The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 720 Promotion of Patent Drugs (Part )

Chapter 720 Promotion of Patent Drugs (Part )

“I misunderstood Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue before.

But there is indeed something wrong with the medication plan you formulated.

According to the current theory, because of my condition, hunting sika deer at will is also damaging to the ecological environment.

Your proposal is still very much in line with rural reality, but..."

The leaders not only have eyes and ears in all directions, but also read documents at an alarmingly fast speed.

Li Shengli's purpose was clear. Without waiting for the leader to refuse, he directly interrupted the embarrassing remarks that followed, just like he did with Lao Gu.

"Uncle Leader, Jiaoyang and I have made great efforts in exporting Chinese medicinal materials.

It's just that the more than two hundred times the extra money came in vain, taken from the people and used by the people!

It makes no sense to make a lot of money from Chinese herbal medicines. Isn’t it right to care about the cost of such patent medicines?
Most of the people waiting for Dr. Gu's polio pills are children.

"Doctor Wu, please go out first.

Li Shengli's first words were more serious, but in the last sentence, he got the leader's attention-grabbing gaze.

Without the family ties that restrained Li Shengli from Du Lao's side, Xin Yihe's Niu Bijian had almost become Li Shengli's private weapon.

There may not be many people in the office who know the inside story, but the leaders must know what role Li Shengli played.

After the divorce, Father Du would not be able to effectively control Li Shengli.

The marriage relationship between Li Shengli and Du Jiaoyang remains unchanged. With Father Du here, this combination is reliable.

In this way, Niu Bijian of Xinyihe in the port city became a kite with broken strings.

Including Father Du, there is no need to consider these issues, and as the leader is the originator of special lines, these relationships can still be seen through at a glance.

No matter how important other things are, they have to make way for the flowers of the present and the pillars of the future, right?
Developing industry, chemical industry, and light industry is not something that can be done overnight.

What we are going to talk about next has nothing to do with my illness. "

When Li Shengli was in Hong Kong City to deal with the epidemic, he was sitting in Hong Kong City and caused a turmoil in the world, which then spread to Europe and the United States.

Agreeing was nothing more than a matter of smooth sailing.

After staring at Li Shengli for a while, he saw that Li Shengli lowered his eyes and did not meet his gaze.

The leader continued to look at the proposal in his hand without saying anything. Father Du's brows also wrinkled and relaxed from time to time.

During the meeting, Father Du's response also achieved extraordinary results.

The leader and Father Du have different thoughts. The reason is that they are in different positions.

Li Shengli and Du Jiaoyang divorced. After Niu Bijian went offline, Du Jiaoyang also went offline.

The key points of many things fell on Li Shengli.

Doctor Wu was also lowering his head in thought, but Li Shengli was just like before, with his eyes lowered, waiting for the leader to ask questions.

"Uncle Leader, my dad knows the best about Jiaoyang's next move.

"All right!
Never again! "

Don't underestimate such a small act of separation as divorce. Many things will be divided into public and private matters before and after.

If you don't allow it here, we will find a way on our own..."

Wang Jinjin’s godmother sent Li Shengli over to check on her condition, and the leadership office didn’t have to agree.

The leader turned to look at Lao Du. Just as he was about to speak, Li Shengli stopped him again.

"Let's talk about Du Juan and Niu Bijian, and the next step."

As a result, the behavior of those who followed Du Jiaoyang changed.

In the eyes of Father Du, he is a good son-in-law and master, but in the eyes of the leader, he is a mine on the outside.

My father is also in control of Niu Bijian's movements. I don't have any specific suggestions.

He glanced at Old Du in surprise. After seeing Old Du nodded in recognition, the leader's brows also knitted together tightly.

When the leader said this, he did not mention his surname. Father Du glanced at his son-in-law and saw him raise his head and open his eyes, so he knew that the person the leader was asking was his son-in-law.

Because there are no domestic measures to restrain Niu Bijian, it is impossible for him to be like Li Shengli in Hong Kong City, who often resorts to political means to solve problems.

What Father Du needs to see is only what is in front of him, and what the leader wants to see is everything.

"Uncle Leader, Jiaoyang and I have divorced..."

And Du Jiaoyang on the other side of the ocean may also be beyond Lao Du's control.

With Father Du and his son-in-law included, and Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian outside, the relationship between this family was more of a public one.

There are many things that Father Du can't hide, and he won't hide them from the office either.

However, children facing polio infection need to seize the day.

It was just Li Shengli's words that he had divorced Du Jiaoyang that made things change again.

