The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 779 Showdown (Part )

Chapter 779 Showdown (Part )


This suggestion is quite pertinent.

Huaide, I will contact you tomorrow and you will handle it together.

For some problems that cannot be solved, you can ask Shengli, this guy has many solutions. "

At this point, it was obvious what Father Du meant to see off the guests.

Of course, it was only Li Huaide who was given away.

Li Shengli stood up, and Li Huaide followed suit. When the two of them left the courtyard, Lao Li said with fear:
"Shengli, thank you for the tip."

At Du's house, Li Huaide didn't feel anything yet, but when he finally left the small building, he started to sweat.

Thinking of Director Du's sharp eyes, Li Huaide's legs were trembling a little at this time.

Let Uncle Chen from the medicinal material company do this, I'm afraid it will go wrong.

You get the data, and I'll give you a way to recover. "

Li Shengli felt that this showdown would be extremely stressful for Mr. Du.

"Dad, Li Huaide was restrained before.

Only people like Li Huaide can implement such assessment rules. "

After giving Li Huaide advice, Li Shengli walked back to Du's house.

"Dad, I remember your advice.

He knows his own affairs, and without mentioning anything else, just talking about the benefits he and Uncle Li Shengli made would be enough for him to be shot with a bullet.

Hearing Xian's son-in-law mention Xiao Chen from the medicinal company, it means that he doesn't know people well.

Li Shengli didn't dare to take offense anymore, knowing that it was Li Huaide's rainbow fart that made his father-in-law unhappy.

"Don't make me angry, just send Xiao Ding back.

Du Peng's marriage is just the final insurance. If he really has different opinions, Du Peng will have to make his voice heard.

The difference between Du Lao and him was mostly about worldview. Li Huaide was a bit inconsistent with public order and good customs.

The commander of traditional Chinese medicine in your department is back. If you find you, don't go too far.

Like Mr. Chen from the medicine company, I really don't dare to use it in the future, and my slippery feet are really harmful.

"Director, if you open your mouth, you can't say it again.

Now it is time for the wind to stop and the rain to stop.

Seeing that Li Shengli, a good son-in-law, was playing rogue tricks with him, Du Lao was also angry and laughed.

Let Lao Chen from the medicinal material company do it. I'm afraid he will give up before the workers respond.

Many times, only by taking a longer-term view can a peaceful person keep his career. "

But only people like Li Huaide can carry out things like employee assessment.

After making an appointment with his mother-in-law, Sister Fu, to pick up the children and return to the mountain village, Li Shengli left the Du family with Ding Lan.

After giving some advice to the good son-in-law again, Father Du waved his hand angrily, dismissing his shameless good son-in-law.

Looking at Father Du who looked a little serious in the room, Li Shengli could only speak first.

Lao Li's side was fast, and the steel rolling mill's reaction was not slow either.

When many people hear such words, they will unconsciously feel disgusted. Don't look for trouble.

This rogue energy comes from the same source as the five wild monkeys in the courtyard.

Some things require patience, take your time, and sharpen your sword before chopping wood! "

During this time, I will also investigate the details of the assessment that Li Huaide gave me.

Seeing that Father Du was really unhappy, Li Shengli didn't do anything, and there were many things he couldn't say.

Although he has all kinds of bad deeds, he still has the courage to do things and has a flexible mind.

Father Du naturally understands the principle that when the water is clear, there will be no fish.

It's okay to just talk about business when they meet, but a rainbow farts down, which makes Du Lao feel uncomfortable. It's Lao Li's fault.

"The sword's deviation is only temporary.

Li Huaide's assessment plan is this kind of sound.

The next investigation will focus on those factories that cannot make ends meet.

Even if Lao Chen is forced to do things, without Li Huaide's enthusiasm to strive for the top, employee evaluation will be distorted in Lao Chen's hands.

Remember, let your mother rest for a few days every month. These five brothers are really a bit of a grind.

Some things cannot be done by good people. Furthermore, in Li Shengli's eyes, Lao Chen from the medicinal material company is not among the good people either.

It just so happened that Jiaoyang and Ding Lan were both pregnant. The one on Jiaoyang's side was called Pinghe, and the one on Ding Lan's side was called Shouye. "

But there is nothing that can be done. At the level of Father Du, there is no such thing as pleasing anyone or relying on anyone.

Two days after Li Shengli returned to Madianji, he heard the news that Xu Damao had gone to Wali.

The line from Madianji to Wali has been guarded by militiamen since the time of the old party secretary Wang Shengting.

This rule has continued to this day, and today's village brigade is also a real powerless one.

