The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 721 Testing Medicine (Part )

Chapter 721 Testing Medicine (Part )

"Good advice!

Dr. Li, your suggestion is easier for me to accept than the medication plan you and Mr. Pu proposed.

It was wrong for me to avoid medical treatment before, but the impact of many things must be considered.

Your suggestions have made me feel a lot more relaxed, please tell me about my condition..."

After putting away the pen, the leader reviewed what he had just written while talking about his illness.

Seeing that the leader's attitude toward his virtuous son-in-law had improved, Father Du also felt emotional.

The suggestion also depends on the situation and is divided into time periods. When the pressure from the north comes, if Li Shengli says that the promotion of patent medicines is greater than industrial construction.

Presumably, the leader would not even pay attention to him.

Before negotiating cooperation with Laos and the United States, if Li Shengli had mentioned the chemical industry to support agriculture, the leaders might have nodded, but they would never have said it was a good suggestion.

Regarding your condition, my dad also said that the old man had instructions not to allow surgery.

Screening out this kind of people is similar to Li Shengli's rules on the street, so there is no need to screen out.

Most of the technologies these people master are projects that cannot be implemented on the other side of the ocean. The technology is definitely advanced, but it is definitely not in line with the market.

After listening to Li Shengli's prediction, Father Du's face turned ugly.

Domestically, as long as a specific technical scope is proposed and there is ready-made technology over there, it can be imported directly.

Regardless of whether the test result is benign or malignant, Dr. Wu needs to cover it up as benign.

It is only a matter of time before free or very low-cost American technology is introduced into the country.

“The instructions from above are that treatment must be conservative.

It's just that this opportunity was greatly affected by external conditions. Li Shengli had always emphasized not to have surgery before, and he was also afraid of being detected by Wang Qianjin's godmother, so the opportunity for surgery was missed.

Father Du also discussed this kind of technical assistance with his wise son-in-law Li Shengli. The only people the United States can send over are expert professors from the academy.

“I don’t think there’s any need for further testing, it’s probably malignant.

Now he also has knowledge about malignant tumors. After checking his eyes with the leader, Mr. Du turned around and went out and invited Dr. Wu again.

At the same time, you must also take frequent sick breaks, otherwise no matter how good the tonic medicine is, it will not be able to withstand wear and tear. "

As a Chinese medicine practitioner, my advice is to avoid surgery if possible.

What the market often needs is not the most advanced and best technology, but technology that meets capital needs.

The leader himself mentioned his illness. From Du's point of view, it was obviously his son-in-law's suggestion that made the leader very concerned and needed energy to work.

Your body can no longer handle the malignant tumor.

Li Shengli assisted, Du Juan, Niu Bijian, and domestic secret contacts participated to help Lao Ni solve the disaster of Xiao Qiang.

If the timing is right, there is a chance to remove the tumor without spreading.

Before Lao Ni came to the talks, the introduction of technology was about equivalent exchange, that is, buying and selling in the technology market.

Li Shengli also had a rough idea about his leader's condition. It was definitely malignant and surgery was necessary.

Technical assistance has begun to move closer to the original Soviet-style assistance. Because the state system is different, assistance from private experts is difficult for Lao Ni.

During the initial use of medication, I will discuss with Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue to add more tonic medicines to make you look more energetic day by day.

But how to operate and when to operate are also particular.

Because it was in the office, the leader did not raise any objections, and Dr. Wu also expressed his concerns.

This is different from German-style technology and British-style technology. Lao America can design factory construction plans for here based on Soviet-style industrial production capacity technology. This is part of technical assistance.

Dr. Wu, we have to agree on this.

At this time, the north is blocked by Lao America, and Lao Ni is cleaning up while also proposing the idea of ​​​​comprehensive cooperation.

However, bladder cancer is a disease that is often malignant. Once a malignant tumor is diagnosed, removal is also necessary.

Maybe, among these technologies, there are black technologies and the like.

This side already has German and British technology for ammonia synthesis. In the early stages of contact, this side also had an absolute advantage.

After Du invited Dr. Wu, he kept silent to the leader, while Li Shengli asked him about his opinion on the condition.

There are still fundamental differences in the market between the old and American markets.

"Uncle Leader, when it comes to the illness, Dr. Wu still has to be invited.

But I think it is still necessary to conduct in-depth detection of tumors in the bladder, I am afraid..."

