The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 698 Pharmacopoeia (Part )

Chapter 698 Pharmacopoeia (Part )

After listening to Li Shengli's follow-up plan, Mr. Shi also breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that the stall is open, I am afraid that young Li Shengli will only rely on aggressiveness to do things without any stamina.

Today’s self-study classes, training classes, correspondence classes, inheritance classes, intensive study classes, plus subsequent university education.

In Mr. Shi's opinion, the educational conditions are excellent. In these days, no matter how good the education is, it still has such favorable conditions, right?

There are some here on the mountain, but the famous old Chinese doctors don't dare to devote all their energy to only three or five apprentices.

These old Jianghu people understand the principle of casting a net to catch fish better than anyone else.

"That's good. As people get older, they have more and more worries.

As an old man, I don't have many things that I care about now, but the great inheritance worries me the most.

Victory, peace of mind!

rest assured!

In Shi Lao's view, Li Shengli's correspondence class is what is needed for the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, because the correspondence class gives the barefoot doctors a direction to study.

The famous old Chinese doctors of this generation are gone, and there are not many old Chinese doctors of the next generation who have a complete inheritance.

Every famous veteran Chinese medicine practitioner is an asset to the medical community.

After making a fuss, Mr. Shi also asked Mr. Cheng for time to compile the pharmacopoeia. Even if it is a simple version, one year would be no less.

Extending the life of the elderly is also a topic that cannot be avoided in the future.

In terms of time, Li Shengli will not give too much time, because this is a coincidence, and he cannot waste too much time on the compilation process.

And it’s worth spending a fortune to collect.

The more experiences of hanging one's life recorded in the Book of Death, the greater the value.

Only three months at most.

Shengli, I hear what you mean, the medicinal company’s pharmacopoeia is Jihuo.

You have to give it a year, so it’s your job to gather pharmacists from all over the country. "

It’s just that although there was a lot of effort in the past, the benefits were not much.

Most of these famous old Chinese doctors have been apprenticed to their masters since childhood, and they all have a complete inheritance.

The remaining little bit will be almost the same as traveling doctors and wild doctors, unable to use medicine at all.

It is best to write the book before and after the spring harvest, and it will be used during the autumn harvest. "

"Comrade Xiao Li, compiling the pharmacopoeia is not a joke. You said three months is three months.

Nowadays, barefoot doctors are very popular, and the boost of traditional Chinese medicine is only around the corner.

“Three months!

For Li Shengli, if a century-old wild ginseng could extend the life of an old Chinese medicine doctor by ten years, it would be worth it.

Promoting traditional Chinese medicine is also Shi Lao’s half-life career.

Extending life is now the most important thing in the mountain village.

Stay alive.

It is necessary to take shape without using the pharmacist's pharmacopoeia.

Shi Lao was not afraid of death, but he was afraid that the next path of Chinese medicine would be different from what he thought.

ten years!

Now Li Shengli has become the most critical figure in supporting this path. Without self-training classes and correspondence classes, I am afraid that 99% of barefoot doctors will not be able to enter the door of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Mr. Shi, there will be less and less trouble in the future, and there will be less and less means of killing.

In order to extend the life of these famous old Chinese doctors, the mountain villages now use the best and top-notch authentic medicinal materials.

If there is any retribution, we old guys will bear it for you. "

Comparing the price of food, the annual consumption of medicinal materials here on the mountain is not much less than the cost of food for the entire village, and this cost is well worth it for Li Shengli.

Without this guarantee, Li Shengli can guarantee that none of the experience in the Book of Death will be passed on to the outside world.

There are at least a dozen wild ginseng roots that are more than sixty years old, and there are also two wild ginseng roots that are more than a hundred years old. These rare medicinal-grade items, Li Shengli kept in the medicine cabinet of this villa.

You need to take fewer apprentices on the mountain.

Whether it's a game or a threat, the lives of these famous old Chinese medicine doctors cannot be wasted on people or things that have no significance to the inheritance of Chinese medicine.

