The old Chinese doctor in the courtyard

Chapter 682: Looking outside (Part )

Chapter 682: Looking outside (Part )

“Dad, in fact, if we want to develop, there are only two ways, internal and external.

Although the newspapers say there has been a bumper crop year after year, you are probably the one who has the most say on whether it is a bumper crop or not.

Some people are really damned, but some people are really exhausted.

Staying within and seeking outside is what Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian want to do and are doing now.

Jiaoyang's investment in the United States wants to be controlled by her. The political and business relationship is now unavailable to her. If the right path is blocked, she has to find another way.

Just like the epidemic control in Hong Kong, how can the bill legalizing traditional Chinese medicine be passed without promoting the spread of influenza?

Without killing or injuring a certain number of people, how could Xin Yihe's Chinese medicinal materials give us a 279-fold increase?

Where will the products from the export product factories, workshops, and handicraft cooperatives you are currently focusing on gain sales?

How much foreign exchange can the more than 140 countries at the Canton Fair provide us with?

They can't compare with New Jardine, and they can't compare with HSBC's One Dollar Plan.

We are looking to the outside world. A Chinese herbal medicine from Xin Yihe can provide ten times the foreign exchange. Why not? "

Accounts have never been able to withstand careful calculation. Faced with a good son-in-law who was already beyond control and gave even less than detailed accounts, Father Du was really speechless.

The smooth journey along the way has made Father Du's momentum even more fierce.

Lao Du's idea was to speak before the meal and suppress it so that this good son-in-law would not stir up trouble.

This is not economic, this is robbery, this is robbing!

This is the 'Huidaomen' of the old days! "

To be honest, my daughter and son-in-law should be dragged directly to target practice.

Will you, Du Jiaoyang, and Niu Bijian do what you do outside the country in the future?

Those who obey me will prosper and those who go against me will perish, which infringes upon your interests. You will kill and destroy your whole family.

Compared with the sudden profit from traditional Chinese medicinal materials, rural small handicraft industry is the industry that can actually change the economic structure.

This fee is actually one-third of the profit after the three companies divide the four major foreign banks and HSBC.

A person who stays on the outskirts of the city, or can't even name four or nine cities, can stir up the overall situation around the world through the fulcrum of the port city of Niu Bijian.

The annual prescription patent fees from New Jardine alone are more than the previous foreign exchange reserves.

But this support only started recently.

Such a special matter is handled in a storm, and this matter has also received support from the leadership office.

If we break down New Jardine's other profits, the gains are also extremely considerable.

Although the son-in-law is a man who deserves to be killed by a thousand cuts, the deals he mentioned must be done, and must be done, and must be completed.

“You have to eat food one bite at a time and do things one by one.

Moreover, such a person was still a young man in his early twenties, so Lao Du couldn't help but be wary of him.

Who would have thought that Li Shengli not only refused to bow his head, but also settled accounts with him.

Xin Yihe's cooperation with the country has also changed. In addition to the medicinal materials, there is also a prescription patent fee of about 30%.

This is even worse for my good son-in-law. Counting the epidemic control in Hong Kong, the number of lawsuits involving his life will be in the millions.

Many times, Lao Du was down there, answering calls for mercy from old leaders and superiors, while killing the people being begged for on the phone.

But I have to come back to the topic. Because of the Hong Kong flu, the international market for Chinese medicinal materials has basically opened up.

Because the country has not yet decided whether this account should be taken.

Facing the suffering below, Lao Du also became more determined to kill. He would kill those who deserved to be killed, and he would try his best to kill those who could or should not be killed.

As the good son-in-law Li Shengli said, some people really deserve to die, but some people are also really miserable.

It doesn't work if it's not thorough. Once Du Shao's head is drawn and he looks back, all that's left is the 'slap' sound of a public trial.

With the support of the old man and the support of the leadership office, although Lao Du offended most of the old people, he also promoted a large number of new people.

To say this is patent fees is actually deceptive.

Now when Lao Du went to investigate the case, he was also very sloppy.

Therefore, Xin Yihe is now maintaining the Chinese herbal medicine franchise in the form of prescription royalties.

There are supporters and opponents. After balancing the pros and cons, all that is left is prestige.

But the scale of the small handicraft industry is not small in real terms.

There is no need to settle the accounts. A good son-in-law can just pick up an account, and Father Du will know it.

This superior man was also deeply afraid of his good son-in-law.

