The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 752: Sharpening the Gun in Battle (Part )

Chapter 752: Sharpening the Gun in Battle (Part )

Similarly, the three redundancies of the past dynasties proposed by Li Shengli cannot be avoided.

Just like Xian Xiu said, the units that can accept young people going to the countryside today are nothing more than factories and enterprises.

Either include people and make the organization huge, or ignore it and push these young people to the streets.

There will be problems if young people who have been sent to the countryside take to the streets again.

In addition to rural youth, rural youth are also an issue that cannot be avoided.

Farming, harvesting of medicinal materials, small handicrafts, planting and breeding, all the industries that should exist in rural areas, Du Lao has basically gone through.

These industries are obviously not enough to accommodate these rural youth in the short term.

Because in addition to rural youth, there is a larger group of people who need jobs and jobs, and that is farmers.

One question broke out, which led to another question. The pen clicked on the letter, and Father Du's brows also furrowed deeply.

Even if everyone is taken into consideration, there is still a matter of willingness and unwillingness.

In addition to practicing medicine, you should also focus on theoretical research. Du Juan and Niu Bijian still need your constant care. "

Li Shengli also said that he wants to be a law-abiding and good citizen.

Father Du would like to add that Li Shengli raised issues other than economics and the market.

The expansion of the security team may not sound very good in terms of explanation, but it is still necessary. "

Dad, I really need to add something.

The return of young people to cities has now become a real problem.

It makes no sense that he is obeying the law while others are jumping on the edge.

There are still only a few people who can really do business, and more people still have to invest in the industries spawned by trading. "

Suggestions for increasing the number of establishments are also given below.

And, through feedback from Barefoot Doctors, such attempts are already underway below.

Although the word "buying and selling" is simple, it involves hundreds of industries.

That's the problem of stability.

It seems that your market theory still needs a lot of filling in.

If one person does business, it may take ten or hundreds of people to participate in the production of hundreds of industries.

"Although it feels a bit like sharpening one's skills before the battle, the idea is still complete. Is there anything else to add?

With such a selection mechanism, many conflicts can be alleviated.

The office is having a headache about how to expand its staff.

When someone opens up a market, the market will generate demand, and demand will drive production.

Li Shengli slipped out of the city, but Father Du didn't know yet.

Public security issues are sensitive, difficult and realistic.

In his opinion, Li Shengli's combination of market and industry is crude and simple, and most future generations will be able to talk about it at length.

But looking at it now, it is necessary to abandon the plan. This is a new idea.

This should also be treated equally.

Many problems are not solved, and the response below is huge.

If you really need a unit in the city to accept these personnel, I think units such as police stations are the serious choice.

They are all young people who have returned from the countryside. Instead of going to factories and enterprises to earn a living, it is better to contribute to long-term peace and stability.

Your suggestion is very good. When people are assigned to police stations, they must first go through layers of selection.

He knew that his son-in-law's medical burden was not light, but for the future, Father Du still made demands on Li Shengli.


When young people gather, and they are young people without careers, many problems will inevitably arise.

"Dad, the scale is not something we can define.

The virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli casually suggested a way to increase the security establishment, and Father Du immediately relaxed his brows.

Moreover, various problems also emerged while going to the countryside.

This question is well asked and very realistic.

This is a practical approach, very good. "

But this combination is novel to Mr. Du. To say novel, this combination is not very novel at all. It is an old thing that has been around for more than 20 years.

Nowadays, the police stations in the cities still have a small number of personnel, but the police stations in other small cities and towns do not have many capable personnel.

Of course, this matter is divided by region, and there are depth and breadth, but it is an indisputable fact that passive attempts have been made.

Regardless of whether they are young people going to the countryside or young people from rural areas, our measures cannot accommodate everyone.

It is certainly unrealistic to send people to the countryside all the time.

If you want to join the security establishment, you must first pass a review, and many of the people below cannot pass this review.

Similarly, the young people below will definitely like this kind of security establishment.

Creating a single-plank bridge that requires thousands of troops to squeeze onto is undoubtedly a way to ease the conflict.

When Father Du praised his virtuous son-in-law Li Shengli, Sister Fu also heated up ready-made meals.

While eating, Father Du also took a few more glances at his virtuous son-in-law.

The more Father Du looked at this virtuous son-in-law who had no intention of pursuing an official career, the more he liked him.

He contributed to the leader's illness and arranged for people to deal with the old man's eye disease. At the same time, he was able to make many pertinent suggestions and plans that did not conflict with his own ideas and opinions.

Thinking of my daughter Du Juan who went abroad, and my son Du Peng who was still not very successful.

Father Du also praised his own vision. He used Lao Ding's vision to force his daughter Du Juan to interfere with the marriage of his virtuous son-in-law.

Although the virtuous son-in-law is still the son-in-law of the Ding family, he is also the son-in-law of his Du family, and his five grandchildren are now there for real.

After simply filling his stomach, Father Du took a moment to think through his thoughts. Feeling that he was no longer hungry, he started to ask:
“Now that these young people who have gone to the countryside can engage in the business of selling overstocked supplies.

Why can't factories, enterprises and units with ownership of materials solve these problems? "

Dad Du knew that his question was a relatively ideal one.

If the following factories and enterprises can really solve these problems, there will be no backlog of materials in inventory.

Inventory and backlog are better terms. If not, they are unsaleable products produced under the plan.

The problem contained in this statement is very serious, and it directly refers to the current plan. These words, at this time, are really difficult to say.

If you say it out loud, a company cannot pursue profits and efficiency, it will make the person who speaks doomed.


Dad, if you ask this.

To put it simply, it is a matter of risk.

It is not against the law to have unsalable products and overstock them!

