The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 808 Start of Construction (Part )

Chapter 808 Start of Construction (Part )
Feng Qian couldn't answer brother-in-law Li Shengli's question.

Changing the car body may not sound difficult, but designing it is more difficult. You can't just open your mouth and do it.

Now Feng Qian is also very grateful to her brother-in-law Li Shengli, who is not considered a brother-in-law.

In the storm, her news coverage was very limited.

After the wind and rain stopped, Feng Qian really thanked Li Shengli for finding her a wild man, Du Peng, after hearing her parents talk about the experiences of some friends' families.

Without the protection of these two uncles, I am afraid that Feng Qian would have no hope of living now.

Today, Feng Qian is also a full-time chief engineer at the steel rolling mill, and her welfare benefits are unmatched by researcher Zheng Peilan.

As for the former partner who abandoned her and stepped on her, he has gone to a farm in the northwest with his wife's family. It is impossible not to engage in technical research in the future without going to jail.

Seeing that Feng Qian didn't speak, Li Shengli shook his head. The domestic car was going to take a serious detour.

Among the popular Land Rovers in later generations, there were similar Songliao Land Rovers in the 1980s, as well as Mustangs, Aerospace and the like.

I started to draw the appearance of the car model more seriously on the paper.

While continuously enhancing its own technical strength, it has a thorough understanding of foreign automobile manufacturing technology.

At the same time, the four-seat independent leather seat design is the same selling point as the appearance.

There is such a thing as the 212, which is full-size and all-terrain. No matter how good it is, it will not catch up with a Lada.

The main point is that I won't tell you anything about quality in the first place, I'm just going to start a price war.

The first thing Li Shengli drew was the Tiger Head Running. This thing could not only enhance the appearance of the first batch of people to eat crabs, but it could also be used as an official vehicle.

In today's market, what is needed first are large and small vans and trucks, followed by cars.

In the early stage, I will compare the quality with you at the same price. When you want to compare the quality, I will compare the price with you.

The fasteners and shock-absorbing parts on the car must also be done well. It is grand, comfortable, quiet, and low-price, which are the selling points of this car.

When the technology is almost fully understood, and with tariffs added, foreign car companies will have no choice but to stay high.

It won’t take too long. If it lasts for a few years, foreign car companies will all have to lower their configurations and engage in price wars.

It took seven or eight pages to roughly draw the various views of Hutouben, increase the departure angle, and also note on the side that only black is produced.

“Take a rough look at it and ask me if you don’t understand.

Gasoline cars can run in the city, and diesel cars can run in the countryside. It doesn't matter whether it is suitable or not. It is just a hand-operated mini-car that can put those foreign car companies on the ground in terms of price.

Furthermore, given the current domestic road conditions, what kind of ultimate mechanical performance is needed?

Seeing that Feng Qian couldn't explain, Li Shengli simply asked for her notebook and pen.

As for the diesel engine version, it is even simpler, it is just a four-wheel truck converted from a handcart.

There are many models that Li Shengli can learn from. Cars are just like a tiger's head. They are just pretentious things. The bigger the better.

The car paint is imported from abroad, and it is sprayed and baked by hand according to the methods used by foreign car repair companies. The paint effect should be as bright and wear-resistant as possible.

The gasoline engine version is simply equipped with an engine developed by Zheng Peilan.

When people outside are familiar with price wars, they will then start a strangled war of quality and price.

After all, the small noise gives people the first impression that it is a good car.

If there are no standards, I will play with industrial waste and you will produce high-quality products, but the price will be defeated.

As long as the price war on the steel rolling mill side can be maintained, industrial waste suitable for the times will be thrown out.

The most advanced requirements are that it doesn’t run badly, doesn’t crash, and is durable.

Performance is worthless on bad roads. The more complex the machine is, the more likely it is to cause problems.

If we can take advantage of Du Jiaoyang's harvest on the island and take over a car company on the island, with both internal and external improvements, it will be difficult for German car companies to rival them.

The steel rolling mill, which has little research and development costs, has been able to disrupt the market for 20 to 30 years with its borrowed technology.

The environment at home and abroad is different, and the car market is also different. Foreign countries are more pursuing the ultimate in machinery, but in China, more people focus on the return of wealth and wealth.

I don’t understand the need for more sound insulation inside and outside the car. I’ll ask me again when I build a prototype later. The engine compartment and hatch cover must also be soundproofed.

The big-name ones had to wait until the 1980s, and foreign car companies were already eyeing it.