In ten more years, I will show you the signs of prosperity for Chinese medicine..."

For some people who want to learn from the Book of Death, the first priority is to ensure the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

As Mr. Shi's lifespan was limited, Li Shengli drew a cake that was not too big for the old man.

Be bold and do things!

Mr. Shi and the others may not know that the final experience accumulated by these veteran Chinese medicine practitioners from birth to death has also been used by Li Shengli as a gaming tool in the future.

"Then I'll lend you Jiyan!

Ten years, I'm afraid it will be difficult to live.

Most of the backbone of the traditional Chinese medicine community today are academics. Let them pass on traditional Chinese medicine. I am afraid that the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine will become less and less.

One year is not enough! "

Mr. Shi's efforts were not recognized by Mr. Cheng. How could a pharmacopoeia integrating the preparation methods be so easy to write down?

Saying "Comrade Xiao Li" is enough to express the time requirements of growing old.

"Two months!"

Seeing the serious expression on the old man's face, Li Shengli became playful and teased the old man.

"Don't play with this!

If you dare to say one month, I will give up my choice.

You are a serious traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, can’t you figure this out? "

Li Shengli's oppression resulted in Cheng Lao's less authentic Beijing movies.

According to Cheng Lao, ten years is not enough to compile a detailed pharmacopoeia, let alone one year.

"Coming to Old Age, official request, must be completed in March!"

At least record some preparation methods.

Just like the pharmacopoeia outside, we can publish it first and add it when it is published again!

Just use Tongrentang's preparation method as the basis, use the Materia Medica compiled by us as the blueprint, and don't add the content prepared by Lei Gong. It will be a book in a short period of time, and there will be no problem. "

There is also a foundation for compiling a Chinese medicine dictionary in the mountainous villages.

There have been several editions of Materia Medica aimed at the pharmacopoeia. Although the elaboration of medicinal properties is not enough, as a draft blueprint of the pharmacopoeia, it is enough for practical use.

"Is this to occupy territory?"

After hearing Li Shengli's reasons, Mr. Cheng asked with doubts. After seeing Li Shengli nodded, Mr. Cheng understood.

The first draft of the Materia Medica on the mountain is much more comprehensive than the pharmacopoeia outside the mountain.

Although Chenglao was not a person who participated in the pharmacopoeia outside the mountains, every time he thought about it, he felt only indignation. Some Chinese medicine practitioners should not be called Chinese medicine practitioners!

The Pharmacopoeia of 1953 can still be read, but the newly compiled one in 1957 is a complete mess.

Because at that time, Chinese medicine practitioners began to unite, and there were a few Chinese medicine practitioners who, regardless of inheritance, had people compile it into a pharmacopoeia.

"In this way, I can finish the book in a month and a half at most.

Can we really add more in the future? "

After setting a deadline, Chenglao did not forget to ask about subsequent re-issues and supplements.

Without this follow-up, a pharmacopoeia that could be completed in a month and a half would not be completed.

"This is just a reference for pharmaceutical companies. We have produced a draft, and we will use it to summon pharmaceutical workers across the country!

According to what I said before, don’t name it after the word “pharmacopoeia”, just write a brief compendium of materia medica, so as not to be used to make a fuss in the future. "

Li Shengli said he was compiling a pharmacopoeia, but in practice, it turned into a compendium of materia medica.

The difference from what he said is that I am not afraid that someone will use it to make a fuss in the future, but I am afraid that someone will use it to make a fuss now.

The situation in the mountain villages is now also dark under the lights.

Although famous old Chinese medicine practitioners have settled in Madianji and Wali, the exchange of personnel is still well documented.

If someone really wanted to talk about the mountain village, let alone Li Shengli, even the third prince Wang Qianjin would not be able to explain clearly.

If that happens, it would be best if the people in the mountain village are dispersed.

Li Shengli didn't dare to think about the bad situation.

But with the compendium of Materia Medica, it's a different story.