Do you want to ask about the scientific explanation or the traditional Chinese medicine explanation? "

"Dr. Wu, what do you think of the leader's condition?"

My coming here this time has something to do with it.

This makes it possible to introduce large-scale ammonia plants, and it also becomes a problem before us.

But assistance from government-sponsored experts has already begun.

Benign tumors can be cured with conservative treatment, but surgical treatment will increase the burden on your body.

Seeing that Li Shengli was going to debate with Dr. Wu, the head of his medical team, the leader also put away the proposal in front of him and looked at the two people with interest.

In his opinion, the son-in-law of the Du family is still very capable.

Without the promotion of this young Chinese medicine practitioner, the development of Barefoot Doctors would not be what it is today.

As for the misunderstanding about him in the storm, it also stems from his age.

Although the leaders had met Li Shengli face to face, they only thought that he was a good orthopedic and traumatologist, but he did not expect that his skills in internal medicine were also good.

During the relocation, many results were presented to the leaders. With Li Shengli's free clinic results as reference, the leaders knew that there were many misunderstandings about the Du family's son-in-law.

Seeing Li Shengli talking to Dr. Wu, he had the upper hand from the beginning.

Thinking of Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian outside, the leader also wanted to observe Li Shengli's way of doing things.

"I want to hear both scientific and Chinese medicine opinions. After all, there are instructions from above regarding the leader's condition."

Li Shengli's question of choosing one of the two did not bother Dr. Wu. After hearing the vicious words and thinking about the pressure he faced, Dr. Wu felt a little heavy.

“Then let’s talk about it scientifically.

Compared with other malignant tumors, the only chance of curing bladder cancer lies in the time it is discovered.

Once the bladder is invaded by tumor cells, hematuria is an early symptom. Is it because of this that you discovered your leader's condition?
Don't be surprised. I had diagnosed the bloodiness through the ecchymoses on the leader's face long ago. When Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue came, we had a detailed medication plan.

Unfortunately, the office failed to adopt it.

According to Western medicine, bladder tumors are very malignant, and 80% to 90% of bladder tumors are malignant.

This type of tumor is easy to treat in the early stages, but once it reaches the middle and late stages, the possibility of cure is almost gone.

Another advantage of bladder tumors is that they rarely spread in the early stages.

A more scientific diagnosis and treatment plan is to undergo surgical resection as soon as possible after conditioning with traditional Chinese medicine. After the operation, supplemented by traditional Chinese medicine.

Regarding Chinese medicine conditioning before and after surgery, Mr. Lu has conducted clinical trials and has achieved certain results. You can check it out. "

After listening to Li Shengli's statement, Dr. Wu's face became even heavier.

This is similar to what he learned and thought about the progression of the disease. Once a malignant tumor is diagnosed, the best way is to surgically remove it.

However, the addition of traditional Chinese medicine before and after surgery increases the uncertainty. In the doctor's profession, no one is willing to take over other patients' patients because the variables are too high.

“What about what Chinese medicine says?”

Although I don't know Li Shengli or understand him, his statement is still very scientific. With the scientific statement, Dr. Wu has almost reached a consensus with him in his heart.

“The explanation of traditional Chinese medicine is complicated, but it’s not complicated to talk about it.

Traditional Chinese medicine does not talk about science, but it talks about medical principles. It can be said to be reasonable.

The bladder is a urine bag, the place where waste water is transported and transformed by the lower triple burner. Because waste water accumulates, most of the diseases that develop after the lower triple burner is out of balance are serious diseases.

The idea that malignant tumors grow in bad places where wastewater accumulates still makes sense, right?

I used TCM syndrome differentiation to determine whether the leader's tumor was malignant, which was also related to the leader's living habits.

Leaders often participate in activities. Holding in urine is common. Leaders also work long hours. Strong tea to refresh themselves is also a habit.

Strong tea will increase the pressure of transportation and transformation, and also increase the impurities in the water vapor. If this waste water is held in the bladder for a long time, the probability of malignant tumors will be extremely high.

To treat hemorrhagic gonorrhea, which is what we call bladder cancer, the traditional Chinese medicine approach is nothing more than removing dampness, heat and poisonous gas from the body and dispersing bladder nodules.

But the leadership position is here, so the previous medication plans of Pu Lao and Yue Lao were based on tonic medicinal materials with the least pressure on transportation and transformation.

