The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 718 Promoting patent medicines (Part )

Chapter 718 Promoting patent medicines (Part )

"Mr. Li, I look at the details of the law and many of them are related to Western medicine.

Mr. Li was very determined, and he never thought that my words of "managing the world and benefiting the people" could really lead to Mr. Li's methods of managing the world and benefiting the people.

Although our acquaintance was due to misunderstanding, it was also fate. "

Except for Li Shengli and Uncle Wang Qin, those who could sit in the consultation room were either academic masters or memorizers.

This is also the basis for success in medicine.

After reading the Physician Law and the Health Law, Lao Wu couldn't help but feel emotional about Li Shengli's legal provisions.

With that said, Lao Wu and his brother Xiao Wu stood up and bowed to the end again. After Li Shengli accepted the bow, he accepted it a second time and passed.

He simply took advantage of the opportunity to stand up from Wang Qianjin, exchanged a few polite words with the Wu brothers, and then sat back down in the middle of the consultation room.

"Dr. Wu, Mr. Wu, and of course Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue, I am also currently promoting the trial implementation of the legal regulations. Whether it can be passed or not remains to be seen.

When it comes to the world of traditional Chinese medicine, a meeting between Mr. Shi and Mr. Pu, together with Mr. Yue and his entourage, as well as famous old Chinese medicine practitioners from mountain villages, can determine the direction of the world of traditional Chinese medicine.

Taking advantage of the opportunity given by Lao Wu, Li Shengli finally changed the subject to the leader's illness.

When it comes to specific illnesses, Li Shengli’s traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine can clearly differentiate between them. Although it doesn’t sound good, it is also true.

There is no other reason. Whether it is Er Wu or Lao Gu, they are both people who have made contributions.

Mr. Wu, this gathering is mainly for the purpose of leading the disease.

Moreover, together with Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue, we came up with a supplementary plan, but it was not adopted by the office because it was too expensive.

"Doctor Wu doesn't need to disclose this. I diagnosed the leader's bloody disease a few months ago.

If we really want to talk about the overall situation of Chinese and Western medicine, Lao Gu Erwu and Mr. Lu's Lao Wang, although the portion is enough, the number of people is not enough.

My opinion is that whether it is traditional Chinese medicine that has been passed down for a long time or Western medicine obtained from abroad, it must keep pace with the times and be consistent with the actual situation.

This is similar to what the five elders said in 1958. The unity of Chinese medicine practitioners in the ministry and department is not good for the Chinese medicine community. The veteran TCM doctors will directly ignore the ministry and department and talk to people in higher positions.

To put it bluntly, only Pu Lao and Yue Lao also have such ability.

Whether it is the traditional Chinese medicine community or the Western medicine community, they are actually both medical communities that treat illnesses and save lives.

Because they account for more than half of the remaining great doctors in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

This type of Western medicine with nephrotoxicity will aggravate the condition the more you use it, and the therapeutic effect is really not as good as just holding on!
"Mr. Li..."

Nowadays, Western medicine has no specific medicines for lymphoma except anti-inflammatory drugs and hemostatic drugs.

Whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, if there are other supplements, they can all be classified in writing, and then summarized and selected to fill in the legal provisions.

After answering the conversation, Lao Wu was very cautious and would not reveal any unnecessary inside information because of Li Shengli's starting point.

Although the scope of hemorrhage in traditional Chinese medicine is not clear, there are also corresponding drugs to deal with it.

If you don't need western medicine, don't use it. Western medicine damages the kidneys. The kidneys we Chinese medicine talk about include the urinary system such as the bladder.

“My second brother mentioned this matter in a vague way, but I don’t know the specific situation.

Many things can be promoted with the help of four people, but they do not have the power to make decisions.

"Mr. Wu, just Li Shengli. If you are close, it would be better to call him 'Shengli'. I wish our cooperation will end in victory."

I asked Brother Wu to come over just to let him tell Dr. Wu that he should be more careful when using medicine.

The medicines used by our Chinese medicine practitioners are quite different when the symptoms are not apparent and when the symptoms are already apparent.

Because of the incident involving the two veteran generals Xie and Chen, the old man also gave clear instructions that no surgery was allowed for the leader's illness.

To be honest, without surgery, your Western medicine treatments for bladder cancer are far less rich than our traditional Chinese medicine treatments.

Previously, the American ginseng sent by Pu Lao and Yue Lao could be increased in dosage, which would be more effective in inhibiting cancer cells than any western medicine. "

Without vitality and restraint, it will be difficult for both Chinese and Western medicine to develop well.

