The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 699 Pharmacopoeia (Part )

Chapter 699 Pharmacopoeia (Part )

Li Shengli couldn't feel Mr. Pu's entanglement.

It is nonsense to say that the leader's condition can be diagnosed by looking at the bruises on his face.

Anyway, Li Shengli's advanced internal medicine skills are not yet at this level.

The experience of later generations is connected with the current scene, and this is the so-called dialectical theory of diagnosis.

Pu Lao and Yue Lao are both great doctors at present. The lower triple burner is damp and hot, which can be regarded as a normal pulse condition.

Even if you reach the level of a great doctor, you will inevitably fall into the vicious cycle of treating someone ill.

Looking for a disease when you are not sick, more often than not, is really asking for trouble.

"Pu Lao, you must be on guard against others!

This time, I plan to let Master Dong, Bai Sushan, Guo Shihuai, and Professor Zhang from Shanghai take charge of the pharmacists who come from below.

Lao Gao, the former Tongrentang, also wants to join.

Mr. Pu also took on some of the tasks of returning to his origins. At the same time, his own inheritance of medical skills had to be summarized into a book at this stage.

The role of drug stores in traditional Chinese medicine is to unify local medication standards.

Even the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine does not have such capabilities.

The Thirteen Gang is nothing more than a business gang that buys and sells medicinal materials, and what they do is only the rough processing of Chinese medicinal materials.

Traditional Chinese medicine does not separate medicines into different families, and it is also said in a broad sense.

Shengli, we old guys never thought that there would be so many problems in the traditional Chinese medicine community.

The foundation of traditional Chinese medicine still has their share. "

After summarizing the preparation methods from various places, we still need to make a comparison of actual medicinal effects, which is also a long-term process that lasts for decades.

When people like Pu Lao and Shi Lao improved traditional Chinese medicine, they mostly made suggestions or gathered a few people by themselves to conduct small-scale experiments.

This problem is not only an internal problem of traditional Chinese medicine, but also an external problem.

After all, they have considerable pharmaceutical experience, and they also know some precautions when processing medicinal materials.

In terms of workload, this old man has much more work than Li Shengli.

Mr. Pu also meant this aspect, but Li Shengli couldn't directly reach out to the now-defunct private pharmacy.

The cooking methods that need to be summed up now are nothing more than cutting into sections, slicing, and frying when necessary.

Skilled doctors can continuously improve local medication standards, and those who are less qualified can benefit from these medication standards.

In addition to working with Li Shengli as a health doctor for people from the northwest.

After the pharmacists from various places arrived, the first thing they had to do was to work with the medicinal materials companies to sort out the medicinal materials from various places.

Talking about the specific preparation of medicinal materials, it actually has little to do with the Thirteenth Gang.

It is impossible to require every Chinese medicine practitioner to be knowledgeable in both medicine and medicine.

You and I both know that the key to the processing of medicinal materials actually lies in drug stores everywhere, and many of the real secrets of processing are in their hands.

But this has to be done step by step. After all, pharmacies in various places have already formed public-private partnerships.

After drug stores were banned or formed into public-private partnerships, the relationship between traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners was artificially blocked.

The summary of cooking methods cannot be completed immediately.

This time, gathering pharmacists from all over the country is just the first step.

Although Mr. Pu is the director, it is impossible for the old man to contact medicinal companies and pharmacists in various places, and he does not have the time.

After entering Beijing, because of the matter of uniting Chinese medicine practitioners, even if he became the vice president of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he could only be regarded as a business vice president, coordinating the overall situation, not to mention that Pu Lao did not have such ability.

After briefly reminding Mr. Pu to be careful, Li Shengli made arrangements for the medicinal materials processing research institute.

Try to push our pharmacopoeia to each medicinal material company before the spring harvest ends. "

"Pu Lao, I understand this.

At this time, it is not good to have such a foundation!

When the research institute makes some progress, we will ask medicinal companies in various places to recruit those who originally ran drug stores.

The pharmacopoeia has limited capacity, and some specious preparation methods may not have origins and should not be discarded at will. "

Traditional Chinese medicine is prepared in one place and one way. In the final analysis, it is still required by the medical school.

We old guys have limited vision for many things, and it depends on you now and in the future. "

The medicinal material company is a state-owned unit. It is difficult for a single Chinese medicine practitioner or doctor to have the medicinal material company prepare medicinal materials specifically for him.

This is also inappropriate now.

Before entering Beijing from the southwestern medical field, Mr. Pu only saw suffering.

Talking about the specific preparation method is a more complicated task than the differences in medicinal properties recorded in medical books. Pu Lao also has his own opinions on this.

Moreover, the summary of Pu Lao's life experience is more important than the summary of processing methods.

Facing Li Shengli, Pu Lao said this from the bottom of his heart.

“As long as you have a charter.

"Victory, according to the old man's opinion, the preparation methods of various places should be kept in separate books.

People like Li Shengli often gathered doctors from all over the country to clarify medical theory and medicinal properties.

Compiling books is Materia Medica, Medical Theory, and Pharmacopoeia, and when you start a class, you will face millions of barefoot doctors.

