The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 683: Looking for help from outside (Part )

Chapter 683: Looking for help from outside (Part )

“To say this, there is neither theoretical support nor practical basis, and it always means fishing for the moon in the water.

Moreover, these plans cannot be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

Li Shengli, let me ask you now, what is your purpose in doing this?

Don’t use your Chinese medicine doctor as a shield, that’s not enough! "

This is not the first time that Mr. Du has explored Li Shengli's purpose. Previously, this virtuous son-in-law used the name of Chinese medicine as a shield.

In Lao Du's view, it is a bit ridiculous for a Chinese medicine practitioner to use these means to support himself.

Who is a medical student holding a scalpel in his left hand, an M14 in his right hand, and a recoilless rifle on his shoulder?

If the development of an industry requires these means, then the industry itself may not have the conditions to exist.

On top of interests, it was impossible for Li Shengli to play tricks on Du Lao.

"Dad, this is really what you said, it's all for Chinese medicine."

"Dad, let's not talk about the above-mentioned things today, let's just talk about the traditional Chinese medicine Croton.

Listening to Li Shengli talking about medicinal materials, Father Du frowned.

But Father Du, who knew the past events of Huainanzi's book, suddenly changed his expression.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the same medicinal materials have different medicinal properties in different times, places, people, different compatibility, different human bodies and different medicinal properties.

Because to Lao Du, as soon as such a person opens his mouth, he has confirmed his sin.

This is also called looking at each other, and one of them is one of them. When he met Lao Du, it turned out that he was destined to go to the shooting range.

"Laxatives used in Chinese medicine!"

"When I was young, I occasionally turned through a few pages, but I didn't have a deep impression."

Nowadays, eating dumplings for three meals is considered a serious sin.

Although he didn't like his son-in-law's perfunctory attitude, Lao Du still answered according to what he knew.

He also kept winking at his son-in-law, which was not the son-in-law's place to ask.

If Li Shengli really wants to get involved in these things, this good son-in-law has to decide whether he wants to or not.

Talk about how your medicinal properties are different in different times, different places, different people, different compatibility, and different human bodies.

"First of all, please tell me how to explain why people in Huainanzi get fat when they eat.

Li Shengli was not surprised by Du's doubts. It's just that Du's understanding of the market is still not deep enough.

How can it be linked to foreign affairs? "

Lao Du frowned and looked at his wise son-in-law, not knowing what he had experienced in the country over the years.

During this time, he was reasoning with people down below and asking for reasons. Once he met someone who spoke professional terms, he would probably be wrong.

This is a war between rivers and lakes, and it is about immigrants. Is it possible that this virtuous son-in-law who stays in Sijiu City and does not go out wants to develop Chinese medicine abroad?

There are many rhetorics, and Mr. Du also agrees with what his good son-in-law said. The development of traditional Chinese medicine requires investment, but not this kind of investment.

When answering the question, Mr. Du emphasized his tone and expressed his dissatisfaction.

He said that the future Chinese medicine market would be worth trillions, and I was afraid that Lao Du would jump up and slap him. No matter how he said it, no one would believe it.

Li Shengli wanted to play sophistry in front of Father Du, but that was impossible.

Without some theoretical level, Lao Du could not become one of the final sayrs in the daily newspaper.

Modern medicine believes that the active ingredients of a medicinal material determine its efficacy.

Huainanzi records: Fish eat croton and die, and people eat it and become fat.

According to laws and regulations, as long as it is embezzlement, most of the time it will be on the target shooting line.

As the old saying goes, one general can kill thousands of people, and Lao Du has experienced it personally, but for his virtuous son-in-law to let millions of corpses lie outside without a war is truly unheard of and unseen.

"Dad, have you read the book Huainanzi?"

After thinking for a moment, Li Shengli said warmly:

"Dad, do you know Croton?"

If the development of traditional Chinese medicine is to be like this, it is right to resist it both internally and externally.

From the traditional Chinese medicine Croton to Huainanzi, the words of son-in-law Li Shengli are really profound.

Talking to old political workers is just like playing tricks in front of Guan Gong.

According to the Shennong's Materia Medica: Croton has a pungent and warm nature and is used to treat typhoid fever, warm malaria, remove evil spirits, and kill fish and insects.

"Okay, everything is fine, then I will listen to your inner Chinese medicine today."

Father Du didn't understand traditional Chinese medicine, but he understood Li Shengli's words, which were nothing more than syndrome differentiation.

It is stated in the Compendium of Materia Medica that when used harshly, Crotonia crotonata can eliminate evil diseases, while when used lightly, it can regulate the middle burner.

Li Shengli's vow was met with a sneer from Father Du.

It is also recorded in Shen Nong's Herbal Classic: If a Croton man swallows one, it will cause him to die; if a rat eats it for three years, it will weigh thirty kilograms. "

Li Shengli asked this question as if he was checking a student's homework. Sister Fu, who was carrying the food back and forth, heard this.

