The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 809: Start of Construction (Part )

Chapter 809: Start of Construction (Part )
After listening to Li Shengli's explanation, Li Huaide, who was careful and well-coordinated, raised his eyebrows again.

This time, they had really done it in the wind and rain. The No. 2 car they were going to send up had never existed.

However, some decoration modification plans are also strictly based on actual cars.

"I won't do it even if I'm beaten to death by holding a hand or a bullock cart. It's a loss of status.

If I were to go down there on that thing, people would think I was the party secretary or captain of some village!
Feng Qian, didn’t we have many modification plans for the No. 2 car before?

I remember we discussed vehicle sound insulation, and there are also such requirements there.

We have also asked import and export companies to obtain some foreign materials and conduct experiments. Aren't these all ready-made experiences?
Don't question your brother-in-law when it comes to car design ideas. They have all been out there and are well-informed. "

There are many things that only people like Li Huaide can remember, coordinate and use them well.

In this time of year, things like the No. 2 car cannot even be mentioned in many people's minds.

But Li Huaide opened his mouth and used it, he was meticulous and pragmatic, and that was pretty much it.

Although they have not been able to be mass-produced one by one, attempts have been made.

The rolling mill pays the vehicles, and other units pay various materials.

Feng Qian is not only the real chief designer of the three vehicles in the steel rolling mill, but also a sales consultant.

Because the Unity brand, like the other two brands, has many variations.

Feng Qian can say that, except for the engine, the Unity brand is no worse than Volkswagen's minibus in other aspects.

Thinking of this, Feng Qian hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't hold back the incomprehension in her heart and asked:
"Brother-in-law, the number of cars owned by various units is almost saturated.

Most of these vehicles were replaced by factories, enterprises and units in cities and suburban provinces and cities.

Now that the engine research team has developed a new engine, Feng Qian believes that the Unity brand of the steel rolling mill can already compete with Volkswagen's minibus.

But Feng Qian still has reservations about the sales of cars.

Now Li Shengli, the cheap brother-in-law, wants to replace the Tuanjie minibus with a car shell.

The previous jeeps and sedans have almost filled the market, and most units without cars cannot afford to buy one.

Looking at the boastful brother-in-law Li Shengli, Feng Qian also looked at the design drawings in front of her.

There are no technical problems on Feng Qian's side.

The sale of three cars in the steel rolling mill is not the traditional one-hand payment and one-hand delivery method, but the original transaction method of barter.

The car you designed is bigger than the Volga Golden Stag.

In the same way, it can also make the car look higher-end.

These are also three cars from the rolling mill that were not included in the planned production method before.

Even though it is comparable to Volkswagen's minibus, the sales volume of Tuanjie brand is still the lowest among the three vehicles.

The work unit is a public one, so among the three cars, the convenience and worker-peasant license plates are both very good.

“The factory director is right, you must make good use of all existing conditions.

Ordinary units are not eligible to purchase.

But these days, no one at the top can see the way forward. To criticize Feng Qian for not having a long-term vision is not to be picky, but to make things difficult.

I'm afraid the market will be very narrow in the future. In terms of production quantity, should we be more conservative here? "

In fact, it is the simplest way to put the car shell directly on the minibus frame, and the feasibility is relatively high.

Judging from the current sales volume, medium and large vans and freight vehicles are what the market urgently needs.

Replace the car's front and rear gears with plastic and painted ones. This will make it easier to replace parts if the car gets bumped.

Also, foreign waste recycling must contain many plastic raw materials.

After hearing Feng Qian's doubts, Li Shengli nodded. Feng Qian was much more professional than Du Peng in automobile manufacturing.

This car played a decisive role in the automobile industry of the steel rolling mill.

Because there are many car manufacturers nowadays, and the use of cars also has its own level requirements.

The changes in the frame structure of a car with an increased departure angle are also minimal.

The Tuanjie brand, which is dedicated to small and micro-faces, can only achieve certain sales when the supply of the other two cars exceeds demand.

If things go wrong, this one car can support the entire steel rolling mill.

Although it has been included in the plan, there is still a huge gap between the planned output and the actual output, so this type of barter transaction is still the first choice for the steel rolling mill.

From the rectangular tractor that was originally saved, to the final shape of the Tuanjie brand, almost all the experience summed up by the steel rolling mill in the wind and rain was used in making this vehicle.