After looking at the paint samples, it is best if you can produce it yourself. If you can’t produce it yourself, don’t force it. Just import it for the time being.

In addition, in the following years, private individuals were not allowed to buy cars, and there were no vehicles that truly met the market's needs. Building a car was not only a hard job, but also a job destined to failure.

On dirt or rotten roads, driving over 100 is almost like seeking death.

Referring to the design of the first-generation Santana, Li Shengli also directly marked a higher departure angle. The specific angle of departure depends on the opinions of experts such as Feng Qian.

These car manufacturers are focusing on foreign full-size, all-terrain, and station wagons.

As for official cars, it's even simpler. When noise occurs, FAW cars will be designated as official cars.

As for trucks and vans, whether they are light trucks or micro trucks, there will be two versions, the gasoline engine version and the diesel engine version.

The price advantage is also the biggest advantage of these newly modified vehicles at the steel rolling mill.

As we continue to stir, technical equipment will come up. As long as we keep up with market demand, the probability of dry yellowing is not too great.

Coupled with technological disadvantages, the domestic auto market has become a battlefield for foreign auto companies such as Japan and Germany.

Du Peng, bring your notebook and I will draw the next one. "

After roughly explaining it to Feng Qian, Li Shengli began to draw small and large vans. The vans were casual, whatever was cheap was the design idea.

Combining van models from Jinbei, Toyota, General Motors, and Volkswagen, Li Shengli created another large van with a front-engine probe.

It is very different from the later Jinbei, except that the engine is placed in the front and the front of the car sticks out a little. It is similar to the GM model, but the body is much narrower.

As for micro-facets, we definitely cannot learn from Daihatsu and Songhuajiang in the future. The sacred car Wuling is the best example.

Li Shengli has roughly seen this car, but the engine designed by Zheng Peilan is slightly larger, and the volume of the micro-surface is also slightly larger.

The design of this kind of micro-surface for both passenger and cargo use is undoubtedly as simple as possible. Li Shengli drew the pictures very quickly.

I also briefly drew a light truck model. It was just a single row instead of a double row.

After roughly drawing the drawings and writing down some design ideas, Li Shengli pushed the notebook to Feng Qian and said to Li Huaide:
"Director, do you have any connections with the Iron Ox Factory in Jinmen?

The Tieniu 55 tractor they have is probably the most powerful rubber-tired tractor. With the addition of a hanging bucket and air brakes, it is the best transport vehicle.

It pulls much more than the Jiefang truck.

If we can get Tieniu 55, our factory might as well modify a batch of body parts.

Does it serve the transportation industry..."

This time, Li Shengli's design is the same as before, focusing on a makeshift design. It not only caters to the steel rolling mill, but also caters to the actual road conditions below. Of course, catering to market demand is the most important.

There will be great development in the private sector in the next few years. Although it is short-lived, there is still a certain market.

Got it, making money with the vehicle is second, and collecting feedback and experience from the steel rolling mill is not important either.

The most important thing is to set an example for other factories. If the tractors are changed to pull goods, or the diesel engines are changed into trucks, or the other four are different, the tractor factory has the most advantage.

No matter how cheap a car engine is, it can't compete with the price of a single-cylinder diesel engine, right?
Depending on the road conditions below, tractors are actually the best means of transportation. Although the noise of this thing is not very friendly to people, it is really suitable for the road conditions below.

The two points of not breaking down the car and not being easy to cover the car are enough for the car manufacturers to scratch their heads. Moreover, compared with cars, tractors have greater towing capacity.

Using tractors to empty the wallets of the market and strangle foreign car companies, what the tractor factories and car factories below lack is nothing more than a change in concept.

In recent years, being able to meet transportation needs with simple things has a greater impact than the technological upgrading of the automobile industry.

"It's no use.

Our Gongnong brand is a model with Tieniu 55 diesel engine.

Using the diesel engine from the Type 75 crawler tractor, there are also high-traction models modified.

These were all designed during earth moving, and the air brakes were also used. It is considered a tested model and can be released directly.

Our mechanic master also changed the car into a flat head. At first glance, it looks a bit like the Bellier heavy truck imported from France.

This cart can pull much more than the Yellow River cart. "

There are so many modifications of the three cars in the steel rolling mill that Li Shengli really has no idea at all.

Not to mention the other two vehicles, there are probably only a dozen or twenty models of Gongnong brand vehicles used when hauling and digging earthworks.

