The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 697 Pharmacopoeia (Part )

Chapter 697 Pharmacopoeia (Part )

Hearing that Mr. Shi wanted to speak out for pharmacists, Li Shengli also pondered for a moment.

Although most traditional Chinese medicine doctors say that medicine does not differentiate between families, and medical scientists are also pharmacists, in practice, this statement only applies to a small number of people.

This small number of people, just like the traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in mountain villages, must first have a complete inheritance.

Self-study is not impossible, but it is too difficult.

I picked up a set of medical books and a set of materia medica at random, but they didn't match the medical theory and medicinal properties.

The Four Classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine are pretty good, but if you want to get started with the Four Classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, if you don’t have any talent or a famous teacher, you can only think about it.

When it comes to preparation, we have to talk about schools, and when we talk about schools, we have to talk about inheritance. Only when you really understand a inheritance can you know that the medicinal materials contained in the medical books are really this medicine and not that medicine.

In addition to the differences between medical science and pathology, the differences between sects also include reservations about prescriptions and medicinal properties.

What you learn is the same medicine, and what you use is also the same medicine, but in the process of preparation, it must be divided into four qi and five flavors, and the distribution of nature and flavor into the meridians. This is the same as the dosage, and it can be regarded as an unheralded secret of traditional Chinese medicine.

The result is that after taking two doses of medicine, not only does it have no effect, but the symptoms worsen.

Many of the medicinal properties that later generations of Chinese medicine learned from books were fundamentally different from the actual medicinal properties.

If you can meet a good pharmacist, it will be easy to become famous and start a family.

This is also the fundamental reason why Li Shengli, Shi Lao, and Cheng Lao were able to clarify the properties of medicine.

After calling a colleague to take a look, it turned out that the turtle shells used were kitchen waste and were made into medicinal materials without proper processing.

If there is no effect, it is probably because the medicine is not right.

This story, whether it is a rumor or a fact, not only reflects the harm of unprocessed medicinal materials, but also reflects the efficacy of serious traditional Chinese medicine.

The sects of traditional Chinese medicine are not based on geographical needs. As for the differences in medical pathology, they are more mixed with Jianghu methods.

The conversation turned to medicine, and Li Shengli said a few more words.

According to the development and pace, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Chinese medicine practitioners in the future to be able to do without good pharmacists.

Because the medicinal materials were not prepared, the patients were not the only ones who were almost killed.

Because both are life-saving studies, it is also true that when you reach the deepest level, you will arrive at the same destination through different paths.

"Mr. Shi, that's exactly what I meant.

The patient is a doctor who does not practice medicine himself, so he searched for prescription prescriptions from his colleagues. For a very simple illness, three doses of Qinghao Biejia Decoction cured the ailment.

If a doctor doesn’t know how to treat medicine, the basis for prescribing medicine is based on false ideas..."

Although every Chinese medicine practitioner cannot be required to be a pharmacist, the top Chinese medicine practitioner must be a pharmacist. Without this foundation, there is no inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

The same goes for doctors. Li Shengli heard an anecdote.

If you don't have a good pharmacist, you will rely on the theory in books to prescribe medicine. Once the medicinal materials are wrong, you are just a quack doctor who only has a theory of traditional Chinese medicine.

In the future inheritance, I am afraid that this section on identifying medicines will only remain in books.

They all separate medicine. If this continues, the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine will be deformed.

This is the Qinghao Turtle Armor Decoction. If the Maxing Shigan Decoction lacks gypsum, it will be really fatal.

The preparation of medicinal materials involves medicinal properties.

The methods concocted in one place and in many cases are not adapted to local conditions, but are required for confidentiality. Without these secret skills, it would be difficult for traditional Chinese medicine to make a living.

According to the theory learned, if you can cure one bad thing and find out the fault of the medicine, then it will be considered successful.

Our inherited method cannot now implement the section on identifying medicines.

Many times, when you care, the medicine is right. When you don't care, the medicine is wrong.

If a doctor cannot become famous and have a family, he will not be able to use up the knowledge in books and classics, and there is no need to focus on identifying medicines.

Theories are nothing more than different explanations. When Chinese medical theories are truly substituted into Western medical theories, there are still many things in common.

For Chinese medicine, the real killer move is the separation of medicine.

