The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 719 Promotion of Patent Drugs (Part )

Chapter 719 Promotion of Patent Drugs (Part )

"Dr. Gu, don't be anxious!

The polio you are studying is an infectious disease, so your side will naturally come first.

Why don't you take a look at the first aid regulations first? "

Lao Gu has already read the first aid regulations Li Shengli mentioned.

Just looking at Li Shengli's attitude, he was also afraid that Chinese medicine would be the priority here.

In Lao Gu's view, people with a background like Li Shengli must be engaged in traditional Chinese medicine for the sake of gold plating.

Polio pills conflicted with Li Shengli's gold plating, and Lao Gu was afraid that his joy would be in vain.

"Shengli, you may not understand the situation below..."

Thinking about the difficulty of promoting polio pills, Lao Gu frowned and wanted to explain.

The shortage of medicines everywhere is also a real problem.

"Dr. Gu, we stand together. You are the elder who manages the world and benefits the people. I bow to you.

If the sugar pill cannot be pushed down, I will ask the barefoot doctors below to co-sign..."

Although this could be done, he didn't know to what extent it could be achieved.

Li Shengli's medicine was also very purposeful. The medicine for clearing the throat and brightening the throat was only given after a period of time.

After going downstairs and leaving the consultation room, Li Shengli did not take his brother-in-law Wang Qian to the clinic, but went directly into the courtyard.

"Victory, I..."

Because the main victims of polio are children, I know this.

"Dr. Gu, I'm in the barefoot doctor training class.

In the end, Li Shengli had no choice but to give Lao Gu a sure vote.

But polio is different from other diseases. Other diseases still have to give in to polio.

Knowing that the man was very angry recently, Li Shengli specially prepared some medicine to dispel the fire and clear the throat.

"Dr. Gu, Mr. Wu, Professor Wu, let's just meet briefly this time.

Compared with Lao Gu Erwu in front of him, what Wang Qianjin has to do is more important.

Many things today cannot be said on the street, and can only be said behind closed doors.

Even if you force me to do some things, I really can't do anything about it.

After Li Shengli's words, Lao Gu couldn't continue to be cruel to a young man.

This can give the other side a clear impression that Li Shengli's potion will be beneficial if he uses it, but if he doesn't use it, his voice will become hoarse if he speaks even a little bit.

After taking out two red plastic boxes from the back room, Li Shengli said:
"Old Wang, you have to consider telling your godmother about today's matter.

Dr. Gu, let's do this. I guarantee that as long as Barefoot Doctor expands its medicines, polio pills must be the first choice.

Let's do this!
Let's use Lao Gu's poliosugar pills and let the barefoot doctors in Hebei province join forces through correspondence!
In this way, the time will be faster, and it will also allow your godmother to see the quality of the self-training class.

Is the situation like this..."

If you want to use the car when you go back, just go to the clinic to see me. I have other things to talk about, so I'm neglecting you..."

His godmother is the supporter of the two uncles, and it's almost time to take medicine again.

As for Pu Lao and others mentioned by Li Shengli, they only said a few words and did not give Lao Gu.

Seeing the silence again, Li Shengli didn't propose anything more this time, but stood up and said:

Their method of dealing with leaders is nothing more than to bring them down.

Some habits were developed little by little, and Li Shengli thought that most people could not learn the compatibility of his medicines.

Seeing Lao Gu stand up, he also wanted to follow Er Wu's example and bow to him. Li Shengli quickly got up to avoid him.

They all know what Li Shengli carries on his shoulders. To put it bluntly, whether he is a barefoot doctor or a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, they are all more important than Lao Gu.

Today, the only correspondence course with re-education qualifications in China was established by me.

Once the promotion of sugar pills becomes a formality, the losses will be huge.

I know very well the medical environment below.

The next thing is all Mr. Wu’s fault.

After bowing, everyone present felt helpless when talking about the situation.

Another point is that polio medication also requires guidance and feedback. In this regard, the level of barefoot doctors is still somewhat insufficient.

On Li Shengli's side, it was still the same as before, but he didn't give Lao Gu a chance to finish what he said.

Lao Gu's business is only temporary, but the barefoot doctor and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine are lifelong.

The eight advanced schools of internal medicine given by Brother Tong are not that easy to surpass.

Furthermore, between us, please don’t try to force me to have a baby, it’s not necessary.

My integrity can be witnessed by Mr. Pu, Mr. Yue and others.

We are working on multiple fronts, including disease exploration, patent medicine promotion, and barefoot doctors.

This way we can produce results faster.

