The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 685: Peace of Mind (Part )

Chapter 685: Peace of Mind (Part )

"Collective economy!"

Regarding the domestic demand gap, Li Shengli's answer is simple.

Township enterprises and the collective economy are undoubtedly the fastest and best ways to meet domestic demand.

The current domestic demand, to put it bluntly, is nothing more than food and clothing, the two most basic means of survival.

Housing and transportation are now unconditionally available.

The fertility problem is the food problem before us, and it is also a very urgent food ration problem.

When exporting rice for wheat or corn, you have to take note of the tiny price difference.

Li Shengli didn't know whether the ration problem was serious or not, but specific behaviors could explain the severity of the problem.

"Collective economy?

Or is it your previous suggestion of developing small handicrafts to save enough capital to open cooperatives and small factories between counties and villages?

This is not impossible, but how to solve the problem of production scope and technology? "

Traditional basket weaving, silk weaving, and tea production do not require mechanical equipment, but the original equipment can barely meet supply and demand.

After going abroad to the Czech Republic, Lao Du also made jokes outside in order to seek technology.

Thinking about his virtuous son-in-law last night, Father Du also had an objective evaluation of Li Shengli because of the book Huainanzi mentioned by Badou.

The principles in the book make you alive after reading them, but it is a pity that I am young and immature and cannot go into it deeply.

We look outside, that is, to continuously expand the boundaries of the market and promote the increase in product prices.

According to the original impression, German craftsmanship and machinery are still highly respected in China, such as Heidelberg in the textile industry.

After asking, I found out that Heidelberg is a printing press factory and produces the last printing press in the textile industry.

When he arrived in the Czech Republic, Lao Du was naturally laughed at when talking about Heidelberg in the textile industry.

"Dad, didn't you and Niu Bijian get the technology?

The manufacturer of the real German textile machine is Karl Mayer. In response to this ridicule, Lao Du can only humbly accept it and redouble his efforts to pursue technology.

From the basics to the development of this type of jacquard machine, German technology is available, and it is not just the technology of one company.

What Li Shengli said made Lao Du's eyes light up. He could understand it well if he said it this way.

"Be content within and seek outside, you have made it clear.

Thinking about going deeper, Father Du thought about Li Shengli's career. Perhaps Chinese medicine is really a career suitable for his virtuous son-in-law.

Many of these technologies are a summary of technologies from the beginning of World War I to the end of World War II. They are available in German and English versions.

When product prices rise enough to warrant technological innovation, the small handicraft cooperatives below will take the initiative to seek technological innovation.

But he was not idle either. After the war, Gui Lao also used the civilian technologies of some European countries, including Germany, Austria, Italy and France.

Establish an organization to specifically respond to the following needs for technological innovation.

One after another, I am afraid that within three to five years, this organization will become extremely large. "

With this idea, Lao Du will have a topic next.

After World War II, Gui Lao failed to obtain German military technology.

When there is a huge gap between production and demand.

As long as it is proven feasible, there are technologies that can meet such needs among the existing technologies.

After it blooms everywhere, a new round of technological innovation will begin.

Do you have any opinions on specific technologies? "

Now the technology that Lao Du was pursuing in the Czech Republic had a foundation. The only difficulty was the translation issue.

Nowadays, in the rural brigade below, two sewing machines can form a garment cooperative.

The advanced jacquard machines of Xiaoguizi are not unknown in China, but they are not that useful yet.

As a result, after a lot of hard work, I also got some outdated technologies and drawings, but it was a bit difficult to put them into production.

The father-in-law and his son-in-law had exchanged views on these issues as early as when Du Lao returned to China.

Because many of these technologies started from the basic technologies of the World War I era, when implemented, there were actual technical development references, which can be said to minimize the difficulty of implementation.

Nowadays, not all of the technologies we have acquired are confidential.

During this time, Lao Du really paid attention to the silk weaving industry.

This can prompt the original industry to innovate technically.

Didn’t the Industrial Revolution in Europe and the United States follow this pattern?

Later, Niu Bijian solved his trouble. Textile and coal were one of the standards for measuring national strength before and after World War II.

The price of the product will rise in a straight line when the price of the product rises to a certain level.

A hammer and an anvil can break out the bearing balls.

Lao Du didn't expect that the conversation would return to the original topic.

Then this organization can send people to bring original technology and carry out industrial upgrading.

