence, and I still have it.

I also thought about getting along well with them before, but it's a pity that they have no face.

In this way, many things will be easier to handle. Since they don't want it, they won't be ashamed in the future.

The same is true for you. You have power and financial resources, but you just don't have the courage to show off your abilities.

Some rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs, what do you care about them? "

After giving Xie Fei the confidence, Li Shengli asked Zhang Ying to gather old students who knew him.

After leaving Mr. Lu's office and hearing the endorsements on campus, Li Shengli could tell he was slacking off.

For Li Shengli, the students in the past five or six years are also the last batch of students with simple minds.

There are too few entertainment projects now, and many people can calm down and read books, because reading is also a kind of entertainment.

In 578 years, there will be more entertainment projects, and people will no longer be so simple.

This group of students, as long as they are supervised in place, can basically become successful. This is because they are simple-minded.

In the future, if you want to learn Chinese medicine as an apprentice, you will really need a certain amount of talent.

If a person spends 60% of his or her energy on memorizing the exercises, the effect will be very different from if a person spends 10% or 20% of his or her energy on memorizing the exercises.

The thing about memorizing merit depends on your progress within a few years. If your skin is slippery, it's just a waste of time.

Even current students can only use 60% of their mental energy in an almost completely closed school.

In the future, it is impossible to say whether I will still have 10% or 20% left in my heart for reciting the merits.

After gathering old students and martial arts classes, Li Shengli's request was simple. The correspondence school was still the same as the previous self-training classes and correspondence classes. People can learn to be stupid or die, but they cannot learn to slack off.

Li Shengli's evaluation of students who practice back skills is also very intuitive. They can be treated like donkeys, but they must not be treated as human beings.

If you can't carry it well, you'll be beaten, and if you can't carry it, you won't get food. These projects that Mr. Lu canceled were continued when Li Shengli came.

The hardships at this time are the road ahead. As the sponsor of the correspondence school, Li Shengli also has such rights.

Let’s save Mr. Lu’s measures to treat students well until ten years later.

Within ten years, students in correspondence schools will be treated like big animals like cattle, horses, donkeys and mules, being whipped along the way.

The current situation is different from the past. The level of Chinese medicine is still online. In the future, I want to make a living in the field of Chinese medicine with my half-baked skills.

I'm afraid the more than three million barefoot doctors below won't agree.

Mr. Lu felt that without the commune, there would be fewer barefoot doctors down there.

But Li Shengli doesn't think so. Although there are quite a few unqualified objects below, we can still talk about half and half.

The difficulty in the practice of traditional Chinese medicine lies in an understanding. Barefoot Doctors, who have been around for sixteen or seventeen years, have engraved this understanding in their minds.

This understanding can be regarded as a relatively idealistic realm of traditional Chinese medicine. Using computers or artificial intelligence to replace traditional Chinese medicine can be used for some diseases with obvious symptoms!

But for difficult and complicated diseases, it is not feasible.

To put it bluntly, when encountering difficult and complicated diseases, Chinese medicine doctors will say that it is almost the same disease as I think you have.

As for why I feel it, the Chinese medicine practitioner involved may not know the reason, but I feel it.

In such cases, medication is most likely to be effective. The human body is a complex system, just like traditional Chinese medicine requires seeing, hearing, asking, and understanding to treat a disease.

In the end, when Li Fang prescribes medicine, it is difficult to say whether the pulse condition has the final say, the tongue condition, or the superficial symptoms.

Diseases come and go like a mountain, but which thread should be pulled out first is the key point for Chinese medicine that cannot be replaced by computers.

In the case of multiple diseases, if you draw the wrong medicine, it may not have any impact and the disease will be cured; it may make the disease worse; it may also kill the patient.

When these are memorized, or when there are too many basic cases, it may be a common phenomenon to treat them to death.

With a few words, he resumed the cruel memorization training of the correspondence school, and Li Shengli didn't care whether the new students could adapt.

As the saying goes, you can stay, but you can't leave.

Li Shengli will not ignore the efforts of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions of students just because of a few people or thousands of people.

As he turned around the correspondence school, Mr. Lu and Mr. Du led several old men who were either familiar or unfamiliar.

The Wu brothers and Dr. Gu followed suit and blocked Li Shengli in the correspondence school...

(End of this chapter)

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