The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 778 Showdown (Part )

Chapter 778 Showdown (Part )

After giving Li Huaide an outline of the assessment plan, Lao Li was also extremely efficient. It took less than five days to come up with a detailed assessment plan within three days.

In terms of rules and regulations, we are not lagging behind anymore.

As for the assessment of technical standards, because there are plans left by the previous technical team and previous guidance, the steel rolling mill has to come up with them very quickly.

The standard working hours for a single workpiece are also included in the technical guidance.

Because this line of the steel rolling mill has to benchmark against international standards, Niu Bijian and Du Jiaoyang also have very detailed technical requirements.

This saves the time of testing one by one at the steel rolling mill. Although the working hours of a single piece may be somewhat inaccurate, it is nothing more than a trial standard and can be changed again.

After coming up with a detailed plan, Li Huaide hurriedly called Li Shengli.

Li Shengli also made an appointment and went to the mountain village to pick up Ding Lan. Then he met Li Huaide outside and entered the Du family's small building.

Li Huaide also knew about Li Shengli's divorce from the Du family's daughter.

But he really didn't know that after Li Shengli's divorce, he still dared to take his current wife to his ex-father-in-law's house.

Seeing the familiar faces of Sister Fu and Ding Lan, it was obvious that this was not the first time.

Regarding this matter, Li Huaide couldn't help but admire Li Shengli, a son of the steel rolling mill. In his heart, Lao Li didn't dare to play with his father-in-law.

Today, the Du family's small building has become a monkey nest for the five Ping An brothers.

Nian Jia, who was still a little delicate at first, also became a wild monkey.

You can tell by looking at the glass with cloth tape on the first floor of the small building, the messy flower beds, and the increasingly brisk steps of the mother-in-law, Sister Fu.

For family members like the eldest sister who are unemployed at home, looking after children, especially children like the fifth brother, is undoubtedly equivalent to physical exercise.

The arrival of the five Ping'an brothers not only trained grandma, but also Du's clerk. Today's clerk is also a kindergarten teacher.

After sitting down, Li Shengli was speechless when he looked at Du's tea cup with a broken handle and broken legs on the table.

"Shengli, spend two days every month to send the children back to the mountain village.

Don't tire your mother out. Why don't you let the five of them live with your parents for a while? "

Seeing that the wise son-in-law noticed the mess on his table, Father Du had no choice but to apologize.

The sudden addition of five grandsons is naturally a great joy, but the addition of five grandsons aged seventy, eighty or nine years old is also torture for Mr. Du.

During this time at home, he often went to every house to apologize, carrying wine, meat and snacks.

Although the five Ping An brothers are constantly fighting at home, they are still very united when they go out.

There were a lot of little monkeys of about the same age in the courtyard, ranging from five or six to fifteen or sixteen years old. The five brothers of my family had basically beaten them all.

No one in his fifteenth or sixteenth year was a match for these five brothers. Although he had gained the Du family's prestige, it had also dented Father Du's wallet.

“Dad, why don’t you go to the mountains and live for two or three days a week?

My father and mother still work in the factory. "

Li Shengli didn't dare to send the five wild monkeys back to Li's parents.

According to my temper, it will take less than three days to beat these five wild monkeys into slugs.

Children's wild nature needs to be cultivated, and the mother-in-law, Sister Fu, dotes on her children. Although Yang Yulian's pampering is not good for the other children in the courtyard, it is still beneficial to the growth of the five Ping'an brothers.

"This won't work. I made a study plan for them. Although the children are a little skinny, they still carry out the orders without compromise.

Your method of educating children is very good! "

Before getting down to business, Li Shengli and Weng's son-in-law first talked about the children, which was not without purpose.

This is reassuring Li Huaide!

Father Du is much more meticulous than Li Shengli, although he does not despise some of Li Huaide's actions.

But Li Huaide is still brave enough to do things without compromise.

When you talk about children, you are also talking about Li Huaide and trying to draw a line against him!
After talking about their family relationship, Father Du took over the report that Li Huaide handed over cautiously.

Seeing that Old Du had taken the report, Li Shengli got up and went out, leaving Old Li alone to tremble in front of Old Du.

It's not enough for Old Li not to tremble. When Father Du went down to investigate, he also dealt with people, and the results were often the result of target practice.

People like Li Huaide, who are not among the good people, fear the most from someone like Father Du getting up.

If Lao Li really falls into the hands of Father Du, Lao Du will promise not to blink an eye during target practice. It is not an exaggeration to say that he hates evil as much as he hates it.