Although the importance of traditional Chinese medicine is not as important as industrial technology in Du's eyes, he also recognizes the profoundness of traditional Chinese medicine.

With the evaluation of Li Shengli, Father Du's tone and mentality also changed.

I no longer force my virtuous son-in-law to do anything, but only worry about what he is doing.

As long as he is still practicing Chinese medicine in China, it means there is no threat.

For Mr. Du, this threat is not to the Du family, but to the country.

It's just that there are some things that need to be re-examined. In some matters, my virtuous son-in-law is too involved, and Lao Du can't help but feel entangled.

Judging from Li Shengli's behavior, he is similar to what he calls a hawk.

Nowadays, there is a storm outside, and he really doesn't care. If this good and careless son-in-law is involved, what is a good thing for the Du family may not be a good thing for others.

If his virtuous son-in-law continues to go so far, Lao Du still wants to restrain him in his heart.

After all, young people are immature in doing things...

“Dad, I’m not a god, I can’t do everything.

With the requirements and technology, let me take a look and maybe I can make some suggestions.

You ask me to express my opinions in vain. What opinions can I have?

As far as willow weaving and bamboo weaving are concerned, it is nothing more than introducing machinery into some links where machinery can replace labor.

The introduction of machinery can not only increase efficiency, but also unify specifications.

Just like knitting bamboo silk hats, the thickness of bamboo silk is of different standards, and the patterns produced are different.

In addition to artificial weaving, this inconsistency in thickness can also be artificially introduced. Where the structure needs to be strengthened, thicker bamboo filaments are used, and where finer details are needed, thinner bamboo filaments are used.

Similarly, in addition to the original color of bamboo silk, there are also bleaching and dyeing, which are related to chemistry.

In addition to chemical dyeing, there are also traditional dyeing with flower juice, leaf juice, and fruit juice. This requires distinguishing the grade and price of the product.

Chemical dyeing abroad is naturally a product from China. Now we are about to have high-level talks with Laos and the United States. Economic contacts are also an immediate matter.

Let Jiaoyang know and promote it. The same hat, made of original color bamboo silk, may be priced at 20 US dollars.

After mechanical silk cutting and chemical dyeing, it may cost ten dollars.

If you change the style of the hat, dip it in flower juice, and put a different trademark on it, it might cost two hundred dollars.

For us, whether it is ten dollars, twenty dollars, or two hundred dollars, there is a need for production. Because a two-hundred-dollar product leads the fashion trend.

The ten-dollar product targets different needs of each person. As for the twenty-dollar product, it is the choice of those who really know the goods.

Different markets have different product divisions. Before technology, understanding of the market is more important.

If we only think about finding orders to produce products, then we will be a colonial-level producer.

Having an idea that costs between two hundred and ten dollars is the foundation for industrial development. "

Li Shengli, who said he was not proficient in everything, spoke and made Du Lao feel amazed again.

According to this statement, my family should still want this virtuous son-in-law.

The division of product design between two hundred dollars and ten dollars gave Lao Du a feeling of enlightenment, but he was still a little confused as to what he was being enlightened about.

"Sheng Li, wait a minute, what you just said made me feel like I've grasped something.

But when I think back, I forget exactly what I caught. "

Li Shengli knew that what Lao Du failed to grasp was the context of business development in a decade of experience.

“Dad, it’s very simple, it’s just an idea.

According to foreign parlance, it is business thinking.

According to us, it means developing an industry with a plan and purpose.

Before doing anything, the pros and cons must be weighed clearly, the market must be investigated clearly, and the nodes of technological development must also be clearly thought out.

There is a factory below that uses all the ration money saved by cutting back on food and clothing. It works today and stops tomorrow. People who are so derelict in their duties need to be shot.

ten years!

A factory must have at least a ten-year development plan.

Who did the thing, what is the purpose, and who will be responsible for any problems in the future must be clarified one by one.

Something went wrong and caused economic losses. When the time comes, those who should bear the responsibility will be held accountable, and those who should be beheaded will also be beheaded.

If you have rules for doing things, you may be punished for doing things.

Then the people below will inevitably slow down their work.

But when things are done, there is merit.

For long-term development, counties and cities with the same conditions must be compared horizontally.

Those who live in the corpse position must be eliminated, and they must be eliminated from the root. These people are the most terrifying enemies in the process of our career.