After Li Shengli finished discussing the matter, he raised his hand and took a sip of tea, just like Father Du, and said nothing further.

The phrase "Huainanzi", this fire was a bit fierce for Lao Du.

"Dad, when Huainanzi wrote the book, the Yanhan was at the time when the kings were rebelling, the people were displaced, and evil and violence abounded.

Huainanzi, the place where he wrote the book is in Huainan. Huainan is cold and wet at night. People are displaced and exposed to cold evil externally, so the human body is exposed to cold. Croton is pungent and warm to remove internal evil, so people will gain weight if they eat it.

According to this sutra, a person would die if he ate one meal, and a rat would weigh thirty kilograms if he ate three loads of it. Rats are nocturnal animals that like yin and cold and hate warm yang, resulting in insufficient internal yang. Insufficient yang makes them susceptible to cold evil.

Croton is pungent and warm, dispelling cold without damaging yang, so three loads of rat food weighs thirty kilograms!

According to modern medicine, Croton only has the function of being an oil and moisturizing the intestines.

According to the medical classics, what is the nature and flavor of causing pungent warmth and dispelling cold and evil?

Dad, this is just croton.

There are only three to four hundred kinds of medicines commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. There are probably millions of kinds of animals and plants in the world combined.

Among these millions of species, are there only three or four hundred species that can be used as medicine?

In addition to animals and plants, traditional Chinese medicine also includes mineral drugs and fossil drugs.

Not to mention clarifying these animals, plants, minerals, and fossils, just collecting them is probably not something that three melons and two dates can do.

If there are no conditions, I will be a resident doctor in the valley. If there are conditions, I will clarify the medicinal properties of these animals and plants one by one.

Dad, the boss is afraid that he will suffer from a serious illness in the past two years.

We already have a medication plan. Usually American ginseng tablets are taken as tea, preferably supplemented with deer antler blood wine.

If possible, what we hope most is to let leaders take traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions, but doing this now is very risky. "

After a few words, Li Shengli made it clear what his purpose was. The leader who fell behind him was about to fall ill, which made Father Du's face change drastically.

When it comes to this, it makes no sense.

There are millions of species of animals and plants. As Li Shengli said, there is no need to clarify the medicinal properties one by one. Just collecting them will waste people and money.

Domestic scientific research and exploration are also in progress, and the expenditure is huge, which is unimaginable for individuals.

If we really wanted to collect them, I'm afraid it would take a whole country to do it.

"Shengli, doesn't Mr. Pu often go to the office?

How could the situation be so bad? "Although it showed that Li Shengli, the wise son-in-law, was changing the topic, Father Du had to speak according to the topic he changed.

The leader is now the backbone and protective umbrella of many people. When he heard that Li Shengli said he was suffering from a serious illness, Du Lao was somewhat panicked.

The current situation, without the support of the leadership, is likely to change drastically again.

“Overwork makes you sick, and you avoid medical treatment.

It's not a case of tabooing a disease, it's just that American ginseng slices were used instead of deer antler blood wine.

Dad, now the antler blood wine relies entirely on wild sika deer, the production is extremely limited, and the relative cost is relatively high.

I saved more than ten kilograms before. In addition to being used by leaders for trial use, I now put it in Shengli Clinic as a health medicine for patients with radiation sickness in the northwest.

I brought a bottle with me when I came here. It's half a catty. Can you put it in? "

He looked at the gourd porcelain vase that Li Shengli took out from his pocket and placed on the dining table.

Father Du took a deep look at his virtuous son-in-law again, fearing that when he spoke, the rhythm of the conversation would be affected by his virtuous son-in-law.

"A good plan and a good layout. For a young man like you, what I have seen in half my life is nothing more than what I can count with my hands.

Is Chinese medicine that important? "

After giving his son-in-law a full evaluation, Father Du once again extended an olive branch to his son-in-law to enter the official career.

Today, among the three generations of old, middle-aged and young, there is not a single person with the vision and knowledge of Li Shengli. It is a pity that such people are obsessed with medicine!

"Dad, I'm a very unlucky person. I don't dare to hang out with you. I'm afraid I'll die if I hang around.

Practicing medical consultation can at least do good deeds and accumulate virtue.

Think about it, if I had been sitting in Hong Kong City, I am afraid that the Hong Kong City Flu would not have passed in three to five years.

The number of people used by the blazing sun on the other side of the ocean is not just 1,800. On the other side of the harbor city, there is never a shortage of people who have escaped the pass.

If I were in Hong Kong City, with Niu Bijian's support, I could immigrate hundreds of thousands of people a year.

