The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 684: Looking for help from outside (Part )

Chapter 684: Looking for help from outside (Part )

“If we are short of anything on the farm, you should pay attention.

I see that you have been free recently and you haven't gained much weight. Remember to eat more when you go back. "

Eat more, grow fatter, but this is a beautiful vision that travels between the courtyard and the alley.

On the streets, there are mostly thin people with sharp faces, and truly fat people are really rare.

After a long night of talking, the mother-in-law, Sister Fu, started to act more and more like a mother-in-law.

"Thank you mom, I'll go back first."

After being polite, Li Shengli turned around and walked out of the yard and drove away.

"Sister Fu, you are such a good son-in-law. He has planned a big game for our family and your daughter.

It's just that this game of chess has mixed consequences. Do you think I should take it or not? "


You have already made up your mind, so why bother?

In my opinion, victory is purely about being full and able to carry more people in a broken car.

In recent years, if we receive scientific researchers from the northwest, we are not very strict, and we are just looking for trouble.

Don't lecture me on any big ideas, you men have ambitions.

The Du family had differences. Li Shengli, who returned to the clinic and had breakfast in the underground restaurant, also had differences with the radiation sickness patients in the northwest.

From top to bottom, people who have never worn patched clothes are rare these days, and the conditions are really limited.

Thinking about the dark brown stool blood in the toilet for the past two days, after sending it to the relevant units, the radiation indicators were measured.

Li Shengli's words touched Master Wang's heart.

Today's people really talk about hardship and simplicity. Many of these scientific researchers from the northwest wear fine clothes on the outside, but the clothes on the inside are patched.

The reason for the difference is simple. The meals at the clinic are too expensive.

The old men and leaders along the way are conscientiously planning for the country.

How good would it be for him and Jiao Yang to hide in a small courtyard and live a peaceful life?

Many things must be kept secret, and Master Wang is more rigorous and kind than Professor Wang and Dr. Wang.

For the meals of these personnel in the northwest, there must be accurate quantities of what they cook every day and how many ingredients and seasonings are used. This is both a medical record and a record.

Listening to the sound of Li Shengli's car driving away, Father Du also asked Sister Fu for her opinion.

As for Shazhu not hiding from Master Wang and others the American ginseng slices added to the surimi porridge, this is also in order.

There’s no need for scientific proof for this, right?

The survival experience passed down from ancient times, after eating blood tofu, my lungs can still feel refreshed.

Master Wang is also the title proposed by Master Yang and the old man in the self-training class.

Even if you don’t have time to research, can you still write a rough research direction?

Surimi porridge increases nutrition, and sheep blood sausage has the functions of nourishing blood, stopping bleeding, and clearing the lungs.

This master from the northwest also had to accept the skills of traditional Chinese medicine.

As a traditional medicine, Chinese medicine cannot always be linked to gods and monsters, right?

Big things are planned by big people like you.

With the rapid development of science and technology, people's cultural level has improved.

“The wind and sand in the northwest are strong, and when pigs and sheep are slaughtered in the camp, the prepared blood tofu is eaten first by scientific researchers like us.

These foods are part of the diet. It doesn’t matter what you, Master Wang, say, nor does Dr. Li say it. The one who really has the final say is Mr. Pu.

Many people do not agree that blood products can clear the lungs.

Many of them are thinking about comfort and enjoyment, but the wind and rain in front of them is both unpredictable and permanent.

"Master Wang, science is rigorous, and so is medicine.

After getting up early, everyone must eat surimi porridge and sheep blood sausage.

Taking the food therapy easily and covering up the worthless breakfast in front of him, Li Shengli also made demands on the extravagant man in front of him who dared to hold a nuclear bomb.

Listening to Master Wang's talk of experience and Master Shazhu He's trumpet, Li Shengli couldn't help but glare at that guy Shazhu again.

Doctor Li, I heard from Master He that American ginseng slices were added to this surimi porridge. Isn’t it a waste? "

It’s just that whether the fungus, sheep blood, or animal blood products on the table have the effect of clearing the lungs needs scientific verification.

We women just want a safe home and a comfortable life for our children. "

With the development of science and technology and the progress of society, our traditional Chinese medicine must also keep pace with the times. "

I don’t know how many comrades, colleagues, and superiors have this idea of ​​being a woman who is content with the status quo.

After glaring at Silhu and Teacher Ran, Li Shengli explained to the team leader, Master Wang:

"Master Wang, the nutrition of real porridge and side dishes cannot meet the requirements of treatment.

This requires scientists like you to verify it on the spot..."