Li Shengli's twist made the leader agree to the proposal to promote polio pills, but it also made the atmosphere in the room become cold and solemn.

When the leader and the Du family's son-in-law were the only two people left in the room, the leader's eyes first glanced at Father Du, and then fell on Li Shengli.

I just have something to say about cooperation with the island.

The export of Chinese medicinal materials involves Chinese medicine prescriptions. The confidentiality of Chinese medicine prescriptions such as Baiyao, Angong Niuhuang Pills and Liushen Pills must also be put on the agenda.

Previously, the traditional Chinese medicine community discussed the composition of Huxin Pills. The original prescription should be Lei Yunshang Liushen Pills, which was created during the Qianlong period.

The island has applied for an international patent for the formula of Huxin Pills. This is undoubtedly a plagiarism of traditional Chinese medicine patents.

My suggestion is to stop the export of all Chinese patent medicines, and at the same time let the pharmaceutical companies investigate the flow of various medicinal materials.

Afterwards, we will use the investigation results to work with Chinese medicine practitioners to reverse-infer the prescriptions to see how many of our prescriptions have been leaked and leaked. "

Although Li Shengli's answer was somewhat misleading, after the export of traditional Chinese medicine, the office also changed its view on traditional Chinese medicine.

After a price increase of 279 times, the market for Chinese medicinal materials has not shrunk, but sales have been increasing day by day.

After the old incident of the old man being furious when we united Chinese medicine practitioners in 1958 was brought up again, many people could only lament the old man's foresight.

"Come up with something specific!"

In his words just now, Li Shengli's address to Father Du made the leader's brows frown even deeper.

Divorcing Du Jiaoyang and continuing to call Mr. Du 'Dad' shows that Li Shengli's separation from Du Jiaoyang's marriage was proactive and planned.

The leader also believed that Li Shengli pointed out this point on purpose. It seemed that Du Juan and Niu Bijian outside were also about to reposition themselves.

"Uncle Leader, whether it's the polio pills in the proposal or the pediatric treasure tablets that the barefoot doctor wants to use.

The Liushen Pills I just mentioned, and the Baochi Pills, both protect the survival rate of newborns and infants.

Pediatric Zhibao Tablets, Liushen Pills, and Baochi Pills are the brainchild of generations of Chinese medicine practitioners.

If the patents of such drugs are registered abroad by outsiders and then sold to us at high prices for profit, we Chinese medicine practitioners will not allow it.

At present, with just one dose of Liushen Pill, people have been able to harvest our entire year's export share of medicinal materials by relying on less mature pharmaceutical technology. In my opinion, this is a shame for Chinese medicine!
In addition to being a medicine for infants and young children, Liushen Pills can also be used as a first-aid medicine for heart disease according to external verification.

According to the record that its prescription is effective against sores and boils, this is also an antibiotic in traditional Chinese medicine, that is, an anti-inflammatory drug.

It seems that the effectiveness of many prescriptions in traditional Chinese medicine still needs to be deeply explored by our own traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

According to these opinions, I think Liushen Pills and Baochi Pills can also be used as common medicines for barefoot doctors after they are no longer exported.

Along the way, the barefoot doctors below can discover other uses for these medicines.

After the export of traditional Chinese medicinal materials, there will inevitably be a craze for traditional Chinese medicine in the world. We have now launched relatively in-depth cooperation with Laos, the United States and the island.

The secret recipes of traditional Chinese medicine cannot be used as cooperative projects.

There is a saying in the scientific community that science has no country, but scientists have a motherland.

My point of view is that since it has the name of traditional Chinese medicine, the patent of traditional Chinese medicine belongs to us.

Patents are also called intellectual property rights in the world. The intellectual property rights of traditional Chinese medicine are accumulated by our ancestors of traditional Chinese medicine from generation to generation.

We also cannot allow outsiders to restrict our use after registering a patent.

If this is really the case, why should the successor of traditional Chinese medicine regret dying..."

Just like what he said before, Li Shengli's first words sounded commendable, but when it came time to express his views later, they were biased.

If it were Mr. Pu, Mr. Yue, etc. who made such a suggestion, most of the leaders would support it with a smile. Even if they did not support it, they would give reasons.

But Li Shengli is different. He is a secret figure who can stir up trouble abroad.

His methods are not approved by the leadership.

But now, Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian have established influence abroad, although their personnel can be restricted in the office.

But the leadership is also very clear about how big this effect is. It can only be said to be very small.

The external forces of those two people have reached the level of self-circulation. With or without the help from here, they can form their own system.

“I have no objection to the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine.

It is reasonable to keep the prescription secret.

