The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 807: Advance and retreat with evidence (Part )

Chapter 807: Advance and retreat with evidence (Part )

Li Huaide expressed his position here, and the official affairs were settled temporarily. Next, it was time to talk about the Du family's private affairs and Du Peng's ownership.

"Factory Director, Du Peng is a chief engineer with no academic qualifications and no professional title. After a while, your department may have opportunities such as advanced training classes, where you can go to school while working.

Take a look here and see if you can help Du Peng. Some problems don't need to be solved by you.

For example, the indicator for going to school..."

As soon as Li Shengli said this, Lao Li's face turned ugly.

You need people's attitude first, and then increase the difficulty on the spot. Once Du Peng leaves, it will mean a dead end for the steel rolling mill that even Director Du may not be able to solve.

When the assessment rules were trialled before, the Du family had no intention of removing Du Peng.

"Victory, is this next game likely to be a dead game?"

Li Huaide's appointment is also based on the situation. It does not involve life and death, so he will naturally not be afraid of life and death.


When it comes to automated production lines, Li Shengli doesn't catch a cold either.

After listening to what Li Shengli said, Li Huaide also believed the evil of this boy from the steel rolling mill.

We can narrow the gap in production speed by working in three shifts.

The former high-precision technology refers to aircraft, missiles, and atomic bombs, and the later high-precision technology refers to computers, chips, and networks.

As long as there's no problem with the frame and engine, it's just a matter of replacing the casing, how big of a deal is it?

If you and I come to play, it will be the death of others.

"If other people play this game, it will probably be a dead game, and they will be sentenced to several years.

It's not okay for you to refuse to accept this...

Isn't Du Peng just a layman who comes with gold plating?

Can you, Li Huaide, stand firm in the steel rolling mill?

Removing people to avoid risks is just talking about removing people to avoid risks. Talking about technology when removing people is so shameless!
"What's new here?

I'll take care of Du Peng's matter first. If it doesn't work, let Director Du come over. "

When it comes to life and death, doing things is pure nonsense. There may be people who are brave enough to move forward without fear of life and death, but Li Huaide cannot be considered one of them.

Our current new production line is mainly about how to transform convenience cars.

Feng Qian is a senior intellectual who returned from studying in the Soviet Union, and Zheng Peilan is an early college student. Such a technical team is not yet professional.

Enter Du Pengzuo and Feng Qian, and Sister Zheng serves as the deputy chief engineer. There is no doubt about the technical strength of the automobile line in the steel rolling mill.

There is no professional technical team in the country, and it is untenable for anyone to mention the word science.

Then I believe you, but don’t really kill me, I am still a young generation!

I really want to be called a fool because of Du Peng, the chief engineer with three no jobs.

Don't tell me what he did.

Although according to the technical team, our level of automation is not high and we use a lot of manpower.

As Li Huaide said, automated production lines also use people.

It's just that everyone reached a consensus when the wind stopped and the rain stopped, which brought everything to a halt.

In terms of labor, the speed of the three shifts is almost the same, except that at the steel rolling mill, more people are hired to make up for the speed difference between manpower and machines.

It's nothing more than replacing labor with machines, and the speed won't exceed much.

The next section is also the section where the king's flag changes at the top of the city. Just because everything has stopped, does not mean that there are no changes.

Isn't it a task that was arranged from the beginning of the design to produce a small car like the Tuanjie brand in the big line of convenience?
Factory director, technology is technology, and professional title is professional title. In the eyes of some people, professional title is Zhengshuo, while Du Peng and others are just beggars.

Don't worry, if you can't kill someone, even if you are sentenced, we will sentence them the same way they sentenced you, and then acquit you. "

With Feng Qian and Sister Zheng supporting her, Du Peng can do the same job as giving cakes to dogs.

Our three cars are somewhat cobbled together.

"It's just a matter of replacing a few shells on the Unity card. Isn't the early summary done almost done?

In addition to the assessment details, we will also speak for ourselves with our products.

Didn't there just be a science conference?

It has nothing to do with automated equipment. It is nothing more than a machine that replaces human labor. No matter how high-end, sophisticated or sophisticated it is, can it still be worthy of an eighth-level craftsman?
This place is capable of arranging a full line of mid-level and senior-level workers. As the saying goes, there is never a shortage of talent. Even if there is a shortage of irreplaceable people, there are still three cobblers who can stand up to Zhuge Liang, as the old saying goes.