When he questioned the unfamiliar faces he passed along the way, it was not unreasonable, but a serious responsibility.

Li Shengli had no sympathy for the second uncle of the courtyard and Xu Damao.

Wind and rain are not easy to get involved in. Some things you do have consequences.

Uncles like Li Shengli and Wang Qinjin, who have done something wrong and no one comes to them, can only be considered lucky.

If someone really comes to your door and produces evidence, there is nothing to say. You have to deal with it how you want it to be dealt with.

Expulsion is a relatively good result for the second uncle Liu Zhonghai and Xu Damao.

If they really came here, these two would have to stay there for at least a few years.

Although Xu Damao was a lively guy, he was rebellious. This type of person was someone Li Shengli wanted to keep away from.

She had to prevent him from rebelling, so instead of getting involved, it would be easier to just say goodbye.

Li Shengli didn't say anything, let alone Xu Damao. Even when the police station came, they couldn't find him.

When Xu Damao wandered around in the valley, the only result he could get was that he could not find this person.

The village doesn't want you to go in, and it's hard for a stranger to find a chance if he wants to wander into the village.

Now is not the future. If the village says they are not allowed to enter, you just can't enter. If you force your way in and shoot you, it won't be illegal.

People like Xu Damao were not clean themselves, and he did not dare to confront the villagers, communes or police stations.

Li Huaide is busy trying out the assessment plan, and Wang Qianjin, who needs to summon Mr. Lu and Wang, and the four heroes of the Wu family, are also busy.

Planning the diagnosis and treatment process can also be regarded as an external manifestation of medical progress.

Li Shengli's suggestions were pertinent and feasible, and Mr. Lu, Lao Wang, and the four heroes of the Wu family would naturally not reject them. When these top figures in the Western medicine world move, it will bring about a chain reaction.

The previous laws such as the Physician Law, Health Law, and First Aid Law were followed by the later Regulations on the Assessment of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians and the Regulations on the Assessment of Barefoot Doctors, plus the current standardized diagnosis and treatment procedures.

After Li Shengli's series of promotions, the technology of traditional Chinese and Western medicine may not have improved much, but there are almost all the laws and regulations that should be in place.

There are people like Mr. Lu, Lao Wang, and the four heroes of the Wu family who are supportive, and naturally there are also those who are opposed.

Laws and regulations are much more serious than the job responsibilities and performance targets in Li Huaide's hands.

For Li Huaide, it can only be regarded as a violation.

It is illegal in the medical field, and the consequences of contact range from being disqualified from practicing to being imprisoned and doing target practice at worst.

In every industry, there are people who want to rest on their laurels or who don’t want to be tied down.

From regulations to assessments to the standardization of diagnosis and treatment procedures, some people can't help but speak out.

This kind of people feel that these previous measures have made the living environment worse.

It's just that the laws and regulations have been tried out, and they can't be changed by just a few people or a few words.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to standardize the diagnosis and treatment process, the four masters of the Wu family are also promoting the evaluation regulations for Chinese medicine practitioners and turning them into physician evaluation regulations.

The things Li Shengli came up with are all problems encountered in decades of experience accumulation.

Even if some problems don't exist now, you can think of them if you think about them.

Those who felt that they did not want to be trapped in a cocoon took the lawsuit to the ministry.

But Mr. Lu, Lao Wang, and the four outstanding figures of the Wu family are considered unshakable figures in the world of Western medicine.

Now that the wind and rain have stopped, people are doing a good job. The procedures and regulations they have come up with are not only reasonable, but also very forward-looking.

The medical field is really a field where authority has the final say.

Especially in the field of Western medicine, if you don’t know some technical theories, you just don’t know how.

The people in the ministry went to see a few people for theory. Naturally, they were taught the theory of Western medicine well, and then went back confused and disgraced.

The source of this matter lies in the department. The people in the department hit a wall with the four heroes of the Wu family, so they had no choice but to trace the source to the commander of traditional Chinese medicine who had just returned from the investigation.

The Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine could not find Li Shengli, but he could find Wang Qianjin in the self-training class.

After Wang Qianjin sent a message, Li Shengli drove his car and arrived at the self-training class he had left for a long time.

Li Shengli could only sigh heavily when he saw that the self-training class, which was once crowded and had two branches, was now sparse and desolate.

Today, there are more self-training classes, like martial arts classes, than correspondence classes like Barefoot Doctors.

With the shrinkage of the stall and the replacement of personnel, most of the few thousand students left in the self-training class are those who have returned to the city through correspondence courses.