Furthermore, a steel plate should be installed under the car so that flying rocks and the like will not damage the vehicle.

In short, there is only one purpose, use whatever can be used, and try to make a model that can compete with foreign vehicles.

Will your early efforts be seen by everyone, it will almost be on this car. "

Among the three cars, the Tuanjie is also the best car for Feng Qian.

Units that have cars do not need to buy cars.

There is a vision, but it is not far-sighted enough.

"Feng Qian, Du Peng, Sister Zheng, I told you about forward-looking before.

Many things will change at a certain point.

In my case, the science conference is the node.

The science conference talks about technology, but in practice it is about talent.

High-end talents are regardless of age, but the talents of the backbone generation still belong to young people.

Scientific issues, technical issues, talent issues, and ultimately youth issues.

The solution already exists, that is, the last college entrance examination.

However, the number of places admitted to the college entrance examination is limited.

With more than 10 million people going to the countryside, plus the young people in rural areas, the number of 100 million is still a conservative estimate.

Some people go to school, but where is the future for other young people?

Before public-private partnership, there was a private economy, whether it was a small business in a workshop, shop or stall.

This is an economic model.

The exploration of young people may only be based on the word "buying and selling".

Doing business will give rise to the private economy, or let's call it the individual economy.

It is very profitable to do this now. A car costs 20,000 to 30,000 yuan now, and there are also cheaper ones of 5,700 to 6,000 yuan.

Putting aside the old sayings, what about returning home from wealth, building a good appearance, and putting on a show?

This is the selling point of the new Tuanjie brand sedan. "

There is no problem in talking about science and technology as youth, but it is still somewhat inappropriate to talk directly about business, private ownership, and individuals.

After Li Shengli finished speaking, several people in the room became silent.

In the end, it was Feng Qian who raised the question and spoke.

"Brother-in-law, we have no experience selling cars to individuals!"

As Feng Qian said, real estate falling into an individual's name is now supported by legal regulations.

Bicycles are also very clear, with special bicycle certificates.

But cars are taboo. Even the vehicles purchased by Li Shengli are in the name of each village, and there is no channel to put them in a private name.

"This matter is the factory director's business. Bicycles are cars, horse-drawn carriages and ox-carts are cars, and cars are also cars.

The channel exists, but the registered vehicles are different.

Factory Director, if you make a friend this time, when the time is right, maybe you will be rewarded. "

Du Peng and others did not understand this, but Li Huaide did. To put it bluntly, bringing up this issue was risky.

On Lao Li's side, it's better to have one less thing than one more thing.

Next, Feng Qian asked most of the questions, and Li Shengli explained them to her one by one.

The two of them had almost reached an agreement on the design of each car, and the sky outside was gradually getting darker.

After Feng Qian asked, Li Shengli assigned another task to Zheng Peilan, in addition to car engines.

For the new line of the steel rolling mill, we need to complete the self-production of the entire single-cylinder line.

Unlike cars that can easily cost tens of thousands, the price of a single-cylinder engine is very low.

The most expensive part of a car is the engine, and self-production is also the key to reducing costs.

The three cars of the steel rolling mill are standing, and there will be many companies that can be spun out in the future.

If sales can be maintained, the steel rolling mill in the near future will become an automobile industry cluster.

Now that the production lines have been adjusted and the models have been decided, when foreign car companies enter the market, the steel rolling mill will have at least three to five years of development.

By then, the foreign car companies that came with full confidence may be scratching their heads.

A car costs 200,000 yuan, and even with inflation, they can't sell it at that price.

The steel rolling mill will always keep them on the ground in terms of price.

When you enter this big market, you have to follow the rules of the big market and your own rules, and the consequences will be unpredictable.

This is what Li Shengli said the threshold actually looks like. Laws, regulations or rules are the threshold, and actual enterprises are also the threshold.

The Lou's Enterprise that is about to enter over the border also has such a threshold. To the outside world, even if you scrape the land clean, Li Shengli will not set any threshold for them.

If you want to scratch the surface internally, then you have to put your horses and horses to try.

In this matter, it doesn’t matter what the above says, only what the market says. Such objective laws must be restricted first, and they will surely be counterattacked.

