The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 754 The long road (Part )

Chapter 754 The long road (Part )

The smoothness in Madianji Village, the smoothness at home, and the venting of morning exercises made Li Shengli's frustration much lighter.

As Mr. Du said, many things are difficult to do manually, and leadership matters will eventually become a worry for Li Shengli.

With such a heartache, the path of Xiao Hu and others is almost certain. Following the example of the leader, they should do more serious things.

Now that Li Shengli has some wealth, his mentality has changed somewhat. Although he still has a hobby of collecting, he is not too greedy.

After my morning exercise, I took a walk around Madianji Village.

With family wealth in the village, there will be spare power, and with spare power, the appearance of the village will also change.

The dilapidated houses, rotten walls, and piles of vegetation that are common in ordinary villages cannot be seen in Madianji Village.

Not only is there no dilapidated scene in Madianji Village, some previously tight alleys are also being widened.

There are new villages in the valley, new houses on the mountains, and the slightly larger Madianji is also planned.

The only difference is the household registration and approval slip.

Xiao Erbai's labor costs are matched by the high salaries of cooperative members.

Nowadays, looking down at the layout of Madianji, there are two completely different colors.

The market price of a twelve-room red brick house with a set of yard walls, doors and windows is around 1,000 yuan.

As for the cost of materials, they are not counted and are nothing more than barter.

The outer facade house is built with city bricks; toward the inside, there is a large red brick house with tiles.

Most of the original mud houses and thatched-roof houses have been overturned.

The cost of the bricks and tiles alone is around 600 to 700 yuan. If you include the labor and wood, the price of the house is sky-high, and not many people can afford it.

The current conditions are like this, with insufficient precision and a large proportion of defective products.

Building new houses and replacing old ones is also a favor that the old party secretary Wang Shengting and the new party secretary Wang Qingping need to keep.

Li Shengli doesn't have to take Du Peng and Xie Fei with him, but his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin still has to take them with him.

But it can still be used normally, or it can be repaired and used again without delay.

This is similar to how houses are built in Madianji. The remaining bricks are used in inconspicuous places, but the house is still a bright red brick house with large tiles, right?
In addition to cost advantages, collective house building also has construction advantages.

Not to mention the house, just a sufficient supply of fertilizer every year is a good thing that many villages dare not think of.

A considerable part of the red bricks used to build houses in Madianji are defective products from the machine-made brick factory.

But when it comes to the brigade headquarters, the main cost is not materials, but labor.

This also has the benefit of the collective. In this day and age, the cost of building a 12-room large tile-roofed house in the village is about the same as building a house in the city.

The replacement of the house can be regarded as Li Shengli's attempt to help Mr. Du.

Because of the relationship with the steel rolling mill and the demand for city bricks and green bricks from the mountain villages.

The precision workmanship is insufficient and the defective rate is high. Under the current objective conditions, some defective products are not suitable for entering the market.

Uncle Lang and Uncle Lang will not survive the disaster without paying any price along the way.

In the middle of the village is a small courtyard with green bricks and green tiles left over from the past.

It's just that no matter how many two-story buildings there are, in Li Shengli's opinion, they are not as flavorful as a courtyard like the Wang family's old house.

Li Shengli didn't like the red brick and large tiled houses that were better in the eyes of Madian collectors.

The small green brick courtyard in the middle was something Li Shengli had made it clear he wanted to keep.

In the near future, the location of Madianji will be considered an urban area, which does not matter in the long term.

The villages in the valleys and mountains are too small to serve as examples.

This internal circulation improvement of housing conditions is also the basis of Li Shengli's authority in Madianji Village.

If it weren't for the fear of being eye-catching, a two-story building wouldn't be a problem.

Madianji and Taipingzhuang are both good choices. The same is true for Madianji and the same is true for Taipingzhuang.

It would be extremely difficult for the members to build their own houses.

Li Shengli called Wang Qianjin from the self-training class to discuss the business.

But compared to other villages in the suburbs of Beijing, the support Taipingzhuang received was a windfall.

There are dozens of houses built at once, and there are professional construction cooperatives, and the efficiency is not generally high.

In terms of labor alone, a trip to the house costs two hundred dollars, which requires real money.

Now that at least half of the people in the village have benefited from the house exchange, it is wrong for Li Shengli not to gain the support of the members.

Just because Taipingzhuang is not Li Shengli's residence, the support he will receive will be smaller.

Many things will have an example in the future.

