The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 686: Peace of Mind (Part )

Chapter 686: Peace of Mind (Part )

"Sheng Li, you are good at everything, but your methods are too careless."

Turning the topic to future career, Father Du also began to lighten the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is too strict, not conducive to the good idea of ​​​​getting a good son-in-law, isn't it?

"Dad, the weather is still windy and rainy, and everything is ready to be done. I want to make a fortune in the wind and rain.

The road is already long and difficult, so how can we have time to talk to those irrelevant people?

What they are thinking and what unspeakable secrets they have are none of our business.

It's nothing more than that they are going to be a stumbling block to most people's careers and a roadblock to everyone's happy life.

Just deal with these people directly, and then turn back and solve these problems when all undertakings are making steady progress and supplies are abundant.

Since the old man said that fish and water are in harmony, you must follow fish and water. This is the rule. Since most people abide by the rules, it means that the rules are correct.

No matter how good their reasons are, it is still a stumbling block and must be removed..."

Even if we do have what we need by then, how dare you disobey your master?

Generally speaking, I think using the market as the basis for cooperation is an act of capitalizing on the enemy.

Prestige and overkill cannot be separated. Without overkill, others will not take warning.

At that time, the United States would not let the little devils control it. During harvest or harvest, if Jiaoyang's capital could get involved.

The companies we want to cooperate with now may be our own, so why pay too much?

Furthermore, with the ongoing storms in the country and no realistic conditions for cooperation, I think it would be better to put this matter on hold and just talk to their master directly.

When it comes to the official career, Lao Du is naturally at the front to overcome obstacles. The best way for them, the younger generation, to raise flags and come up with ideas is the best thing to do.

The sincerity over there was full, but Father Du still had some barriers in his heart.

Although our current conditions are not very good, our market is huge. A country with 800 million people means a huge potential market.

It's just that they want the island to come to this front for cooperation. After all, there is a blood feud between us and them.

Before there was German technology, our need for technology was as urgent as asking for rain after a long drought.

There is still a need to consider how to deal with people who have committed heinous crimes and let go of those who are capable of doing things. "

Furthermore, in addition to seeking capital abroad, the second priority is to seek technology.

There are some things that Li Shengli doesn't want to get too involved in. His career is the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine.

This is the tacit understanding between the two men. The two sons-in-law would not let Sister Fu on the side hear these words. This is the secret hidden in the killing move.

"Dad, should I go back first?"

“Stop the easy task and avoid the serious one!

It took three to five years to walk this path and lay the initial foundation.

Back then, the colonists used artillery to knock on the door. Now, they use technology to knock on the door.

Li Shengli's market theory made the tea cup picked up by Mr. Du hang in the air.

Otherwise, all you will lose is your reputation, and you will have more enemies and fewer friends.

By the time we achieve fruitful results, maybe it will be the time when we have mastered German technology.

The steel, coal, oil, and textiles that we cared about before were all about the economy, but market reports in Europe and the United States always talked about the stock market.

We thought this was a means of confusion and capital, but we didn’t expect that this was the current economic standard.

Hearing Lao Du mention this, Li Shengli's heart became even more difficult. Many times, the old saying makes sense. How can others be allowed to sleep soundly on the side of the bed?

“Dad, I think cooperation is nothing more than introducing each other to the market.

Nowadays, I can’t fully understand the technology in front of me. Isn’t it a bit too much to use the technology that others give me?

"No wonder!

No wonder the U.S. stock market began to rebound after being contacted. At first, we couldn’t understand this kind of economic information.

The status quo is the basis for cooperation, and there will be many unofficial contacts before the talks.

Lao Du's road, start walking now, it is really long and difficult, full of thorns.

Because market advantage is our biggest and most basic advantage, which is something the US will not tell us. "

Many things cannot be accomplished overnight and can only develop slowly. When Du Lao goes on inspection, he seems to be killing people to establish his authority, but in fact he is sowing seeds.

This is somewhat different from enlightenment. It is almost a process of puncturing the window paper.

"It's no use telling you that. Many times, you still have to pay attention to methods when doing things.