If there is a pharmacist at the head and a herbalist or pharmacist who is familiar with medicinal properties in the middle, then the path of a Chinese medicine practitioner will be much easier.

However, a true apprentice cannot avoid the challenge of identifying medicines.

It should be possible to simplify the inheritance by taking medicine as a pharmacist and taking medicine separately.

Many people, who have been studying medicine all their lives, may identify medicines in the one-third of an acre in front of the medicine cabinet.

The separation of medicine is also a frustration for future TCM students. After all, it is impossible for everyone to become a doctor or a great physician.

It's no joke that you'll be healed by just turning over the bowl. Two or three doses of the truly symptomatic medicine will definitely be effective.

Playing like this, it’s really like even the doctors came and didn’t recruit anyone.

The ultimate scientific approach to traditional Chinese medicine is not to use the theories of Western medicine to determine traditional Chinese medicine.

A little exposure to medicine identification is enough for ordinary Chinese medicine practitioners.

Traditional Chinese medicine doctors are pharmacists of traditional Chinese medicine. They have no control over the properties of medicines, plus changes in the cultivation of medicinal materials.

The final result was that I simply roasted the turtle shell in vinegar at home, drank two doses of the medicinal residue, mixed it together, and then decocted it and took it, and the symptoms disappeared immediately.

But such a problem is really hard to find. Because you don’t understand it, it’s hard to find the reason.

What’s more, if you only get pharmaceutical knowledge from books, you can eventually become a famous medical expert. This is the downfall of traditional Chinese medicine.

This is also consistent with what Mr. Liu said about apprenticeship, which should be strict rather than lax.

"Sheng Sheng, you didn't think so earlier. In the past two years, nearly a thousand children have been selected here on the mountain.

Many of them still have a promising future if they switch to medicine. "

Mr. Shi's question earned Li Shengli's helpless gaze, to which Mr. Shi could only laugh.

Not talking about supplies, most of the apprentices selected here on the mountain have bad attitudes.

The more in-depth the practice of memorization skills is, the more the benefits of perseverance of character in studying medicine will be revealed.

Some apprentices are good at memorizing skills, but they cannot last long. After being selected as apprentices on the mountain, they start to slack off.

Not only did Cheng Lao help his disciples to talk about love, but Shi Lao also acted in a similar way, but Li Shengli's side had strict rules.

Because as he said, Chinese medicine is a career that can last a lifetime.

In other professions, you may not have to live forever to learn. You can rest on your laurels after just a few more years.

But Chinese medicine is not good enough, and there are not many medical masters. Do they still keep reading during the consultation?

Therefore, backing skills are not actually the most important criterion for learning Chinese medicine, but the resilience behind backing skills is!

This is also the reason why Li Shengli can't relax. It would be terrible to choose a group of apprentices who can rest on their laurels.

Here on the mountain, the apprentices who fail to pass the exam three times will not be selected for the correspondence class at the foot of the mountain, but to go to the countryside.

It's still the kind that doesn't have a Barefoot Doctor certificate, which basically means it will never be renewed.

If you ask famous old Chinese doctors for opportunities, Li Shengli will give them to you.

Similarly, taking advantage of this and not working hard is a matter of attitude.

The third time I was caught and failed to recite my merits, I would not even bother to greet the old Chinese medicine practitioners on the mountain, but would directly send the person to the train station.

"Mr. Shi, I heard from my brother-in-law Wang Qianjin that the standards for selecting personnel in the correspondence class have been raised recently.

In each batch of correspondence courses, only a hundred or so students are selected. How is the quality of the personnel? "

After Li Chenggong left the self-training class, the frequency and speed of enrollment in correspondence classes increased.

The corresponding study time has also been greatly compressed.

The longest training period is only one and a half months, which is far different from Li Shengli's previous cycle training.

After the correspondence class staff came up, Wang Qianjin's screening was even more rough.

After a week of on-site inspection and memorization, the person was secretly sent to Madianji after reciting a medical book.

After being screened by Madianji and Wali, students will have the opportunity to be apprentices in the mountains.

Among a group of more than a thousand people, if one hundred people have memorized it, choose one hundred people; if one person has memorized it, choose one person; if no one has memorized it, then no one will be selected.

The standards set by Wang Qianjin are very rigid, but the effect is still good.

The reason for speeding up the frequency of correspondence classes lies with Wang Qianjin's godmother.