This is also the reason why Li Shengli decided that the first purchase and sale of Xiao Hu and others was based on inventory materials.

The students in the economics class went to practice driving, and Li Shengli and Xiao Hu, who were staying in the village, were not idle either.

The newly built houses in Madianji are all red brick and large tile houses. The improvement of the living conditions of the commune members also started from the poor conditions.

The end of their official career was the price they paid.

Although Uncle Lang and Uncle Lang attracted a lot of people, they also offended a lot of people.

If you enter the official career shamelessly, you will never be able to wear out or evade all the little heel traps in the future.

Many people also fail to succeed and fail more than they should.

While waiting for Wang Jinjin, Li Shengli also found a secluded empty room on the second floor of the outer facade room as a place to talk.

In Madianji Village, although Li Shengli does not need to be too cautious, he is still indispensable.

Like Xu Xiaoya's brother Xu Zhengqing, there are many people in the village who have other ideas.

The concerted efforts on the Madianji side included both the legacy of the old party secretary and the support of the Mada brigade, as well as Wang Qingping's suppression and Li Shengli's intimidation.

With the old party secretary gone, Wang Qingping's prestige seems to be insufficient. This is the reason.

If Li Shengli, Ma Brigade and Wang Qingping are strong, these people will hide in hiding.

If Li Shengli doesn't come out to support Wang Qingping this time, his slackness is just a test method, and someone will be blamed later.

It is not necessarily true that these people support the Ma Brigade, they all have their own interests.

If Wang Qingping couldn't come down, how could someone go up? As for whether those who went up were from the Ma Brigade, it was hard to say.

It is nothing unusual or new to think of a small person as a big person.

The self-training class wants to reduce the scale of the correspondence class, so the pressure on Wang Qianjin is much less.

Shrinking is nothing more than increasing the difficulty. After throwing out a few moves and listening to the wails of the students, for Wang Qianjin, things are almost done.

His brother-in-law escaped from the city, and Wang Qianjin has been a little cautious lately.

Wang Erluzi also wanted to use the Zhang Song brother and sister who Li Shengli had left in the self-training class before.

It's just that there is no problem with Zhang Song. Once Zhang Ying heard that Li Shengli had returned to Madianji, he was no longer willing to stay in the self-training class.

Seeing Zhang Ying get off Wang Qianjin's car, Li Shengli felt dizzy again.

I thought that this young lady who practiced martial arts could be content with the simple life of a self-training class, but I never thought that the older this young lady got, the less reliable she became. Miss Zhang's journey to the world has almost come to an end.

Li Shengli may also use martial arts methods in the future, but it will definitely not work in China.

In such dangerous places abroad, brother Xiao Changgong may be able to do it like a fish in water, but this martial arts eldest lady may not be able to do it because her skills with guns are average and she has no experience on the battlefield.

To others, Jianghu is Jianghu.

For Li Shengli, the arena is a battlefield.

Use knives and guns to fight other people's world.

The arena that Li Shengli planned for Du Jiaoyang required the use of cannons and missiles. What was such an arena if not a battlefield?
Regarding the eldest lady Zhang Ying, Li Shengli was mostly helpless and could only let it go.

"Grandson, you run so fast.

There has been some chaos in the city recently..."

Ever since Du Peng's father-in-law resigned, Wang Qinjin's godmother's side has started to tremble.

Problems naturally arise when things go wrong.

Thinking of his godmother's plan, Wang Qianjin also shook his head.

The leader is still here, how can he be allowed to jump around?

"To give you a rough idea, I'll be staying in Madianji recently. If you have any news, come and see me."

He stretched out his hand to block Zhang Ying, who was about to follow him into the house, and gestured around.

Zhang Ying got the hint and walked down the stairs happily.

During this period of time, the martial arts eldest lady was not happy because she was not with Li Shengli. Seeing that Li Shengli's attitude remained the same, she became submissive again.

Li Shengli blocked Zhang Ying not because he wanted her to be on guard, but because he didn't want Xiao Hu to be too embarrassed.

Some things don't matter if you don't mention them or don't see them in person. If you don't mention them in person, it doesn't matter. If you mention them again and see them again, it will just be awkward.

After entering the house, Li Shengli shook his head and said after his brother-in-law Wang Qianjin described the situation in the city.
“We brothers should not participate in such high-end games.

The self-training class cannot participate in it. As for the reasons, just make them up randomly.

Your godmother's recent gaze has been on that side of the office.

