The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 753: Sharpening the Gun in Battle (Part )

Chapter 753: Sharpening the Gun in Battle (Part )

From doing business, talking about youth, three redundants, and inventory, to Li Shengli and Dr. Wu, the last resort to sharpen their guns in battle.

Both Weng and son-in-law knew that the topic was off topic, but no one corrected them.

These are all problems before them, and the leader's condition is even more urgent for Li Shengli and Dr. Wu.

After Du Lao roughly stated what the leader meant, Weng and his son-in-law were silent for a while.

Li Shengli was naturally upset, but Father Du didn't show any annoyance and just kept writing on the paper.

At Father Du's age, he has seen life and death, and is used to it, and it's almost the same not to say his heart is as hard as iron.

Although Li Shengli has a reputation as a ruthless man on the street, but compared to Father Du, he is still the young man with rich emotions.

In terms of calmness and composure, Li Shengli is just like a child compared to Father Du.

"Sheng Sheng, I'm afraid there will be considerable risks after you join the pilot program in the economics class.

Reporting on this process is also essential.

Like Chief Zhang of Beixinqiao, it was introduced by an acquaintance and he was familiar with it.

In the face of wind and rain, Mr. Du is not lacking in caution at all.

Now Xiao Hu and the others were asked to go down to do business, but they left forcefully.

Father Du's answer was not what Li Shengli wanted. When he came to Xiaowangzhuang, in addition to reporting, what he wanted was the interpersonal relationships in Father Du's hands.

This kind of relationship is not available on Li Shengli's side, but it is not as useful as the one introduced by Du Lao or the office.

Naturally, the purpose of doing business is to make money, not to lose money. It is easy to handle whether you do not make money or lose money.

Such a sin is really fatal at this time.

Otherwise, we will continue to work hard and take risks in a daze. We are not afraid of putting in the effort, but the risks are really unbearable. "

When it comes to opening his mouth, Li Shengli is also telling the truth.

This is purely a matter of philosophy. We cannot support you until there are tangible results.

Without you or the office to tear a small hole, we would not dare to take over this matter.

Although I have done it in the wind and rain, it was something that happened along the way.

Going down to clear the inventory is not something you can do at your doorstep without a recommendation from a relevant person.

Don't be too anxious about this matter. Good things come only in time. "

Li Shengli's request was not too much for Mr. Du.

Of course, this cannot happen. If it does, it will give that person a chance.

Although your idea is good, if they get involved, good things will turn bad. "

But going down to clear inventory is not like running an errand in the city.

His sales and appraisal skills can quietly defeat those of Section Chief Zhang.

Moreover, the selling and appraising of clothes at that time was before the storm.

I would rather waste an extra year or two to get familiar with the roads below than commit the sin of speculation in the wind and rain.

I'm afraid that when people get there, if they express their thoughts, they will be taken to justice.

But if you break through the accumulated material trading of tickets, this type of speculation will not be done if the profit is not high.

What you are doing is what someone said. It is more appropriate to make it more chaotic and lively.

There are some things that are lacking, but we can support them here.


Whether it's just grinding the needle or cramming, there is no such relationship. Li Shengli doesn't dare to let Xiao Hu and the others go down to do things.

You have to put in the effort and bear the risks alone.

Neither I nor the office will give you any effective help.

The person went down well, but ended up not being able to come back, or requiring Xiao Hu and others to fight him back, which was contrary to Li Shengli's original intention.

This is serious speculation. When you meet someone who adheres to principles a little bit, just clear the inventory, and that's when the trouble begins.

It's just that the wind and rain are outside, and such a greeting is really not that easy to do now.

With the endorsement of Father Du or the office, this is called a rule and can be handled according to the rules.

But we don’t have the support in terms of relationships and personnel.

It's nothing more than a pilot project. Can someone in Ji Province say hello and we can follow up?

Once you make money, or make a lot of money, that is the beginning of trouble.

“Dad, it seems very difficult to deal with the accumulation issue now.

It was inappropriate for him to greet him like this. Such a tank could only be installed in the office.

Without the support of this kind of relationship, we can only wait until the wind and rain stop.

I can try this kind of greeting after reporting it.

The matter of Du Peng's father-in-law is still unresolved at present, and Mr. Du doesn't want to jump out to fill the hole rashly.

This is Huan Tu's thinking. Even if Li Shengli knows it, he doesn't understand the actual operation.

