The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 874 There must be a chapter (Part )

Chapter 874 There must be repercussions (Part )

The game that Li Shengli had envisioned was the first serious one.

Although the process was a bit sloppy, the result was still destined.

The destined result is not because there are many barefoot doctors, nor because he has a lot of money.

It's because those two diagnostic treatments, as Mr. Lu said, will be effective within three to five years. If the lung health problems don't show up that winter, then the winter will not be difficult.

Even if the result of this game is not what Li Shengli wants, the result five years later will definitely be what he wants.

To make a diagnosis of this level, it is not enough to know the contents of the letter to death.

In today's traditional Chinese medicine community, he and Lao Deng may be the only ones who can make such a diagnosis.

Of course, the medical seniors on the mountain are not included in the scope, because the Book of Death was summarized by them.

As for Pu Lao and Yue Lao, as I said before, these two may not be better than Li Shengli in terms of health preservation, life extension, and recuperation.

Weapons such as the Stinger and TOW are also available, although the old and American aircraft did not come in their entirety.

Although the words between Weng and his son-in-law were a bit unpleasant, what the virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli said may not be untrue.

Today's virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli is really a young man who is difficult to deal with. Father Du dare not say what will happen in the future.

As Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian became more and more powerful abroad, Du and the others still didn't take it seriously at first.

Looking at Li Shengli, a virtuous son-in-law who has grown up like a Chinese medicine doctor, Father Du is also a little confused.

I hope that the regrets of the leaders back then will not happen again in the future...

Listen to my phone calls these two days, and I still want to talk to you in detail. "

Although the total amount of these materials is not large, the depth and breadth of the fields involved are staggering.

Along with the production line, in addition to technology, there are also some technical personnel.

Father Du saw Li Shengli's actions, but there was really nothing he could do to stop him.

But there is an even more outrageous son-in-law in front of Lao Du, and the threat he just said was beyond words.

Knowing that there would be meetings all night after returning home, Du Lao didn't let Li Shengli go to the Du family's small building again.

The wood has become a boat and the trees have reached the sky. The cost of sinking the boat and logging it is now unaffordable.

Even if they get the technology and funds, Du Lao and others don't care much.

Of course, there is still a shortage of technical personnel for some large projects.

In addition to the Book of Death on the mountain, he also mastered the Liu family's life-extending medicinal wine, as well as methods of extending life and maintaining health, and he also had advanced Chinese medicine standards in internal medicine.

There are nearly a hundred scrapped aircraft engines, and even more electronic instruments of various types.

At this stage, the goods imported by the material company include weapons and equipment from Eastern Europe and aerial bombs collected from the southwest.

However, the old machine parts that were shipped and the new parts used for maintenance did not have a new engine in addition to the body.

The Omi counterfeit drug case and the family separation incident caused by the ministry are also matters that must be resolved before our eyes.

What worries Du Lao and others is neither the huge amount of funds nor the total amount of investment from Du Jiaoyang.

Bringing in a barefoot doctor, with more than 1.5 million people registered and more than 3 million actual people, none of these is a small matter.

Materials are not the key, what is key is the types of materials covered and the way the materials are imported.

Li Shengli, who is still a young man now, is still qualified to be a health care doctor.

With such a skill at hand, putting aside the rhetoric of splitting up the business and opening a traditional Chinese medicine bureau, there was really little resistance for Li Shengli.

The manufacturing requirements, manufacturing processes and data of some parts and components are also included in the waste materials.

In the future, it is an indisputable fact that the longer you live, the more your descendants will benefit.

Even in the current space program carried out by the United States, some first-line spare parts are among the waste materials.

"What you said is a bit excessive.

Many units in the northwest and third-tier areas cannot understand many of the technical data.

Since 1958 to the present, or rather since 2028 to the present, some people have indeed gone too far.

Your two diagnoses and treatments seem to have something to say.

In addition, the second-hand production lines that have been accumulated over the years have also left Du Lao and others speechless.

These things and certain words cannot be mentioned again. After all, Wang Qianjin’s godmother took over all this.

Even if it is second-hand, the price is not much different. For projects like this, equipment is not the key, but technology is.

According to previous estimates for large projects, the introduction of some production lines alone will cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

The current good son-in-law is not a question of whether to use it or not, but a question of whether it must be used and how to restrain it in the future.


In the stormy past, there is another public case. Where are those people who advocated the ban on traditional Chinese medicine today?