But in terms of accuracy and speed, there is not much difference with automated production lines in Europe and the United States.

And the automated production lines over there are not owned by one person.

It is also taboo these days for laymen to lead experts.

Li Shengli talked about technology, and Li Huaide also talked about technology.

Therefore, before the new production line of the steel rolling mill comes up with something new, the technical structure needs to be changed first. "

Generally speaking, apart from the large number of people using it, our new line is no different from the first-class automated production lines in Europe and the United States in terms of speed and technology. "

Listening to Li Huaide's shameless young generation, Li Shengli has no choice but to die after all the hardships. This is really not a lie.

If Father Du falls, I'm afraid Li Huaide will immediately switch to another place.

After reaching an agreement with some reluctance, Li Shengli got up, went to the next room, and called Du Peng and others.

"Feng Qian, is there any problem with adding a car body or modifying a truck to the Tuanjie brand rack?

Sister Zheng, the new production line for Tuanjie brand engines is fully developed. How many units can it produce in a year? "

Du Peng, Feng Qian, and Zheng Peilan sat down. Li Shengli ignored Du Peng and asked very amateurish questions.

The problem on Feng Qian's side is not big, but the problem on Zheng Peilan's side is big.

Their engine research team focuses on car engines, which are now only one generation behind international models.

And it is still an improved cast iron casing engine based on existing conditions, although it is very different from the aluminum casing engine in terms of weight.

But in terms of power and durability, the theoretical data is still remarkable.

Zheng Peilan and Feng Qian looked at each other. Feng Qian was used to collecting industrial waste and was not afraid of making jokes, so it didn't matter.

With one look, the right to speak was given to Researcher Zheng, who was somewhat unclear with his brother-in-law Li Shengli.

"Shengli, we previously developed a car engine, which was 30% heavier than the previous three-wheeled vehicle engine due to raw materials.

If the three-wheel vehicle engine from Shanghai is directly copied, the production line will still need to be readjusted.

If we produce engines of our own design, the theoretical production capacity would be at least 100,000 units per year.

If additional equipment is added, with the existing casting conditions, up to 300,000 units can be produced.

This has been planned by the technical team before, and the corresponding equipment list has also been prepared in advance.

But this is only theoretical output. When it is actually put into production, we don’t know what problems we will encounter.

Ten thousand units in half a year, this quantity should still be guaranteed, because we have now cast the body shells of ten thousand engines. "After listening to Zheng Peilan's relatively simple explanation, Li Shengli nodded and said:
"Then let's go ahead and make it in quantities of 100,000 units.

Factory Director, are there any problems with the materials? "

Hearing what Li Shengli said while standing, Li Huaide was also helpless. One hundred thousand units, I really want to eat this shit!
"It's a big problem!
Nowadays, the shortage of aluminum materials is too big. The aluminum stock in the factory only amounts to 5,000 units by weight.

After actual production, including losses and substandard products, the actual output may be 4,000, or 3,000, or even 2,000.

After all, it is a new line, and the processing equipment is also new. Only the people are old, and we know everything about it, but the equipment on the island is not easy to use or not?
Our old workers are all old and rough, eating fine grains for the first time, and using high-precision equipment. I really dare not say this for sure.

Not to mention aluminum parts, even the boring and milling of cast iron parts, no one in our factory can do it.

Test run is the result of test run, and actual production is probably another result. "

Zheng Peilan was talking about the test data of the new line of the steel rolling mill, but Li Shengli was more aware of the difference between theoretical data and actual data.

Although Lao Li is not a technical person, he is attentive and has a lot of sophistication.

Just ask the veteran workers in the factory to find out.

It's just that the technology is one day ahead and one day behind the business, but aluminum is also the raw material that gives Li Huaide a headache after motors.

That thing is now a strategic material and is even more difficult to obtain.

Nowadays, some places have begun to melt badges, but this is a taboo. Smart people like Li Huaide will not do such stupid things just to get raw materials.

In the wind and rain, there were many people squatting on the fence because of the holy statue.

Even if the wind stops and the rain stops, even if some people are already doing it, Li Huaide will not touch it.

Let me give you a chance. Go find people from the import and export company and ask them to go to the port city to collect junk.

Du Peng, please contact Xie Fei and ask him to inform the outside world to set up waste collection stations in various countries, especially on the island.

There is a subsidy for collecting waste outside. Please remember to ask Xie Fei to remind people outside. "

But when it comes to aluminum materials and the electrolytic aluminum industry, Li Shengli's mind is not that dizzy yet.