There is a steel rolling mill, there is Lou's Enterprise in the future, and there are other enterprises similar to them.

The industry environment will also become a public order and good custom. Violation of it, as long as it is not illegal, will naturally result in a group attack.

As for the domestic private sector, if there are examples from outside, they will be regulated accordingly.

Many orders must exist at the beginning. If they do not exist at the beginning, the price will be high if they have to be regulated later.

After the meal and Q&A, Li Shengli left Zheng Peilan behind. Li Huaide stood up to leave, but Du Peng muttered:

"Brother-in-law, here I am..."

After glancing at Du Peng who was unwilling to give up, Li Shengli motioned to Li Huaide to lead Feng Qian and Zheng Peilan out first.

After Uncle Lang and Uncle Lang were left in the room, he said:

“Li Huaide’s assessment rules have touched the interests of many people.

The next steel rolling mill is not a good place.

If you stay in the steel rolling mill and become the chief engineer with three things, let alone you, even my father and Li Huaide will be criticized for this.

People don't look at what you have done, they only look at whether you are qualified to sit in the position of chief engineer.

In terms of contribution, you are qualified.

But in terms of academic qualifications and experience, you are definitely not qualified.

This is a flaw that can only be made up for by going to school.

After graduation, you will be Engineer Du who will further your studies after your skills are in place.

Without this experience, your chief engineer can only be your fault.

In the next period, not only Li Huaide, but also our father's road will be difficult.

Ministries and commissions, you can’t stay here either.

If you know you can't stay, it's better to make arrangements to go to school in advance instead of forcing you to stay.

I told our dad about this.

If Li Huaide doesn't understand, my father will take action.

You go to school with peace of mind and attribute what you do to what you have learned.

After graduation, combined with your experience in the steel rolling mill, Lao Li will have to give you the title of chief engineer.

At that time, there was no doubt about the chief engineer. Anyone who doubted it was questioning the entire system.

Is there anything else you don’t understand? "

As Li Shengli said, whether it is Du Lao's small craftsmanship or light industry, or Li Huaide's assessment details.

There will be a good time in the early stage, but when winter comes, the two of them will also be in trouble.

It is not nonsense for Li Shengli to say that Li Huaide might be imprisoned.

No matter before the storm, during the storm, or after the storm, for many people in the official career, the bottom line is the same, close to nothing.

Position is equivalent to glory and wealth, and it can be extended to a certain extent. To earn such a position, the minimum limit can be regarded as a relatively luxurious character.

"Brother-in-law, why are they like this?"

After listening to his brother-in-law's detailed explanation, Du Peng was definitely not convinced.

Although Du Peng is a bit mean and ungrateful, he has also invested a lot of energy in the steel rolling mill over the years.

Although Du Peng does not have the title of chief engineer now, he is not a fool. He has learned most of the skills that Feng Qian acquired while studying abroad.

He has also devoted himself to studying the knowledge of the engine research team in the past two years.

For the position of chief engineer, if there were specific exam content, Du Peng believed that he would definitely pass the exam.

Going to college is different from studying at work. If Du Peng was someone who loved to study, he would not have started working after graduating from high school.

Not wanting to go to school, or not wanting to lose his status by going to school, was the hurdle before Du Peng.

For children who are working, for children who have a certain position in the work unit, going to university, whether it is a regular class or a graduate class, is a relegation for them.

Some time ago, at a gathering of kids in the city, Du Peng and his group, who had actual jobs in the workplace, even laughed at those kids who gave up their jobs to take the college entrance examination!
Now that Du Peng had just ridiculed others, he was rewarded in this world. He did not want to do such a humiliating thing.

“Because they’re on the theoretical side, they can do it.

Did it blow outside?

What's this?
In the official career, what is needed is this kind of duplicity and shamelessness.

Especially when it comes to your own future.

If you can't get off someone's back, you're asking for trouble.

Those who come up to laugh at you, if you reply to them, "A sparrow knows the ambition of a swan," why don't you make a fuss about it without even knowing the source?

This is really related to your future future. Without a graduate degree, how can you get higher? "

After listening to brother-in-law Li Shengli's explanation, Du Peng left with a tangled look on his face.

If he folds the noodles this time, it will be difficult for him to hang out in the circle of disciples...

(End of this chapter)

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