If I do this, I'm afraid I won't live for more than a few years. I will be as bright as a candle and will be blown out prematurely! "

Listening to his son-in-law's objective confession, Father Du pinched his eyebrows in embarrassment.

This virtuous son-in-law is good in every aspect, but he is too crisp and ruthless in his actions. This is not a sign of longevity in an official career.

Just like when he went on inspection this time, according to Li Shengli's suggestion, he wanted to kill a group of important people, but this was not easy to do.

After thinking about it, Lao Du only went down this time to discuss the matter, and only punished some of the culprits. Some of the people who were related to the incident were allowed to pass away.

If everyone really takes it seriously, I'm afraid it will be another storm.

Thinking of this, Lao Du was horrified.

Daughter Du Juan said vaguely before, and son-in-law Li Shengli said in detail that the two of them wanted to show the old guys the power of capital.

Different from the capital being talked about now, what my daughter Du Juan is doing on the other side of the ocean may be what real capital would do.

Is this what Li Shengli said was the old man’s second choice?

Looking at the gentle and virtuous son-in-law in front of him, Father Du's thoughts began to become confused.

From darkness to working alone to walking style, I am afraid that many people only look at the superficiality and criticize the superficiality.

The real power of capital should be what Weng and his son-in-law just said.

Du Jiaoyang first subdued the local snakes there, then used capital to immigrate, built his power through immigration, and finally competed on the other side of the ocean.

Having means, interests, and relevant beneficiaries is the real power of capital.

If we really go by what Li Shengli said, he would get 100,000 people there in one year, and it would be 400,000 in four years of wind and rain. It’s hard to say how many more people there will be in the future.

After these 400,000 people have reproduced and multiplied, according to the current fertility trend, the number of people will probably exceed one million in twenty years.

If the base number of 400,000 is changed, many things will become difficult to guess.

“Today’s question is too profound and I need to think about it carefully.

Stop eating and answer some of my questions. "

The more he thought about the problem, the more Father Du's thoughts became more and more confusing.

After thinking about it briefly, Lao Du's thoughts actually extended to some scenes he had seen when he was a young student.

Lao Du knew that this involved some Italian-style issues, and he might not be able to think clearly about them.

Li Shengli, a crooked reader, might be able to explain it to him, and then the two men, Weng and his son-in-law, would begin long examinations and occasional questions and answers.

It's like this where he forgets to eat and sleep when working. Sister Fu, who is familiar with Lao Du, doesn't care about the two of them eating.

After eating, he also held a cup of tea and listened on the side.

At this time, he eagerly handed over the food, fearing that Lao Du at home would get angry for interrupting his train of thought.

Father Du's organization is also rigorous and clear. The long examination and questions are all centered on what Li Shengli said tonight.

When it came to some specific economic aspects, Li Shengli would sometimes be left speechless by Lao Du.

Between the father-in-law and his son-in-law, Lao Du is the leader in terms of depth of thinking; in terms of rich experience and breadth of knowledge, Li Shengli, who is not a college graduate, is naturally the leader.

Through questions and answers, Mr. Du also gained a deeper understanding of Li Shengli, a good son-in-law.

If your thoughts are not deep enough, to be a master, you will naturally be a good and far-sighted master, but when it comes to doing things, you are really lacking in depth.

This alone limited the height of his virtuous son-in-law in his official career.

Lao Du also understood the problem of bad luck mentioned by Xian Xiu.

It's nothing more than superficial thinking when thinking about problems. If you don't think deeply, you won't be too meticulous in doing things.

If something is done roughly, it will naturally be full of loopholes.

In addition to being a master, this virtuous son-in-law can also sit in a high position, but this is obviously against objective laws.

Not being able to sit in the right place all at once, keeping your head down when doing things, and making mistakes all over the place, this is also a way of saying that you have bad luck in your career.


not bad.

Put your thoughts within and seek outside, simply write a report and continue in the evening. "

After finishing the Q&A, Lao Du made a request directly to Li Shengli, regardless of the pale sky outside.

Sister Fu, who didn't save Lao Du's dinner or breakfast and was a little depressed, didn't have anything weird to say. This is the true attitude towards her son-in-law and being close to her.

"I understand, Dad, Mom, I will go back to the clinic first and come back tonight.

Mom, seeing that winter is here, are you lacking anything here? "

The earnestness on Li Shengli's lips was also the attitude that a visiting son-in-law should have.

Even if the Li family's mother knew about this, she would still support it. After all, her in-laws are still high officials.

The Du family doesn't want politeness and restraint, but Li Shengli needs it.

Unless Lao Du retires in the future, he can really get along with the Du family like a family.

Otherwise, you have to maintain this kind of politeness and restraint. This is not because of the power of the Du family, but because you want to show it to outsiders.

Acting is similar to doing business. If you are good at business, you have to be into acting. If you are used to slacking off, you won't be able to act.

(End of this chapter)

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