You can also get a competent evaluation from your godmother..."

After picking up the two boxes of medicine on the table and looking at them, Wang Qianjin thought for a while and finally asked his doubts.

"Lao Li, isn't your grandson going to pretend to be a real person and use these means to force the leader to retreat and let Lao Du come up?
I'm not really a fool. I still know the reason why the yellow robe is added to the body. In the scene of killing the yellow robe, Chen Qiao helped up Long Yiyi!

I advise your grandson not to think so. Lao Du's brain is not strong enough and his qualifications are not sufficient.

You hide so many things from Lao Du, aren't you afraid that he will find you? "

After expressing his thoughts, Wang Qianjin also frowned and stared at his brother-in-law, just to see what changes would happen on his face.

That bitch Wang Yu asked you to test me?

Du Peng's father-in-law is almost the only one who can take over the leadership class.

There is no suspense, others can't stand up if they go up. Who else can suppress the proud soldiers below except that one?

What a fool I am to push Lao Du up!
Push him up, Lao Du can't go up against your godmother?
What if Lao Du is pushed down by your godmother?
If it collapses, two of its backers will collapse.

Grandson, tell that bitch Wang Yu to just be a bitch at home.

You pissed me off, I'm still Xiao Long's uncle, be careful if I let Xiao Long whip her..."

This kind of speculation by Wang Qianjin is not a good sign. Du Ding Wang Xie's position is to play support.

If the other three companies have some unrealistic ideas and want to push Lao Du over, that will be the beginning of disaster.

Just like what Wang Qianjin said, Mr. Du's brains are not strong enough and his qualifications are not deep enough.

When the brains are strong enough and the qualifications are deep enough, the age will not be enough.

Whether this is Wang Yu's conjecture or the Wang Xie family's ambition, it must be cut off resolutely.

"I just said that bitch thinks too much.

I said, Lao Li, let's discuss it. Can you get Xiao Long to stand up and give that bitch a beating? This bitch, in recent years, has been causing me to get beaten up a lot.

Every time Lao Wang slapped me in the mouth, she told her in a more embellished way, like a meal of fried meat with a leather belt.

After all, I am the father of two children, and the two of them don’t treat me like a dish..."

Listening to Wang Er's stupid ambition, Li Shengli shook his head and asked Xiao Long to slap Wang Yu.

If you speak on your own, you can force the boss of the Xiao family to do things.

But he didn't have the ability to make Xiao Long stand up.

That guy was just one of the rough guys in the army. In terms of kung fu, he was a top master. In terms of mental skills, he was as good as a half-year-old boy. He was not on the same level as Wang Yu.

"Save it!

If I let Xiao Long whip that bitch, I'm afraid your boss will have to change the butt of his gun when he hits you.

If you think carefully about this, if you really can't swallow this breath, I didn't say anything.

Brother-in-law, what did you say, how did I come?

As for how Lao Wang will deal with you afterwards, there is nothing I can do.

I'll try to treat your injuries as much as possible..."

The wind and rain, for Uncle Lang and his wife, were mostly spent in this kind of chatting and spanking.

As for what others have experienced, that is their business. Uncle Lang and his wife are living a good life.

Because it was good, Wang Qianjin was extra careful. After listening to his brother-in-law's advice, he decisively gave up the idea of ​​letting his second brother-in-law Xiao Long beat his second sister Wang Yu.

According to what his brother-in-law Li Shengli and his mother-in-law, Sister Fu, said: 'Women are mostly unreasonable'.

If she really did this, that girl Wang Yu would dare to persuade her husband to change his belt into a riding crop.

"That's no good!
I'm going over there now. Are you sure you've thought about what I just said?
My godmother really wants to make things difficult for the leader..."

The stumbling words in Wang Qianjin's mouth didn't matter to Li Shengli, nor did the leadership as long as they didn't delay their work.

For Li Shengli, the key to leadership illness is actually the leader.

If you don't follow the doctor's instructions, it's really difficult for Chinese medicine to make meritorious deeds.

Li Shengli contacted Er Wu and let Wang Qian take the path of his godmother.

In the midst of the storm, it was Wang Qianjin's godmother's side who had the advantage. Without waiting for the Erwu brothers to reply, the leader's office car had already parked in front of the Shengli Clinic.

The person who came to take Li Shengli to the office for medical treatment was no one else. Father Du, whose face was as black as the bottom of a pot, scolded his virtuous son-in-law after meeting him.

"Why do you dare to act on such a big matter without permission?

The leader is very unhappy! "

The private conversation between Weng and his son-in-law only lasted a few words. After the accident, Father Du stopped talking.