After listening to Sister Fu's reasoning, Lao Du also shook his head.

Traditional medicine such as traditional Chinese medicine is still somewhat out of touch with the development of science.

Even more, I had to accept the rigor of Dr. Li in front of me and compare the stool samples before and after taking the medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine doctors can think of such a thing, but Master Wang could not think of it before.

In his impression, a Chinese medicine doctor should look like an old master, sitting in a blue brick house with the Eight Immortals table and the Grand Master's chair, pinching his beard and meditating on prescriptions.

I never thought that the Doctor Li in front of me not only knew the cause of radiation sickness.

We also know that there is such a device as a Geiger counter, and we can use this device well.

The comparison results of feces have come out, and the radiation indicators before and after medication are indeed different.

Radiation can be excreted from the body through defecation. For Master Wang, it is also a blind spot in research.

"it is good!

It just so happens that I also want to write a report on the treatment of radiation sickness with traditional Chinese medicine. Can Dr. Li help fill in the missing traditional Chinese medicine knowledge in the report? "

The impact of radiation on the human body and how traditional Chinese medicine discharges radiation from the body are also topics that Master Wang wants to study.

Just when I was looking for a Chinese medicine doctor to be a strong man, Li Shengli came to the door, and he was the most suitable candidate.

"Master Wang, I don't have time these days. You can just ask Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue these questions.

Sorry, it's time for my consultation.

If possible, try to help the establishment of the scientific system of traditional Chinese medicine. "

Because he had to write a report to Father Du today, Li Shengli declined Master Wang.

But Li Shengli is also determined to win the scientific system of traditional Chinese medicine.

Since people have said that the Chinese medicine doctors in front of Li Shengli still have such opportunities, he does not mind turning Chinese medicine into a life science that is beyond the reach of many people.

After talking about the scientific nature of traditional Chinese medicine, Li Shengli asked them to dig up the ancestral graves of science with their own hands with hoes. It would then depend on the attitude of the academic community towards these people.

No matter when, there is a price for talking nonsense.

Telling lies with money is asking for death.

If they really dared to do this, Li Shengli would take colorful U.S. dollars and smoke them until their ancestors had no peace for eight generations.

Again, normal debate is accepted.

Slander with money is the beginning of endless consequences that will affect future generations. The great inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine is ambitious, but he, Li Shengli, does not.

In this kind of matter, establishing authority after overkill is the best result. Can you please give me a hammer...

Li Shengli briefly wrote a report to Mr. Du between consultations and lunch breaks.

Du Jiaoyang's side is nothing more than the layout of the technology industry and the energy industry, while Du Lao's side in China is the layout of small handicrafts and light industry.

If you ask for help from outside, you will get it little by little.

Nowadays, if you engage in technological overtaking in corners, you will only get reputation, not industrial profits.

Looking outside, the ultimate goal is still industrial profits.

If we only look at scientific and technological achievements, where will the money come from to develop science and technology?

The only technological achievements that can be used now are those from Zou Jin's laboratory.

Although it is thankless to use integrated circuits in radios, it is always beneficial to the development of the industry.

After the day's diagnosis and treatment was completed, Li Shengli took the report and rushed to Xiaowangzhuang again.

This time when they arrived at Xiaowangzhuang, the mother-in-law, Sister Fu, didn't let Father Du speak directly.

It was Sister Fu's request to let Weng and son-in-law read the report while eating.

If Li Shengli is young and can endure another all-nighter, Lao Du will probably become depressed.

"Shengli, leader, I communicated with you today. The price of the medicinal materials is clear to the office. Are there no cheaper alternative medicinal materials?"

At the beginning of his opening, Father Du brought up key issues.

The medicine from Pu Lao is very effective, but medicinal materials such as deer antlers and blood wine, which are more precious than wild ginseng, cannot be accepted there.

Nowadays, the easiest way to get deer antlers is to shoot them.

According to what people from the Northeast say, a deer can produce half a teacup of antler blood.

Li Shengli didn't know how big the teacup was, but the only thing he wanted to mention was that velvet blood was precious.

Nowadays, ginseng, velvet antler, and urinary grass are the serious three treasures of Northeast China.

In order to take care of the body, I spent a lot of time and money hunting deer antler blood, but the office could not make such a request.

“Dad, it’s not that I don’t have it but I don’t dare.

Alternative medicines are inevitably mixed in their properties. If something goes wrong, the leader himself cannot bear the responsibility.

If there is a problem with the transportation and transformation of kidney qi, the elimination of miscellaneous medicinal properties will affect the kidney qi.