Nowadays, although correspondence classes are not regarded as a tool to communicate between urban and rural areas, they are still familiar with this process.

According to Wang Qianjin, the time for correspondence courses in the future will be shortened and the frequency will increase.

Li Shengli also responded to this, which was nothing more than distributing learning materials and repeating correspondence courses for some nurturing talents.

The pressure is felt by the students, Wang Qianjin and Uncle Li Shengli, and it is even greater. In the absence of Li Shengli, Wang Qianjin had already had several conflicts with others, both because of the lack of confidence and because of the right to speak.

With the support of the martial arts true teaching class, Wang Qinjin's bastard tactics are also making people scratch their heads.

Although he is not as prone to kill as Li Shengli, he has gained some prestige in several conflicts.

"Of course the child didn't say anything!

However, does Victory need to add more human touch to the selection of correspondence courses? "

Mr. Shi looks at his students and his own apprentices in completely different ways.

His own apprentices are students, disciples, and heirs of a sect. Naturally, they must be treated sincerely. As long as they are quite different, Mr. Shi is willing to teach them well.

But in addition to the famous old Chinese medicine doctor, the mountain village also has a so-called patrol team.

The apprentices who were not working hard were caught and beaten with fists and kicks, or with sticks at the worst.

Even apprentices who have grown up with their masters are no exception.

Moreover, those in the patrol team did not interact with the famous old Chinese medicine doctors. If the apprentice was caught for not practicing, the old Chinese medicine doctors would not be able to find anyone to talk to him.

"Mr. Shi, I discussed with Mr. Liu a few days ago that I would like to issue practice certificates to some correspondence course students and apprentices on the mountain.

But Mr. Liu said that apprentices should be strict rather than lax when they start their apprenticeship. If you think about it seriously, this is also the truth.

Now, this is the best time for these students and apprentices to study. From now on, no one will supervise them like this.

Future students or apprentices may not have this kind of supervision method.

You will be issued a certificate if you have completed your studies. If you have not completed your studies, your previous efforts will be in vain. You can only supervise yourself.

Beating and scolding them impersonally now is the most humane means of supervision for their future future and potential.

When they finish their studies, they will be grateful for this kind of supervision.

As for the latecomers, I’m afraid they won’t have such luck…”

When Mr. Shi mentioned human touch, Li Shengli didn't like it very much.

Nowadays, in the rural areas below, there are so many people who want to study medicine in correspondence courses that they are too numerous to count. For correspondence courses, there is now a far surplus of students.

According to Wang Qianjin's idea, if you want to learn, just study, if you don't want to learn, just leave. This is similar to what Shi Lao thought, but the starting point is completely different.

Mr. Shi was caring about the students' difficulties, while Wang Qianjin was just doing it to save himself less trouble.

In his opinion, instead of laboriously supervising, it would be better to replace them with more obedient ones.

"Victory, this is not possible!

Without supervision, I am afraid that more than half of the students will lose their energy, and our great inheritance will lack a foundation! "

What Mr. Shi said means that both good and bad people have done it, and they all came here because of the young people.

Although I despise impersonal supervision methods, without supervision methods, it is better to be less impersonal.

Young people have no temperament and are whipped from time to time. Most of them cannot persist in the task of memorizing medical books.

"Hey, you are becoming more and more unreasonable as you get older.

Okay, you've already said it, but I'm the only one who co-authored it, a younger one, and I'm not a human being, right? "

Li Shengli put aside Mr. Shi's worries with a joke.

It's better now. In addition to supervising and urging, the young people coming up from below are also really working hard on memorizing the skills.

Li Shengli has also seen many students report from the training class barefoot in the middle of winter, not to mention having enough to eat, not even having warm clothes to wear. They don’t even have a pair of shoes.

Some people who come from the south can count the number of times they have worn shoes since they were young, which makes people feel sad.

Although this is related to some living habits, it cannot escape the shackles of the word "poor".

Nowadays, the pressure from population is not just words, but actual hunger.

When there are five or six children in a family, chewing wraps is really a tiring topic for many parents.

But this situation has only existed in the past ten years. When life gets better, the legal provisions will be improved.

Such a supervision law is also undesirable. To put it bluntly, it is illegal.

But the effect of this kind of supervision is also real. If the base is sufficient, stick education is also the fastest way to get a quick fix.