Li Shengli, a good son-in-law, didn't say anything unnecessary, because there were two other jeeps following the Volga Golden Deer.

Father Du got on the Volga Golden Deer, while Li Shengli was led by a few young people to get on the jeep.

Looking at the middle jeep following the jeep and Li Shengli sitting in the car, he felt a little at ease.

My brother-in-law Wang Qianjin still knows how to advance and retreat, and he knows that he must follow closely at this time.

Otherwise, Li Shengli would really not dare to sit in the car sent by Wang Jinjin's godmother. If you get in this thing, you might not be able to come back.

Because Du Lao and others arrived unexpectedly, Li Shengli had time to unload his belongings at the clinic.

There was no time to change the dress and outfit. Li Shengli, who was dressed in old clothes, came to the office and felt a little out of place.

The people in the two jeeps couldn't get in here. Du Du, who brought Li Shengli in all the way, arranged him into an empty room and left in a hurry.

After waiting in the room for almost two hours, the leader, accompanied by Mr. Du and a middle-aged doctor, entered the room.

"Comrade Xiao Li, Du Juan's husband, we haven't seen each other for a long time.

It's just that I'm not happy about this meeting.

You have affected my work..."

Listening to the somewhat serious opening remarks, Li Shengli didn't say anything about medical treatment.

Instead, he took out a proposal signed by Lao Gu and others from his jacket pocket.

"Uncle Leader, this is an initiative initiated by me, Dr. Wu from the Children's Hospital, and Dr. Gu and Professor Wu who are studying polio.

Nowadays, the barefoot doctors below are in urgent need of medicines to treat diseases. This problem is still urgent for us doctors. "

Li Shengli, who was supposed to come to see a doctor, took out a proposal for forced abortion instead of seeing a doctor. Father Du's face became even darker.

The middle-aged doctor wearing a sanitary cap on the side also changed his face when he heard the names of Dr. Wu and Dr. Wu.

"It's still your usual method, which is not good, but it can still be done.

Let me take a look..."

The leader didn't care about Father Du, who had a dark face, nor did he care about Dr. Wu, who looked ugly.

He seriously accepted the proposal letter handed over by Li Shengli, sat down, and read it carefully.

Seeing his virtuous son-in-law who was as present as in Xiaowangzhuang, Father Du wanted to say a few words, but because he was in the office, he moved his lips a few times and stared a few times, then took a step back and stood there. next to the leader.

"Doctor Li, what do you think of the leader's condition?"

Father Du didn't say anything, and Doctor Wu, who had been following him all the way, spoke.

Although the old man gave clear instructions not to allow surgery, in Dr. Wu's opinion, the leader's first choice was surgery because it would allow for the fastest recovery.

“So many opinions!
I participated in formulating the previous supplement plan for Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue. Why did I reject it? "

When the leader and Father Du came face to face, Li Shengli did not suppress any dissatisfaction, but instead questioned Dr. Wu who spoke first.

According to Li Shengli's plan with Pu Lao and Yue Lao, hemorrhage is not an incurable disease.

The earlier it is discovered, the better it can be treated. Although bladder cancer is often malignant, the earlier it is discovered, the better it can be treated.

For a leader with such a condition, in future generations, he would be able to survive a few years with just an electric cut.

Now, even if it is discovered early, the situation is not optimistic.

If we could use American ginseng and velvet antler blood earlier to replenish our health, and then use medicines related to hemorrhage to remove dampness and heat from the body, perhaps a turning point would be around the corner.

"Comrade Xiao Li, don't question Dr. Wu. I'll give you a no. The cost is too high and it's not appropriate."

When Li Shengli asked, Dr. Wu had nothing to say, but the leader over there who looked at the proposal came to the rescue for Dr. Wu.

"Uncle Leader, there is a saying in Chinese medicine: when the superior doctor is not sick, when the Chinese medicine is ready to treat the disease, the inferior doctor is already sick.

The suggestion to have a pulse diagnosis was given to Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue. It was also because I saw too many ecchymoses on your face that I came up with such a bad idea.

In the past, American ginseng and deer antler blood were used, which cost a lot, but now surgery is required, which consumes more manpower and material resources.

The increase in ecchymoses on your face is caused by the damp heat in the lower third burner.

Following the doctor's orders is also a sign of respect for the doctor. If you do this, it will be difficult for us doctors and doctors to start our work. "

Li Shengli didn't care about the leader's explanation, but because of Du Lao's surprise, he questioned the leader's decision. This was a bit too much...

(End of this chapter)

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