The previous treatment plans of Pu Lao and Yue Lao can no longer be used. If you want to use traditional Chinese medicine, you need to carefully differentiate and treat the disease.

Western medicine is different from traditional Chinese medicine. There are many experts from various places, and integration is more difficult.

It's different with Western medicine. They have to follow the orders of the Secretary.

Now in the leadership office, in charge of scheduling, if the leader really falls, many things will be difficult to handle..."

This is our first meeting of Chinese and Western medicine practitioners. We didn’t say what should be said, but we said a lot of things that shouldn’t be said.

Chinese medicine attaches great importance to inheritance and qualifications, not position. Even the commander of Chinese medicine, speaking in the medical community in the city, is not as good as a Shi Lao.

Now the leader has been diagnosed with hemorrhage, which is what Western medicine calls bladder cancer.

Even if it is clear, I cannot tell Mr. Li, it is a matter of principle! "

Even if Lao Wu calls Mr. Li, Li Shengli will not answer.

The Chinese medicine community doesn't care what terms your department has issued. As soon as a few old Chinese medicine doctors meet, they will dare to give you eye drops.

If the medical profession wants to keep pace with the times, there cannot be some rigid laws and regulations. Changes or changes are the foundation and the top priority.

If the second eldest son of the Wu family really acts as a leader, he will most likely be criticized.

If it were a Western medicine doctor, even the Four Elites of the Wu family would not dare to do this, and there would be no such channels.

As a young man, it didn't matter that he called him "sir" when confirming their respective positions. Normally, it would be too much.

Shengli, you are belittling Western medicine, but I still have something to say.

Our brothers all studied Western medicine. My second brother studied oncology when he was studying in the United States. Western medicine still has specific medicines for diseases such as bladder cancer. "

Listening to Lao Wu's doubts after he changed his mind, Li Shengli shook his head, a special medicine for cancer?

After a period of sixty years, it will also be an area filled with scammers.

Just as traditional Chinese medicine cannot cure tuberculosis, but it can treat the first symptoms of tuberculosis, Western medicine cannot cure cancer.

Most of the people who have recovered from cancer are not cured, but are struggling to survive.

Li Shengli believes that tumors can be cured. If cancer can be cured, it is not called cancer.

Classifying some benign tumors as cancer as cure cases is not only practiced by Western medicine, but also by Chinese medicine.

Marketization, in order to make money, or to taste the sweetness of making money, the next step is to cheat.

There is no distinction between Chinese and Western medicine. Sometimes, Chinese medicine plays more of a role. Western medicine at least has anti-inflammatory drugs and radiotherapy and chemotherapy, right?

"Special medicine?

Mr. Wu, I’m afraid you underestimate cancer.

It is also difficult for Western medicine to get rid of nephrotoxicity.

The so-called kidneys in traditional Chinese medicine are combined with the bladder, both biochemically and biochemically. The nephrotoxicity section is the gateway to leading to disease.

Not mentioning this section, Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue and I have many medication plans.

When the symptoms reach the bladder, it is a problem of the lower triple burner, which cannot solve the nephrotoxicity. The more this drug is used, the worse the symptoms will be.

Bladder cancer or hemorrhage, this is a disease that is contradictory to treatment.

Maybe it would really be better not to be treated..."

After Li Shengli finished speaking, not only Er Wu's expression turned very bad, but also Lao Gu and Lao Wang.

As for Mr. Pu and others, they were even more embarrassed. They, old men, had consulted with traditional Chinese medicine dozens of times about their leader's condition.

Although there was no leader on the side, Pu Lao and others also demonstrated various methods.

The result is similar to what Li Shengli said. Instead of using medicine in advance, it is better to use troops to block the situation and store up water and soil as a temporary solution.

When it comes to treating the root cause, it is necessary to use drugs that lower the lower energizer. Using such drugs will increase the pressure on the lower triple burner.

The leader's disease is also between cure and incurability, causing many old men to cut off their beards.

"Victory, this..."

Old Wu wanted to say something more. Seeing that the topic between the two was turning into a dispute between Chinese and Western medicine, Old Pu spoke up.

"Dr. Wu, victory is dialectical and infallible from the beginning.

This disease, as Shengli said, appears very quickly.

When Xiaoyue and I went to consult with the leader, the leader also said that he usually doesn't get sick, but this time he is afraid that he will get seriously ill.

However, our previous estimates were too optimistic.

Who would have thought that the office would put our TCM treatment plan on hold because of cost?
Under the leadership of the leader, the water vapor movement of the lower triple burner is already out of balance. Let alone nephrotoxic Western medicine, even tonic alternative medicines, we dare not use them casually.

