The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 696: Concoction (Part )

Chapter 696: Concoction (Part )

Father Du didn't expect that a topic concocted with traditional Chinese medicine would lead to such rhetoric as a foreign slave.

Li Shengli's statement is good, and there must be something underneath the mindset.

But it would be one-sided to say that there is nothing wrong with boycotting foreign slaves. Nothing is absolute.

As long as anything is sworn and absolute, it will definitely be biased, or else it will be a lie.

"Shengli, at the beginning of cooperation, we should say less like this. Li Huaide cannot let him go further."

In Dad Du's view, many things must be based on the situation.

At present, cooperation is the benchmark. If it is not conducive to cooperation, we should say less or postpone it.

“Dad, have you forgotten that when we went north, people in the Northeast wanted to hang two carloads of birthday gifts on the train?

Some things must be nipped in the bud.

What I said above does not mean anything, but there are examples. "

Thinking of the ending or the people or things that were still alive, all that was left on Father Du's part was a long sigh.

The saying goes that what goes up will be effective and what goes down will be the same. This is the truth.

Since the wise son-in-law said that the preparation of medicinal materials is a messy matter, if it involves his mental energy and allows him to give up paying attention to the situation, the pressure in the office may be much less.

Since Li Huaide mentioned some things, I will mention them again.

With Li Shengli's vision and methods, his own safety is not in danger, but the safety of others is difficult to guarantee.

As the driving force behind the scenes, although his virtuous son-in-law is young, his methods are extremely sophisticated.

Father Du wanted to enlighten his son-in-law, but the result was somewhat beyond his expectation. He was enlightened by his son-in-law.

If they really have foreign affairs needs, let them put them forward themselves.

Waiting to take precautions after the incident is completed will cost a lot of manpower and material resources.

Father Du saw the merits of his son-in-law Li Shengli, and also knew that his virtuous son-in-law was full of injustice.

This is not the first time that my virtuous son-in-law has tried to force him into the palace.

As a result, losses are caused, or there is a leak, and the result is likely to be irreparable.

He asked too many questions here, so his son-in-law would naturally think too much in order to reply. If he didn't go deeper, he wouldn't be able to reply.

It requires too much manpower and material resources, and it also involves the pharmacopoeia of traditional Chinese medicine. Without the permission and plan from above, this matter cannot be touched.

Father Du was also a little convinced that Li Huaide could change the office's external attitude.

Because if this matter is brought up, the leader may not agree, but the old man will definitely agree.

If I mention the friendship store thing again, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult in the office.

Such people are probably not bad people.

During this period of time, you should be busy with the preparation of medicinal materials. I will send you an application in the office.

Since you love the cause of traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine also has shortcomings such as processing of medicinal materials.

If he were to push again, it would be bad if Wang Qianjin's godmother got the chance to poke him.

After we register, we can just give them a dedicated warehouse to transport the missing materials.

The city's Friendship Store, the Foreign Guest Service Department, not only encouraged this idea, but also encouraged some people.

As for that person, you should find Wang Jiazi..."

Judging from the current situation, Father Du feels that it is hard for his virtuous son-in-law to be the driving force behind the scenes anymore, because the levels involved are already too high for Old Du to reach.

Friendship stores are just one of the conveniences, but if they are linked to the source of foreign slaves, there is no need to exist.

If you open a friendship store, the foreigners will be able to overwhelm the whole city.

“Clear thinking and vicious vision!

Victory, sometimes being too sober is torture to oneself.

The people are the most important thing, this has always been the case with the old man.

Although I can contact a certain number of veteran Chinese medicine practitioners, if the compiled pharmacopoeia is not recognized, I will not do it.

“Dad, the preparation of integrated Chinese medicinal materials cannot be completed in one day.

How to do such a thing that consumes lives but achieves no results? "

Son-in-law Li Shengli is thinking more and more deeply about things, and Father Du also knows the reason, that is, he has been asking too many questions recently.

Once he gains power, he will definitely trample on injustice regardless of severity. According to some rumors, Father Du can confirm this.

The foreign slaves just now, the Friendship Store now, and the past events in the Northeast.

There is too much investment and too much consumption. In the past, this was accomplished with the efforts of the whole country.

Because, in your eyes, Chinese medicine practitioners only waste their strength, but in my eyes, compiling this kind of pharmacopoeia costs the lives of senior medical practitioners.

This time, Li Huaide was seduced once, and there was another time before the export of medicinal materials. The wealth in the hands of his daughter Du Juan, I don't know how many times it will be.

If you push it further, some things should be out of control.

But judging from the vague reputation of the good son-in-law, Li Shengli is not a good person.