What they propose is comprehensive cooperation, and some of their technologies are also lacking here. "

At this time, we can only push slowly from the side and do it with great fanfare. What awaits Lao Du will be a sudden collapse. It is useless for anyone to support it. This is the general trend.

I've already received a reply about the meeting. I'm going to make preparations and the trip will happen next year.

The leader's idea is: when we meet, we can forget the grudges and forget them with a smile...

Li Shengli didn't quite understand what Father Du said, and he didn't really want to hear it. It was too nerve-wracking to think about such things.

The goods on the island, sheltered by the old Americans, are destined to be a market without dignity.

Li Shengli didn't want to talk about his official career in depth, so Father Du shook his head, laughed and cursed, and then gave the real drama.

Now their market is rising steadily, and it is time to bear fruit.

When the wind and rain subside and the economy is on the verge of collapse, Du Lao will be able to make full efforts as a whole.

In this section, my opinion is exactly the opposite. We are sitting on a large market of 800 million people, and access to this market is extremely precious.

Jiaoyang told me before, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Niu Bijian also mentioned it in a vague way, but I didn't understand much at the time.

Now when you talk about the market, plus the rebound of US stocks after the talks, is this what they call the economy?

Are we really falling behind? "

Li Shengli didn't notice Lao Duti's point of view. After hearing this, he knew the limitations.

The Bretton Woods system is about to collapse, and there is a new economic situation and new economic evaluation standards.

It is no longer the same as before World War II, and domestic standards may not catch up with foreign standards before World War II.

Steel, oil, coal, textiles, and food, as the standards for measuring the economy today, are indeed, as Lao Du said, somewhat backward.

If standards fall behind, the economic concepts derived from them will also be unable to advance.

Just giving economics classes to Lao Du is not what Li Shengli is good at. He can talk about it briefly.

But now what Lao Du and even the leadership office need is not a fleeting glimpse, but the basic theory of foreign economics.

"It seems so.

Dad, this problem can be easily solved. Just ask Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian to find a few economists in Europe and the United States, and have them come over and teach the people in the office.

Our current view is probably the same as the old and American land, sea and air force's view of our Xiaomi plus rifle during the Korean War. There is a conceptual generational difference.

Although this generation difference will not determine the success or failure of the result, it will increase our investment and loss. Such loss may be a sky-high price for us today.

I think I still have to say hello to the old man about this matter. Let’s use the cooperation methods of the island countries as a reference from what you just mentioned. Many times, we have to know ourselves and our enemies, otherwise we will use charity in exchange for our big market, and they will laugh at us for our inability after we go back.

Xie Fei works in the leadership office. I think he should also learn some of these theories, and the outside staff should also learn the same.

Otherwise, it would be unsightly to fall into someone else's economic trap during the negotiation process. "

Although Li Shengli couldn't give a lecture, there was no problem at all in giving an idea.

This is also a very real issue. Cooperation, relaxation, and ice-breaking. Along the way, it is time to talk about details, and details determine success or failure.

According to Li Shengli, the current cooperation method in the office is obviously a big loss in terms of interests.

If the market can be used as a bargaining chip in negotiations, the technology commercialization proposed by the United States will not be enough.

Originally, others were spending money to buy the market, but now they are paying to sell the market, which is completely a scalping transaction.

"Sheng Li, you mean, the benefits this time will be given to Xie Jiazi?"

When Li Shengli mentioned Xie Fei, he didn't mention it blindly. Lao Du also didn't have that kind of economic level, so the market concept must have a transfer station.

It's not that Lao Du can't say it, but his identity is not good. Xie Fei can be said to have learned new things after contacting Niu Bijian.

You can't say that about Father Du. As a person in power, if he has an eye-to-eye with Niu Bijian from Hong Kong City, then he really has connections with foreign countries.

And this is what Xie Feina calls it: communicating with external relations.

The two are fundamentally different in nature. This can also be regarded as a correction for the office. Once the market theory comes true, even Lao Du will have to be considered a success.

This kind of credit is enough for Lao Du, let alone Xie Fei. With a little bit of soup and water, it is enough for Mr. Xie to make a fat man in one bite.

“Dad, I am a Chinese medicine practitioner, and the benefits given to me in the office are of little use to me.