But dealing with slow sales and backlog is a real speculative failure. When the amount is reached, it’s time to hit the target.

Whether to be active or stable, to develop or to take risks, this choice is very clear to the leaders of factories and enterprises. "

The simple words Li Shengli said made Father Du frown again.

This is also an obvious problem. The unsalable and overstocked materials and products belong to the public.

The position of the person in charge is your own, and this choice, as Xian Xiu said, is really simple.

"Then why does such a problem occur?"

The frowning Father Du also broke the casserole and asked the truth. Li Shengli also came up with such an answer easily.

“Dad, apart from being rigid, everything is based on experience.

Factories and enterprises do not mention benefits, and their products do not look at the market. This is the crux of the problem.

Unless this problem is solved at its root, the problem will always exist just by relying on the tactics you mentioned.

Once a concentrated outbreak occurs, it will be the result of the collapse of the wall and the collapse of the house.

External market theory should have experience with this type of problem.

The excess of capital and our lack of sales are actually similar problems.

It just comes from the market, or from changes in supply and demand.

This problem sounds very simple, but it is very difficult to solve!

Solving the root cause of such a problem is even harder!
Now use the method of sharpening the gun before the battle to give it a try and discover these problems.

You can see this shortcoming in the characters at the root.

Dad, based on the boss's condition and the old man's age, this problem is somewhat imminent.

Not seeking a solution, just opening an opening, should be the best result. "

What Li Shengli said about the root of the problem was not complicated, and even Father Du understood it at once.

But when Li Shengli mentioned the leader and the old man again, Du's expression changed.

This is an objective law and a problem that must be faced.

Du Peng's father-in-law had just gone down, and there were several more conversations between the leader and the old man.

Although another replacement was selected, Du Peng's father-in-law was still protected.

It seems that just like what my good son-in-law said when he first came to visit, the inheritance issue is the real problem.

Now that there is no successor, and the people who want to use it are not considerate, it must be the helplessness of the people above.

“There are some things that, even at home, you should not get involved too deeply.

The leader praised you. The cancer pain prescription is effective and Chinese medicine needs to be explored in depth.

Dr. Wu also gave you a message. When the time is right, the leader will write a few words about the traditional Chinese medicine. The old man will check the results of the treatment of eye diseases. "

Li Shengli mentioned life span and inheritance at home, which was also a topic that Mr. Du didn't really want to hear.

No one is allowed to bring up this kind of topic, as it will lead to unpredictable disasters.

Talking about the market, talking about business, talking about youth, Mr. Du welcomes it. If he talks about these things, he will stop the topic. At home, such topics cannot be discussed.

"Dad, Dr. Wu and I have one last try. If we don't succeed this time, the problem will be really serious. I'm afraid he will have to use the cancer pain prescription praised by the leader.

Once bladder cancer spreads, it will spread very quickly and be very painful.

There are many things that Dr. Wu and I really can't give you any more advice on. I would like you to give me some more advice.

Nowadays, although the probability of success of surgery is not high, there is always a success rate.

If you delay any longer, even surgery will only increase the pain. It is better to continue conservative treatment. "

Now the leader's condition has become a concern for Li Shengli. He quietly left the clinic, except for the situation.

The most important thing is this obvious but unavailable frustration. Waiting at the Shengli Clinic, this frustration always lingers in my heart.

Being able to save but not being able to, being able to be cured but not being cured are also the eternal regrets of doctors.

“Victory, there are some things that are useless to talk about.

I told you before, manpower is difficult.

The position of leadership is critical, not just as a link between the past and the next.

Although many things are difficult to do manually, we have to do them.

You and Dr. Wu have done very well. The leader has compared your trial cases and his current health condition is already the best among all the cases.

We also know that you have put in a lot of effort but cannot get the results you want.

But we are also very helpless. Now Du Peng's father-in-law is still undecided, and the people below are full of resentment.

The situation has reached its most dangerous moment, and if it is not serious, it will be a situation where a group of people will attack.

I shouldn't have said these words to you.

But the leader also knows your dedication, and this opening is also due to the leadership's instruction.

He said that he failed the efforts of you doctors, but there is no way..."

Father Du's explanation was the same as what Li Shengli thought.

On the medical team's side, the leaders helped them accomplish things they wanted to do but couldn't.

After receiving Du Lao's exact explanation, Li Shengli also felt regretful in his heart.

Knowing that this is the case, I would have tried paclitaxel as soon as possible.

Perhaps, if paclitaxel had been used earlier, the leader's condition could have been controlled.

But now, it's a little too late to say this. At the earliest, both Li Shengli and Dr. Wu were 80-90% sure of curing the leader.

But now, the medical team is happy, but those who have worked hard will have a lifetime of regrets.

“Dad, I understand all of this, but I just can’t accept it.

It's hard to calm down, and this has become a problem for me.

Next, we have the final method of testing the medicine, which is a bit cruel, but let’s not stop it from the office, right? "

Currently, foreign paclitaxel may still be in the biological testing stage.

Li Shengli and Dr. Wu want to use simple biological tests to test drugs directly on humans. The risk is also extremely high.

Paclitaxel was also a very niche special medicine in later generations. Li Shengli didn't know the difference between the ingredients extracted now and those in later generations.

This is a little bit unclear, but after being used in human trials, it may be the difference between life and death.

But there is no way. Whether it is for leaders, traditional Chinese medicine, or domestic Western medicine, paclitaxel, a special anti-cancer drug, must be the first to produce results.

“It makes sense, but the reason is not sufficient.

The office will not allow you to randomly test medicines without being sure.

Sometimes, you always have to mention that you want to leave your innocence in this world..."

(End of this chapter)

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