This is called top-down, or implementation.

Mr. Pu couldn't do such a thing, but Li Shengli, a country doctor, could do it.

In the eyes of Pu Lao and Shi Lao, the difference is not in luck, but in real ability and mental skills.

In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, the only one who can achieve success now is Li Shengli.

It is a blessing for the inheritance of Chinese medicine that he can regard himself as the protector of the great lineage of traditional Chinese medicine.

Therefore, Pu Lao is different from Shi Lao. He will support Li Shengli in everything as much as possible.

“With your words, I will naturally spare no effort.

However, as soon as the sign of this Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing Research Institute is put up, many people will come to you with their requests.

My reasoning is simple. If I didn't invite people to the mountain before, there won't be a place for them in the institute.

If the higher-ups send people forcibly, then we will have no choice but to leave with a seal. "

There are many things and troubles that Li Shengli has to think ahead of.

In the field of traditional Chinese medicine, there are many famous and experienced traditional Chinese medicine doctors who are not in the mountains.

There are those who have been impacted, and naturally there are those who have not been impacted.

The world of Chinese medicine is not a small arena, and speculators naturally exist.

Previously, some people looked down upon the famous veteran Chinese medicine practitioners.

Nowadays, Li Shengli’s answer is also very straightforward.

Naturally, those who have something to do with the mountain will come first if there are good things. As for other people, they can use it only if they need it. If they don't need it, they can only let them play by themselves.

"Victory, isn't that bad?"

Thinking about the cold relationship between Li Shengli and the Ministry and the Department on the mountain side, Pu Lao still wanted to integrate.

Li Shengli's words sealed the matter, but it wasn't the future of the mountain village that was at stake.

Just imagine that a good Chinese medicine practitioner cannot be adjusted by anyone in the department or department. So what is the meaning of existence?

Li Shengli, the overlord of the medical field, is not just a lie by Mr. Shi or Mr. Pu. He is a famous old Chinese doctor, but this kid can only control half of it.

But most of the numerous great doctors in the country have a direct relationship with this medical overlord.

As far as Mr. Pu is concerned, if Li Shengli said that some people could not be treated, this old man would really politely refuse treatment.

Isn't that the case in the leader's office? He and Lao Yue discovered the symptoms, but Li Shengli explicitly refused to say anything.

These two top doctors in the country cannot say a word about hemorrhage.

I can only briefly say that I have hot flashes and need a little care.

"Okay! Why is it bad?

Next, according to what Liu Ye said, the mountain will also come up with the standards for the assessment of Chinese medicine practitioner certificates.

In the future, the rear bureau and department will also evaluate TCM doctors according to this standard.

If they want to enter the research institute, they must pass the assessment first..."

The assessment and examination of the professional qualifications of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners also need to be verified.

Mr. Pu's words allowed Li Shengli to find a suitable verification object.

The future assessment standards will be based on what Mr. Liu said should be strict rather than lax, but it is not good to be too strict.

If people like Pu Lao, Shi Lao, or Master Dong, Master Zhu, Bai Sushan, and Guo Shihuai cannot pass the qualification examination, then the assessment standards are pure nonsense.

Moreover, the level of TCM doctors today is generally higher than those of later generations.

The skills of these people in their forties and fifties are also remarkable. After all, most of them are apprentices.

The assessment of professional qualifications is based on what he says, and Li Shengli is not talking nonsense.

Now he has Wang Qianjin's godmother as his backer, and in the future he will have a famous old Chinese medicine doctor from the mountain as his backer.

If Li Shengli takes the lead and does not recognize the qualifications of Chinese medicine practitioners, it will really be ineffective. His reputation as the overlord of the medical community is not an empty one.

It is also necessary to come up with a relatively strict but relatively simple assessment process.

It is not easy to make the current Chinese medicine practitioners think it is simple and make the students who will take subsequent assessments think it is strict.

Just try it with the group of people outside now.

Looking at the medical overlord Li Shengli who has begun to intervene in the traditional Chinese medicine world, Mr. Pu is not only not worried, but more pleased.

Isn’t it said outside that the train runs fast only because of the headband?

Today, Li Shengli is the fastest car in the medical field since the late Qing Dynasty.

In just a few years, not only has the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine been stabilized, but a series of measures have also been rolled out on a large scale.

In Pu Lao's view, many measures are conducive to the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine. If such people don't support it, why should they support those who have no ability?

Once the matter is roughly settled, it's time to get started. The preparation of medicinal materials is difficult to say. It is impossible to integrate one place, one method, and one family.

But to be simple, it means nothing more than washing, drying, slicing, and cutting into sections, plus roasting and stir-frying.

This is the simplest crude method of preparing medicinal materials, and compiling the advanced compendium of Materia Medica does not require a single method of preparing medicinal materials.

The method of controlling goods is enough.

The preparation methods of the Thirteen Drug Dealers Gang, except for the secret processing of some proprietary medicinal materials, the rest is almost entirely the business of the Cutting Medicine Gang.

This is no different from Tong Ren Tang’s crude method.