Father Du understood what Li Shengli meant, but he didn't give him an answer.

Because of the words 'Chinese Medicine Codex', Lao Du frowned again.

"For things like Li Huaide, you have to inform me in advance and don't make the decision yourself.

We still need to come up with a solution to the problem of processing medicinal materials. After all, it involves people's livelihood. "

Although he didn't reply, Father Du still gave Li Shengli a restriction.

As the driving force behind the scenes, his virtuous son-in-law is also a good hand. Now that the meeting is about to begin, Lao Du doesn't think it will cause any trouble and can be suppressed.

After the questioning on Lao Taishan's side, Li Shengli returned to the clinic. After a day of consultation, he did not start the night shift. Instead, in the evening, he took Mr. Liu and Mr. Pu straight to the mountain village.

When we arrived at the mountain village, there were only five people in the courtyard, which was still the largest, Shi Lao, Cheng Lao, Pu Lao and Liu Ye brought by Li Shengli.

Although Shi Lao, who was walking hand in hand along the way, was in good spirits, there were more and more age spots on his face, and many regrets were just around the corner.

Li Shengli glanced around, sighed softly, and then slowly spoke:

"Shi Lao, Pu Lao, Cheng Lao and Liu Ye now have an opportunity to allow Chinese medicine practitioners to get rid of the Pharmacopoeia Committee and compile a Chinese Medicine Codex.

Although the chances are great, this pharmacopoeia may not be recognized by the ministry.

The key point in the compilation of the pharmacopoeia this time is the processing of medicinal materials. My intention is to cooperate with medicinal material companies and compile two pharmacopoeia of traditional Chinese medicine based on the export business of traditional Chinese medicinal materials.

One is a reference book for medicinal companies to search for information based on pictures, and the other is a pharmacopoeia handed down from ancient times to traditional Chinese medicine.

The second pharmacopoeia has already taken shape. I think we still need to discuss what content should be included in the first one.

My idea is to compile this pharmacopoeia by combining herbal medicine from past dynasties with the crude methods of the thirteen gangs of pharmacists. "Compile the Pharmacopoeia into two books, one as a sample and one as a secret book. This was Li Shengli's idea.

It's just that the crude preparation methods of thirteen gangs of drug dealers are also very difficult for Li Shengli, because some of the crude preparation methods have been lost.

In fact, Li Shengli can also find better methods of processing, but the processing methods of some medicinal materials need to be kept secret, and the medicinal materials company is an external unit.

Some of the preparation methods involved the subsequent patent medicines and their efficacy, many of which were kept secrets.

In Li Shengli's view, some things about traditional Chinese medicine should still be kept secret.

Once the method of preparation and the properties of the medicine are explained, many medicines lack the first threshold in terms of confidentiality.


Victory, medicinal materials are processed in one place and one method. It is almost the same as one person and one method. How can this be unified?

The combined method of preparation is the pharmacopoeia, which is probably a fruitless business.

Recently, I have gradually felt that my energy is not as good as before, and I am afraid that the Lord Medicine is going to post something for me.

Xiao Cheng is already doing it to clarify the properties of medicine, so why bother? "

When it comes to how much time is valued, among the people at the table, Mr. Shi must be at the top of the list.

As he continued to return to his roots, Mr. Shi felt more and more that the days and the year were over.

Here on the mountain, in addition to returning to the roots of medical science and clarifying the properties of medicine, there is also a book that is slowly being compiled.

This book was only put on the agenda after Li Shengli's suggestion and the approval of many old Chinese medicine practitioners on the mountain. The book has no title, but the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain called it the 'Book to Death'.

The title of the book is simple, and the recorded content is also simple, which is the process of physical decline and death of each of the famous old Chinese medicine doctors on the mountain.

Now, thirty-one thick or thin volumes have been accumulated. Since the Autumn, Mr. Shi has also begun to record his own letters to death.

After winter this year, I felt bad about my lung energy. Like many of my deceased medical colleagues, Mr. Shi felt that his own decline would begin with lung health.

Life and death are clearly before our eyes, and Mr. Shi can also see through some false things.

In addition to being false, Shi Lao could also see the sinister intentions in what Li Shengli said in the first pharmacopoeia, which was the role of vague preparation in traditional Chinese medicine.

Processing is related to the properties of medicines, and its effect is equivalent to clarifying the properties of medicines. Many Chinese herbal medicines cannot be used as medicines without processing.

But the processing is the same as what Mr. Shi said, almost one place, one method, one person, one method.

According to the theory of active ingredients in Western medicine, the same licorice will release different active ingredients when cut into thin slices or thick slices.