Regardless of whether they are students in self-training classes or students in correspondence courses, after going down, they will find that the books they memorized and the beatings they received will not be let down at all.

Many times, when facing patients, they may think that they have not memorized enough books or memorized skills.

Skills are also included in the recitation, and it is also a compromise that has to be done. After memorizing, observe and practice, and then continue to recite.

Li Shengli left the stupid and dead skills in the self-training class and left the flexible skills to the students themselves.

Anyway, I would rather suffer more complaints from my own family, and let the students master enough knowledge.

This is also a process of surfing the sand. Whether it is a self-training class or a correspondence class, compared with the traditional master-apprentice method, there are big loopholes.

But the barefoot doctor itself is a profession full of loopholes.

It would be cruel to pass on the cost of training doctors to patients, but for many patients, barefoot doctors are also a ray of sunshine in a difficult life.

“Sheng Li, don’t be joking, my lifespan is running out.

You still have to describe the future of the great inheritance to me. These two pharmacopoeias, I'm afraid there are some tricks mixed into them, right? "

After the joke, Mr. Shi also got down to business.

Li Shengli's return to his roots, clarifying the properties of medicine, self-training classes, correspondence classes, and the number of barefoot doctors who follow him have exceeded one million. This is also an unprecedented change in the traditional Chinese medicine industry.

Although this scene looks prosperous, hidden dangers are also hidden in it.

Just one thing, barefoot doctors are not good enough, which is enough to worry these famous traditional Chinese medicine doctors in mountain villages.

There are not only apprentices who have gone to the countryside, but also students from self-training classes and correspondence classes who have returned from the countryside.

The following medical conditions, as well as the current situation of barefoot doctors, are of great concern to veteran Chinese medicine practitioners.

After Barefoot Doctor went down, there was a good side and a bad side.

The good side is naturally the improvement of medical conditions, but the bad side is that quack doctors kill people, and the number is relatively large.

Judging from the shortage of barefoot doctors and the training time of barefoot doctors, the situation of quack doctors killing people will continue in the future.

Shi Lao wanted to say how to effectively curb the indiscriminate use of medicine by barefoot doctors, but he also did not want to dampen Li Shengli's enthusiasm.

"Mr. Shi, the compilation of the medicinal company's pharmacopoeia is also a means of supervising barefoot doctors.

Once the pharmacopoeia is in the hands of medicinal material companies, it still has to be distributed to rural areas.

Knowing the properties of the medicine, coupled with the contradictory chants of the medicinal materials, these barefoot doctors who go down will be more cautious and cautious.

At the same time, the training and assessment of barefoot doctors must also be entrusted to pharmaceutical companies during the process of delivering the pharmacopoeia.

After all, the barefoot doctor below is also a front-line buyer and inspector of the medicinal materials company. If the business is not successful, it will cause losses.

In general, it was too hasty to send the barefoot doctor to the countryside.

But judging from the more than three million villages below and our subsequent supplementary measures.

It can still be guaranteed that about 10% of the students will become qualified Chinese medicine practitioners.

Even if the conditions for starting a profession are strict and not lax, at least 10% of the barefoot doctors will be successful.

Does water flow to lower places and people to higher places?

As long as correspondence courses continue, more and more barefoot doctors will obtain the qualifications to practice Chinese medicine.

Among these students who dare to take action, there will also be an endless stream of famous doctors and experts.

When conditions and opportunities are available in the future, I will try my best to let these students in the correspondence class receive systematic education from the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

It's just that I'm afraid I can't do this recently. "

Mr. Shi asked, Li Shengli did not cover up the chaos below, and at the same time talked about the role that the pharmacopoeia would play.

As for the subsequent systematic teaching, it is also a step that must be taken.

Otherwise, these traditional Chinese medicine practitioners who come out of the barefoot doctor community will also be questioned in the future.

Similarly, systematic education also needs to be divided into people. It would be great if those who are dawdling can get a practicing certificate.

Only those who are motivated are qualified for further systematic education. Educational resources that neither Li Shengli nor Mr. Shi mentioned are scarce today and cannot cater to all barefoot doctors.

Due to limited conditions, the starting standards and requirements for university education other than correspondence courses are definitely higher. A Chinese medicine practitioner must at least become a famous doctor in a place after entering and graduating.

(End of this chapter)

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