That kind of enterprise cannot be solved with one or two coins now.

It may cost hundreds of millions of dollars to invest in an electrolytic aluminum plant now. This thing is still a large-scale power-consuming industry, and it does not have the conditions to start it now.

Collecting junk or recycling resources is really the king of resource utilization nowadays.

In addition to materials, there are also second-hand sales that can be done.

If we do this recently, it may easily be linked to smuggling. Keeping things public is the proper way to do things.

It's just that Du Jiaoyang's funds have already arrived on the island. The recycling of waste resources on the island is an industry and a tool for future market smashing.

"Either it has to be you!
Aluminum, copper, and plastic are all in short supply. If we land directly at Jinmen Port, we can build a branch factory there.

I will handle the relationship with the import and export company..."

As the person in charge of the steel rolling mill, Li Huaide also has a certain understanding of foreign trade.

Li Shengli said that he can still catch up, which is better than most people now.

"Director, you are really good.

Du Peng, what do you think about the import and export of scrap? "

With Li Huaide's help, Li Shengli turned his attention to Du Peng, the messenger. Du Peng should also have this kind of vision, and he should be better than Lao Li.


Isn't this bad?

Isn’t it a bit embarrassing for us to collect other people’s junk? "

After Du Peng said this, Li Shengli's brows immediately wrinkled. This was why he didn't eat minced meat.

"Du Peng can't say that.

This is what we call picking up foreign goods. We have the virtue of diligence and frugality since ancient times. It is also an old saying that I take what others give up. "

Seeing Li Shengli frowning and Du Peng about to get into trouble, Li Huaide hurriedly came out to smooth things over.

Du Peng was whipped three times by Li Shengli and had to rest for half a month. Li Huaide had seen Du Peng hurt before.

In Lao Li's view, Li Shengli, a cheap brother-in-law, gave real advice to his brother-in-law Du Peng, otherwise the whip wouldn't have been so harsh.

"You have no vision. When you get back, ask the factory director to go to the ministry for you and ask for a summary of our resources.

Go back and take a closer look, what are we missing?
During this period, I will hand over the business of the steel rolling mill to Feng Qian.

Decisive time, I will work with the factory director and let you go to the No. 1 Machinery Department.

Today we are not only short of oil, fertilizers, and various industrial raw materials, but also money.

How to spend a small amount of money to do big things, and how to look at problems from a macro perspective and an international perspective are the knowledge that you, the chief engineer, need to learn.

You have the title of Chief Engineer, but you have no idea and went to the First Machinery Department. How can you use your talents?

Forget it, don't go to the First Machinery Department. I'll ask my dad if I can find you a job where you can go to school. "

The people sitting in the room were all his own people, so Li Shengli didn't save Du Peng's face.

Just like I saw Xie Fei at that time, he is also a product with high ambitions and low abilities, and he has to work hard!

Losing his face this time will make him thicker at worst. If he can learn from his shame and then be brave, that will be perfect.

After hearing Li Shengli's advances and retreats, Li Huaide was also convinced. He just decided to let Du Peng go to school on a temporary basis.

Now it turned out that Du Peng was not very capable and had no choice but to take a temporary job to go to school.

Li Huaide also saw many youngsters like Du Peng.

Although he cannot be said to be a playboy, he is probably just an ordinary person. He just relies on the privacy of his family to look extraordinary.

As for Li Shengli, the son-in-law who comes to everyone's house, most of them are powerful people.

When working with Uncle Li Shengli to liberate supplies from the Northeast, Li Huaide often came into contact with such people.

"Brother-in-law, I understand."

The situation is stronger than the person, and Du Peng also knows that the brother-in-law in front of him is a ruthless man.

Seeing his frown, Du Peng hurriedly chose to give in. Being slapped in front of so many people was a real loss of status.

"Sister Zheng, the next person on your side is to ensure that the first batch of engines can run smoothly and ensure a certain lifespan.

Feng Qian, as before, build the car first and then find problems.

This time I plan to produce two vehicles based on the Tuanjie brand, one is a car and the other is a light truck.

At the same time, based on the Convenience brand frame, a van was designed that was between a minibus and a minibus.

It is somewhat similar to Volkswagen's minibus, but the body needs to be narrower and longer, and the load must be more balanced so that it can pull both people and goods.

Do you have any design problems here..."

(End of this chapter)

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