It really comes down to the details. The thickness of the knife is related to the effectiveness of the medicine prescribed by the doctor.

The medicinal properties of the whole root or piece are completely different from those of slices.

There are also essential differences in nature and flavor between prepared licorice and roasted licorice.

Without frying, licorice has a cold nature and flavor, and has better heat-clearing and detoxifying effects, helping to remove toxic heat from the body.

Li Shengli and Mr. Pu used licorice that had not been roasted with honey when treating patients with radiation sickness in the northwest. This could be regarded as a good grasp of the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials.

Zhigancao has a thick and hot taste, enters the spleen and returns to the stomach, and has a better effect of strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi.

There are other ways to prepare licorice, many of which are secret.

This is about the meridian distribution of sex and flavor. Different processing methods have different locations where the medicine acts. The guiding role of processing cannot be ignored.

The preparation of one place and one method is also closely related to the clarification of the medical properties. In Shi Lao's view, instead of wasting time and making a pharmacopoeia that is not true or false, it is better to focus on clarifying the medical properties.

Judging from the situation in the mountain villages, time is still extremely tight. Returning medical science to its origins is not a big problem, but clarifying the properties of medicine may not be completed.

"Mr. Shi, what Shengli said is not bad. Medicinal material companies in various places have their own methods of preparation. Since we integrate medical science, it is reasonable to integrate preparation.

Otherwise, it would still be a bit biased to just use Tong Ren Tang’s cooking method.

I think this is feasible and not too difficult..."

If Mr. Shi disapproves, Mr. Pu will agree. If both of them disapprove, Li Shengli’s trip will be in vain.

Mr. Pu's approval is just to pave the way for Li Shengli. The specific decision depends on what Lao Cheng, who is in charge of returning medical science to its origin and clarifying the properties of medicine, has to say.

"Mr. Shi, the current pharmacopoeia is quite unfriendly to Chinese medicine. There is still a need for a Chinese pharmacopoeia.

Since victory is mentioned, I will also share my views on concocting.

Medicines come from the original classic. Although there are many supplements in later generations, the supplements are inseparable from the essentials of the original classic. Since medicines come from the first classic, the preparation of medicinal materials must also be unified.

Preparation methods vary from place to place, mostly derived from the medication habits of pharmacies and doctors.

The method of preparing this kind of medicinal materials may be based on local conditions, or it may be fallacious.

This has something to do with the level of the doctors. In some places, the methods of preparing medicinal materials are wrong, and that’s why they are there.

I think Shengli's statement is correct. Since medicinal materials come from Yi Jing, there must be a standard for processing to change the medicinal properties.

Otherwise, medicines vary from place to place, which is also an obstacle for apprentices to familiarize themselves with the properties of medicines.

After integration and preparation, medical theory and medicinal properties can be unified to a certain extent.

We respect the medication habits of individuals and factions, but there must be a standard for general medication use. "

Mr. Shi could also see the unified standards, but he couldn't see the thoughts behind Li Shengli's two pharmacopeias.

This person's thoughts are hard to tell to Chinese medicine practitioners, but to the outside world they are extremely sinister.

Mr. Shi didn't want Li Shengli to suffer too many consequences due to the great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine, which was why he spoke out against it.

"Old Shi, four to one, just do what I said."

Three of the five people met and spoke. Li Shengli pulled Mr. Liu over just to deal with the situation. Since Cheng Lao was supporting him, his emergency measures were no longer needed.

As for Mr. Pu, when he arrived, the two of them had already communicated in the car. Whether he persuaded him or not, the old man had to support Li Shengli.

"That's up to you.

It's just that you have to be more careful when doing this. The methods of preparation in various places are already fragmented. You need to unify it again.

I'm afraid that some methods of preparation will become extinct.

Chinese medicine is profound, and many principles may seem wrong to us, but they are right when applied to patients.

Preparation is also something that has been passed down for thousands of years, but the position of the pharmacist is not obvious, and many secret techniques are lost in the circulation.

According to the current way of studying medicine, the role of pharmacists will be more prominent in the future. You can take this opportunity to show your identity as a pharmacist.

Otherwise, the fabricated inheritance may not be continued. "

Mr. Shi's words can be regarded as mature words. Medicine is not divided into different families, which makes the pharmacist's position a bit embarrassing.

Many medical and herbalists come from apprentices. After initial learning, this kind of herbalist is familiar with both medical science and pharmacology.

The foundation of some veteran pharmacists may be stronger than that of ordinary doctors, but the treatment of pharmacists and doctors in the medical field is very different...

(End of this chapter)

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