The transportation and transformation of water vapor involves all aspects of the body. Failure to eat and drink will put a burden on the transportation and transformation of kidney qi.

If you open your mouth and use western medicine to control it, it would be better if there are no side effects. But if there are side effects, it is like drinking poison to quench your thirst. "

Pu Lao, who has worked as a health doctor, is also familiar with the nephrotoxicity of Western medicine.

Unlike the leader, when Mr. Pu was working as a health practitioner, there were still many people who were willing to use traditional Chinese medicine.

Because Chinese medicine also has practical effects.

After taking western medicine for many diseases, physical weakness is also obvious.

With traditional Chinese medicine, a cold can be relieved and supplemented, which will make people feel stronger as they get sicker.

This is especially true after a fever. When it comes to the comparison between Chinese and Western medicine, there is actually a clear difference when it comes to colds.

Traditional Chinese medicine can add some follow-up supplements, so that people won't feel as if they are just recovering from a serious illness.

The older a person gets, after having used traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine, there are Chinese doctors with similar skills around him, and most of the time he will choose Chinese medicine.

When it comes to supplements, it has to be Chinese medicine. It can make you hard again even if you are not hard. There is no such special medicine now.

“Lao Pu, Lao Shi, it’s useless to talk about this now.

What we should be talking about is the medical plan, but Dr. Wu is not here, so our talk is in vain.

Mr. Wu, can you pass the message to Dr. Wu and let’s meet?

Or you can ask Dr. Wu to talk to Director Du in the office. He is my father-in-law. "

Li Shengli told Mr. Du that he was his father-in-law, which was also a way to gain trust.

At this time, naturally it cannot be said that it belongs to the ex-father-in-law. Saying this would be counterproductive.

"Then I understand. I will contact Tairan today."

Old Wu really knew about Father Du. Once he heard that Li Shengli was his son-in-law, many things became easier to understand.

"Sheng Li, your affairs are clear, what about mine?

When the ruthless Lao Gu opened his mouth, Li Shengli still didn't let him finish.

Nowadays, this is all he can do to fool himself. He clearly knows what is going on, but Li Shengli just doesn't want to hear it.

It's hard to avoid hearing this. Just like a hospital that needs to meet the needs of the city, rural areas are a difficult topic to talk about.

"Dr. Gu, as I just said, you should give a report.

This is an issue about children. Dr. Wu and Professor Wu jointly signed it, right?
I'll find someone to submit it to someone. Some things always have to be forced...

In addition, do you guys have any other prescription medicines to recommend? "

Li Shengli pushed back Lao Gu's words and raised his own questions.

Antelope horns, buffalo horns, and even sheep horns are only needed temporarily to replace antipyretic drugs.

Angular powder calms and relieves fever, which is only a temporary solution. What is needed next is the medicine to treat the disease.

Let alone antelope horns, even taking bezoars and rhinoceros horns is not as effective as just using the children's treasure tablets.

Antelope horns, bezoars, and rhinoceros horns are emergency medicines, while children's treasure tablets are medicines for treating illnesses.

If the disease cannot be cured well, bezoars and rhinoceros horns can only meet temporary needs and cannot solve the problem.

The medicines in the hands of barefoot doctors are too single, which is also a problem. Improvement of medical conditions must start with medicines.

For doctors, sterilized instruments, medicine boxes, etc., are all foreign objects. The only thing that really fits the hand is medicine.

Without medicine, just like a skilled woman cannot make a meal without rice, common diseases cannot be cured by acupuncture, tuina and massage alone.

Industrial development requires money, and the improvement of the medical environment in rural areas below also requires money.

In Li Shengli's view, things in the northwest already exist, and today's industry is not as important as the improvement of the rural medical environment.

If the office doesn't agree, it's only temporary, because the autumn harvest is around the corner, and so is the autumn harvest of medicinal materials.

If the report submitted by Li Shengli does not pass, Xin Yihe will negotiate terms with the medicinal materials company.

Without Niu Bijian's nod, the export of Chinese medicinal materials would not be feasible in the port city. This is how businessmen and pirate groups operate.

Although some conditions are indeed not met now, Li Shengli has nothing to do. His words and deeds, the industry has nothing to do with him as a Chinese medicine practitioner.

"I think the children's treasure ingot is enough. Any more will cost a lot!"

Lao Gu, a ruthless person, also knew how to make choices. He had heard Li Shengli talk about a lot of Chinese patent medicines before.

If he wants to recommend too many Chinese patent medicines, his sugar pills will be affected, so he has to make a decision...

(End of this chapter)

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