Moreover, most of the Yao Gang's crude methods are based on the requirements of Tongrentang or the Beijing Gang.

After all, long ago, Sijiu City was the place where famous people from all over the world gathered. When famous people gathered together, medicinal materials would naturally also be gathered together.

After pharmacists from various places came to the city, they actually had limited benefit to the Compendium of Materia Medica for adults.

Cheng Lao's compendium of Materia Medica can be used as a pharmacopoeia, because it is compiled according to the pharmacopoeia.

As for the second pharmacopoeia mentioned by Li Shengli, it is really an internal pharmacopoeia of traditional Chinese medicine.

This is related to the clarification of medicinal properties, and the preparation of medicinal materials will also be detailed to the medicinal properties of individual prescriptions.

To put it simply, the pharmacopoeia on the table is just a dictionary.

The second pharmacopoeia that Li Shengli wanted was the Sikuquanshu in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

Maybe a whole set of books would amount to dozens or hundreds of dictionaries.

If not done well, a detailed explanation of a single medicinal material would become a book.

Cheng Lao said on the mountain that the time limit would be ten years, but that was still an optimistic estimate.

Li Shengli estimates that it will only take twenty or thirty years to compile the second pharmacopoeia.

When it comes to medicinal materials, starting from growing and planting, to processing and entering into medicine jars, there are many details involved.

There are too many medicinal materials that can be used in traditional Chinese medicine around the world, and there are many medicinal materials that are better than those in China.

Previously limited by conditions, Chinese medicine practitioners will slowly explore this road in the future.

Perhaps with the addition of some technological equipment and methods of modern medicine, Li Shengli can see the full version of the pharmacopoeia released in Li Shengli's lifetime.

It is obviously impossible to widely publicize such a tome that collects the essence of traditional Chinese medicine.

This future pharmacopoeia will not only be a secret treasure in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, but also a treasure coveted by countless people.

Thinking about the eager expressions of many people who wanted to see it but couldn't get it, Li Shengli now wanted to secretly have fun.

The second pharmacopoeia requires the efforts of several generations of Chinese medicine practitioners, but the current compendium pharmacopoeia also needs to be promoted domestically.

The main body of promotion is the medicinal companies in various places, and the individuals promoting it are the increasing number of barefoot doctors below.

Before the Chinese New Year, Li Shengli took a slightly revised compendium of traditional Chinese medicine and a set of pharmacopoeia supplements, and first approached Mr. Du.

During this time, Lao Du also traveled between the city and outside.

Father Du, who originally wanted to be a high-ranking official in the city, had things he had to do when he went out of the city.

The rural small handicraft industry he promoted was boycotted below.

With the import and export company on hand, the feedback process is very short.

If there is a slight change below, Lao Du will know it immediately.

Moreover, when he went down to do things, Father Du also followed the plan of his virtuous son-in-law and master, and treated people the wrong way.

To be honest, no one can explain it in this day and age. After all, the wind and rain are still there.

Dealing with people is simple. To put it simply, it is to go down and attack people, and directly attack them with the barrel of a gun.

Almost all those who boycott small handicrafts have a bad attitude. If you don't have a good attitude these days, there won't be many good people.

Go down and investigate people, finalize cases and do target shooting. Kill if you can, and kill as hard as possible if you can't. This is Lao Du's process of solving problems.

At any time, the crudest way to solve a problem is always the easiest.

Just follow the previous cases and laws. As long as people embezzle, the value of the things at home may not be enough.

But after entering the evaluation process, there is another value. A few pairs of shoes are enough for target practice.

This is Lao Du's idea of ​​killing as hard as possible if he can't kill.

Once people are killed and replaced, there will no longer be resistance to the small handicraft industry he promotes.

As for whether he has been unjustly accused or not, the case file is there, the legal provisions are there, and the comparison between the two sides is absolutely clear and clear. There is no such thing as being unjustly accused or not.

And this is also the power of Li Shengli's tricks.

Kill people to kill your heart, kill people to achieve things.

It's up to the individual to decide whether it's life or pleasure.

Looking at the compendium pharmacopoeia in front of me, there is one more volume of pharmacopoeia questions and addendums.

Father Du could only shake his head and praise his virtuous son-in-law for adapting to the wind and rain.

The medicinal materials in the compendium pharmacopoeia must be able to withstand careful consideration.

As for those things that cannot withstand scrutiny, they are in doubts and addenda. People have said doubts and addendums.

If you continue to find faults, it will be bad.

"Tell me about your pharmacopoeia and addendum."

Seeing Du Lao's question, Li Shengli didn't hide it and said:

“There are 1,200 medicinal materials recorded in the Pharmacopoeia and 500 commonly used medicinal materials, all of which can withstand scrutiny.

In the supplement, there are also 1,200 kinds of medicinal materials, most of which are not commonly used, but occasionally used when encountering difficult and complicated diseases.

There are also some doubts about pharmacopoeial medicinal materials. Compared with the three to four hundred types listed by the Pharmacopoeia Commission, there are two thousand more types..."

(End of this chapter)

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