With this set of books, Li Shengli can add a new unit in the city and summon pharmacists from all over the country, just like the self-training class. With the pharmacists covering up, the word 'pharmacopoeia' can only be mentioned on the lips.

Because there is currently a Pharmacopoeia Committee affiliated to the ministry in the city, which compiles Materia Medica, Li Shengli is guarding against them.

“Okay, a month and a half at most, if everything goes well, it will be about a month.

Just think of it as the military order I issued for you..."

Li Shengli supplemented the follow-up, and Cheng Lao was also decisive.

The time he gave was the time needed to organize and supplement the herbal medicine.

If we really have to do it from scratch, Mr. Shi said that one year is the least time.

"The old man is tired. When he publishes the book, he still has to make a few more copies.

I need three copies, one with elegant handwriting, one with regular handwriting, and the other with larger than normal handwriting. "

Submitting the draft to the top, Li Shengli probably estimated that three parties would look at it, and maybe the old man would also pay attention to it. The one with the big handwriting was reserved for them.

As for the delicate one, it is naturally for Wang Qianjin’s godmother.

In many things, the first impression is very important, and the literati both respect and despise each other. Three compendiums of Materia Medica in different styles may have different effects.

After talking about the pharmacopoeia, Li Shengli asked briefly about the progress in the mountains.

Hearing that apprentices had already arrived, he wanted to take a look, but it was already night. Although he wanted to take a look, he still had to take care of Mr. Shi, Mr. Pu and others.

As older men, it is best to have a regular schedule. Staying up late will definitely affect your lifespan.

After returning to the courtyard overnight, the next day Li Shengli's life was still the same.

In addition to the fact that there are fewer and fewer patients at the mutual aid medical point every day, the mission of him, Mr. Pu and others is to be health doctors for people from the northwest.

At this time of year, Mr. Du and Wang Qianjin did not contact him, and Li Shengli's life was leisurely and comfortable.

With Mr. Pu and others around, when he didn't want to sit in for a consultation, someone would take over.

Although his life was leisurely, Li Shengli did not dare to leave the Nanluo area easily.

This place is not yet an iron-clad camp. Sijiu City is too big. There may be a big gap in living habits between the two neighborhood committees. If we go too far, problems will inevitably arise between people and the land.

After staying in the clinic for more than a month, the elder from the mountain village asked Ma Xiaobao from Madianji to bring three sets of herbal medicine as agreed.

According to the order of writing, Li Shengli gave one copy to Wang Jinjin and the other two copies to Father Du.

The next thing will be easy to handle.

Because the Compendium of Materia Medica is closely related to the Barefoot Doctor, Wang Qianjin’s godmother can also be regarded as a beneficiary of traditional Chinese medicine.

After sending the compilation of Materia Medica, another unit was set up in the city.

Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing.

Naturally, the director is concurrently held by Pu Laolai, a master of Chinese medicine. Even though Li Shengli has an advanced level of internal medicine, his age is now his flaw.

As for Father Du, the rhythm is similar.

There are a lot of things in the office, and I don’t want to conflict with Wang Qianjin’s godmother. The processing of medicinal materials is also a good thing for the export of medicinal materials.

The director of the Chinese Herbal Medicine Processing Research Institute is Pu Lao again, and this time, he was successfully passed in the office.

Where things go well, there are places where things go wrong.

People from the Pharmacopoeia Committee in the city came to see Mr. Pu and wanted to merge with the newly established Institute of Medicinal Materials Processing.

As a result, Pu Lao pointed his finger in the direction of Haizi, and he went back to where he came from in despair.

In addition to the people from the Pharmacopoeia Committee, there was also someone Li Shengli didn't really want to see who came to Shengli Clinic. That was Uncle Chen from the medicinal company, a relative of the Du family.

If Father Du hadn't given him a hand when he came back, this Uncle Chen would have been eating dirt down there now.

People in the same camp, Li Shengli is not afraid of people like Li Huaide who are forward-looking and hesitant, but he really doesn't like people like Lao Chen who are wavering.

Many things have one and two.