It's just that even if evil deeds don't show up, Father Du is also very tolerant. Hearsay doesn't count. Old Du is also very strict when it comes to the rules when it comes to doing things.

Although he was not familiar with the five Ping An brothers, Li Shengli was his father and a man after all.

The pressure on children is also natural.

Seeing Li Shengli arrive at the scene, the five wild monkeys at home became more honest, and Sister Fu could only lament that one thing has come down to another.

"Sheng Sheng, if I had known I would only take Nianjia with me.

The child between You and Du Juan is not a child. In the courtyard, these five brothers are like wild boars, there is no boundary that they cannot reach.

The day before yesterday, these five brothers brought the firearms from the guardhouse. Fortunately, the bullets were separated here, otherwise they would not know what trouble they would cause! "

Taking the opportunity to vent her bitterness, Sister Fu was not idle either.

I originally thought that taking care of my grandson would be a leisurely career.

Who would have thought that taking care of these five little wild boars would be more tiring than fighting.

The fifth brother Ren had achieved victory, and she had to follow her family, Lao Du, to go door to door to apologize.

I originally thought about sending the child back to the mountain village, but Lao Du made a study plan for the child.

I never thought that any of the five little wild boars that quarreled at home and went out to bully others would be learning materials. The five brothers could complete the learning tasks given by Lao Du without any compromise.

If you ask Li Shengli this time, he will have an answer.

Most of the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain were initiated when they were three or five years old.

When three- to five-year-old children are disobedient, old men often resort to tricks to make their children sit still and endorse the instructions.

It was filled with the tears of the five brothers. The mother-in-law, Sister Fu, didn't ask, and Li Shengli didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

“Mom, my dad said, let these five wild monkeys go up the mountain for two days every month.

I wanted to buy you a few more days, but my dad wouldn't allow it, saying that they had study plans. "

Listening to her son-in-law's comforting words, Sister Fu rolled her eyes and said:
“They’re all glib.

You don’t know how much Grandpa, Grandpa and Grandpa called you dear after Ping An and the others caused trouble.

Now when I hear Ping An and the others calling me in a soft voice, I feel dizzy.

If they were well-behaved, they would probably get into trouble in the courtyard.

I lost all my money on tobacco, wine, sugar and tea at the beginning of the month. I know you are not short of this.

It's up to you, the father, to pay the monthly compensation to the five brothers. "

When it comes to the troubles caused by the five brothers, the Du family also has principles.

According to what Father Du said, if these five brothers go out and cause trouble, they can still handle it.

He doesn’t bully girls, he doesn’t bully the weak ones on the opposite side, he only bullies the big ones and the ones with more people.

The five Ping An brothers can bully children older than them, which is also the reason why they have been practicing martial arts since childhood. It is no lie that there is no distinction between medicine and martial arts. Although practicing the true teachings and strengthening the body are only secondary, they still have a certain effect.

He started practicing martial arts and studying medicine at the age of three or five. After two or three years, Ping An became very popular with his little fists.

Watching Ping An take the brothers and practice boxing with Grandpa Lao Du every morning was also a rare peaceful time for Sister Fu in addition to studying.

Speaking of getting into trouble, Sister Fu also left the responsibility of paying compensation to her son-in-law Li Shengli.

Knowing that Li Shengli was not short of money or tickets, Sister Fu, who had lost all her tickets due to the five brothers, was not polite and made a request directly.

“Mom, there’s nothing to say, I’ll send some tomorrow.

Also, some people in the courtyard have just returned.

I will bring you a little more. If there are some who need help, you might as well ask the five Ping An brothers to come to your door.

In this way, it will not only save others from being stretched, but also let Ping An and others know what is urgent and how to work around it. "

When Li Shengli talked about helping people, Sister Fu was still smiling.

The smile on Sister Fu's face froze when she heard that he was going to teach a ten-year-old child scheming.

Not to mention, after being enlightened by the famous old Chinese doctors on the mountain, the four Ping An brothers still know some etiquette, justice and shame. At least these children know not to hit women, right?
"You are also a monkey cub, so smart!

Victory, the future situation, do they really need Ping An and the others to learn some magic tricks at this time? "

Li Shengli's liveliness seemed to Sister Fu to be a double-dealing magic trick. Although it was useful, it was also dark.

Lao Du in the family also has a dark side that is not known to everyone. The five brothers' study plan also involves some of what Li Shengli said.

It's just that there is no son-in-law Li Shengli who can use it so directly.

“Mom, looking at the current situation, if each generation of the family is unable to produce talents, it will only go downhill in the future.