It is the material company of the self-rolling steel mill in Tianjin. From the beginning, it handled several thousand tons or more than 10,000 tons of goods every day, to now more than 100,000 tons.

But the reality is before us, and the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine may be the best way to deal with it.

But now the market is in urgent need of TV, refrigerator, and washing machine production lines. While Jinmen Materials Company is stocking up on production lines, technical training in the port city has also begun.

The introduction of equipment for such large projects requires hundreds of millions of dollars domestically, and Du Jiaoyang also needs hundreds of millions of dollars.

But unlike in China, Du Jiaoyang's hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on second-hand production lines, which were just incidental.

They spent hundreds of millions of dollars, not only getting production lines and technology, but also their factories.

The old production line was dismantled and the new production line was put into operation. Du Jiaoyang bought the factory for hundreds of millions of dollars, and the value of it will increase a lot.

This is a free flower, and Du Jiaoyang's is a free profit. This gap is difficult to accept at first.

What is even more unacceptable is Du Jiaoyang's capital, the technology, factories, patents, and political and business relationships he obtained.

This is especially true for some second-hand civilian production lines. Du Jiaoyang is in Europe and the United States. While playing with industrial layout, he is busy helping domestically import available second-hand production technology and production lines.

However, some domestic factories have also gone to Europe and the United States. What their purpose is, Mr. Du knows, it is just to absorb advanced technology.

The target of extraction can be placed on the second-hand production line, thus disrupting the industrial layout of Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian.

Du Lao couldn't quite understand why he bought back a bunch of old equipment at the price of a new production line, which was not worth much at Jinmen Port.

Nowadays, the import of second-hand foreign wires has been stopped, and no one will reimburse Du Jiaoyang for the extra money he spent.

Father Du doesn't care whether he is reimbursed or not. What he cares about is that Du Jiaoyang's method of introducing technology, which is similar to stealing and robbing, has not caused a single ripple in Europe and the United States.

In China, most of the second-hand production lines in Jinmen Port are classified and must be guarded by dedicated personnel.

Du Jiaoyang, on the other hand, can use capital means to turn some 80% to 90% new production lines into a pile of scrap metal and garbage, and use this to seek benefits from Europe and the United States. In addition to its penetration into the field of production technology, the area where Du Jiaoyang's capital is truly famous is finance.

According to reports from secret sources, Du Jiaoyang's resources are making a large-scale deployment on the island for an unknown purpose.

After the son-in-law arrived in Hong Kong City, he split Du Jiaoyang's capital into Jiaoyang International, Langyue International, Qunxing International, and Changlu International.

But except for one Jiaoyang International that took away most of the peripheral personnel, the other three groups were just minutiae.

Compared to Xin Yihe, they are far behind.

What Jiaoyang International took away was not Du Jiaoyang's backbone. Even so, Southwest has now changed hands, and Java is also advancing in an orderly manner.

A group controls a region. In the understanding of Du Lao and others, this monster could only appear in the late Qing Dynasty, but now it has actually appeared in Southeast Asia.

The Battle of Southwest, it seems now, was both a failure and a success. The reason for the failure was that the attack was too harsh and broke the backbone of Southwest, allowing Du Jiaoyang's capital forces to take advantage of the situation.

Many things that happened in the southwest were not known to outsiders. Only the secret line sent by Father Du had some access to it.

Father Du had only seen the scene of thousands of miles without people in history books, but now he really heard it. It stretched for thousands of miles and was divided into hundreds of thousands of households. This was not a poem, but the cruelty of capital.

Today Java has also fallen into chaos. The original southwestern remnants have crossed the sea and have established a firm foothold in Java.

Just like the southwest before, information began to be cut off on the Java side.

These are the reasons why the wise son-in-law Li Shengli has to use it. Not to mention Java, but a southwest enclave, he has to cooperate with him or the future Jiaoyang International.

Today, Du Jiaoyang has grown into a cruel monster overseas, and the brain of this monster is the virtuous son-in-law in front of him.

When Du Jiaoyang's capital was split up in Hong Kong City, Du Lao had already smelled a threat.

But those things happened overseas and were the actions of American capital.

Now, because of the matter of Chinese medicine, his virtuous son-in-law has once again threatened him. Father Du has no idea how to deal with this relationship.

Get to the bottom of it?

After The Stormy Past was taken over by Wang Qianjin's godmother, Li Shengli was left with only grace and righteousness behind him.