This attempt to substitute medicine, which Mr. Pu and Mr. Yue had discussed, may have the opposite effect and increase the burden on the kidneys and bladder.

In case the disease is triggered..."

Many things are difficult to do manually, which does not mean that they cannot be done, but that they cannot be done or dare not do them.

Just like the leader refused the deer antler blood wine, Li Shengli and Mr. Pu did not dare to use alternative medicine.

Along the way, Li Shengli, who is accustomed to taking the wrong path, also seems to be slippery when encountering difficulties.

People who cannot cooperate, such as Xu Damao in the courtyard, will go around if there is a risk after cooperation.

King Du Ding thanked the four families. Only if they can cooperate with Li Shengli will he go further.

They are all like his current father-in-law, Old Dingtou, who refuses to let others live thousands of miles away, and he will not seek cooperation.

If we get along, we will get together, if we don't get along, we will disperse. There are too many people and too many things to do. If this group of people cannot get along, the next group of people will naturally come together.

But when it comes to leadership, not only Lao Du wants to take action, but Li Shengli, Pu Lao and others also have similar mentality.

But leaders are leaders after all. If they don't bother to do things that violate principles, things will become a dilemma.

"I understand, I can only remind eldest sister to check more frequently...

Doesn’t it mean that the requirements are external?

Why am I still doing the same thing as before? "

Big things are hard to do, so Father Du turned his attention to serious matters as he was almost done eating.

To put it bluntly, Father Du just wanted to see Li Shengli's ingenuity in resorting to external means.

He already had a plan in mind for small handicrafts and light industry, and he didn't want to listen to Li Shengli's details.

Although the report included Du Jiaoyang's industrial layout, Du Lao still didn't see any specific ideas for seeking outside help.

Lao Du had an impression of the energy industry at a glance, but the technology industry was still somewhat far away from him.

“Dad, you said that you have to eat one meal at a time and do things step by step.

Nowadays, we can benefit from agricultural and sideline products such as Chinese herbal medicine and small handicrafts.

The only things that can be disposed of and still make money are light industrial textiles and garment making.

Like other types of metal processing industries, we have production capacity, but this technology is really hard to come by. "

Looking outside is not like Du Jiaoyang doing in the financial market. Although that is a way, it is not popular.

Just like colonists who want to open colonies, turning to the outside world is nothing more than converting domestic surplus production capacity into capital for development.

Surplus refers to what cannot be used domestically. Today, domestically, it is far from surplus, but things must be done in the long term and depend on development.

Li Shengli's appeal to the outside world compresses the development process together, requiring technological breakthroughs and satisfying domestic supply.

It also requires that the excess production capacity generated after technological breakthroughs be transferred abroad to make profits.

Nowadays, domestic demand is put aside and the development process is compressed, which can also be seen as flipping the development process.

Use all productivity to make money in foreign markets, and then turn back to satisfy the domestic market after the remaining productivity.

Compression and reversal of the technological development process is what Li Shengli’s report contains.

These things may seem simple, but they are not simple in theory. This is the experience of crossing the river by feeling the stones.

The detours he has taken and the tuition fees he has paid cannot be clearly seen by people like Mr. Du who are in a blind spot.

Catching up with foreign standards is okay in a single field, but rising to the overall situation, I am afraid that if you don't look at the results, you will never imagine that things can still be done like this.

This is a perspective that is beyond the times, and most people do not have it. Even if they have this perspective, whether they dare to confirm it is still a question.

Li Shengli didn't talk about the leap of the times, but only talked about technology, so Father Du could understand it.

What my virtuous son-in-law said was very objective and hurtful.

Many industries today are not enough to meet domestic demand. To earn foreign exchange from exports, just as the report said, it is necessary to cut off the connection with domestic demand.

"Exporting products earns the price difference, earns foreign exchange, and exchanges for technical equipment. What should we do about the domestic gap?"

It's not impossible to ask for help from outside, but the reality is also before us. There is already a gap between domestic supply and demand, and the gap has a tendency to expand.

Raising the issue of fertility during this period is an external manifestation of this gap.

Exporting products and earning foreign exchange, Du Lao understands that seeking external help is nothing more than a process of making money.

But what Mr. Du doesn't understand is how to improve technology in the process of making money, and how to meet domestic demand in the process of making money.

This is the cleverness he wants, not the development of rural small handicrafts or light industry.

Because this type of industry basically has little technical content.

The light industry can't produce much that can be used to earn money from outside the country, so relying on small handicrafts to earn money from outside the country is no longer the same as a colony...

(End of this chapter)

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