Now that the storm outside has not stopped, Father Du gave Lao Chen a chance.

Li Shengli, the Du family's son-in-law, didn't want to give him a chance.

But even though Lao Chen was here, Li Shengli couldn't just push him back for Du Lao's sake, so he could only treat him like a bastard in front of Pu Lao.

"Uncle Chen, although Mr. Pu is the director, I have the final say on the specific affairs of the institute.

Nowadays, there are many idle buildings in the city. The courtyard in front of the clinic is vacant. We should first find the relevant units to request it and use it as the institute's unit residence.

In addition, pharmacists from all over the country, including the old Thirteenth Gang, the Wansan Gang, and the Qie Yao Gang, will also be summoned.

At the same time, the colorfully painted medicinal albums held by medicinal companies in various places must also be collected.

There is no need to worry about the number of people. If there are too many people, just ask the relevant units for another yard.

Similarly, the medicinal materials companies must communicate with the medicinal materials companies in various places regarding the tools and excipients for processing medicinal materials.

Bring everything you need to bring.

Simple Materia Medica is the model for medicinal materials companies in various places to purchase and process medicinal materials in the future, so full support is still needed.

At the same time, inform the various medicinal materials companies below that this time they are not here to learn or gild. If they send some Chaos people, the city will be held accountable..."

Faced with the Du family's son-in-law's business-oriented attitude, Deputy Director Chen, who was more experienced in officialdom, felt bitter in his heart.

No one can see before or after, and the experiences of those people before were too miserable.

He was just wavering for a moment. Who would have thought that he would fall into the hands of this rightful owner?

"it is good!

I'll take care of this as soon as possible. "

As an old man in the official career, Lao Chen's answer was straightforward and he didn't say anything more.

If Li Shengli was nameless, Lao Chen might try to play tricks on him.

But they are all old men who have experienced ups and downs in the world. Old Chen also knows some things about the Du family's son-in-law.

In fact, after finding out, he regretted it.

But I regret that there is no place to take the medicine. If I want to continue to be involved with the Du family, it is not easy to follow the path of the Du family's son-in-law. I can only use my work performance to impress my old superiors.

"Sheng Li, if everyone acts like Director Chen, the pressure on our shoulders will be much less."

Pu Lao didn't know the inside story, but after seeing Lao Chen's neatness, he couldn't help but admire him.

Opposite Lao Chen, Lao Pu is still qualified to show off.

In response, Lao Chen also smiled gratefully at Pu Lao.

After that, he nodded, turned around neatly, and left the Victory Clinic.

Compared with these old guys, what Lao Chen really couldn't see through was the son-in-law of the Du family who was in charge of the clinic. It was said that this man was extremely vicious.

"Lao Pu, Lao Chen, don't confide in him.

Just make arrangements if you have something to do. Don't let him go to the ward at the clinic.

As for the Institute of Medicinal Material Processing, there is no place for him there.

Being the deputy director of his medicinal company is enough for Lao Chen. "

After Lao Chen left, Li Shengli also reminded Pu Lao.

Although Lao Chen was a participant in some of the things Li Shengli had done before, but he had to keep it to himself, which was not the capital of blackmail.

If you can't hold it in any longer, the disaster of ruining your family is just around the corner.

Li Shengli has no intention of involving him in future matters, whether important or not. After all, the storm is not over yet!

"Sheng Li, is this person unreliable?

Did I make a mistake again? "

Ever since he and Lao Yue made a detailed pulse diagnosis to the leader, Pu Lao had doubts about his eyes several times.

Hot flashes in the lower burner are clearly visible in the pulse.

He and Lao Yue often checked the leader's pulse, but they didn't feel anything at all.

With traditional Chinese medicine, after becoming famous and starting a family, it is a completely different world.

Without any understanding or a solid foundation in classical Chinese, it would be too difficult to make further progress!

Skills are close to the Tao, that's pretty much the saying at this time. If you know it, you will really know everything. If you don't know it, you really can't understand it in front of you.

(End of this chapter)

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