"The best thing is, don't give up on this kind of car. Try to streamline some structures. There may be a market for it in the future.

Do we have enough people in our factory to maintain these? "

Even though the steel rolling mill is a large factory with ten thousand people, the actual production according to the theoretical data of 100,000 vehicles requires a huge number of people.

"That's enough. Wasn't there an assessment recently?
Like food factories, some tertiary industries that were not profitable enough and were insignificant have been shut down.

This frees up a lot of manpower, and besides, there are plenty of young people below.

For real technical positions, positions are also limited.

The old workers in our factory still have to wait in line.

There are not enough people for some heavy work, so we can just ask the ministry to recruit workers.

This makes it even more outstanding.

Victory, you say it again, I will remember it too. "

Seeing that this time Li Shengli wasn't just squeezing out toothpaste to give him skills, Li Huaide also knew that he was going to make a big move again.

While recording, while thinking about the number of workers, the corners of Li Huaide's mouth turned up unconsciously.

When running a business today, although we can’t talk about efficiency, in the final analysis, what we really talk about is efficiency and payment.

With a three-car rolling mill, the efficiency is already the same as that of Shouqi due to production volume and cost.

Although the output of Shouqi is large, the consumption is also high. Most of the vehicles are supplied to troops and units, and many of the benefits are only on paper.

In terms of actual income, or efficiency, it is almost the same as that of a steel rolling mill.

As long as it's almost equal, it's considered a tie. Looking at the records in his notebook, Li Huaide set his sights on Shigang, a large factory with 100,000 people outside the city!
The advantages of steel rolling mills are combination and profit.

The frame has rails, sleepers and an old frame, plus an engine and a braking system, and you're done.

The cost is much lower than the 212, but the price is similar to the 212. The reason is also very simple. The demand for trucks by units everywhere is much greater than that of jeeps like the 212.

Some factories may only need one 212, but more than a dozen or dozens of trucks.

In this market, the biggest customer of the steel rolling mill is the supply and marketing cooperative. There is unlimited demand. This is the truly scary order.

No matter what kind of junk the steel rolling mill collects, as long as it can run and pull, the supply and marketing cooperative will accept it all.

Seeing that factory director Li Huaide had finished recording and was deep in thought, Feng Qian spoke with hesitation.

“Brother-in-law, according to your design, what is the specific purpose of this car?

The thickened body steel plate, silent design, and the addition of some fasteners and shock absorption seem to be a bit wasteful.

Can I listen carefully to your design ideas? "

The car model designed by Li Shengli is almost a plagiarism of the Hutouben that was only available in the 1990s. It's almost the same, but there are some differences in some details.

After all, he didn't study industrial design. If he could have a slightly more detailed shape, it would be enough for Feng Qian to use as a reference.

“In addition to these, the grille and wheels of the car must also be chromed.

Feng Qian, a sedan is just like the sedan in those days, except it is a means of transportation.

The most important function is to highlight the identity of the car owner.

Although it is difficult to say this at the moment, it is also true.

Do you think if the factory director goes down, would it be better to make the Volga Golden Deer, or sit on a walking tractor?
Or maybe someone takes a jeep and the factory manager takes a bullock cart.

No matter how far this thing goes, no need to say anything, the factory director will be a few knots shorter than other people.

This car is good, what’s so good about it?
In foreign countries, mechanical performance is the main focus, and interior decoration and appearance are secondary.

But in our case, there is a dirt road outside the city, and no matter how good the mechanical performance is, it cannot be used to its best advantage.

For us, building roads is not a century-old project, but also a task of decades.

If the road cannot be repaired for a while, we will have to make a fuss in the car.

The larger the departure angle, the better the car's passability. When encountering ditches and bumps, the car will not be blocked or damaged.

You can think of this car as a sedan-type Jeep. Of course, no need for four-wheel drive, which is troublesome.

It has been determined that the focus of our car is to add silence to the interior and appearance.

Most people will think that the car is better when the car's noise is reduced, so silence is also one of the main focuses of this car. "

After listening to the cheap brother-in-law Li Shengli's explanation, Feng Qian was convinced.

In the midst of wind and rain, this person knows how to look at the situation, and when it comes to the market, this person can still predict the situation.

I roughly thought about it in my mind. The car on the notebook and the 212 Li Huaide rode in were really comparable to bullock carts.

Comparing the Volga Golden Deer again, Feng Qian also felt that there was a lot of difference. Once the car on the notebook is completed, it will definitely replace the Volga Golden Deer...

(End of this chapter)

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