Patents and intellectual property rights are also areas where we have shortcomings and can be improved in future work.

But your attitude is wrong!

Wang Qianjin, Xie Fei, Du Peng, Du Jiaoyang, and you Li Shengli and Ding Yong, what exactly do you want to do? "

Father Du on the side couldn't help but change his expression when he heard the leader's question. This involved the young people from the four families of Du Ding, Wang Xie and others.

Lao Du also didn't expect that Li Shengli only talked about traditional Chinese medicine and could also involve Du Ding and Wang Xie.

"Uncle Leader, I have told the famous doctor Shi Lao in Beijing, as well as Pu Lao, Yue Lao and others.

We Chinese medicine practitioners are the most determined hawks.

As a hawk, the purpose is naturally different from those of my species.

I have a marriage relationship with Du Jiaoyang, and Du Peng is my brother-in-law, so we naturally got together.

My current wife is Ding Lan from the Ding family, and Ding Yong is also my uncle, so we are close.

Wang Qianjin and Xie Fei met when I was a resident doctor, that is, a barefoot doctor, in Wali Village on the outskirts of Beijing.

They worked at the health center in the district, so we also got to know each other.

Uncle Leader, as for me being a hawk, I would also like to share some of my views on Wali Village where I practice medicine.

I am a Chinese medicine practitioner with good skills. In my opinion, today’s population problem is not a family planning problem, but a food problem.

Nowadays, in the mountain fields in Wali Village, one acre of land uses enough fertilizer, and only two to three hundred kilograms of grain can be harvested.

Flat land is better. With dense planting and fertilization, the yield can reach four to five hundred kilograms.

But after using chemical fertilizers and improved seeds, coupled with our traditional intensive farming, that is, close planting methods, the yield of wheat per acre is about six to seven hundred kilograms.

If there is enough water and fertilizer, the yield of corn will be around 500 to 600 kilograms.

With the addition of chemical fertilizers and irrigation, the grain yield per mu will at least double.

Irrigation problems can be solved by investing manpower and material resources.

Whether it is digging ditches or pumping water, it is not difficult for us.

But fertilizers are a problem.

Traditional composting consumes a large amount of grass and straw, which leads to a lack of fuel for cooking in rural areas.

Without fuel, the commune members below would go up the mountain to cut down trees, which is also not conducive to environmental protection.

Composting is not a solution to the problem of agricultural fertilizers, so we can only ask the chemical industry for fertilizers.

I learned in Hong Kong that large farms abroad now consume a huge amount of synthetic ammonia fertilizers.

Moreover, there is no threshold for us to synthesize ammonia technology.

It now seems that the solution to the food problem lies in the chemical industry, and it can also be specific to the number of ammonia fertilizer plants.

Solving the fertilizer problem is solving the food problem, and solving the food problem is solving the population problem.

With a sufficient population, we can invest more manpower in agricultural irrigation.

The problems of irrigation and chemical fertilizers have been solved, and the extra population can work together to promote industrial development.

In the process of solving the food problem, agricultural demand for industrial products will gradually increase.

Agriculture requires agricultural machinery, irrigation requires water pumps, and transportation requires vehicles. The greater the average yield per mu, the more manpower and machinery are needed, which can form a virtuous cycle. "

Father Du had heard some of Li Shengli's lengthy talks on traditional Chinese medicine, so he wasn't too surprised.

After listening to Li Shengli's virtuous circle, the leader also raised his eyebrows.

He also took out a pen from his pocket and started writing on the back of the proposal.

Listening to his virtuous son-in-law, he always described the relationship between Du Ding, Wang Xie and Du Ding as a simple relationship between in-laws and friends in front of the leaders.

A big stone in Du Lao's heart slowly fell. King Du Ding thanked the four families. He could get close, but he couldn't be mentioned on the table.

A close relationship is a personal relationship, but if someone mentions it, it is another relationship, and this is not allowed.

Seeing that the leader was writing more and more things on the back of the proposal, Father Du also began to reflect on the relationship between his family and his virtuous son-in-law.

The topics of conversation between my good son-in-law and him seemed to be very important.

It's just that there are too many things that Mr. Weng and his son-in-law have talked about before, and what Mr. Du can take into consideration is limited.

In addition, the wind and rain outside consumed a lot of his mental energy, and he was unable to think deeply about many things.

Watching the leader write more and more on the paper, thinking about the leader's trip to the northwest, combined with the small handicraft and light industry projects given by the wise son-in-law, a magnificent new picture also unfolded in front of Father Du …

(End of this chapter)

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