Self-training classes can have little effect.

By the time they really want to use the self-training class as a force, it will be too late.

In short, your point is that you don't listen to the tune or the propaganda. If it's beneficial, just do it. If it's not beneficial, just pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Doesn’t the rolling mill have a No. 2 car?
A good horse needs a good saddle. Please take the initiative to ask Ying to take charge of this matter.

Let Li Huaide come up with something fancy first to deal with it.

It's definitely not allowed to get into your eyes, and only if it doesn't get into your eyes can you have something to do here.

This is naturally because your godmother doesn’t like anything, so she piles it on the car.

But a random pile-up is still a random pile-up, and there still needs to be an explanation. What we focus on is a justifiable fool.

Do you understand this? "

In the final chaos, let alone Li Shengli, Wang Qianjin did not want to be involved.

Some people are destined to be unable to succeed, which is also the view of most people. It is only a matter of time.

Not to mention people like Du Lao and Lao Wang, even Wang Qianjin's second sister Wang Yu can see these things clearly.

Li Shengli's procrastination method is also a method that Wang Qianjin is familiar with. It is the consistent tactic used by Uncle Lang to deal with things.

The two uncles have long been accustomed to doing this kind of action. The main purpose is to talk about the love between mother and child, but not to do anything serious.

Of course, it's lovable to be lovable, but it's Wang Qianjin's consistent style to fail at anything and eat without leaving anything behind.

Even his godmother didn't recruit him to take care of this problem. Wang Qianjin was not a good person, but he was very filial and took medicine regularly, which was very useful.

Whenever she thinks of her clear voice, Wang Qianjin's godmother always takes a high look at this great eldest son.

Because Li Shengli, a senior internal medicine officer, was in charge of the medicines there. From time to time, he would have people try the medicines to see if they were ineffective.

Taking medicine will not only make your voice clearer, but also make you feel relaxed.

Without medicine, not only would one's voice become hoarse easily, one's body would also feel uncomfortable, but Uncle Li Shengli also took a series of medicines.

Once the medication is stopped, there will be a series of effects. Not only will the body feel uncomfortable, but the complexion will also be extremely bad.

As for the reason, it is not enough for outsiders to understand. It is just a trick of some traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. It is non-toxic and harmless, but it just makes people look uncomfortable.

"You still have a trick up your sleeve.

The medical team saw that traditional Chinese medicine was very effective, and they wanted to get me involved.

I also told them that I could act like a vanguard, but I really didn’t understand Chinese medicine.

After a lot of shirk, they finally got the idea. These grandsons also had the foresight and knew to set it up for me first. "

When it comes to the little tricks some people use behind their backs, Wang Qianjin also sneers.

The trick of making fun of Yangzi and killing him is the last thing left by the two uncles.

When dealing with the bastards in the city, Uncle Lang and his wife were much more insidious than the pen-wielding ones.

Of course, it was sinister, and his brother-in-law Li Shengli was also sinister. Wang Qianjin believed that such private and dirty things had nothing to do with him.

The dirty and obscene one is still my brother-in-law Li Shengli.

Looking at the not-so-kind eyes of his brother-in-law Wang Jinjin, Li Shengli made up his own mind about the dirty things in Er Daozi's heart. It was just that everything that was dirty and messy was other people's, and the good things were all his own.


Just deal with those things.

If it's really a robbery, I'll beat them up.

Today, I called you over. In addition to ventilating, I also wanted to talk about Xiao Hu’s business.

I plan to let them go out for a trip now. Do you plan to join a share, or do you plan to start your own family in the future? "

Naturally, Li Shengli also wanted to take a stake in the transaction involving Xiao Hu and others, but it was not yet time to finalize the proportion.

As far as proportions are concerned, Li Shengli still thinks of the old rules. Those who do things get six, and he, the hard-working person, gets four.

“I won’t get involved in small and medium-sized transactions.

The trading in the pigeon market is messy and small, and I have no interest in it.

If there is a big deal like Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian, I would be interested in taking a share.

I won’t have any part in Xiao Hu’s business.

Of course you can come to me if you need anything, we are all brothers..."

When it comes to business, Wang Qianjin is a man who has seen the world. Small businesses like the pigeon market are really looked down upon by this idiot.

When we first pulled back the funds, everyone pulled back the treasury bonds by the whole truckload.

Eighteen thousand yuan, to Wang Erluozi, is really an inconspicuous amount of money...

(End of this chapter)

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