In the remaining half, there are still students who belong to Master Zhu's new rule sect and who are truly correspondence courses. According to Wang Qianjin, there are only two to three hundred people.

These are also the elite students selected from the correspondence class after Li Shengli plans to close his stall.

Because the wind stopped and the rain stopped, this group of people did not take the path of the inheritance class and progressed from Madianji to the mountain village.

Many things can be easily covered up without careful investigation. The living environment in the village is relatively closed.

In addition, several villages were guarded by serious militiamen. Even the commander of traditional Chinese medicine did not know where Li Shengli had hidden the famous old traditional Chinese medicine doctors who had gathered.

What Li Shengli is playing here is that if the information is poor, students who enter the inheritance class will not be let go easily.

Even if they are put down, they will be called back. For the sake of their own stability, students will rarely reveal the progressive growth path of Madianji, Wali, and Shanshan.

Even the people in the three villages don't know the origins of these students.

As long as no one is sent to investigate carefully, such a context is also hidden.

"Comrade Xiao Li, we meet again. Thank you for taking care of me before. To be honest, I came here to ask for something."

During the storm, not only Jiang Min, the child of the Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but also Jiang Min himself, was helped by Li Shengli and Uncle Wang Qinjin.

After going down, the benefits will not be there, not to mention eating well, having enough food is also a problem.

But a personal relationship is a personal relationship. When it comes to official matters, the Chinese Medicine Commander, like Mr. Du, also distinguishes between public and private affairs.

"I am just a stationed barefoot doctor, and I still can't afford your request.

Now Comrade Wang Qianjin is the person in charge of the self-training class for barefoot doctors. If anything happens, just talk to yourselves.

I am a young person and a low-key person, so it is difficult for me to participate..."

The Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine wanted to get straight to the point and get to the root of the matter, but Li Shengli didn't want to accept the call at all.

Thinking of Wang Qianjin, he asked for expenses ranging from one hundred to hundreds of thousands, which made the Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine feel dizzy.

Although when they met before, Li Shengli said that he wanted a self-training class and had to make up for the previous fee of one million.

But Wang Qianjin, who is eager to make progress, is also arguing according to his own ideas, talking about the annual expenditure of 1.8 million.

If the commander of traditional Chinese medicine wants to discuss the ownership of the self-training class, he must first make up the cost.

Taking back the self-training classes is not only the idea of ​​​​in the department, but also in the ministry.

After contacting Wang Qianjin, when he heard such a price, the Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine did not make it difficult for himself and directly left the problem to the ministry.

According to the ministry's rhetoric, 80,000 yuan can be negotiated, but 1.8 million yuan cannot be negotiated.

Well, it’s not that the ministry can’t come up with this money, but no one dares to come up with this money to make a deal with a sensitive person like Wang Qianjin.

Although it was clear that Wang Qianjin was blackmailing people, the Ministry and the Department also checked the number of people trained and the allocated materials in the self-training class over the years.

Judging from the number of personnel and consumption, 1.8 million is pure nonsense, but there are still hundreds of thousands of self-raised funds.

It is difficult for the ministry and department to delve into the sources of funds.

But the ministry has no reason to use this part of the self-raised funds imported by Wang Qian.

Even if you can get it, the higher-ups won’t approve it.

Nowadays, it can be regarded as a situation where everything is waiting for improvement. A few hundred thousand is enough to build a county hospital. Who dares to leave it in the self-training class like it is nothing?

"Then don't you care about the more than 4.5 million and nearly 5 million barefoot doctors down there?
Many things are done with a beginning and an end. Doesn’t it weaken the reputation of our traditional Chinese medicine? "

The commander of traditional Chinese medicine is not only a commander, but also a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, and he is also a relatively good Chinese medicine doctor.

This steward is not a layman and an expert in management. Apart from being a traditional Chinese medicine doctor and the commander, the person in front of him is also a man of the world.

Seeing that Li Shengli was a bit repulsive, the Commander-in-Chief of Traditional Chinese Medicine began to talk about the world.

"Senior, does Chinese medicine still have a name since 1958?

Then I want to ask.

I want to pick the fruit after it has grown. Are my hands and feet made of iron and not afraid of being broken? "

When Li Shengli said something as a senior, the Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine's expression changed.

After what Li Shengli said next, the Commander of Traditional Chinese Medicine knew that he had stirred up a hornet's nest. The son-in-law of the Du family was also very ruthless.

If his words reach the ears of the barefoot doctors below, it means that the ministry will ban self-training classes. No one can bear the consequences...

(End of this chapter)

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