Hearing what Father Du said profoundly, Li Shengli didn't feel too entangled.

If this thing cannot be done, we can only do things according to his arrangements in Madianji.

No business can be done. Xiao Hu and others can only get familiar with the roads and relationships. This can be regarded as an early trial.

“Dad, what I mentioned before about young people going to the countryside doing this as a career also needs to be investigated.

Now that the actual conditions are here, unplanned and inventory can be messed up.

However, the large quantities in the plan cannot be messed up. If it is too messy, it will affect the supply, which may also be a problem. "

The existence of the pigeon market is an extension of Li Shengli's statement. The people above are either not clear about it, and they let it go as a means of adjustment.

Li Shengli had the same idea. The pigeon market can exist, but the large-scale black market and smuggling cannot.

This is not only illegal, but also detrimental to the growth of the market and will give rise to many other problems.

Just like increasing the security establishment, Li Shengli is talking about this now because he is blocking the way for some people based on his experience.

"This is a comprehensive thought, not bad!
That’s it for today. You also need to come up with the rules and regulations for doing business.

In the economic field, we are still not involved deeply enough.

The economics class you mentioned before seems to still need to be promoted on a small scale.

I am also interested in learning. It seems that we still have many shortcomings in specific management. "

When Father Du ended the topic, he also expressed emotion.

The economy is not a familiar field to Mr. Du. Now it seems that the problems derived from this field are also very complicated.

If you understand this thing, you understand it. If you don’t understand it, you really don’t understand it. If you don’t understand it, you just pretend to understand it.

"I understand, Dad, please take a rest.

Let me give you some help..."

Before leaving, Li Shengli also carefully took Du's pulse. His anger was still the same, but his energy and energy were still very high. After checking Father Du's pulse, Li Shengli naturally would not leave his mother-in-law, Sister Fu, behind.

Similar to Du Lao's angry appearance, Sister Fu is also a little worried and worried. These are inevitable problems in the storm.

The patent medicine that soothes liver fire and relieves worries is also a common medicine that Li Shengli always keeps by his side during wind and rain.

This brings us to another benefit of traditional Chinese medicine, which is that although it cannot fundamentally solve the problem, it can solve the symptoms physically.

Strong anger and heavy worries. Whether it is in the past or in the future, this kind of depression will destroy the body.

After soothing the liver and regulating qi, a person's mood may not be good, but patent medicines can minimize the damage to the body.

This approach of treating the symptoms but not the root cause is also a matter of opinion.

For Li Shengli, he had no ability to control the wind and rain, so he could only soothe the liver and regulate qi.

"Sister Fu, please don't use household chores to cause trouble to Shengli in the future.

Although your daughter's affairs, the Ding family's and the Xie family's daughters' affairs are not on the table, your daughter, your son, and even our family are all beneficiaries.

Do you understand what I mean? "

Li Shengli left the medicine to soothe the liver and regulate qi and left Xiaowangzhuang. After finishing taking notes, Father Du raised his head and warned Sister Fu.

“You men don’t distinguish between public and private affairs!

That mother Feng in Xiao Ding Lan’s family is the one who is difficult to deal with! "

After glaring at Lao Du at home, Sister Fu didn't argue with him. She muttered a few words and was a little scared of Sister Feng of the Ding family.

When Father Du heard this, he shook his head slightly and said nothing more.

Many things must be subject to the overall situation. Li Shengli is not a person in the official career, and he will be indiscreet if he does not behave.

In the view of the young and powerful Mr. Du, ambitions and opinions are more important.

When it comes to women's matters, Li Shengli doesn't need to care about the Du family's reaction, and the same goes for the Ding family's reaction.

Turning a blind eye and turning a blind eye is not an unspoken rule in the industry now, but it will soon be.

In a few years, people like him will be considered relatively high-class in the industry. People inferior to him and Wang Qianjin will be everywhere in the future.

During this trip to Xiaowangzhuang, Li Shengli mainly made demands. Although he made a lot of demands, he was not under much pressure.

Back at the Wang family's old house in Madianji, Li Shengli sat for a while, but he couldn't get rid of the regret caused by his leader's illness.

Li Shengli sighed heavily as he looked at the high-wattage light bulb that often flickered due to unstable voltage.

The guiding light also has a moment of disillusionment, and the next road will be easy or difficult.

If you are more selfish, whether it is his path or Xiao Hu's path, it will be easy to follow.