The leader needs to say something about this. I can't let the old man say this, because the current storm will be repeated in the future.

What the leaders have said is the guideline for governance. In addition to these, words that do not hold the public accountable should also be taken back, especially for the leaders below.

If one person dies, kill one, and if a litter dies, kill the entire litter. This can be regarded as a complement to Feng Yu. "

Taking advantage of Du Lao's enlightenment and insight, Li Shengli brought in a lot of private goods.

Many things are afraid of becoming established rules, especially in the official career.

According to the old man's opinion, it's all about fish and water during a war. At that time, your head is at risk, so you need the masses.

After entering the city, it is the parents who have the final say. Fish and water turn into oil and water. Parents are the parents who really have the final say.

Li Shengli's words were based on theory. After hearing this, Lao Du took a deep look at his virtuous son-in-law. He was indeed a doctor, and he was really decisive in dealing with illnesses.

"Shengli, what you said is still one-sided. No one is perfect..."

Only after seeing many things in person do you realize how difficult it is to deal with them. Lao Du only looked at the bad guys and not the good guys, but the number of bad guys was also shocking.

The more important point is that some people are obviously bad and don't even know it.

Among Lao Du's target shooters, there are countless people who feel that they should enjoy that kind of treatment. To this, Lao Du's answer is simple, it's just a matter of five cents.

But for many things, you can't always talk with a five-cent bullet.

It was a bit better in the storm. Those whom Lao Du forcefully removed were all people who should not have been in the position in the first place.

If these things were discussed in Siqing, the resistance would be unimaginable. Now it's just someone calling. Before, they would have come to the door.

“Dad, sometimes the right to speak is gained through fighting, and so is the ability to execute.

Those veteran generals are those who have emerged from the battlefield a long time ago. Your qualifications and popularity are not enough.

If you want to use force at this time, you can only take shortcuts.

If you keep killing like this, your Du Shatou's reputation will be stable, and you will be able to do whatever you say. "

It seemed very frivolous for Li Shengli to talk to Father Du like this.

There was no need for Lao Du to answer these words. Sister Fu, the mother-in-law on the side, helped Lao Du do it.

“Sheng Li, don’t make fun of your dad!

Why do you want to shave your head?

Is that a joke? "

As she spoke, Sister Fu stood up and pinched Li Shengli. When she went back, she glanced at her Lao Du cautiously.

Sister Fu who is in Xiaowangzhuang has also heard Du Shatou's words. Some people's family members in the city are still there and they know that she lives here. When talking about love, they will naturally come to Xiaowangzhuang and talk about Du Shatou. 'of.

But these can only be small words said behind the back of the family, Lao Du. If they were said in person, it would be the beginning of a breakup.


This nickname really has a murderous and heart-wrenching flavor to it.

Shengli, what do you think of the nickname Du Shatou? "

For Mr. Du, some people's tactics to bring him down and kill him through public opinion are clearly laid out in front of them.

For men, when what they do coincides with their ambitions, not only are they full of endurance, but their determination is as hard as stone.

For people like Lao Du, who is lively but principled, there is nothing he can do against his son-in-law Li Shengli. There is really no evidence.

Not to mention Lao Du, isn't there anything the leadership office can do about Li Shengli and Uncle Wang Qinjin?

When it comes time to talk about principles, Lao Du will not be polite to anyone. That is his career, pursuit and ambition.

People like Lao Du, who value results over means, are also collaborators who can work well with Li Shengli.

"Dad, what else can happen?

It's just that some people have run out of energy now. Just ignore these people.

But some people cannot ignore these people who want to win out of chaos and take chestnuts from the fire.

Jiaoyang and I will clearly show all the methods that they want to use, know how to use, as well as those that they can't think of and won't use, so that you old-timers can see.

When the time comes, search for Ji according to the picture, catch him and kill him.

If you kill thoroughly or too much, you will naturally take a warning..."

What Lao Du did below was the result of Li Shengli's tactics. No matter which dynasty or generation, punishment is the best way to win the hearts and minds of the people.

Killing with one sword was even more satisfying. Li Shengli wanted to use this to make Du Lao succeed. Compared with the older generation, Lao Du was countless in terms of qualifications and achievements.

If you want to rise to the top in the new era, you can only use the method of making great achievements in a new era, making new achievements in new fields, and establishing prestige to achieve success...

(End of this chapter)

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