After four years of ups and downs, Lao Du's behavior was recognized by the old man, and Lao Du really understood the old man's painstaking efforts.

The bulk of the domestic share will be used to offset New Jardine's assets in the past few years.

During this period, Lao Du traveled to some places. Although many people were killed, small handicraft industries developed in many places.

The one-dollar plan originally owned by HSBC sounded like a rustic rural handmade product.

No matter how capable Lao Du was, he would not dare to do this without going through the police and only relying on one-sided evidence to kill people. Without permission from above, no matter how capable Lao Du was.

The only cash available in the country was Chinese medicinal materials, and the rest of the profits were divided between Du Jiaoyang and Niu Bijian.

Most of the time, you only need to refer to the Liu Zhang case in Tianjin. As long as it is almost the same and the amount is enough, you can get people to go shooting.

Because the efficiency of work has been rapidly improved in places where Jing Lao Du has penetrated, the measures to restore production in the office have been implemented very thoroughly in these places.

At the same time, according to what my son-in-law said before leaving, the ammonia industry was widely deployed in the places he visited.

Du Jiaoyang from Father Du's side made his attitude clear. He could ignore many things as invisible.

But what Du Jiaoyang did on the other side of the ocean was monitored and recorded by someone.

For some behaviors, the reasons are reported back, while for some behaviors, the reasons cannot be found.

But judging from his previous behavior, the reason is also very simple, as long as it is to prevent Du Jiaoyang from making money and investing.

Maybe if two gangs fight outside, a bullet will fly into someone's house, and the obstacle on Du Jiaoyang's side will be gone.

If you don't attack directly, you can create some accidents and use some dirty tricks.

Many methods even refreshed Mr. Du's understanding of the sinister nature of the human heart.

Du Jiaoyang doesn't have many people with more than a thousand people, but a team of three people is a small team of three to four hundred.

Coupled with the surrounding people of various races bought with money, Du Jiaoyang's strength has almost caught up with an army in just one or two years.

The three-person combat team is responsible for taking over the mission from Du Jiaoyang and also responsible for the finishing work afterwards.

According to rough statistics, most of the three to four hundred combat teams in Du Jiaoyang's hands have received more than ten missions.

After the three-person combat team obtained the mission, they would not take action easily. Instead, they used colorful swords to push the rivers and lakes composed of various people in the local area to complete their mission.

What these teams have to do is deal with the various people who threaten their existence afterwards.

The structure is so strict that after hearing this, Mr. Du, an old political worker, had to praise him as a veteran in the world.

Ordinarily, with so many people spreading rumors, there should be chaos on the American side.

But not only was there no chaos there, it was much more stable, but the night scene beneath the stability was even more sinister. When Lao Du, an old political worker, was fighting against Little Japan, his job was to clean up and unite the various sects.

I am very familiar with this kind of operation method of hiding after an explosion.

After establishing a reputation and shocking the local area, it is time to connect with the government and concentrate on development.

Huidaomen is the great enemy of the country, capable of overthrowing, and has not been tolerated by all dynasties.

The daughter, son-in-law and a foreign devil Niu Bijian created such a ghost on the other side of the ocean.

Judging from the current situation of good relations between the two parties, it must be very inappropriate.

After Du Lao came back, the leadership office directly interviewed him about the matter.

At this time, no matter how many people Lao Du killed down there, it would still not be as good as the relationship that had just broken the ice.

This is a strategic-level meeting, and the newly eased relationship cannot be turned sour due to personal reasons.

During this interview, Lao Du actually ate melon with his daughter, so there was a section about blaming his son-in-law before the meal.

At this point, I can no longer eat the food.

There are some things that Li Shengli, a good son-in-law, cannot explain clearly. Tomorrow, Lao Du will have to tie up his son-in-law and go to the leadership office to explain the situation.

"Dad, you still have vicious eyes.

How could you tell at a glance that the power of Jiaoyang was born out of the 'Huidao Sect'? "

Li Shengli doesn't have the ability to construct an interest group out of thin air.

It is nothing more than taking the methods from the past, present and future, drawing a gourd according to the gourd, and drawing a tiger according to the old cat.

Traditional guilds, mysterious families and secret organizations in the East and West are also enduring topics of conversation.

For Li Shengli, drawing something specious was nothing more than telling a few stories to that bastard Du Jiaoyang.