In the midst of the storm, Li Shengli was able to weave a network of relationships. With this network of holes, he could be wealthy for several lifetimes.

If there is more righteousness, this road will not be so easy.

Let’s not talk about the big business of traditional Chinese medicine, just talk about Xiao Hu and others. To do business, you must be a law-abiding and good citizen, which will inevitably reduce the multiple of initial income.

Dealing with inventory in various places and doing some small business of selling and appraising clothes can be considered a big money-making business for Xiao Hu and others.

But in Li Shengli's view, this kind of business is really just a piecemeal small business.

Not to mention anything else, with his connections in the port city, Li Shengli could make Xiao Hu and others become major smuggling merchants firmly established near the pass.

If you peel off a little bit, why don't you give back truckload after truckload of money?

Moreover, when doing this nowadays, there is very little supervision, and profits are not as simple as picking off some skin.

Not to mention light industrial products and industrial products, just free up some food, and that is a good business that can make a profit without losing money.

It's just that in this way, Xiao Hu and others will become a black and gray interest group. They may not have problems in the past few years, but they will definitely be settled in the future.

With King Du Ding and Xie here, Li Shengli can send them out even if it is to settle accounts.

But this path is not the right path after all. If you think about it, it will work, but if you really want to take action, you will be sorry.


Victory, it’s eleven o’clock, let’s rest first…”

Li Shengli was sitting in the main hall, thinking about the future of the students in the economics class.

Ding Lan, who was impatient to wait, also arrived wearing clothes.

I wanted to call him "little old man", but Li Shengli's face was a little serious, and Ding Lan hesitantly called out an unfamiliar name.


After taking a shower, you look a little jeweled, what do you mean? "

Although there were high-wattage light bulbs hanging in the room, the light was still dim to Li Shengli.

The dim yellow light shone on Ding Lan's face, which made her feel dizzy and hazy, making her index finger twitch.

"Shengli, I also want a child..."

He glanced at Ding Lan, who was shy and timid, and at the same time, he glanced at Wang Zhi, the doctor of Madianji Village who was hiding by the door of the main hall with half of his body exposed.

Li Shengli, the rightful leader, shook his head. Du Jiaoyang's choice of Ding Lan as his successor may not be a good thing.

This person is really a young lady and has a good temper. She can agree to such a thing. Obviously, during his absence, a gang has formed in the Wang family's old residence.

Ding Lan, who has demands, meets Li Shengli, who moves his index finger, and his demands will naturally be met.

Early the next morning, Li Shengli did his morning exercises as usual. After some exercise, he put a few bags of large bags in his jacket pocket and went to the Madianji Village Headquarters compound early.

On the way, Li Shengli, who was earlier than yesterday, met Wang Qingping, the party secretary who was going to the village headquarters as usual.

With the support of Li Shengli, the financial backer, Wang Qingping's face became more energetic.

The two of them walked to the village courtyard side by side. The crowd that was still sparse yesterday was now neatly organized, and everyone was already waiting for Party Secretary Wang Qingping to arrange today's work.

In the eyes of some people, this is called the party secretary's authority. A more positive statement is that the members of Madian Commune are united and energetic.

No matter what the reason for the personnel reorganization, as the old saying goes, people's hearts move when they move together.

Li Shengli didn't need to know the reason why everyone was here, but he needed this momentum of concerted efforts.

With such momentum, many things will be easier to handle.

People are not in harmony and their minds are not in order. Everyone does his own thing and thinks about his own things. Even if he has a good business, it will not be his turn to benefit the members of the Madian Society.

With Wang Qingping in charge of arranging the work, Li Shengli dispersed cigarettes to the people in the yard one by one just like yesterday.

It's just that today there is a smile on his face. When he meets someone he is not familiar with, he has to ask his name.

Seeing that the support was effective, Li Shengli didn't waste any time at the village headquarters.

After clearing up the cigarette and smiling, I continued my morning exercise with my hands behind my back.

Li Shengli left the village courtyard, and the people in the courtyard breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone in the courtyard knew who brought the good days to Madianji.

Yesterday, Li Shengli finished smoking with a sullen face. Those who were a little slack in treating Party Secretary Wang Qingping were not only complained by the people in the courtyard.

When I return home, as long as I have a hometown, I will be scolded all over again.

Although the old branch secretary of Madianji is gone, his influence is still there...

(End of this chapter)

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