Du Peng is more pragmatic, and he is not suitable to stand out prematurely.

Xie Fei can be the first descendant to be trained by the Xie family of King Du Ding.

As for Wang Qianjin of the Wang family, I think it’s better to forget it..."

Allocating resources to the children of the family or the children in the circle made Du Lao frown a little.

This is not to say that this situation does not exist, but more often than not, it is tacitly understood.

It is an unspoken rule in the circle to entrust the children of the family to comrades or subordinates. This is a three-pole situation.

The children are taken care of, even if they miss the old relationship, it doesn't matter if they don't take care of them.

The disciples' familiarity with the rules also allows them to advance faster than normal people.

Many times, hidden advantages are not obvious.

Among the ministries, children account for a considerable number, which is a manifestation of this hidden welfare.

If you are an ordinary person, if you want to go from the local area to the ministry, many people will not be able to do it even if they spend their whole life.

Only those who are lucky and have paid relatively much can enter ministries in their thirties or forties.

It was like this before, and it will be like this in the future. Now, there are more opportunities for luck, but the foundation for this opportunity is too unstable.

Like Li Shengli, he made it clear that King Du Ding thanked the four families and tilted his power to Xie Fei.

What he said was a bit explicit, and it also broke the original rules.

If the adults from the four families intervene directly, Xie Fei's path will be smoother in the future.

But for others, even other children, this is somewhat unfair.

"Shengli, it's hard to say this so clearly. Let's discuss it again..."

What he said just now can be regarded as Li Shengli's statement that he will not enter the official career and concentrate on medicine.

Then there is no need for Father Du or Wang Xie Du Ding, or the country, to be too wary of him.

Many things are really hard to put on the table.

What Li Shengli, Du Jiaoyang, and Niu Bijian are doing can be said in words, but it is really hard to accept it if it is actually proven with examples.

Thinking about what they talked about in the past two days, Dad Du's thoughts are still a little messy. For Lao Du, many of the rules and regulations that have been formed before have to be abandoned, which can be regarded as starting over.

It's just that what I'm talking about now contains great risks in the face of the wind and rain outside.

How to find a middle ground between the two, and how to get the old man and the leaders to accept his statement, is what is really nerve-wracking.

He went straight to it without saying a word, and then waited for the wind and rain to clear up.

According to the wise son-in-law and master, some things require the approval of the old man, while some things only require the approval of the leader.

The sense of propriety in this was not easy for Lao Du to figure out. If he was not careful, he would accomplish nothing.

Having sent away Master Li Shengli early, Father Du had another sleepless night.

Looking at the dozen or so pages of letter in front of him in the morning light, Father Du glanced outside the house from time to time. He had thousands of words in his heart, but was blocked by the wind and rain outside.

Thinking about many things is one thing, but saying it is another thing, and when it is put into a paper report, it is completely specious.

For many things, Lao Du had to worry about the wind and rain, as well as the acceptance of the old man and the leader, and he also had to distinguish between the two. There was really not much that could be written on paper.

Although he wrote more than ten pages of letterhead in one night, his handwriting was very large for the convenience of reading, and he also had to consider the ideas on the opposite side and separate paragraphs at the appropriate time.

More than ten pages of letterhead actually only contain the development and prospects of rural small handicraft industry.

Many blank spaces must be filled in by the old man and the leaders.

"Lao Du, there's still some time before you go to work in the office. You should go and take a rest first, otherwise your body won't be able to bear it."

I don't know the situation on the son-in-law's side, but Sister Fu is aware of Lao Du's situation.

He worked all day without sleeping the night before, and he stayed up all night last night because he was afraid that Lao Du's body wouldn't be able to bear it.


When I was eating last night, I just wanted to take a rest.

Now, how can I sleep with your good son-in-law teasing me?

Thinking about how leaders often work like this, I didn’t understand it before, but now I understand.

We are far worse than those outside, and the lives of many people, alas..."

Father Du doesn't want to talk about many of the following things at home. Some people really go too far, and some people are really just eating at home.

But thinking about the economic methods Li Shengli said, Lao Du only sighed.

Thinking about many things is one thing, but doing them is another. More people still lack vision...

(End of this chapter)

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