As for how it will be done, it all depends on my wife's improvisation outside.

It's just that things went wrong, someone took him outside, and then he asked for people from the country.

After several more failures, with lives at stake, the people under Du Jiaoyang will naturally find a way to survive.


Because I came from Shanghai and was relatively familiar with the Qinghong Gang, my first job was to contact the Jianghu martyrs at that time to fight the Japanese together.

I am more familiar with the ways of setting up tea, making games, planting flags, setting up sticks, and opening the incense hall than you are. "

Although son-in-law Li Shengli's praise was a little rough, it still reminded Lao Du of the prosperous years in the past.

It was great back then, running around in rural towns and cities all day long, and waking up refreshed, unlike now, when I wake up early and feel top-heavy.

"Since you are familiar with these, are you clear about the role of the Taoist sect?"

Listening to the fact that Lao Du is familiar with the tricks of the world, Li Shengli knew where his liveliness came from.

If you see too much darkness, you will naturally become more active, otherwise it will be difficult to get out.

"It won't be like five buckets of rice. Open your mouth to be loyal, filial and honest, accumulate virtues and do good deeds, and then turn to the Tianshi Dao, and then turn to Shangqing and Zhengyi to become a Dao sect, right?"

Knowing that the son-in-law in front of him had long-term thinking, Father Du did not belittle anything, but took out the Five Pecks of Rice Cult as a case study.

“Dad, that’s pretty much what it means.

The fertility issue that has been emphasized in the past two years is actually not a fertility issue, but a food issue.

To put it in more detail, we are short of a large number of synthetic ammonia production lines.

Niu Bijian's ammonia synthesis technology has already come in and has actual production capacity.

Synthetic ammonia products based on urea have also been tested for grain yield.

In the future, food problems may continue to exist, but there is still no shortage of food in Europe and the United States. Eating in Europe and the United States is not a new way. "

What Li Shengli said was a bit far, but in fact it was not far. Of the more than a thousand people who followed Du Jiaoyang out, which one didn't have relatives or friends?

In addition to relatives and old friends, there are also old friends and relatives. Taking a group of people abroad alone is also a trend after the storm.

And these people who are connected by relatives and friends, or who are united by clans, will be the external foundation of Du Jiaoyang's financial empire in the future.

Money and power are not enough to form a force, but if you add people, a lot of people, then you have to be.

Ethnic demands backed by finance must be respected in a country of immigrants.

Otherwise, the foundation of the country will no longer exist and the problem will become more serious.


This question was something I didn't expect.

This is indeed a problem.

This idea of ​​yours..."

After Li Shengli raised the Taoist sect to a higher level, he then combined it with the current population problem, that is, the food problem.

Father Du immediately fell into deep thought.

This problem is actually not a problem. In this day and age, this form of immigration is not allowed by the higher authorities.

But the deep meaning behind the question is worth pondering for Mr. Du.

"You two are either at war with each other, or you're not eating or drinking. You just chat for now while I go and heat up the food."

Seeing that Weng and son-in-law were not giving in to each other, Li Shengli's mother-in-law, Sister Fu, did not speak to Lao Du either.

Just serving him a cup of real strong tea when taking away the food is the tacit understanding between husband and wife.

As for the good son-in-law Li Shengli, it was just a cup of relatively light tea. The tea provided was actually better to make lighter tea. It was a pity that the tea was made into strong tea.

"Sheng Li, do you mean to acquiesce and turn a blind eye?

The construction aid campaign to the Soviet Union started in 1955, and the results were actually pretty good.

This road may not be a road, but in theory, I am afraid there is no support. "

Father Du knew that his son-in-law Li Shengli's approach was actually feasible, but the lack of theoretical support was also a fatal problem.

After taking a sip of strong tea, Lao Du took a deep look at the good son-in-law in front of him. This good master and good son-in-law was still too involved in some things.

Many things must have a name. As the old saying goes, you can't start early without benefit. I don't know where Li Shengli's benefit lies, and Father Du doesn't dare to draw conclusions easily.

Earn money, and now it seems that the money earned by my daughter Dujuan will never be spent in a few lifetimes.

Besides money, if the son-in-law had too many demands, it would be a recipe for death.

“Dad, if you don’t mention things outside the grassland, I still don’t know about it!

If you follow our cultural context, you will live a long life; if you go against our cultural context, it will be a dead end..."

(End of this chapter)

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