Similarly, during the treatment process, whether it is Western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine, it will increase the transport and transformation pressure of the lower triple burner and increase the toxicity in the waste water.

Once medication is taken too much or is delayed, the spread of malignant tumors will be artificially accelerated.

What does the accelerated growth rate of malignant tumors mean? There is no need for me to reason with Dr. Wu, right? "

When Li Shengli talked about the living habits of leaders, Dr. Wu was already convinced.

They haven't found the cause yet, but they found red blood cells in the urine during a routine physical examination.

According to Li Shengli, the office's previous rejection of Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue's plan was a case of concealment and avoidance of medical treatment.

Thinking that if Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue had adopted the plan before, the leader might not have gotten sick, Dr. Wu also had a look of regret on his face.

"Dr. Wu, Dr. Li also said that the cause of my illness is because of my unhealthy work and rest, so don't blame yourself.

I don’t understand the scientific explanation, but I can understand the principles taught by Chinese medicine.

Now it seems that surgery is still necessary. "

The leader was also persuaded by Li Shengli's reasoning. Thinking that the truth was clear, he had more hope of curing the disease.

As for the instructions above, they are for Li Shengli and Dr. Wu.

Even an old man must respect the leader's ideas.

As long as the leader brings up the idea of ​​surgery, the old man will agree.

"Dr. Li, what is the success rate of early surgery?"

Although he knew he shouldn't ask this question, Dr. Wu didn't do anything about it. It was a question he had to ask.

"Dr. Wu, you are the chief surgeon. What is the success rate of the operation?"

Listening to Li Shengli's exact words, the leader laughed, while Dr. Wu was extremely embarrassed.

If the success rate of the operation could be guaranteed, he would have recommended the operation long ago.

"Dr. Xiao Li, please stop arguing about the success rate of surgery.

Whether the operation succeeds or fails, the responsibility lies with me.

It's my unhealthy working and living habits that have caused trouble for you doctors.

Now it seems that our opinions cannot play a leading role in whether the operation can be carried out.

Dr. Wu and Dr. Li’s suggestion was to describe the tumor as benign and curable.

In this way, the chance of surgery is very high. "

The leader shouldn't have said this, but it was something he had to say. There are other people who can have the final say on whether to have surgery or not.


Dr. Li, what are your plans? "

Concealing the condition is a heavy responsibility for Dr. Wu.

Thinking about some people's questioning, Dr. Wu also knew that the change in the leader's conversation was directly related to the little Dr. Li in front of him.

“We came up with a plan of combining Chinese and Western medicine and said that the leader’s illness could be cured quickly.

During this process, I will ask Pu Lao and Yue Lao to prescribe some tonic medicines to make the leader look full of energy and energy.

But this is only temporary. After a short period of recovery, surgery must be performed as soon as possible.

If the lesion can be removed, then remove the lesion. If it is not possible, the only option is to remove the bladder, but this will affect the leader's quality of life.

I heard that Western medicine has the technology to use the intestinal wall to reconstruct the bladder. If possible, the resection and reconstruction should be performed in the same operation.

After all, given the leader's age and physical condition, too many surgeries is not a good thing.

If the bladder reconstruction technology is immature, the only option is to attach an external urine bottle and reduce the quality of life.

It’s just that I believe that both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine should ensure the dignity of patients as much as possible.

What we consider to be an inconvenience may be a loss of dignity for the patient.

The benevolence of doctors must still be implemented. "

After listening to Li Shengli's difficult request, Dr. Wu was also a little helpless.

Whether to operate or not is now a matter of principle. Artificially increasing the difficulty of the operation, such a surgical plan inherently carries great risks, plus the additional difficulty.

Then the probability of agreeing to the surgery is even slimmer.

"Dr. Li, cutting or cutting is already very difficult.

Surgical reconstruction, although there are such projects abroad, the domestic technology is not mature.

Reconstruction also involves intestinal surgery, and the risks of surgery will also increase sharply..."

Dr. Wu's statement is both scientific and reasonable, but the leader's condition, like the traditional Chinese medicine that Li Shengli wants to develop, has nothing to do with medicine.

Whether it is the tonic of traditional Chinese medicine, dispersing stasis and purging, or the surgery of western medicine.

This decision-making power lies neither in the hands of the doctor nor in the hands of the leader. In the storm, even the leader is no better than a small boat...

(End of this chapter)

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