For the sake of the stability of future generations, being strict in education is a way to cast a wide net.

I also agree with my dad’s views…”

Li Shengli was about to have a deep talk with his mother-in-law, but Li Huaide walked out by chance.

Knowing that it was Father Du who was going to say something, Li Shengli could only press the future of his child and follow Li Huaide back to the house.

"Sheng Li, Huaide's assessment plan is doing well.

Isn’t it a bit eye-catching just to do this at the cusp of the storm?

If you do things like this, you will easily make people jealous.

In my opinion, the details are in place and the problems they touch on go straight to the root cause.

It's just that the timing was wrong at this time. Your ideas were bold when results were produced during the meeting.

In this way, Huaide will have to bear a great risk. "

When Li Huaide's assessment plan was put in front of Du Lao, it was Li Shengli, the virtuous son-in-law, who was showing off his cards.

If results are produced during a meeting, it will be Du Lao's showdown with others.

Now that everything is unresolved, such a showdown can easily be misunderstood. Father Du cannot afford the price of such misunderstanding.

Furthermore, he and his father-in-law Du Peng also had differences in some opinions. The paths they followed seemed to be the same, but there were still differences.

The last time he went down, Father Du also met his in-laws. The two of them talked and argued, but in short, neither could convince the other.

Li Huaide's assessment plan, in Dad Du's opinion, is to fight on two fronts.

Judging from the battle history, fighting on two fronts rarely results in an undefeated victory.

Choosing to show off his cards during the meeting, what Father Du will get is likely to be a situation that is unpalatable to both sides.

“Dad, there has to be someone who is a critic.

The rest of the business is not about treating guests to dinner! "

Seeing Li Shengli talking to Director Du like this, Li Huaide was a little frightened.

This is not a relationship between a father-in-law and a son-in-law, it is clearly a mastermind and a mastermind.

Only then did Li Huaide realize that Li Shengli's confidence lay in the storm. Director Du could be saved. Li Shengli, his former son-in-law, had played a big role.

Thinking of Li Shengli's reputation as a specialist in trauma treatment, Li Huaide couldn't help but tremble. This Xiao Li was the real cannibal.

"Director Du, there are risks in doing things.

Moreover, this assessment detail is not only beneficial to the steel rolling mill.

There are many factories below that are even more distressed than the situation faced by the steel rolling mill.

With my start, the factories below may find a way out of their difficulties.

Comrade Shengli told me before that the loss caused by a worker's inaction and slackness is only between 30, 50 and 5, 600.

But if there is a problem with the management of a factory and the factory goes bankrupt, the loss will be at least millions.

Unsaleable products can result in losses of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands.

I am willing to open roads and build bridges when encountering mountains and rivers, and I will not hesitate to do so. "

Listening to Li Huaide's words getting more and more disgusting, Li Shengli coughed first to remind him, seeing that his grandson was still a little cocky.

He could only give it a light kick under the table. Li Huaide's rainbow farts were not only unpopular with Father Du, but also almost unpopular across the board.

Before he said those disgusting flattery words, Li Shengli could only interrupt him.

I really made Father Du unhappy. After careful inspection of Li Huaide's past, I found that this guy was just a fool who inserted bids and sold his money.


Although these words are somewhat imposing, they are inevitably a little pretentious.

When speaking at a meeting, you still need to provide real evidence.

Which of the following factories are in trouble?

Which factories caused losses?
If the factory goes bankrupt, it's nothing. It's just an adjustment to the plan.

When talking about things, use data and examples, and don’t be alarmist.

In the next period of time, you can look at these companies in the city and outside the city and investigate which companies have encountered problems and how to solve them.

What you say must be meaningful. Reasonableness does not lie in a loud voice, nor does it sound emotional! "

Seeing that Director Du was obviously unhappy, Li Huaide also cast a grateful look at Li Shengli.

Unfortunately, Li Shengli reminded him in time, so he didn't say it. He had organized the flattery for several days. If he had said it, I'm afraid Director Du would be unhappy.

"Dad, let's arrange for relevant personnel from the First Machinery Department to work with Factory Director Li on this matter.

Some data, even if he investigates it, others will not be able to confirm it.

Let the First Machinery Department come up with the data and let Director Li apply the assessment details. I think we can still come up with the results before the meeting. "

Dad Du's arrangement is the way to do things in the office.

It was Li Huaide's turn to use it, but it didn't work.

At this time of year, who dares to say that his management is not good, and who dares to say that his own factory cannot make ends meet...

(End of this chapter)

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