Normal means cannot move him at all, and abnormal means cannot be used, which will cause even more trouble.

With deep thoughts and a complicated look at his son-in-law, Du Lao didn't stay at the correspondence school any longer. The problem at hand must be dealt with immediately.

Mr. Du and others left quickly, and Mr. Lu, who was not qualified to attend the meeting, was left in the correspondence school.

Today, Mr. Lu is a retiree, and the correspondence school is still privately run. This is why people from the ministry keep coming to visit him.

"Sheng Li, is this really okay?"

When it comes to Chinese medicine, Mr. Lu cares about it. When it comes to Western medicine, he has a similar attitude to Li Shengli.

It is precisely because of their understanding of traditional Chinese medicine that the two of them knew the shortcomings of traditional Chinese medicine.

People-oriented Chinese medicine, among other things, is to train a doctor who is equivalent to the attending physician, which takes at least ten years.

If this number is averaged among all students or barefoot doctors, twenty years would probably be the benchmark.

In ten years, Western medicine students will almost be able to become attending physicians.

In addition, the broad spectrum of traditional Chinese medicine is indeed a problem.

Although there are seemingly broad-spectrum decoctions such as Guizhi Decoction, the so-called dosage adjustment for one person is the real difficulty of traditional Chinese medicine.

Sometimes, a little difference is the result of whether the decoction works well or not.

The only serious case to talk about is this kind of bad case, and this problem cannot be solved.

Some patent medicines or granules extracted from active ingredients can be classified as Chinese patent medicines, but more granules can actually be regarded as Western medicines.

That is a pharmaceutical method based on the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and using Western medicine as a means. It shortens the boiling process and contains more bad things.

Many things have been concluded during the Republic of China. Traditional Chinese medicine has its own value, and Western medicine has its promotion value.

Lao Lu estimated that whether Li Shengli wanted to separate his family and live another life, or he would return to the Bureau of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Next, there will always be countless barefoot doctors. To accept these people, for correspondence schools, it is nothing more than expanding the scale of rural Chinese medicine clinics and building new Chinese medicine hospitals.

Moreover, in the process of establishing traditional Chinese medicine clinics in townships, Li Shengli simply divided them into different departments.

To put it bluntly, township clinics in some places are larger than county hospitals.

This time people from the ministry came to the correspondence school for the same purpose.

It is nothing more than absorbing the manpower of rural Chinese medicine clinics and filling county hospitals.

However, the income of township TCM clinics is beyond the reach of county hospitals. Another point is that the jurisdiction over the TCM physician qualification certificates of township TCM clinics is not with the ministry, but with the correspondence school.

The health clinic below wants to recruit people from the traditional Chinese medicine clinic. In addition to salary, there is also the problem of not being subordinate.

The Chinese medicine clinic below is almost directly managed by the office.

This is also a helpless choice in the storm. Without direct management from the office and personnel from the correspondence school, it is really difficult for a traditional Chinese medicine clinic to gain a foothold down there.

The lower-level treatment was used to recruit people, and the opening remarks of the people in the ministry were not acceptable to the Chinese medicine practitioners below.

Naturally, Mr. Lu would not agree, and in his words, he pushed the problem onto Li Shengli.

The overlord of the medical field in the past two years has almost never seen the end of the dragon. Who would have thought that Mr. Lu's evasive remarks really made the people in the department meet Li Shengli.

The result is the current result, and Mr. Lu can predict the impact this result will have on the hospitals below.

"Mr. Lu, what else?

It doesn't matter if you say it in a hurry or if you have to do it out of necessity.

Things will eventually come to this point.

Is it possible for the barefoot doctors below to learn Western medicine?

If this is the result, there would be no need to put in so much effort when recommending barefoot doctors. How good would it be to have a Western medicine textbook for everyone?
It’s true that so many barefoot doctors have learned Western medicine, not to mention the cost.

Then we people are unworthy of the great inheritance.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been passed down to this day, but some rules still need to be changed.

Mr. Lu, let the students in the school gather together.

Since the villages below cannot afford to support barefoot doctors, it's up to us.

The previous attempts had good results. This time I asked the barefoot doctors to go back with industry and projects.

After establishing the Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureau, the first thing to do is to organize the manpower of health doctors.

The second thing is to connect the advanced certification of Chinese medicine practitioners with the barefoot doctors..."

(End of this chapter)

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